This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Jobs for Nature Funding - Porirua Riparian Planting'.

Document 2
Expressions of Interest – 2020 
Freshwater Improvement Fund Round 3 

Key points:  When using this form, please press tab to move to the next area to complete. 
Text boxes have word limits placed on them, please follow the guidance indicated against 
each section. 
SECTION A: Applicant details 
1. Organisation name
Porirua City Council with Sustainable Coastlines and Ngāti Toa 
2. Legal entity status:
☐ Incorporated society
☐ Cooperative company
☒ Charitable trust
☐ Regional council
☐ Limited partnership
☐ Unitary authority
☒ Māori trust board
☒ Territorial authority
☐ Limited liability company
☐ Other
If ‘Other’ please specify: 
3. Physical address:
16 Cobham Court Porirua 5022 
4. NZBN​ (or Trust; Charity;
Sustainable Coastlines Charitable Trust Number CC46615 
Inc. Society registration #):
Under The Official Information Act 1982
5. GST number:
Primary contact 
6. Name of contact person:
Steve Perdia 
7. Organisation:
Porirua City Council 
8. Phone number:
9. Email address:
Expressions of Interest – 2020 Freshwater Improvement Fund Round 3
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SECTION B: Project details 
10. Project name 
Te Awarua-o-Porirua - Restoring the mauri of the Porirua Harbour. 
To engage our community in regenerating the waterways around Te 
11. Project purpose 
Awarua-o-Porirua Catchment, helping to restore the mauri of the streams and 
This should be a brief 
description of the problem 
your project is trying to solve, 

your solution, and outcome 
With its waters healthy again, everyone in the district, including Ngāti Toa, the 
your project will achieve. 
wider community and visitors can enjoy, live and play safely in, on and around 
You will have the opportunity 
streams and the harbour.  
to expand on this description 
later in this form. 
PCC and our partners have invested substantially in integrated catchment 
management programmes. Riparian planting in our priority areas will have a 
profound effect on water quality in all rural and urban streams, cost $183 
million and take 20 years to complete. 
These funds will allow us to significantly scale up the riparian planting, 
education and community capacity building components of our programme 
and to increase the pace at which we can meet the water quality outcomes 
our community wants and our harbour needs. 
As partners, we acknowledge that our visions for Te Awarua-o-Porirua are 
different, but aligned:  
PCC’s Vision: ​Restoring the health of our harbour and streams  
Ngāti Toa’s vision: ​Ngāti Toa whaitua statement 
12. Region 
☐  Northland 
☐  Auckland 
☐  Waikato 
Select all that apply. 
☐  Bay of Plenty 
☐  Gisborne 
☐  Hawke’s Bay 
☐  Taranaki 
☐  National 
☒  Wellington 
☐  Tasman 
☐  Nelson 
☐  Marlborough 
☐  West Coast 
☐  Canterbury 
☐  Otago 
☐  Southland 
☐  Chatham Islands 
☐  Manawatu–Wanganui 
13. Details of water 
Name(s): Porirua Catchments 
Te Awarua o Porirua is one of the largest estuarine complexes in New Zealand and is 
(500 character limit) 
nationally important for its ecological value. Its catchments are steep and short with 
Please provide the latitude 
most rural land in LUC classes 6 to 8 in marginal farmland. The urban catchments are 
and longitude in decimal 
highly modified. 
format (eg, -36.631389, 
175.473361). If your project 
The catchments are not easy dairy country that require little cost to restore riparian 
has multiple sites, please 
margins. Porirua City Council and its many partners are stepping up to showcase 
choose the most significant or 
how water quality can be restored in both urban areas and marginal farmland. 
relevant site. 
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Latitude: -41.103060,  
Longitude: 174.869821 
14. What issues does this 
A large body of freshwater, marine and terrestrial research has been carried out as a 
water body face? 
result of collaboration between PCC, WCC, NIWA, GNS, DoC, Ngāti Toa, Sustainable 
(1000 character limit) 
Coastlines, Mountains to Sea, Guardians of Pauatahanui Inlet and community groups 
as they deliver actions set out in the ​Te Awarua-o-Porirua Harbour and Catchments 
Strategy and Action Plan​ and to support Greater Wellington to develop the ​Whaitua 
Implementation Plan.  
From this body of work the issues facing our waterways can be summarised as:  

Sediment from farming, sub-divisions, building platforms, major roading 
projects and stormwater discharge erosion into stream channels. Act 

Contaminants in discharges from farming operations, road surfaces, 
industrial and residential activities. 

