This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Covid Directives Given To General Practitioners'.

133 Molesworth Street 
PO Box 5013 
Wellington 6140 
New Zealand 
T+64 4 496 2000 
Daryl Trask 
By email:  [FYI request #14566 email]   
Dear Daryl Trask 
Response to your request for official information 
Thank you for your request under the Official Information Act 1982 (the Act) to the Ministry of 
Health (the Ministry) on 29 January 2021 for: 
“Please forward me copies of all the information or directives from government 
organisations regarding procedures and directives and policy guidelines for general 
practitioners in NZ regarding covid. 
Please include schedule of payments or funding for general practitioners for their actions 
related to covid".” 
Your request for all information from government organisations regarding COVID-19 
procedures, directives and policy guidelines for general practitioners in New Zealand is refused 
under section 18(f) as the information requested cannot be made available without substantial 
collation or research. 
Forty documents have been identified within the scope of your request for general practitioners 
COVID-19 funding. Copies of these documents are attached to this letter and have all been 
released to you in full. 
Further information can be found on the Ministry’s website:
I trust this information fulfils your request. Under section 28(3) of the Act you have the right to 
ask the Ombudsman to review any decisions made under this request. The Ombudsman may 
be contacted by email at: [email address] or by calling 0800 802 602. 
Please note that this response, with your personal details removed, may be published on the 
Ministry website at:
Yours sincerely 
Monique Burrows 
Group Manager, Primary Health Care System Improvement and Innovation 
Health System Improvement and Innovation  

Appendix One: List of documents for release 
#  Date 
Decision on release 
1  15 June 2020 
Funding Package 1 
Released with some information withheld 
Auckland DHB: COVID- under section 9(2)(b)(i ) where its release 
19 Primary Care 
would likely unreasonably prejudice the 
commercial position of the person who 
2  6 April 2020 
Funding Package 1 Bay  supplied the information. 
of Plenty DHB: COVID-
19 Primary Care 
3  6 April 2020 
Funding Package 1 
Canterbury DHB: 
COVID-19 Primary Care 
4  N/A 
Funding Package 1 
Capital and Coast DHB: 
COVID-19 Primary Care 
5  3 April 2020  
Funding Package 1 
Counties Manukau DHB: 
COVID-19 Primary Care 
6  N/A 
Funding Package 1 
Hawke’s Bay DHB: 
COVID-19 Primary Care 
7  N/A 
Funding Package 1 Hutt 
Valley DHB: COVID-19 
Primary Care 
8  3 April 2020 
Funding Package 1 
Lakes DHB: COVID-19 
Primary Care 
9   20 April 2020 
Funding Package 1 Mid-
Central DHB: COVID-19 
Primary Care 
10  3 April 2020 
Funding Package 1 
Nelson Marlborough 
DHB: COVID-19 Primary 
11  N/A 
Funding Package 1 
Northland DHB: COVID-
19 Primary Care 
12  6 April 2020 
Funding Package 1 
South Canterbury DHB: 
COVID-19 Primary Care 
13  14 May 2020 
Funding Package 1 
Southern DHB: COVID-
19 Primary Care 
14  6 April 2020  
Funding Package 1 
Tairawhiti DHB: COVID-
19 Primary Care 
Page 2 of 4 

#  Date 
Decision on release 
15  20 April 2020 
Funding Package 1 
Released with some information withheld 
Taranaki DHB: COVID-
under section 9(2)(b)(i ) where its release 
19 Primary Care 
would likely unreasonably prejudice the 
commercial position of the person who 
16  18 May 2020 
Funding Package 1 
supplied the information. 
Waikato DHB: COVID-19   
Primary Care 
17  13 July 2020 
Funding Package 1 
Wairarapa DHB: COVID-
19 Primary Care 
18  9 April 2020 
Funding Package 1 
Waitemata DHB: COVID-
19 Primary Care 
19  6 April 2020 
Funding Package 1 West 
Coast DHB: COVID-19 
Primary Care 
20  3 April 2020 
Funding Package 1 
Whanganui DHB: 
COVID-19 Primary Care 
21  21 October 2020 
Funding Package 2 
Auckland DHB – 
Sustainability Funding  
22  22 October 2020 
Funding Package 2 Bay 
of Plenty DHB -
Sustainability Funding 
23  N/A 
Funding Package 2 
Canterbury DHB: 
COVID-19 Primary Care 
24  N/A 
Funding Package 2 
Capital and Coast DHB -
Sustainability Funding 
25  21 October 2020 
Funding Package 2 
Counties Manukau DHB: 
COVID-19 Primary Care 
26  N/A 
Funding Package 2 
Hawke’s Bay DHB -
Sustainability Funding 
27  10 November 2020   Funding Package 2 Hutt 
Valley DHB -
Sustainability Funding 
28  21 October 2020 
Funding Package 2 
Lakes DHB -
Sustainability Funding 
29  27 October 2020 
Funding Package 2 Mid-
Central DHB -
Sustainability Funding 
30  21 October 2020  
Funding Package 2 
Nelson Marlborough 
Page 3 of 4 

#  Date 
Decision on release 
DHB - Sustainability 
31  N/A 
Funding Package 2 
Released with some information withheld 
Northland DHB -
under section 9(2)(b)(i ) where its release 
Sustainability Funding 
would likely unreasonably prejudice the 
commercial position of the person who 
32  21 October 2020  
Funding Package 2 
supplied the information. 
South Canterbury DHB -  
Sustainability Funding 
33  22 December 2020   Funding Package 2 
Southern DHB -
Sustainability Funding 
34  21 October 2020  
Funding Package 2 
Tairawhiti DHB -
Sustainability Funding 
35  20 April 2020  
Funding Package 2 
Taranaki DHB -
Sustainability Funding 
36  18 May 2020  
Funding Package 2 
Waikato DHB -
Sustainability Funding 
37  13 July 2020  
Funding Package 2 
Wairarapa DHB -
Sustainability Funding 
38  24 November 2020   Funding Package 2 
Waitemata DHB -
Sustainability Funding 
39  22 October 2020  
Funding Package 2 West 
Coast DHB -
Sustainability Funding 
40  23 October 2020  
Funding Package 2 
Whanganui DHB -
Sustainability Funding 
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