Level 2
2–12 Allen Street
Wel ington 6011, New Zealand
PO Box 3806, Wel ington 6140
31 March 2022
Nic Lane
By email
: nic@everybodycool iveshere.com
Tēnā koe Nic
Request for information related to alternative formats
I refer to your official information request, dated 3 March 2022, for information related to requests
for alternative formats. We’ve considered your request under the provisions of the Official
Information Act 1982 (‘the Act’), which is based on the principle that information held by
government agencies should be made available on request unless there is good reason for
withholding it.
You requested all communications with the Ministry of Social Development, or other contractors,
regarding requests for Alternative Formats (Oral, NZSL, Easy Read, Braille Large Print) between 1 July
2021 – 3 March 2022.
The information requested is summarised and attached as
Appendix 1. The correspondence for
release is attached as
Appendix 2.
We have decided to release the documents subject to information being withheld under the
following sections of the Act.
Section 9(2)(a): to protect the privacy of natural persons. A limited amount of personal
information has been withheld under section 9(2)(a) of the Act as we believe it is ‘necessary to
protect the privacy of natural persons’.
Section 9(2)(b)(ii): where releasing information would likely unreasonably prejudice the
commercial position of the organisation who supplied it. This relates to information, quotes,
estimates, and invoices for services from alternative format providers.
Section 9(2)(g)(i): which relates to free and frank expression of opinion. The release of draft
documents is withheld as this inhibits the exchange of free and frank opinions between people
involved in the drafting process. Final written documents are published on our website.
We do not believe withholding this information is outweighed by the public interest, in accordance
with section 9(1) of the Act.
As you discussed with Kate Adolph (Adviser, Policy & Performance), requests for live NZSL
interpretation for unrecorded Zoom hui or webinars is not in scope.
I understand you’re particularly interested in requests for alternative formats made by members of
the public and how we progress these. To date, we have received four requests for alternative
formats of existing Creative New Zealand documents. The four requests are from you for the
Diversity in the Arts Policy 2015 (requested in NZSL, Easy Read and an audio file preferably with a
human voice)
2. Creative New Zealand Funding Agreement (requested in NZSL, Easy Read and an audio file
preferably with a human voice)
Complaints procedure (requested in Easy Read)
Privacy policy (requested in NZSL, Easy Read and oral formats)
Creative New Zealand has not contacted the Ministry of Social Development, or other providers,
regarding alternative formats for the funding agreement, privacy policy or complaints procedure.
We have supplied the funding agreement, privacy policy and complaints procedure to you in Word
format, as part of your separate requests.
As we’ve previously stated, we plan to build funding agreement signing and processing functionality
into the Creative New Zealand portal in due course. Creative New Zealand must consider our legal
and audit requirements when supplying this document in alternative formats.
We have requested quotes for alternative formats of the Diversity in the Arts Policy 2015. The
Ministry of Social Development are in the process of obtaining quotes and timeframes from their
service providers. We understand COVID-19 and other urgent work has delayed supply of this
material. We will provide this to you as soon as possible.
As you can see in the attached correspondence, Creative New Zealand has been proactive requesting
alternative formats for the following documents and recorded events:
Remuneration Policy (alternative formats underway)
Audience Atlas Aotearoa 2020 (Easy Read underway)
• Response to an Official Information Act request (NZSL)
Diversity Report 2019/20 (NZSL, Easy Read, plain text)
Audience Atlas online Q&A sessions (NZSL, captions)
Nui te Kōrero 2021 (NZSL, captions)
Prime Minister’s Awards for Literary Achievement 2021 (NZSL, captions)
Into the Unknown: exploring new ways of making and engaging international y (NZSL, captions)
As you’re aware, we have started work on an Accessibility Policy focused on Deaf and disabled
communities, and this wil look at what documents and information Creative New Zealand provides
in alternative formats. We will work closely with the disability community and the Ministry of Social
Development as we progress this work.
You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of this response.
Information about how to make a complaint is available at
www.ombudsman.parliament.nz or
freephone 0800 802 602.
If you wish to discuss this information request, please get in touch with Kate Adolph via email to:
[email address]
Nāku iti noa, nā
Elizabeth Beale
Pou Whakahaere Kaupapa Here, Whakatakoto Mahere, Pūrongo hoki
Manager, Policy and Performance