Intensive urban and industrial developments causing substantial ecological 
damage to streams and the harbour. 
More information is provided in PCC’s 2020 State of the Environment Report Card: 
The health of our Harbour and streams 
15. How will your project 
An integrated catchment management approach as set out in the Te 
address these issues? 
Awarua-o-Porirua Strategy and Action Plan and GW Whaitua Implementation Plan to 
(1000 character limit) 
resolve the complex range of issues. 
Riparian management to improve water quality in urban streams (currently at D to E 
ratings) with a focus on engaging the community in stream management (Kahotea, 
Mahiniwa, Hukarito, Takapuwahia, Duck streams and Porirua catchment). 
Riparian management to improve water quality in rural residential blocks using 
scaled back farm environment plans, subsidised plants and labour for planting. 
Scaling up our community and business involvement programme providing active 
support for stream care, landcare and wetland care groups through restoration days, 
planting plans, plant care and maintenance skills programmes which ensure that 
practical skills can be further developed. 
We anticipate that by 2025 if all activities are proceeding at pace, we can achieve at 
least a C grade water quality rating for streams and an A grade by 2040. 
16. Where applicable, 
Focus area 
highlight the outputs 
this project will 
Freshwater restoration 
Number of plants planted in 
produce related to 
riparian, lake, or wetlands areas 
Jobs for Nature 
Area (ha) of riparian, lake, or 
wetlands planting completed 
Length (km) of new fencing 
constructed and maintenance of 
existing fencing 
Released  On farm and other 
Number of  Rural Residential 
restoration activities 
property Farm Environment Plans 
Expressions of Interest – 2020 Freshwater Improvement Fund Round 3
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Pest control and fish passage 
Total area (ha) of animal pest 
control completed 
Total area (ha) of plant pest 
control completed 
Number of fish passage 
barriers remediated 
(removed or managed) 
Increased number of stream care and landcare 
Note – Feel free 
to add other 
project outputs 

State of the environment reporting providing results 
(200 characters 
from comprehensive monitoring and evaluation 
limit per output) 
Number of Volunteer Hours at community planting 
events: 24,000 (SC) and 3,000 (PCC), totalling nearly 
$670,000 in volunteer time.  
Number of School Classes involved in SC education 
programmes: 125 (approx 3,125 students) 
17. Who/what organisations  Partner name 
Partner contribution to project 
do you intend to partner 
with, or work with? 
Ngāti Toa  
Project governance and iwi 
☐  Yes 
Provide a list of project 
partners and specify their role. 

Sustainable Coastlines 
Community group engagement, 
☒  Yes 
Include whether a partner will 
schools education delivery, 
be a co-funder. 
project management, urban 
stream restoration via 
community planting days, litter 
monitoring programme & 
Wellington City Council 
Community planting and support 
☐  Yes 
in Porirua stream catchment 
(WCC revegetation budget) 
Wellington Water and Kainga  Stormwater and waste-water 
☐  Yes 
network changes and Streamside 
restoration - Porirua East 
Greater Wellington Council 
Science support and rural 
☐  Yes 
riparian contributions 
Department of Corrections 
Engagement and upskilling of 
☐  Yes 
community work parties through 
restoration activities. 
Kiwi Rail 
Planning and access for transport 
☐  Yes 
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Ministry of Social 
Employment and training 
☐  Yes 
programme delivery 
Friends of Tawa Bush 
Community hub for groups in 
☐  Yes 
Porirua stream catchment 
Porirua Harbour Trust 
Liaison meetings between 
☐  Yes 
education providers covering 47 
Guardians of Pauatahanui 
Harbour and estuary riparian 
☐  Yes 
margin restoration and science 
Mountains to Sea Wellington 
Citizen science and fish passage 
☐  Yes 
Wellington Community Trust 
Community development 
☒  Yes 
World Wildlife Fund 
Mātauranga Māori programme 
☐  Yes 
Science monitoring and 
evaluation, citizen science  
Mātauranga Māori programme 
☐  Yes 
development, research advisory 
GNS Science 
Mātauranga Māori programme 
☐  Yes 
development, sedimentation 
research and iwi capacity building 
In kind support for community 
☒  Yes 
In kind support for community 
☒  Yes 
Co funding 
☒  Yes 
AB Inbev (Corona)  
Co funding 
☒  Yes 
18. How will you engage 
Ngāti Toa are at the heart of this programme, which delivers on their vision set out 
with iwi/hapū and 
in the Ngāti Toa Statement on Te Awarua-o-Porirua. We are establishing Kaitiaki 
other partners 
Monitoring to determine how water quality and mahinga kai are improved and a 
throughout the project?   mātauranga Māori programme incorporating kawa and tikanga practices and 
(500 character limit) 
principles. A programme of work is being established with WWF, ESR and GNS to 
further develop the mātauranga Māori programme and lead its practical 
19. How does the project 
A mix of existing and new staff at SC will equate to 2 x FTEs per year to deliver this 
contribute to recovery 
project and 4 x new FTEs positions per year at PCC and Ngāti Toa for project 
from COVID-19? 
management and community engagement. 
(500 character limit) 
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Consider things such as, but 
Through Porirua Skills Hub, managed in partnership with Kainga Ora, Partners 
not limited to, generating new 
Porirua and Whitireia Polytechnic this project provides training and work experience 
employment, and maintaining 
in riparian management for 30 people. 
existing workforce capacity. 
Provide information about the 

