VERSION UPDATES ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
A Series – Alcohol and Drug Impaired Driving Offences ................................................................................................................................... 5
B Series – Duties and Obligations ..................................................................................................................................................................... 32
C Series – Warrant and Certificate of Fitness .................................................................................................................................................... 44
D Series – Manner of Driving ............................................................................................................................................................................ 48
E Series – Speeding ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 62
F Series – Driver Duties and Obligations .......................................................................................................................................................... 65
G Series – Speeding ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 74
H Series – Road User Charges & Overloading .................................................................................................................................................. 75
Road User Charges ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 75
Overloading ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 81
J Series – Speed Camera Offences ..................................................................................................................................................................... 87
K Series – Transport Licensing & Dangerous Goods ........................................................................................................................................ 91
L Series – Driver and Vehicle Licensing ......................................................................................................................................................... 116
M Series - Logbooks, Driving Hours & Vehicle Related Offences ................................................................................................................. 135
N Series - Vehicle Related Offences................................................................................................................................................................ 147
O Series - Pedestrian, Horse, Moped & Cycle Offences .................................................................................................................................. 178
P Series - Parking ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 186
R Series – Miscellaneous ................................................................................................................................................................................. 231
S Series - Safety Helmet .................................................................................................................................................................................. 244
V Series - Vehicle Equipment ......................................................................................................................................................................... 245
W400 Series – Psychoactive Offences ............................................................................................................................................................. 280
W500 Series – Maritime Offences ................................................................................................................................................................... 280
W600 Series – Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act, Summary Offences Act, and Breaches of Liquor Bans ....................................................... 282
W700 Series – Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 Offences ........................................................................................................................ 289
COVID-19 Level 2 offences ............................................................................................................................................................................ 293
2020 V9
12 November 2020
Date released Changes
2014 V1
28 Jan 2014
• New P359, W658
• Amendment to C101, C201, P949
2014 V2
2 Mar 2014
• Amendment to M402, W635
2014 V3
26 Mar 2014
• Amendment to H630, V557, V678
2014 V4
28 Apr 2014
• New C306, V634
• Obsolete P261, Q150, R532, R533, R578, R579, R646, R648, R649, R667, V626
• Amendments to Q142 – Q149, Q151 – Q153, Q173 – Q176, R525, R553, R565, R572 – R578, R580,
R595, R601, R634, R647, R665, R666, R668
2014 V5
30 May 2014
• New P360 to P374, R677
• Obsolete R545, R552, R555, R556
• Amendments to P518, P519, Q202
2014 V6
27 Jun 2014
• No changes
2014 V7
1 Aug 2014
• Amendment to P107
• New F124
2014 V8
26 Aug 2014
• New V315 – V317
• Amendment to P115
2014 V9
26 Sep 2014
• Amendments to L456 – L459, L466, L467, L471, L472, L474, P404 – P410
2014 V10 31 Oct 2014
• Amendments to D709, K660, K670 – K673, N642, V515
• Obsolete A204 – A211, V559
• New A212 – A219, A336 - A339, A525 – A526
2014 V11 25 Nov 2014
• New Q183
2014 V12 16 Dec 2014
• New P375
2015 V1
29 Jan 2015
• Amendments to P229, P280 & P359
• Obsolete P230, P282,
• Deleted W658
• New R602
2015 V2
1 Mar 2015
• New Q184
• Amendments to Q118, Q120 - Q123
2015 V3
30 Mar 2015
• No changes
2015 V4
29 April 2015
• New P376, P377
2015 V5
28 May 2015
• No changes
2015 V6
29 Jun 2015
• New H808-H813, N663-N670, R603, V635-V637, V687-V689
• Amendment to M229, M279
• Obsolete F117-F120, F124
2015 V7
31 Jul 2015
• New A410, R604
2015 V8
28 Aug 2015
• New Note for V207
• Amendments to P292 - P295, P819, P821, P923, P987, P988, P994 - P998, Q301 - Q303
• Obsolete P207, P225, P226, P325, P925 - P927
2015 V9
28 Sep 2015
• New V597
• Amendments to P236, P241, P241, P244, P245, P350, Q116, Q124, Q125, Q126, Q204
• Obsolete P237, P239, P240, P243
2015 V10 1 Nov 2015
• New N675, P378, P379
• Amendments to N645, P328, V245, V246
• Obsolete P326, P327
2015 V11 28 Nov 2015
• Amendments to N667 to N669, Q903, Q908, Q909, Q913
• Obsolete Q914
• New Q917
2015 V12 21 Dec 2015
• No changes
2016 V1
27 Jan 2016
• No changes
2016 V2
26 Feb 2016
• No changes
2016 V3
14 Mar 2016
• No changes
2016 V4
28 Apr 2016
• No changes
2016 V5
26 May 2016
• New C220 - C230, W717 to W741
• Obsolete W701 to W716
2016 V6
29 Jun 2016
• Amendment to W727
2016 V7
28 Jul 2016
• Obsolete P336 to P339
2016 V8
26 Aug 2016
• No changes
2020 V9
12 November 2020
Date released Changes
2016 V9
27 Sep 2016
• Amendments to N664, N666, N668, N670
• New H814, H815, K577, N671 to N674, N676 to N681
• Removal of all bylaw parking matters
