Extract from T-244v3 Tenant Transfer Guideline
1. Business reasons for a transfer
Current tenants may be required by Kāinga Ora – Homes & Communities to transfer to
another Kāinga Ora property because their existing property is required for business
reasons. Vacant properties will be checked against the Business Initiated Transfer (BIT)
register before they are considered for applicants on the MSD waitlist. This will enable
Kāinga Ora to better manage the reconfiguration of its assets to make sure the portfolio of
properties meets social housing demand. Business reasons include:
a property is required for redevelopment or other asset related matters (for
example, will require vacating to permit works for earthquake strengthening)
a lease expiry notice requiring Kāinga Ora to release the property back to the owner
a property is required for sale or compulsory acquisition for example, New Zealand
Transport Authority roading requirements
a modified property which is occupied by a household who no longer require the
modifications and the property could be matched to a more suitable applicant
where a tenant requires modification or further modification to their current property
but this is not possible or desirable either due to the constraints of the property or
business constraints (for example, tagged for future redevelopment/ divestment)
a property is identified for divestment purposes (that is the property no longer meets
the social, environmental and financial objectives of the business)
a property is considered uninhabitable (for example, due to natural disaster or fire)
and there is available alternative accommodation in that area immediately
where in-line wit
h Anti-social behaviour policy and process, it has been approved by
a regional manager that a business initiated transfer would enable the resolution of
an anti-social behaviour issue within a neighbourhood or household
prompt transfers of new tenants who have been placed in incompatible
accommodation in unforeseen circumstances through no fault of their own
a property where Kāinga Ora wishes to better match the current tenant if they are
under-utilising bedrooms
a property where Kāinga Ora wishes to better match the current tenant if the home
is overcrowded.
Extract from T-245 Placement Guidelines
13.2 Business initiated transfers
Current tenants may also be required by Kāinga Ora to transfer to another Kāinga Ora
property because their existing property is required for business reasons.
Placement of applicants into Kāinga Ora properties is based on location, bedrooms required
and other property characteristics. Applicants with the highest need are matched first, except
in exceptional circumstances.
Vacant properties will be checked against the business initiated transfer (BIT) register and
the MSD social housing register.
Business reasons include:
CTR: BIT 90DN Redevelopment only: The Choice to Return is Kāinga Ora’s
commitment that tenants rehoused because their home is needed for
redevelopment can – at their option – be rehoused in the same community.
BIT 90DN Redevelopment: Where Kāinga Ora needs to clear the property so that
redevelopment can take place.
HLP BIT 90DN Lease Expiry: When the lease on the property is expiring or has
been terminated.
BDT BIT 90DN Divestment: When Kāinga Ora requires a tenant to be moved due
to a Kāinga Ora decision to sell a property.
BNR BIT 90DN Mods no longer required: When the tenant no longer requires the
modifications that are in the unit.
BNM BIT 90DN Mods not possible at current tenancy: When the tenant requires
modifications that are not possible to do in the unit.
PUH BIT 90DN Property Uninhabitable: When a 90 day notice is required if the
property has structural damage or other factors making it uninhabitable. To be
approved by Asset Manager and Area Manager.
BUH BIT 7DN Property Uninhabitable: When a 7 day notice is required if the property
has structural damage or other factors and tenancy must be moved for safety. To be
approved Asset Manager and Area Manager.
BUP BIT 90DN Property uninhabitable: When a 90 day notice is required if the
property has Meth contamination
BHP BIT 7DN Property Uninhabitable:When a 7 day notice is required if the property
has Meth contamination. a
BUF BIT 90DN Property Uninhabitable – Fire: When a 90 day notice is required if the
property has fire damage tenancy must be moved.
BUS BIT 90DN Property Uninhabitable – RF: When a household eligible for the
Rheumatic Fever programme is moved due to property being uninhabitable.
BHF BIT 7DN Property Uninhabitable - Fire: When a 7 day notice is required if the
property has fire damage tenancy must be moved for safety.
BSB BIT 90DN notice ASB: Unable to resolve a community issues and all other
avenues to resolve the situation have been unsuccessful. Last resort and requires RM
UTL BIT 90 DN Under Utilisation: Where Kāinga Ora transfers a tenant to another
property to better utilise the house.
PRU BIT 90DN Property upgrade/refurbishment: When Kāinga Ora requires a
tenancy to be moved due to the current unit needing an upgrade or major repair.
BOC BIT 90DN Overcrowded: When the household (non- Rheumatic Fever) is
overcrowding the unit..
BUN BIT 90DN Undesirable new placement: Where the placement of a tenancy in
the unit has undesirable outcomes and Kāinga Ora chooses to move the household. To be
used within 3 weeks of the tenant moving in.
BDM BIT 90DN notice for demolition: When Kāinga Ora requires a tenancy to be
moved due to the current unit needing to be demolished.
IAE BIT 90DN Interagency: To be used for interagency initiated BIT's such as the
Relocate Auckland programme.
BEB BIT 90DN EPB: When Kāinga Ora requires a tenancy to be moved due to the
current unit being Earthquake Prone.
BOR BIT 90DN Overcrowded RF: When a household eligible for the Rheumatic Fever
programme is moved due to overcrowding.
Where a tenancy is affected by a business decision, the Senior Tenancy Manager / Tenancy
Manager will complete PHO - Tenancy Services Request for BIT and email to the Area
Manager for consideration. If the Area Manager approves the request then the Area
Manager will email their approval to the Tenant Rehousing Team. They must capture the
information on T-474 Kāinga Ora BIT interview sheet. Once completed, the T-474 document
should be sent to Placement (in Outlook) for the Interagency Operations Administration team
to enter to the BIT register. The following information is recorded:
tenant name
current Kāinga Ora address
lettable areas
number of bedrooms in current property
expiry date of 90 day notice and/or date required/expected to vacate Kāinga Ora
business initiated reason, for example, redevelopment, lease expiry, earthquake
prone building, under utilisation, divestment purposes and/or disability
Review period – Under Utilisation
Where a Kāinga Ora tenant is under utilising their property, and they agree to transfer to an
alternative more suitably matched property at a future date, the expiry date and/or expected
date to vacate will be 90 weeks from the initial date of entry on the register. This will make
sure that matching from this list will always prioritise those tenants who have a confirmed
date to vacate before all other tenants on the register.
Prioritisation of the BIT register
From the Kāinga Ora BIT register, Kotahi will sort the list of tenants by lettable area (area
they need to live), bedroom number and length of time before expiry or expected vacation.