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Minutes of a meeting of the Board of the Accident Compensation Corporation held at 
the ACC Boardroom, Level 7, Justice Centre, 19 Aitken Street, Wellington, on Thursday, 
29 April 2021 at 9.00 am.  
Dame Paula Rebstock  
Mr James Miller 
Deputy Chair 
Dr Tracey Batten 
Mr John Brabazon 
Dr Helen Nott 
Ms Bella Takiari-Brame 
Mr Pat Bowler 
In attendance 
Mr Pat Duignan 
Member, Board Investment Committee 
Item 2.2 
Mr Scott Pickering 
Chief Executive  
Items 3.1 – 6.3 
Mr Mike Tully  
Chief Operating Officer 
Items 3.1 onwards  
Ms Sharon Champness 
Chief Talent Officer 
Items 4.3 – 7.1 
Mr John Healy 
Chief Financial Officer 
Items 4.3 – 6.3 
Ms Vanessa Oakley 
Chief General Counsel 
Item 2.2, items 4.3 onwards 
Mr Peter Fletcher* 
Chief Technology & Transformation Officer  Items 4.3 – 6.3 
Ms Emma Powell 
Chief Customer Officer 
Items 4.3 – 7.3 
Mr Herwig Raubal 
Chief Risk and Actuarial Officer 
Items 4.3 – 6.3 
Ms Michelle Murray 
Tumu Pae Ora 
Items 4.3 – 6.3 
Ms Gabrielle O’Connor 
Head of Client Recovery 
Item 4.3 
Enterprise Advisor, Operations 
Item 4.3 
Item 5 
Item 5 
Item 5 
Item 5 
Safety Partner – Talent 
Item 6.3 
Manager, Partnered Recovery 
Item 6.3 
Head of Health, Safety and Wellbeing 
Items 6.3 & 7.1 
Senior Solicitor, Corporate 
Item 7.2 
Senior Solicitor, Litigation 
Item 7.2 
Head of Strategy Policy and Research 
Items 7.1 – 7.3 
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Acting Manager Corporate Secretariat 
Items 1 – 2.2 and 4.3 
Associate Company Secretary 
Items 1 – 2.2 and 4.3 
*joined via videoconference  
The Board Chair opened the meeting. She thanked Dr Nott, the Board and Management for the 
whakatau to welcome Dr Nott to her first in-person ACC Board meeting.   
1  Procedural Business 
1.1  Apologies 
There were no apologies for this meeting. 
1.2  Register of Conflicts of Interest 
CONFIRMED: The Board reviewed the Register of Members’ Conflicts of Interest Arising and 
confirmed that it was not aware of any other matters (including matters reported to, and decisions 
made by, the Board at this Meeting) which would require disclosure. 
2  Committee Updates 
2.1  Governance and Remuneration Committee 
RESOLVED: The ACC Board resolved to agree that the Investments Incentive Arrangement would 
be referred to the Board Investments Committee’s May meeting. 
2.2  Board Investment Committee Delegations 
Messrs Miller and Duignan provided a brief background to the changes proposed to the Board. 
The simplification of the Investment Guidelines and revision of the delegations had been 
completed following the recommendations from the Investments Governance Review and had 
been implemented into the draft Terms of Reference. Mr Bowler noted that the proposals 
cascaded from the governing legislation. Mr Miller noted that Mr Dyer had confirmed that the 
proposed delegations could be operationalised. The Board discussed:  
•  The frequency of reviewing the Investment Delegations. Incremental changes to the 
delegations would be marked up and come to the Investment Committee for approval but given 
the amount of work involved, the full delegations framework may not be reviewed again in the 
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•  Matters which the Investment Committee does not delegate to Management such as the 
Private Markets Committee (PMC) Terms of Reference. Mr Duignan explained the history 
behind the PMC and that this is no longer delegated in the documentation.  
The Board asked Ms Oakley if she wished to comment and she responded briefly in line with her 
written advice. 
The Board requested and resolved that the Ethical Investment Policy be a Board approved policy.  