2016 V10 26 Oct 2016
• No changes
2016 V11 29 Nov 2016
• Amendment to E604, F201, F202, F301, J603, K520, O104, O105, O106, O125, V207
• New A411, A412, A435, A436, K523, K524
2016 V12 27 Dec 2016
• New C411*, C412*, H645*, H646*, N682*, N683*, N684*, R605, R606
• *Amendments to H601, H602, H603, H613, H614, H620, H621, H624, H626, H632, H633, H634,
H635, H636, H638, H639, H640, H641, H644, H801, H802, H803, H804, H805, H806, H807, H808,
H809, H810, H811, H812, H813, H814, H815, N506, N507, N510, N511, N512, N513, N514, N516,
N517, N518, N519, N521, N522, N523, N524, N525, N526, N527, N528, N531, N532, N533, N534,
N535, N536, N537, N538, N539, N540, N541, N542, N543, N544, N545, N546, N548, N549, N550,
N551, N552, N553, N554, N555, N556, N557, N558, N559, N560, N561, N562, N563, N564, N565,
N566, N567, N568, N569, N570, N571, N572, N573, N574, N575, N580, N581, N582, N583, N585,
N586, N588, N589, N590, N591, N592, N593, N594, N595, N596, N597, N598, N599, N660, N661,
N662, N663, N664, N665, N666, N667, N668, N669, N670, N671, N672, N673, N674,
• +Obsolete C410, N576, N584,
NOTE - (*) Effective date 1 February 2017
(+) Effective date 31 January 2017
2017 V1
26 Jan 2017
• Amendment to A411
2017 V2
27 Feb 2017
• Obsolete N682, R582
• Amendments to H601, H604, H605, H616, H620, H622, H623, H801, N676 to N681, N683, N684,
R564, R566 to R568, R627, V573,
• New L233, L234, V578
2017 V3
30 Mar 2017
• Obsolete K196, R674
• Amendments to G601, H808 - H815, K191 - K195, N541, N555, N556, N663 - N674, N681, R673
• New N685 - N694
2017 V4
25 Apr 2017
• New N695, N696, R678 - R681
2017 V5
26 Jun 2017
• Amendment to A522
2017 V6
28 Jul 2017
• Amendment to N536
• New W550 to W561
2017 V7
24 Aug 2017
• Amendments to B106 - B111, B134, B137, B148, B187, B193 - B196, B221 - B224, D101, D104,
D201, D204 - D206, D301, H604, H605, H607 - H611, H616, H622, H623, H625, H630, K101,
K102, K140, K141, K182, K188, K189, K190, M221, M280, N316, O112, O202, O412, R546, R564,
R566 - R568, R627, R635
• New B218, B219, B225 - B230, K142, K143, K197 - K199, R101
• Obsolete B222, K138, K139, R594, R601, R669, R677
2017 V8
30 Sep 2017
• Amendments to B134, H611, K127, K128, K301, K302, K305 - K316, K320, K324 - K328, K401 -
K403, K405, K406, K408 - K416, K602, K603, K608 - K612, K627 - K629, K646, K674, K760,
K762, K764 - K767, K771 - K773
• Obsolete K606, K607, K613, K614, K615, K616, K617, K618, K619, K620, K621, K622, K623,
K624, K625, K626, K630, K631, K632, K634, K635, K636, K637, K638, K639, K640, K641, K642,
K643, K644, K645, K647, K648, K649, K650, K651, K652, K653, K654, K655, K656, K657, K658,
K659, K660, K662, K663, K664, K665, K666, K667, K668, K669, K670, K671, K672, K673, K675,
K676, K677, K678, K679, K680, K681, K682, K683, K684, K686, K687, K688, K689, K690, K691,
K692, K693, K694, K695, K696, K697, K698, K699, K706, K707, K708, K709, K710, K711, K712,
K713, K714, K715, K716, K717, K718, K719, K720, K721, K722, K723, K724, K725, K726, K727,
K728, K729, K730, K731, K732, K733, K734, K735, K736, K737, K738, K739, K740, K741, K742,
K743, K744, K745, K746, K747, K748, K749, K750, K751, K752, K753, K754, K755, K759, K761,
K763, K770, K774, K775, K776, K777, K778, K779
• New E987, K780 - K783
2017 V9
27 Oct 2017
• New K273, P387, Q297
• Amendment to K189, K197, P212
• Inclusion of all bylaw parking matters
2017 V10 24 Nov 2017
• Amendment to K197, P367
2018 V1
17 Feb 2018
• New P388 to P393, R607
• Amendment to B137, D359, D360, M232 to M241, P247, P357, P358, P816, Q155, Q156, Q163,
Q172, R581
• Obsolete N316, P265, P266, P376, P377, P809
2018 V2
23 Mar 2018
• New P394 to P398, P528 - P531, Q315 - Q332, R608
• Amendments to P311, P313, P929, Q103, Q104, Q142 - Q153, Q173 - Q176, R547
• Obsolete P312
2020 V9
12 November 2020
2018 V3
2 Jul 2018
New Q304,
Amendments to P255, P296, P297, P959, P960, Q131, Q132, Q903, Q908, Q913, Q917, R891
2018 V4
22 Aug 2018
New E993 - E997, K510
Amendments to C301, C305, C306, C401, C404, C407 - C409, P234, P235, P246, P307 - P310, P345 -
P348, P355, P356, P970 - P972
Obsolete P233, P290, P291, P306
2018 V5
15 Nov 2018
New A340 & A671, P522
Amendments to Q218 - Q220
2018 V6
6 Dec 2018
New K525, P523, P524, Q239 - Q248
Obsolete P359, Q210, Q211, Q212, Q213, Q214, Q215,
2019 V1
14 Feb 2019
New N508, R609, W450 - W453
Amendments to A305, A312, A315, A332, A333, A616, A620, A622, A631, A632
2019 V2
4 Apr 2019
New A433, A658, F227 - F229, R610
Amendments to P259, R584 - R589
2019 V3
1 May 2019
Amendments to A402, A408, A410, A432, A433, A434, A648, A655 - A659, *C408, *C409, *F212,
*F213, *H624, H812, *V564, *V627, *V628, *V634, *V664, *V666
New *P136, P525, P526, Q305 - Q314, *V638
Reinstated *F118 - *F120
Note: (*) Come into effect 1 June 2019
2019 V4
2 Aug 2019
New P527
Obsolete M257, M258
Amendment B106, K772
2019 V5
17 Sep 2019
Amendment to N321, V207
2019 V6
1 Oct 2019
Obsolete - M310 - M312
Amendments to A113, A114, A669, A670, B106, B107, M226, M231, N511 - N513, W700 series.
2019 V7
29 Oct 2019
Amendment to K610, P351 - P353, P521, P819, P821, Q264 - Q274
Obsolete Q269, Q272, Q273
2019 V8
6 Dec 2019
New P412, Q366 - Q380, R102, R103
Amendments to P255, P296, P297, P354, P387, P959, P960, P963, P964, Q102, Q131 - Q133, Q134,
Q168, R891
Obsolete J704, P204, P205, P208, P209, P223, P224, P250 - P254, P258, P520, P957, P965, P967, P979,
Q105, Q106, Q111 - Q113, Q129, Q130, Q165 - Q167, Q170, Q171, R911
2020 V1
29 Jan 2020
New B310, V614, V615
Amendments to A326, A521, A522, A660, A662, B107, B301, B305, Q177 - Q182
2020 V2
25 Feb 2020
New Q333 - Q365, Q381, Q382
2020 V3
21 May 2020
New W751 - W770 (COVID-19 Level 2)
2020 V4
7 Jun 2020
New W771 - W775
Amendments to W751, W758 - W762, W764 - W768,
Obsolete W755, W757, W763, W769, W770
2020 V5
22 Jun 2020
New P413, W776, W777
Amendments to P713, P803, P989 - P991, W751 - W775
Obsolete P992, P993
2020 V6` 7 Aug 2020
New J903, K144, R104 - R109
Obsolete B106
Amendments to B107, B109, B120, B194, B201, B217 - B219, B226, B227, B230, B301, B305 - B310,
2020 V7
28 Aug 2020
Amendment to V550
New V579
2020 V8
30 Sep 2020
Amendments to P218 - P221
Obsolete P213 - P215
2020 V9
12 Nov 2020
New Q383
Amendments to C101, C201, R104-R109
A Series – Alcohol and Drug Impaired Driving Offences
Drove under the influence of drink
(Effective date = 1 Nov 2009)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 58(1)(a)
Maximum fine = $4,500, Maximum prison = 3 months, Minimum disqualification = 6 months, Notice type = T
Did [1 drive] a motor vehicle on a road namely *STREET* while under the influence of drink to such an extent as to be incapable
of having proper control of that vehicle
12 attempt to drive
Notes Staff are reminded that if a person commits this offence while he or she is driving a vehicle being used in a transport service (other
than a rental service) then you must use the appropriate specimen charge in the A600 series.
