11 March 2021
File Ref: OIAP-7-18280
Tony Randle
By email:
[FYI request #14721 email]
Dear Mr Randle
Request for information 2021-027
I refer to your request for information dated 18 February, which was received by Greater Wellington
Regional Council (Greater Wellington) on 18 February. You have requested the following:
“1) Can the GWRC please provide the definition of "quick" it used in deciding whether a Wellington
PT service meets the "rapid transit" service speed criteria outlined in the GPS?
2) Can the GWRC please provide the definition of "frequent" it used in deciding whether a Wellington
PT service meets the "rapid transit" service frequency criteria outlined in the GPS?
3) Can the GWRC please provide the definition of "reliable" it used in deciding whether a Wellington
PT service meets the "rapid transit" service reliability criteria outlined in the GPS?
4) Can the GWRC please provide the definition of "high-capacity" it used in deciding whether a
Wellington PT service meets the "rapid transit" service capacity criteria outlined in the GPS?
5) Can the GWRC please provide the definition of "a permanent route (road or rail) that is largely
separated from other traffic" it used in deciding whether a Wellington PT service meets the "rapid
transit" separated from other traffic criteria outlined in the GPS ?
6) Can the GWRC please provide copies of the reports, presentations or working papers where the
definitions of "rapid transit service" and/or "rapid transit stop" were analysed or discussed?
7) Can the GWRC please provide copies of the meeting or workshop agendas, presentations, minutes
or meeting notes at which the definitions of "rapid transit service" and/or "rapid transit stop" were
analysed or discussed?
Wellington office
Upper Hutt
Masterton office
0800 496 734
PO Box 11646
PO Box 40847
PO Box 41
Manners St, Wellington 6142
1056 Fergusson Drive
Masterton 5840
[Wellington Regional Council request email]
8) Can the GWRC please provide copies of the reports, presentations or working papers where there
was discussion on whether the Johnsonville Line; the Melling Line and/or any specific bus service
would or would not meet the definitions of being a "rapid transit service" and/or "rapid transit stop”?
9) Can the GWRC please provide copies of the meeting or workshop agendas, presentations, minutes
or meeting notes where there was discussion on whether the Johnsonville Line; the Melling Line
and/or any specific bus service would or would not meet the definitions of being a "rapid transit
service" and/or "rapid transit stop”?
10) Can the GWRC please provide copies of the correspondence with any central government
ministry, department or agency where the definitions of "rapid transit service" and/or "rapid transit
stop" were analysed or discussed?
11) Can the GWRC please provide copies of the correspondence with any other local government
councils or agencies where the definitions of "rapid transit service" and/or "rapid transit stop" were
analysed or discussed?
12) Can the GWRC please provide copies of the correspondence with any central government
ministries, departments or agencies where there was discussion on whether the Johnsonville Line;
the Melling Line and/or any specific bus service would or would not meet the definitions of being a
"rapid transit service" and/or "rapid transit stop”?
13) Can the GWRC please provide copies of the correspondence with any other local government
councils or agencies where there was discussion on whether the Johnsonville Line; the Melling Line
and/or any specific bus service would or would not meet the Spatial Plan definitions of being a "rapid
transit service" and/or "rapid transit stop”?
If the requested information is held in electronic form, it is preferred that it be provided in its complete
and original electronic format. It is also preferred that any information the GWRC may believe is out
of scope is NOT redacted.”
Greater Wellington’s response follows:
In the interests of getting this information to you as soon as possible to ensure you have time to
consider it before submitting on the draft Regional Public Transport Plan (RPTP), we are providing
you with the answers to parts 1-5 of your request now, and will follow up with the remaining
information as soon as it is available.
Parts 1 - 5
Greater Wellington and the national guidance do not define the individual terms you have listed.
As there are no specific definitions for the terms you have listed I am refusing this part of your
request under section 17(g) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987
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(the Act) as the information is not held. However, the following information about the definition of
rapid transit may be of interest to you.
Greater Wellington has adopted the definitions of rapid transit used in the Government Policy
Statement on Land Transport 2020 and the National Policy Statement on Urban Development
(NPS-UD) in order to maintain national consistency. We have also consulted Auckland Transport
with respect to its approach. Greater Wellington’s definition is consistent with Auckland Transport
as we consulted with them during the workshopping of the definition. There are emails between
Greater Wellington and Auckland Transport around this consultation which will be provided to you
in our second response.
In proposing the rapid transit network and services for the Wellington Region contained in the
RPTP, consideration was given to:
a. The rapid transit network identified on page 46 of the Draft Wellington Regional Growth
Framework dated February 2021. This is available at
b. Implementation guidance from the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development and the
Ministry for the Environment on implementation of the intensification provisions of the NPS-
UD published as "Understanding and implementing intensification provisions for the National
Policy Statement on Urban Development". This is available at
and-implementing-intensification-provisions-for-NPS-UD.pdf and on page 21 states:
Examples of existing rapid transit stops include train stations on the commuter rail services
in Wellington and Auckland and bus stations on Auckland’s Northern Busway.
c. The definition of dedicated public transport service descriptors contained in the draft One
Network Framework. The definition is in the “Movement and Place Classification Discussion
Document” available at
: https://www.nzta.govt.nz/assets/Road-Efficiency-Group/docs/onf-
movement-and-place-classification-discussion-document.pdf and set out below:
(Role in Public
(At peak)
Corridors where
Buses > 40
>5000 per
Dedicated public
‘rapid transit’
transport corridors
services are
per hour
provide for the fast and
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(Role in Public
(At peak)
Rail > All
efficient long distance
providing a fast,
movement of people by
frequent, highly
rapid transit. By
reliable, and high
definition, they include
capacity form of
dedicated busways and
urban transport
all metro rail lines. They
along a dedicated
are mode exclusive, only
PT corridor.
providing facility to
support public transport
(excepting rail lines that
can also provide a goods
movement function
under the freight mode,
but which is exclusive use
by one or the other at a
Please note that the One Network Framework is still a draft and undergoing review. Accordingly, it
is possible for the above definition to be updated.
If you have any concerns with the decision(s) referred to in this letter, you have the right to request
an investigation and review by the Ombudsman under section 27(3) of the Act.
Yours sincerely
Luke Troy
General Manager, Strategy
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