PCC has identified a long term local need for skills and experience in this field, and 
local context, if relevant. 
this project will provide wider opportunities for upskilling volunteers, citizen 
scientists and local contractors.  
20. Nature-based 
Total project FTE (breakdown per year of funding): 
employment outcomes: 
This will also indicate the 
Year 1 
Year 2 
Year 3 
Year 4 
Year 5 
total project length, between 
1–5 years 

   6 Act 
Number of people receiving training: a minimum of 30. 
Porirua City Council and Sustainable Coastlines are living wage employers. Project 
costs reflect requirements to be a good employer. 

21. Project funding: 
Total project cost: 
What is the cash cost 
(exclusive of GST) of your 
project, including Freshwater 
Improvement Fund funding, 

Freshwater Improvement Fund contribution: 
external funding, and your 
organisation’s contribution?  
In-kind contributions are 
eligible for inclusion in the 
In-kind contribution: 
total project costs 
Cash contribution:  
Note that PCC is requesting matched funding from Council subject to receiving FIF 
funding. The matched funding will be in addition to existing baseline restoration 
budgets. PCC will therefore be providing at least ⅔ of the cash contribution to this 
Note: All contribution types must equal the total project costs 
SECTION C: Declaration 
As a duly authorised 

I declare that my project meets all of the eligibility criteria for the Freshwater 
representative of the 
Improvement Fund (see page 5 of this application form).  
organisation as noted in 

I declare that, to the best of my knowledge, the information contained in all 
Section A of this 
sections of this application form, or supplied by us in support of our 
application, is complete, true and correct.  
Improvement Fund 
application form: 
Expressions of Interest – 2020 Freshwater Improvement Fund Round 3
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This declaration must be 

I declare that I have the authority to sign this application form and to provide 
completed by a person with the 
this information.  
organisation’s signing 

I declare that the application is not being made by an organisation that is in 
authority. See the Guide for 
receivership or liquidation, or by an undischarged bankrupt.  
Applicants 2020 for further 
information on how to 

I declare that I have provided information about any actual or potential 
complete this question. 
conflicts of interest (in question 15) and I will promptly inform the Ministry for 
Important: Please contact the 
the Environment of any such conflicts if they arise following the submission of 
Ministry if you have any 
this application. 
queries about the terms and 

conditions of the deed of 
I understand that information presented to the Minister for the Environment  1982
funding for the Freshwater 
and Ministry for the Environment is subject to disclosure under the Official 
Improvement Fund. 
Information Act 1982, other legislation, court orders, and in response to 
Parliamentary questions.  

I understand my rights in accordance with the Privacy Act 1993.  

I agree that the Ministry for the Environment can undertake, for the purpose of 
assessing eligibility and suitability for Freshwater Improvement Fund funding, a 
background check on the applicant(s), including but not limited to credit 
checks, criminal record checks and reference checks from other parties, and 
may liaise with local and national organisations about this application.  

I understand that, if I receive an invitation to proceed to Stage 2 of the funding 
process, this is not a confirmation of funding and the final decision is subject to 
a successful completion of Stage 2. 
Name of signatory: 
   Steve Perdia 
By typing your name you are 
General Manager City Growth and Partnerships  
electronically signing this form 
     10 February 2021 
Expressions of Interest – 2020 Freshwater Improvement Fund Round 3
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