Drove under the influence of a drug
(Effective date = 1 Nov 2009)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 58(1)(a)
2020 V9
12 November 2020
Maximum fine = $4,500, Maximum prison = 3 months, Minimum disqualification = 6 months, Notice type = T
Did [1 drive] a motor vehicle on a road namely *STREET* while under the influence of a drug to such an extent as to be incapable
of having proper control of that vehicle.
12 attempt to drive
Notes Staff are reminded that if a person commits this offence while he or she is driving a vehicle being used in a transport service (other
than a rental service) then you must use the appropriate specimen charge in the A600 series.
Under influence of drink causing injury
(Effective date = 6 Sep 2010)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 61(2)(a)
Maximum fine = $20,000, Maximum prison = 5 years, Minimum disqualification = 1 year, Notice type = T
Being in charge of a motor vehicle you did cause bodily injury to *SPACES* while under the influence of drink to such an extent
as to be incapable of having proper control of that vehicle
Staff are reminded that if a person commits this offence while he or she is driving a vehicle being used in a transport service (other
than a rental service) then you must use the appropriate specimen charge in the A600 series.
Under influence of a drug causing injury
(Effective date = 6 Sep 2010)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 61(2)(a)
Maximum fine = $20,000, Maximum prison = 5 years, Minimum disqualification = 1 year, Notice type = T
Being in charge of a motor vehicle you did cause bodily injury to *SPACES* while under the influence of a drug to such an extent
as to be incapable of having proper control of that vehicle
Staff are reminded that if a person commits this offence while he or she is driving a vehicle being used in a transport service (other
than a rental service) then you must use the appropriate specimen charge in the A600 series.
Under influence of drink causing death
(Effective date = 10 May 2011)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 61(2)(a) & 61(3AA)
Maximum fine = $20,000, Maximum prison = 10 years, Minimum disqualification = 1 year, Notice type = T
Being in charge of a motor vehicle you did cause the death of *SPACES* while under the influence of drink to such an extent as to
be incapable of having proper control of that vehicle
Staff are reminded that if a person commits this offence while he or she is driving a vehicle being used in a transport service (other
than a rental service) then you must use the appropriate specimen charge in the A600 series.
Under influence of drug causing death
(Effective date = 10 May 2011)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 61(2)(a) & 61(3AA)
Maximum fine = $20,000, Maximum prison = 10 years, Minimum disqualification = 1 year, Notice type = T
Being in charge of a motor vehicle you did cause the death of *SPACES* while under the influence of a drug to such an extent as
to be incapable of having proper control of that vehicle
Staff are reminded that if a person commits this offence while he or she is driving a vehicle being used in a transport service (other
than a rental service) then you must use the appropriate specimen charge in the A600 series.
Excess breath alcohol causing injury
(Effective date = 6 Sep 2010)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 61(1)(a)
Maximum fine = $20,000, Maximum prison = 5 years, Minimum disqualification = 1 year, Notice type = T
Being a person in charge of a motor vehicle you did cause bodily injury to *SPACES* while the proportion of alcohol in your
breath exceeded 400 micrograms of alcohol per litre of breath in that it was *BLEVEL* micrograms of alcohol per litre of breath
Staff are reminded that if a person commits this offence while he or she is driving a vehicle being used in a transport service (other
than a rental service) then you must use the appropriate specimen charge in the A600 series.
Excess breath alcohol causing death
(Effective date = 10 May 2011)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 61(1)(a) & 61(3AA)
Maximum fine = $20,000, Maximum prison = 10 years, Minimum disqualification = 1 year, Notice type = T
Being a person in charge of a motor vehicle you did cause the death of *SPACES* while the proportion of alcohol in your breath
exceeded 400 micrograms of alcohol per litre of breath in that it was *BLEVEL* micrograms of alcohol per litre of breath
Staff are reminded that if a person commits this offence while he or she is driving a vehicle being used in a transport service (other
than a rental service) then you must use the appropriate specimen charge in the A600 series.
Drove under the influence of drink/drug or both
(Effective date = 1 Nov 2009)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 58(1)(a)
Maximum fine = $4,500, Maximum prison = 3 months, Minimum disqualification = 6 months, Notice type = T
Did [1 drive] a motor vehicle on a road namely *STREET* while under the influence of drink or a drug or both to such an extent
as to be incapable of having proper control of the vehicle
12 attempt to drive
Staff are reminded that if a person commits this offence while he or she is driving a vehicle being used in a transport service (other
than a rental service) then you must use the appropriate specimen charge in the A600 series.
2020 V9
12 November 2020
Under influence of drink/drug causing injury
(Effective date = 6 Sep 2010)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 61(2)(a)
Maximum fine = $20,000, Maximum prison = 5 years, Minimum disqualification = 1 year, Notice type = T
Being in charge of a motor vehicle you did cause bodily injury to *SPACES* while you were under the influence of drink or a
drug or both to such an extent as to be incapable of having proper control of the vehicle
Staff are reminded that if a person commits this offence while he or she is driving a vehicle being used in a transport service (other
than a rental service) then you must use the appropriate specimen charge in the A600 series.
Under influence of drink/drug causing death
(Effective date = 10 May 2011)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 61(2)(a) & 61(3AA)
Maximum fine = $20,000, Maximum prison = 10 years, Minimum disqualification = 1 year, Notice type = T
Being in charge of a motor vehicle you did cause the death of *SPACES* while under the influence of drink or a drug or both to
such an extent as to be incapable of having proper control of the vehicle
Staff are reminded that if a person commits this offence while he or she is driving a vehicle being used in a transport service (other
than a rental service) then you must use the appropriate specimen charge in the A600 series.