Mr Miller thanked Messrs Duignan and Bowler, and Ms Oakley for their work on this matter. 
ACTION: Chief General Counsel to review all other Committees’ Terms of Reference to ensure 
they are fit for purpose. 
RESOLVED: The ACC Board resolved to: 
(a)  Approve the revised terms of reference (ToR) and delegations from the Board to the Board 
Investment Committee (BIC) (together called “BIC Delegations”) as presented in Appendix 
A to this paper. 
(b)  Note the Explanatory Advice from Pat Bowler, Board member at Appendix B
(c)  Note the advice from Pat Duignan, consultant, at Appendix C
(d)  Note the legal advice from the Chief General Counsel at Appendix D
(e)  Note the advice from the Chief Investment Officer that the proposals can be operationalised. 
3  Board Only Session 
3.1  Chief Executive’s Report 
•  Social Insurance and next steps with Board engagement 
•  Board strategy day - input and timetable for discussions 
•  Rehabilitation focus update 
•  One Front Door initiative update  
•  Client Payments milestone - retirement of legacy Pathway system 
•  Provider analytics discussion 
•  ICIP Cabinet Paper update 
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4  Operational Reporting 
4.3  Quarterly Performance Report & March Additional Information 
The Board took the paper as read and noted that the Short-Term Rehabilitation update had 
already been discussed with the Chief Executive. The Board raised a range of questions on 
rehabilitation targets and costs per claim information in the papers.  The discussion focused on: 
•  Confirming that the focus on rehabilitation was sustainable to ensure there were no perverse 
incentives which could impact outcomes for clients. Ms O’Connor explained that Management 
was not deviating from the Next Generation Case Management (NGCM) model ACC had 
invested in and that the Corporation’s focus on rehabilitation was sustainable. NGCM shifted 
frontline focus to getting the best outcome for the client – staff did not see or report on 
rehabilitation rates. The data showed exits from the Scheme in line with expected claim 
•  Front-line performance and recruitment. A quarterly recruitment process had been instituted 
with half of each tranche appointed in anticipation of attrition. It was still early days, but 
Management had already started seeing benefits from this process as new employees were 
entering the workforce with some level of experience and staff felt better supported.  
•  Engagement with employers to get employees back to work after an injury, which occurred 
throughout the employee’s rehabilitation progress. In response to questions on whether there 
was more that could be done with employers to get injured people back to work, Management 
advised they were actively developing further education for employers about return to work 
Mr Healy provided a brief update on key matters and reminded the Board that approval was 
required for release to the Minister. He noted that the nine-month rehabilitation rate for the full year 
was rated as amber and would be amended to green for the report to the Minister. 
RESOLVED: The ACC Board resolved to: 
(a)  Approve, subject to any final changes, the presentation of the third quarterly report 2020/21 
to the Minister by 30 April 2021.  
(b)  Approve the publication of the third quarterly report 2020/21 on ACC’s external website 
following acceptance of the report by the Minister for ACC. 
(c)  Note the additional information for March 2021. 
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5  Discussion with Treasury 
The Board and Management met with Treasury Officials for a working lunch and discussed 
leadership continuity; the Health and Disability System Review; and ACC’s accountability 
documents (including general discussion on strategy, execution and target setting in complexity 
and uncertainty). 
ACTION: Chief Financial Officer to bring back to the Board a work programme on the 2022-2025 
Statement of Intent, including engagement with Treasury.  
6  Board Papers 
6.1  Accountability Documents 2021 
Mr Healy introduced the paper, thanking the Board for their feedback on the draft Statement of 
Intent (SOI). The Board’s discussion noted: 
•  While there were no significant changes to the metrics in the Service Agreement ACC 
could commit to developing and exploring new measures. These would not be included in 
the proposed Agreement without due diligence to test the data. 
•  The revised rehabilitation target proposals contained in the Service Agreement. These had 
an impact on ICIP benefits which created some challenges. The Board requested these 
targets not be included in the draft Agreement to be provided to the Minister, noting they 
were subject to further Board review and discussion.   