Careless driving while under influence of drink or drug causing death
(Effective date = 27 Sep 2019)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 62(1)
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 3 years, Minimum disqualification = 1 year, Notice type = T
You did cause the death of *SPACES* by carelessly driving a motor vehicle while under the influence of drink or a drug or both
but not so as to commit an offence against section 61 of the Land Transport Act 1998
Staff are reminded that if a person commits this offence while he or she is driving a vehicle being used in a transport service (other
than a rental service) then you must use the appropriate specimen charge in the A600 series.
Careless driving while under influence of drink or drug causing injury
(Effective date = 27 Sep 2019)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 62(1)
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 3 years, Minimum disqualification = 1 year, Notice type = T
You did cause bodily injury to *SPACES* by carelessly driving a motor vehicle while under the influence of drink or a drug or
both but not so as to commit an offence against section 61 of the Land Transport Act 1998
Staff are reminded that if a person commits this offence while he or she is driving a vehicle being used in a transport service (other
than a rental service) then you must use the appropriate specimen charge in the A600 series.
Drove under influence drink or drug – 3rd or subsequent
(Effective date = 1 Nov 2011)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 58(1) and 58(3)
Maximum fine = $6,000, Maximum prison = 2 years, Minimum disqualification = more than 1 year, Notice type = T
Did [1 drive] a motor vehicle on a road namely *STREET* while under the influence of drink or a drug or both to such an extent
as to be incapable of having proper control of the vehicle you having on at least 2 previous occasions been convicted of an offence
against any of sections 56(1), 56(2), 57A(1), 58(1), 60(1), 61(1), or 61(2) of the Land Transport Act 1998 or the corresponding
provisions of the Transport Act 1962
12 attempt to drive
Staff are reminded that if a person commits this offence while he or she is driving a vehicle being used in a transport service (other
than a rental service) then you must use the appropriate specimen charge in the A600 series.
Alcohol interlock licence holder offended in relation to interlock device
(Effective date = 10 Sept 2012)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 55A(1) and 55A(2)(a)
Maximum fine = $3,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = T
Being the holder of an alcohol interlock licence you [1 tampered with an alcohol interlock device]
12 attempted to tamper with an alcohol interlock device
13 used an alcohol interlock device contrary to an order made under section 65A(2) of the Land Transport Act 1998
Other person offended in relation to an alcohol interlock device
(Effective date = 10 Sept 2012)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 55A(1) and 55A(2)(b)
Maximum fine = $3,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = T
Not being the
holder of an alcohol interlock licence you [1 tampered with an alcohol interlock device]
12 attempted to tamper with an alcohol interlock device
13 used an alcohol interlock device contrary to an order made under section 65A(2) Land Transport Act 1998
Alcohol interlock licensee’s breath contained alcohol – not over 250 mcgs
(Effective date = 1 Dec 2014)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 57AA(1) and 57AA(3)
Maximum fine = $2,250, Maximum prison = 3 months, Minimum disqualification = 3 months, Notice type = T
Being the holder of an alcohol interlock licence you did [1 drive] a motor vehicle on a road while your breath, as ascertained by an
evidential breath test subsequently undergone by you under section 69 of the Land Transport Act 1998, contained alcohol but the
2020 V9
12 November 2020
proportion of alcohol did not exceed 250 micrograms of alcohol per litre of breath in that it was *BLEVEL* micrograms of alcohol
per litre of breath
12 attempt to drive
Zero alcohol licensee’s breath contained alcohol – not over 250 mcgs
(Effective date = 1 Dec 2014)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 57AA(1) and 57AA(3)
Maximum fine = $2,250, Maximum prison = 3 months, Minimum disqualification = 3 months, Notice type = T
Being the holder of a zero alcohol licence you did [1 drive] a motor vehicle on a road while your breath, as ascertained by an
evidential breath test subsequently undergone by you under section 69 of the Land Transport Act 1998, contained alcohol but the
proportion of alcohol did not exceed 250 micrograms of alcohol per litre of breath in that it was *BLEVEL* micrograms of alcohol
per litre of breath
12 attempt to drive
Alcohol interlock licensee’s blood contained alcohol – not over 50 mgms
(Effective date = 1 Dec 2014)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 57AA(2) and 57AA(3)
Maximum fine = $2,250, Maximum prison = 3 months, Minimum disqualification = 3 months, Notice type = T
Being the holder of an alcohol interlock licence you did [1 drive] a motor vehicle on a road while your blood, as ascertained from
an analysis of a blood specimen subsequently taken from you under section 72 or 73 of the Land Transport Act 1998, contained
alcohol but the proportion of alcohol did not exceed 50 milligrams of alcohol per 100 mil ilitres of blood in that it was *BLEVEL*
milligrams of alcohol 100 millilitres of blood
12 attempt to drive
Zero alcohol licensee’s blood contained alcohol – not over 50 mgms
(Effective date = 1 Dec 2014)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 57AA(2) and 57AA(3)
Maximum fine = $2,250, Maximum prison = 3 months, Minimum disqualification = 3 months, Notice type = T
Being the holder of a zero alcohol licence you did [1 drive] a motor vehicle on a road while your blood, as ascertained from an
analysis of a blood specimen subsequently taken from you under section 72 or 73 of the Land Transport act 1998, contained
alcohol but the proportion of alcohol did not exceed 50 milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood in that it was *BLEVEL*
milligrams of alcohol 100 millilitres of blood
12 attempt to drive
Alcohol interlock licensee’s breath contained alcohol – over 250 mcgs
(Effective date = 1 Dec 2014)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 57AA(4) and 57AA(6)
Maximum fine = $6,000, Maximum prison = 2 years, Minimum disqualification = 1 year, Notice type = T
Being the holder of an alcohol interlock licence you did [1 drive] a motor vehicle on a road while your breath, as ascertained by an
evidential breath test subsequently undergone by you under section 69 of the Land Transport Act 1998, contained alcohol and the
proportion of alcohol exceeded 250 micrograms of alcohol per litre of breath in that it was *BLEVEL* micrograms of alcohol per
litre of breath
12 attempt to drive
Zero alcohol licensee’s breath contained alcohol – over 250 mcgs
(Effective date = 1 Dec 2014)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 57AA(4) and 57AA(6)
Maximum fine = $6,000, Maximum prison = 2 years, Minimum disqualification = 1 year, Notice type = T
Being the holder of a zero alcohol licence you did [1 drive] a motor vehicle on a road while your breath, as ascertained by an
evidential breath test subsequently undergone by you under section 69 of the Land Transport Act 1998, contained alcohol and the
proportion of alcohol exceeded 250 micrograms of alcohol per litre of breath in that it was *BLEVEL* micrograms of alcohol per
litre of breath
12 attempt to drive
Alcohol interlock licensee’s blood contained alcohol – over 50 mgms
(Effective date = 1 Dec 2014)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 57AA(5) and 57AA(6)
Maximum fine = $6,000, Maximum prison = 2 years, Minimum disqualification = 1 year, Notice type = T
Being the holder of an alcohol interlock licence you did [1 drive] a motor vehicle on a road while your blood, as ascertained from
an analysis of a blood specimen subsequently taken from you under section 72 or 73 of the Land Transport Act 1998, contained
alcohol and the proportion of alcohol exceeded 50 milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood in that it was *BLEVEL*
milligrams of alcohol 100 millilitres of blood
12 attempt to drive
Zero alcohol licensee’s blood contained alcohol – over 50 mgms
(Effective date = 1 Dec 2014)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 57AA(5) and 57AA(6)
Maximum fine = $6,000, Maximum prison = 2 years, Minimum disqualification = 1 year, Notice type = T
Being the holder of a zero alcohol licence you did [1 drive] a motor vehicle on a road while your blood, as ascertained from an
analysis of a blood specimen subsequently taken from you under section 72 or 73 of the Land Transport Act 1998, contained
2020 V9
12 November 2020
alcohol and the proportion of alcohol exceeded 50 milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood in that it was *BLEVEL*
milligrams of alcohol 100 millilitres of blood
12 attempt to drive
Excess blood alcohol causing injury
(Effective date = 6 Sep 2010)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 61(1)(b)
Maximum fine = $20,000, Maximum prison = 5 years, Minimum disqualification = 1 year, Notice type = T
Being a person in charge of a motor vehicle you caused bodily injury to *SPACES* while the proportion of alcohol in your blood
exceeded 80 milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood in that it was *BLEVEL* milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of
Staff are reminded that if a person commits this offence while he or she is driving a vehicle being used in a transport service (other
than a rental service) then you must use the appropriate specimen charge in the A600 series.
Excess blood alcohol causing death
(Effective date = 10 May 2011)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 61(1)(b) & 61(3AA)
Maximum fine = $20,000, Maximum prison = 10 years, Minimum disqualification = 1 year, Notice type = T
Being the person in charge of a motor vehicle you caused the death of *SPACES* while the proportion of alcohol in your blood
exceeded 80 milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood in that it was *BLEVEL* milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of
Staff are reminded that if a person commits this offence while he or she is driving a vehicle being used in a transport service (other
than a rental service) then you must use the appropriate specimen charge in the A600 series.
Refused to give blood specimen to a doctor or medical officer
(Effective date = 7 Nov 2018)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 60(1)(b)
Maximum fine = $4,500, Maximum prison = 3 months, Minimum disqualification = 6 months, Notice type = T
Did [1 refuse] to permit a blood specimen to be taken without delay after having been requested to do so under section 72 of the
Land Transport Act 1998 by a [2 health practitioner]
12 fail
22 medical officer
Staff are reminded that if a person commits this offence while he or she is driving a vehicle being used in a transport service (other
than a rental service) then you must use the appropriate specimen charge in the A600 series.
Refused to accompany enforcement officer
(Effective date = 1Nov 2009)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 59(1)(b)
Maximum fine = $4,500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = T
Did [1 refuse] to accompany without delay an enforcement officer to a place when required to do so under [2 section 69] of the
Land Transport Act 1998
12 fail
22 section 71A
23 section 72
Staff are reminded that if a person commits this offence while he or she is driving a vehicle being used in a transport service (other
than a rental service) then you must use the appropriate specimen charge in the A600 series.
Refused officers request for blood specimen
(Effective date = 1 Mar 1999)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 60(1)(a)
Maximum fine = $4,500, Maximum prison = 3 months, Minimum disqualification = 6 months, Notice type = T
Did [1 refuse] to permit a blood specimen to be taken after having been required to do so under section 72 of the Land Transport
Act 1998 by an enforcement officer
12 fail
Staff are reminded that if a person commits this offence while he or she is driving a vehicle being used in a transport service (other
than a rental service) then you must use the appropriate specimen charge in the A600 series.
Failed to remain for evidential breath test
(Effective date = 1 Mar 1999)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 59(1)(c)
Maximum fine = $4,500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = T
Having accompanied an enforcement officer to a place under section 69 or section 72 of the Land Transport Act 1998 you did [1
fail] to remain at that place until required to undergo an evidential breath test
12 refuse
Staff are reminded that if a person commits this offence while he or she is driving a vehicle being used in a transport service (other
than a rental service) then you must use the appropriate specimen charge in the A600 series.
Failed to remain for blood sample at another place
(Effective date = 7 Nov 2018)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 59(1)(c)(i)
Maximum fine = $4,500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = T
2020 V9
12 November 2020
Having accompanied an enforcement officer to a place under section 69 or section 72 of the Land Transport Act 1998 you did [1
fail] to remain at that place until you were [2 requested by a health practitioner] to permit a blood specimen to be taken from you
12 refuse
22 requested by a medical officer
23 required by an enforcement officer
Staff are reminded that if a person commits this offence while he or she is driving a vehicle being used in a transport service (other
than a rental service) then you must use the appropriate specimen charge in the A600 series.
Failed to remain for blood sample
(Effective date = 1 Mar 1999)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 59(1)(c)
Maximum fine = $4,500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = T
Having accompanied an enforcement officer to a place under section 69 or section 72 of the Land Transport Act 1998 you did [1
fail] to remain at that place until you were required to undergo a blood test
12 refuse
Staff are reminded that if a person commits this offence while he or she is driving a vehicle being used in a transport service (other
than a rental service) then you must use the appropriate specimen charge in the A600 series.
Refused blood at hospital
(Effective date = 7 Nov 2018)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 60(1)(c)
Maximum fine = $4,500, Maximum prison = 3 months, Minimum disqualification = 6 months, Notice type = T
Being a person from whom a [1 a health practitioner] may have taken a specimen of blood under section 73 of the Land Transport
Act 1998 you [2 refused] to permit such person to take a blood specimen
12 a medical officer
22 failed
Staff are reminded that if a person commits this offence while he or she is driving a vehicle being used in a transport service (other
than a rental service) then you must use the appropriate specimen charge in the A600 series.
Refused to accompany officer to another place for blood test
(Effective date = 1 Nov 2009)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 59(1)(c)(ii)
Maximum fine = $4,500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = T
Having accompanied an enforcement officer to a place under [2 section 69] of the Land Transport Act 1998 you did [1 refuse] to
accompany an enforcement officer to another place when required to do so.
12 fail
22 section 71A
23 section 72
Staff are reminded that if a person commits this offence while he or she is driving a vehicle being used in a transport service (other
than a rental service) then you must use the appropriate specimen charge in the A600 series.