•  The impact of COVID uncertainty and embedding of transformation across ACC still had an 
impact on ‘what good looked like’ for setting performance targets. It was important to set 
targets which ACC could genuinely deliver.  
•  Return on investment for injury prevention metrics would be described as having work 
underway to reassess. The accountability documents would refer to ACC’s commitment to 
recognise areas where it could investigate other measurements for longer term strategic 
injury prevention. 
RESOLVED: The ACC Board resolved to: 
(a)  Approve the submission of the draft SOI 2021-2025 to the Minister for ACC in draft form for 
(b)  Approve the submission of the draft Service Agreement 2022-2025 (excluding rehabilitation 
targets) to the Minister for ACC in draft form for review, noting that some aspects of the 
document are still subject to Board review. 
(c)  Approve the approach proposed for communication of rehabilitation targets. 
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(d)  Note the key changes to forecast 2020/21 financial result since February 2021. 
(e)  Note that the Board Chair, Ms Takiari-Brame, Dr Nott and Dr Batten would be involved in 
any further reviews of the accountability documents ahead of the May Board meeting.  
6.2  Budget Delegations Amendments 
The paper was taken as read and the Board Chair confirmed that there were no further questions 
from the Board. 
RESOLVED: The ACC Board resolved to: 
(a)  Approve the proposal for the ACC Board to consider the re-forecast of the current financial 
year financial performance for approval twice each year in reference to the original Budget. 
(b)  Note the Board will still be required to approve any actual overspend as part of year-end 
(c)  Approve the amendments to the Corporate Delegations Schedules to reflect the two formal 
re-forecasts per year. 
6.3  Deep Dive – Security at ACC Offices 
Ms Champness introduced the paper, noting that it focussed on one of ACC’s critical risks. The 
Board’s discussion focussed on:  
•  The Remote Claims Unit.  
•  Whether there were any other sophisticated technology solutions that could be used, for 
example data sharing with the Police. ACC had a good relationship with the NZ Police who 
were very responsive to ACC call outs. ACC also had the ability to get information from the 
Police as part of assessing whether a care indicator was required for a client.  
•  The safety culture in ACC’s branches. When new staff joined, time and effort was spent on 
ensuring those staff understood why the processes were in place. There was ongoing 
training and trials for response teams in each office for all staff, and learnings were 
captured via debriefs.  
•  Collaboration across government on high-risk clients. ACC had asked that this continue to 
be a high priority for discussion on the Government Health & Safety Lead agenda. This was 
done well when ACC had a direct referral link to another agency through a client but was 
difficult where this was not the case.  
•  The protocol for lockdowns of locations following a threat. Shared premises all had 
arrangements in place, but it would depend on the relationship with other agencies if the 
threat was not in a shared office space.   
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•  The safety of other members of the public who might be in the same space as a 
threatening client. If it was safe the other public could evacuate into the office space with 
staff, or through the front door which would be able to open but not close.  
•  The review against adherence to the Protective Security Requirements (PSRs). ACC had 
previously maintained adherence to these on a voluntary basis but as this was now 
mandatory, a review was expected in the next two years. Changing technology and the 
physical layout of offices continued to be the main priorities for Management.  
•  The union view of security at ACC’s offices. The Public Service Association worked across 
the public sector and saw ACC as doing the best in the sector. PSA representatives sat on 
ACC’s organisational Health and Safety Committees and took part in annual reviews.  
•  The protections in place for staff who were publicly named in anti-ACC online forums. 
These were monitored on an ongoing basis, and if any criminal action took place ACC 
would prosecute. ACC provided support to these staff, and in one case provided a personal 
alarm for protection. ACC also worked with staff to remove their addresses online, such as 
on the electoral roll. 
The Board thanked Management for the paper.  The Chair advised all persons present that they 
should not hesitate to contact the Board direct and quickly if issues arose or the risk environment 
RESOLVED: The ACC Board resolved to note the Office Security Deep Dive presentation. 
7  Performance Reports 
7.1  Health, Safety and Wellbeing Report 
Ms Champness introduced the Report, explaining that the control effectiveness indicator in relation 
to organisational threat incidents showed that all had been managed in line with process and that 
the controls had worked in each situation.  