Failed to remain for result of breath screening test
(Effective date = 1 Mar 1999)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 59(1)(a)
Maximum fine = $4,500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = T
Having undergone a breath screening test you [1 failed] to remain at the place where you underwent the test until after the result of
the test was ascertained.
12 refused
Staff are reminded that if a person commits this offence while he or she is driving a vehicle being used in a transport service (other
than a rental service) then you must use the appropriate specimen charge in the A600 series.
Aid/permit driving with excess blood alcohol
(Effective date = 1 Mar 1999)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 56(2) and Crimes Act 1961, section 66(1)
Maximum fine = $4,500, Maximum prison = 3 months, Minimum disqualification = 6 months, Notice type = T
Did [1 aid] one *SPACES* to [2 drive] a motor vehicle on a road namely *STREET* while the proportion of alcohol in their blood
exceeded 80 milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood in that it was *BLEVEL* milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of
12 abet
13 incite
14 counsel
15 procure
22 attempt to drive
Staff are reminded that if a person commits this offence as a result of someone driving a vehicle being used in a transport service
(other than a rental service) then you must use the appropriate specimen charge in the A600 series.
Failed to remain for result of evidential breath test
(Effective date = 1 Mar 1999)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 59(1)(d)
Maximum fine = $4,500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = T
2020 V9
12 November 2020
Having undergone an evidential breath test you [1 failed] to remain at the place where you underwent the test until after the result
of the test was ascertained
12 refused
Staff are reminded that if a person commits this offence while he or she is driving a vehicle being used in a transport service (other
than a rental service) then you must use the appropriate specimen charge in the A600 series.
Drove with excess blood alcohol content
(Effective date = 1 Mar 1999)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 56(2)
Maximum fine = $4,500, Maximum prison = 3 months, Minimum disqualification = 6 months, Notice type = T
Did [1 drive] a motor vehicle on a road namely *STREET* while the proportion of alcohol in your blood exceeded 80 milligrams
of alcohol per 100 mil ilitres of blood in that it was *BLEVEL* milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood
12 attempt to drive
Staff are reminded that if a person commits this offence while he or she is driving a vehicle being used in a transport service (other
than a rental service) then you must use the appropriate specimen charge in the A600 series.
Person under-20’s blood contained alcohol – over 30 mgm
(Effective date = 7 Aug 2011)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 57(2)
Maximum fine = $2,250, Maximum prison = 3 months, Minimum disqualification = 3 months, Notice type = T
Being a person under 20 years of age you [1 drove] a motor vehicle on a road namely *STREET* while your blood, as ascertained
from an analysis of a blood specimen subsequently taken from you under section 72 or 73, contained alcohol and the proportion of
alcohol exceeded 30 milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood in that it was *BLEVEL* milligrams of alcohol per 100
millilitres of blood
12 attempted to drive
Notes 1. Only use if level is over 30 but not more than 80mgms per 100mls. If over 80, use appropriate adult limit specimen charge
2. Staff are reminded that if a person commits this offence while he or she is driving a vehicle being used in a transport service
(other than a rental service) then you must use the appropriate specimen charge in the A600 series.
Aided person under 20 to drive – blood contained alcohol – over 30 mgm
(Effective date = 7 Aug 2011)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 57(2) and Crimes Act 1961, section 66(1)
Maximum fine = $2,250, Maximum prison = 3 months, Minimum disqualification = 3 months, Notice type = T
Did [1 aid or abet] one *SPACES*, being a person under the age of 20 years of age to [2 drive] a motor vehicle on a road while
their blood, as ascertained from an analysis of a blood specimen subsequently taken from them under section 72 or 73, contained
alcohol and the proportion of alcohol exceeded 30 milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood in that it was *BLEVEL*
milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood
12 incite
13 counsel
14 procure
22 attempt to drive
Notes 1. Only use if level is over 30 but not more than 80mgms per 100mls. If over 80, use appropriate adult limit specimen charge
2. Staff are reminded that if a person commits this offence while he or she is driving a vehicle being used in a transport service
(other than a rental service) then you must use the appropriate specimen charge in the A600 series.
Person under-20’s blood contained alcohol – 30 mgm or less
(Effective date = 7 Aug 2011)
(Infringement = $200)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 57(2A)
Maximum fine = $0, Maximum prison = 0 months, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N
Being a person under 20 years of age you [1 drove] a motor vehicle on a road while your blood, as ascertained from an analysis of
a blood specimen subsequently taken from you under section 72 or 73, contained alcohol but the proportion of alcohol did not
exceed 30 milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood
12 attempted to drive
Notes 1. Only use if level is 30mgms per 100mls or less. If over 80, use appropriate adult limit specimen charge
2. This offence has no other penalty besides the $200 infringement fee and 50 demerit points.
3. Staff are reminded that if a person commits this offence while he or she is driving a vehicle being used in a transport service
(other than a rental service) then you must use the appropriate specimen charge in the A600 series.
Aided person under 20 to drive – blood contained alcohol – 30 mgm or less
(Effective date = 7 Aug 2011)
(Infringement = $200)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 57(2A) and Crimes Act 1961, section 66(1)
Maximum fine = $0, Maximum prison = 0 months, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N
Did [1 aid or abet] a person under the age of 20 years of age to [2 drive] a motor vehicle on a road while their blood, as ascertained
from an analysis of a blood specimen subsequently taken from them under section 72 or 73, contained alcohol but the proportion of
alcohol did not exceed 30 milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood
12 incite
13 counsel
14 procure
22 attempt to drive
Notes 1.
Only use if level is 30mgms per 100mls or less. If over 80, use appropriate adult limit specimen charge.
2. This offence has no other penalty besides the $200 infringement fee and 50 demerit points.
2020 V9
12 November 2020
3. Staff are reminded that if a person commits this offence as a result of someone driving a vehicle being used in a transport service
(other than a rental service) then you must use the appropriate specimen charge in the A600 series.
Drove with excess blood alcohol – 3rd or subsequent
(Effective date = 1 Nov 2011)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 56(2) and 56(4)
Maximum fine = $6,000, Maximum prison = 2 years, Minimum disqualification = more than 1 year, Notice type = T
Did [1 drive] a motor vehicle on a road namely *STREET* while the proportion of alcohol in your blood exceeded 80 milligrams
of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood in that it was *BLEVEL* milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood you having been
convicted at least twice previously of an offence against any of sections 56(1), 56(2), 57A(1), 58(1), 60(1), 61(1), or 61(2) of the
Land Transport Act 1998 or the corresponding provisions of the Transport Act 1962
12 attempt to drive
Staff are reminded that if a person commits this offence while he or she is driving a vehicle being used in a transport service (other
than a rental service) then you must use the appropriate specimen charge in the A600 series.
Refused officer’s request for blood specimen – 3rd or subsequent
(Effective date = 1 Nov 2011)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 60(1)(a) and 60(3)
Maximum fine = $6,000, Maximum prison = 2 years, Minimum disqualification = more than 1 year, Notice type = T
Did [1 refuse] to permit a blood specimen to be taken after having been required to do so under section 72 of the Land Transport
Act 1998 by an enforcement officer you having been convicted at least twice previously of an offence against any of sections
56(1), 56(2), 57A(1), 58(1), 60(1), 61(1), or 61(2) of this Act or the corresponding provisions of the Transport Act 1962
12 fail
Staff are reminded that if a person commits this offence while he or she is driving a vehicle being used in a transport service (other
than a rental service) then you must use the appropriate specimen charge in the A600 series.
Refused to give blood specimen to doctor – 3rd or subsequent
(Effective date = 7 Nov 2018)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 60(1)(b) and 60(3)
Maximum fine = $6,000, Maximum prison = 2 years, Minimum disqualification = more than 1 year, Notice type = T
Did [1 refuse] to permit a blood specimen to be taken without delay after having been requested to do so under section 72 of the
Land Transport Act 1998 by a [2 health practitioner] you having been convicted at least twice previously of an offence against any
of sections 56(1), 56(2), 57A(1), 58(1), 60(1), 61(1), or 61(2) of this Act or the corresponding provisions of the Transport Act 1962
12 fail
22 a medical officer
Staff are reminded that if a person commits this offence while he or she is driving a vehicle being used in a transport service (other
than a rental service) then you must use the appropriate specimen charge in the A600 series.
Refused to give blood at hospital – 3rd or subsequent
(Effective date = 7 Nov 2018)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 60(1)(c) and 60(3)
Maximum fine = $6,000, Maximum prison = 2 years, Minimum disqualification = more than 1 year, Notice type = T
Being a person from whom a [1 a health practitioner] may have taken a specimen of blood under section 73 of the Land Transport
Act 1998 you [2 refused] to permit such person to take a blood specimen you having been convicted at least twice previously of an
offence against any of sections 56(1), 56(2), 57A(1), 58(1), 60(1), 61(1), or 61(2) of this Act or the corresponding provisions of the
Transport Act 1962
12 a medical officer
22 failed
Staff are reminded that if a person commits this offence while he or she is driving a vehicle being used in a transport service (other
than a rental service) then you must use the appropriate specimen charge in the A600 series.
Excess blood alcohol causing injury – 3rd or subsequent
(Effective date = 1 Nov 2011)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 61(1)(b) and 61(3A)
Maximum fine = $20,000, Maximum prison = 5 years, Minimum disqualification = more than 1 year, Notice type = T
Being a person in charge of a motor vehicle you did cause bodily injury to *SPACES* while the proportion of alcohol in your
blood exceeded 80 milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood in that it was *BLEVEL* milligrams of alcohol per 100
millilitres of blood you having on at least 2 previous occasions been convicted of an offence against any of sections 56(1), 56(2),
57A(1), 58(1), 60(1), 61(1), or 61(2) of the Land Transport Act 1998 or the corresponding provisions of the Transport Act 1962
Staff are reminded that if a person commits this offence while he or she is driving a vehicle being used in a transport service (other
than a rental service) then you must use the appropriate specimen charge in the A600 series.
Blood alcohol level exceeded 50mgm but not more than 80mgm
(Effective date = 1 Dec 2014)
(Infringement = $200)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 56(2A)
Maximum fine = 0, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N
Did [1 drive] a motor vehicle on a road while the proportion of alcohol in your blood exceeded 50 milligrams of alcohol per 100
millilitres of blood but did not exceed 80 milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood
12 attempt to drive
Aided person with blood alcohol level over 50mgm but not more than 80mgm
2020 V9
12 November 2020
(Effective date = 1 Dec 2014)
(Infringement = $200)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 56(2A), and Crimes Act 1961, section 66(1)
Maximum fine = 0, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N
Did [1 aid or abet] a person to [2 drive] a motor vehicle on a road while the proportion of alcohol in their blood exceeded 50
milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood but did not exceed 80 milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood
12 counsel
13 procure
22 attempt to drive
Blood alcohol level exceeded 50mgm but not more than 80mgm – refused EBT
(Effective date = 1 Dec 2014)
(Infringement = $700)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 56(2B)
Maximum fine = 0, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N
Did [1 drive] a motor vehicle on a road while the proportion of alcohol in your blood exceeded 50 milligrams of alcohol per 100
millilitres of blood but did not exceed 80 milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood, you having [2 failed] to undergo an
evidential breath test
12 attempt to drive
22 refused
Aided person with alcohol level over 50mgm - not over 80mgm – refused EBT
(Effective date = 1 Dec 2014)
(Infringement = $700)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 56(2B), and Crimes Act 1961, section 66(1)
Maximum fine = 0, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N
Did [1 aid or abet] a person to [2 drive] a motor vehicle on a road while the proportion of alcohol in their blood exceeded 50
milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood but did not exceed 80 milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood, they
having [3 failed] to undergo an evidential breath test
12 counsel
13 procure
22 attempt to drive
32 refused
Excess blood alcohol causing death – 3rd or subsequent
(Effective date = 1 Jan 2018)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 61(1)(b), 61(3AA) & 61(3A)
Maximum fine = $20,000, Maximum prison = 10 years, Minimum disqualification = more than 1 year, Notice type = T
Being a person in charge of a motor vehicle you did cause the death of *SPACES* while the proportion of alcohol in your blood
exceeded 80 milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood in that it was *BLEVEL* milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of
blood you having on at least 2 previous occasions been convicted of an offence against any of sections 56(1), 56(2), 57A(1), 58(1),
60(1), 61(1), or 61(2) of the Land Transport Act 1998 or the corresponding provisions of the Transport Act 1962
Staff are reminded that if a person commits this offence while he or she is driving a vehicle being used in a transport service (other
than a rental service) then you must use the appropriate specimen charge in the A600 series.
Drove impaired – blood contained evidence of the use of a qualifying drug
(Effective date = 1 Nov 2009)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 57A(1)
Maximum fine = $4,500, Maximum prison = 3 months, Minimum disqualification = 6 months, Notice type = T
Did [1 drive] a motor vehicle on a road namely *STREET* when you did not complete a compulsory impairment test in a manner
satisfactory to an enforcement officer, who was trained to give the test, when required to do so by an enforcement officer under
section 71A of the Land Transport Act 1998, and your blood, as ascertained from an analysis of a blood specimen subsequently
taken under section 72 or 73 of the Act, contained evidence of the use of a qualifying drug
12 attempt to drive
Staff are reminded that if a person commits this offence while he or she is driving a vehicle being used in a transport service (other
than a rental service) then you must use the appropriate specimen charge in the A600 series.