The Governance and Remuneration Committee held the previous day had received a paper on the 
management of stress incidents.  
The Board discussed the benchmarking of the lost time injury frequency rate, which showed that 
ACC was higher than the comparative sector although the days lost were lower. Ms Vautier 
explained that this was made up of low severity injuries which only required one or two days off 
work, and that Management was managing lost time injuries closely. 
RESOLVED: The ACC Board resolved to: 
(a)  Note progress toward becoming a leader in health, safety and wellbeing. 
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(b)  Note there were no notifiable events in March 2021. 
(c)  Note the health, safety and wellbeing performance indicators. 
7.2  Litigation Report 
Ms Oakley informed the Board that at the next meeting she intended to change the monthly report 
to one on all material litigation and then regular updating.  There was no objection. 
RESOLVED: The ACC Board resolved to note the Litigation report 
7.3  Monthly Policy Update 
Ms Powell introduced the paper, explaining that ACC continued to work closely with MBIE and 
other agencies on issues which could result in scheme expansion, including on some individual 
cases which had been in the media. There was a robust and systematic process which had been 
followed for clinical expertise to support policy decisions, which also involved external expertise.  
Ms Champness also provided an update on the remuneration bargaining approach and progress 
with the Public Service Association which had been discussed at the Governance and 
Remuneration Committee the previous day. Bargaining with the PSA had progressed for 
employees in lower bands and the approach was endorsed by Te Kawa Maataaho – Public 
Service Commission. Discussions were still ongoing for the remuneration approach for employees 
in higher pay bands, and the Committee had discussed the retention risk associated with this and 
asked for ongoing monitoring of retention and recruitment impacts.  
RESOLVED: The ACC Board resolved to: 
(a)  Note that the Minister has asked officials for advice on: 
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i.  Financial support for dependants of deceased claimants 
ii.  Birthing injuries. 
(b)  Note that MBIE briefed the Minister for ACC on the rationale for compensation settings 
regarding dependants of a deceased claimant, in response to recent media attention about 
the victims of the 15 March 2019 Christchurch mosque attacks. 
(c)  Note the Minister has requested further advice about the opportunities and implications 
around changing settings, to provide compensation to dependants in a broader range of 
family structures and circumstances. 
(d)  Note the Minister has also recently requested advice on whether the AC Act should be 
amended to extend cover to women who suffer severe perineal tears, in response to media 
reports about changes to ACC’s decision-making process for these claims as treatment 
(e)  Note that providing advice on financial support for dependants of deceased claimants and 
birthing injuries will be an MBIE-led process, but Management expects to work 
collaboratively and jointly with MBIE on the advice. 
8  Board Administration 
8.1   Minutes of Meeting held on 25 March 2021 
APPROVED: the ACC Board approved the minutes of the meeting held on 25 March 2021. 
8.2   Schedule of Matters Arising  
Ms Oakley explained that matter BRD. could now be closed, as there did not appear to 
be any current risks for potential deemed directors.  She advised this would however need to be an 
ongoing consideration for relevant staff in the future.  The Board agreed to close the matter but 
asked Ms Oakley check on the status of an Investment team staff member acting as an observer 
at Kiwibank Board meetings.  
The Board requested that BRD. remain open, that it was not dealt with by the weekly 
report and should be dealt with as an item at the next meeting.       
RESOLVED: The ACC Board resolved to note the Schedule of Matters Arising. 
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8.3   Confirmation of Decisions Made Out of Cycle 
RESOLVED: The ACC Board resolved to: 
(a)  Confirm that there was one matter decided out of cycle during the period of 19 March 2021 
to 22 April 2021 regarding the ACC Budget and Forecast for the financial years 2021/22 to 
(b)  Note there were no papers held over from previous meetings. 
8.4   Annual Work Programme 
RESOLVED: The ACC Board resolved to note the annual work programme. 
9  General Business 
There were no items of General Business.  
Closure: The meeting closed at 4 pm. 
Chair …………………………………………………………. 
Date ……………………………… 
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