Drove with blood containing evidence of use of control ed drug
(Effective date = 9 Aug 2011)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 58(1)(b)
Maximum fine = $4,500, Maximum prison = 3 months, Minimum disqualification = 6 months, Notice type = T
Did [1 drive] a motor vehicle on a road namely *STREET* when your blood, as ascertained from an analysis of a blood specimen
subsequently taken under section 73 of the Land Transport Act 1998, contained evidence of the use of a controlled drug specified
in Schedule 1 of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1975
12 attempt to drive
Staff are reminded that if a person commits this offence while he or she is driving a vehicle being used in a transport service (other
than a rental service) then you must use the appropriate specimen charge in the A600 series.
Failed to remain for a compulsory impairment test
(Effective date = 1 Nov 2009)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 59(1)(c)(i)
Maximum fine = $4,500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = T
Having accompanied an enforcement officer to a place under section 71A of the Land Transport Act 1998 you did [1 fail] to
remain at that place until required to undergo a compulsory impairment test
2020 V9
12 November 2020
12 refuse
Staff are reminded that if a person commits this offence while he or she is driving a vehicle being used in a transport service (other
than a rental service) then you must use the appropriate specimen charge in the A600 series.
Failed to remain for result of compulsory impairment test
(Effective date = 1 Nov 2009)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 59(1)(d)
Maximum fine = $4,500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = T
Having undergone a compulsory impairment test under section 71A of the land Transport Act 1998 you [1 failed] to remain at the
place where you underwent the test until after the result of the test had been ascertained.
12 refused
Staff are reminded that if a person commits this offence while he or she is driving a vehicle being used in a transport service (other
than a rental service) then you must use the appropriate specimen charge in the A600 series.
Refused to undergo compulsory impairment test
(Effective date = 1 Nov 2009)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 60(1)(d)
Maximum fine = $4,500, Maximum prison = 3 months, Minimum disqualification = 6 months, Notice type = T
Did [1 refuse] to undergo a compulsory impairment test after having been required to do so under section 71A of the Land
Transport Act 1998 by an enforcement officer
12 fail
Staff are reminded that if a person commits this offence while he or she is driving a vehicle being used in a transport service (other
than a rental service) then you must use the appropriate specimen charge in the A600 series.
Impaired driver caused injury – blood contained qualifying drug
(Effective date = 1 Nov 2009)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 62(1B)
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 3 years, Minimum disqualification = 1 year, Notice type = T
Did cause bodily injury to *SPACES* by [1 driving] a motor vehicle on a road namely *STREET* when you did not complete a
compulsory impairment test in a manner satisfactory to an enforcement officer, who was trained to give the test, when required to
do so by an enforcement officer under section 71A of the Land Transport Act 1998, and your blood, as ascertained from an
analysis of a blood specimen subsequently taken under section 72 or 73 of the Act, contained evidence of the use of qualifying
12 attempting to drive
Staff are reminded that if a person commits this offence while he or she is driving a vehicle being used in a transport service (other
than a rental service) then you must use the appropriate specimen charge in the A600 series.
Impaired driver caused death – blood contained qualifying drug
(Effective date = 1 Nov 2009)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 62(1B)
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 3 years, Minimum disqualification = 1 year, Notice type = T
Did cause the death of *SPACES* by [1 driving] a motor vehicle on a road namely *STREET* when you did not complete a
compulsory impairment test in a manner satisfactory to an enforcement officer, who was trained to give the test, when required to
do so by an enforcement officer under section 71A of the Land Transport Act 1998, and your blood, as ascertained from an
analysis of a blood specimen subsequently taken under section 72 or 73 of the Act, contained evidence of the use of a qualifying
12 attempting to drive
22 a prescription medicine
Staff are reminded that if a person commits this offence while he or she is driving a vehicle being used in a transport service (other
than a rental service) then you must use the appropriate specimen charge in the A600 series.
In charge – blood contained evidence of controlled drug – caused injury
(Effective date = 9 Aug 2011)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 61(2)(b)
Maximum fine = $20,000, Maximum prison = 5 years, Minimum disqualification = 1 year, Notice type = T
Being in charge of a motor vehicle you did cause bodily injury to *SPACES* when your blood, as ascertained from an analysis of
a blood specimen subsequently taken under section 73, contained evidence of the use of a controlled drug specified in Schedule 1
of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1975
Staff are reminded that if a person commits this offence while he or she is driving a vehicle being used in a transport service (other
than a rental service) then you must use the appropriate specimen charge in the A600 series.
In charge – blood contained evidence of controlled drug – caused death
(Effective date = 9 Aug 2011)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 61(2)(b) and 61(3AA)
Maximum fine = $20,000, Maximum prison = 10 years, Minimum disqualification = 1 year, Notice type = T
Being in charge of a motor vehicle you did cause the death of *SPACES* when your blood, as ascertained from an analysis of a
blood specimen subsequently taken under section 73 of the Land Transport Act 1998, contained evidence of the use of a controlled
drug specified in Schedule 1 of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1975
Staff are reminded that if a person commits this offence while he or she is driving a vehicle being used in a transport service (other
than a rental service) then you must use the appropriate precedent code in the A600 series.
2020 V9
12 November 2020
In charge - CIT – qualifying in blood – caused injury
(Effective date = 1 Jan 2016)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 61(2)(c) and 61(3)
Maximum fine = $20,000, Maximum prison = 5 years, Minimum disqualification = 1 year, Notice type = T
Being a person in charge of a motor vehicle on a road namely *STREET* you caused bodily injury to a person namely *SPACES*
when you did not complete a compulsory impairment test in a manner satisfactory to a trained enforcement officer when required
to do so by an enforcement officer under section 71A of the Land Transport Act 1998, and your blood, as ascertained from an
analysis of a blood specimen subsequently taken under section 72 or 73 of the Act, contained evidence of the use of a qualifying
In charge - CIT - qualifying drug in blood – caused death
(Effective date = 1 Jan 2016)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 61(2)(c) and 61(3AA)
Maximum fine = $20,000, Maximum prison = 10 years, Minimum disqualification = 1 year, Notice type = T
Being a person in charge of a motor vehicle on a road namely *STREET* you caused the death of *SPACES* when you did not
complete a compulsory impairment test in a manner satisfactory to a trained enforcement officer when required to do so by an
enforcement officer under section 71A of the Land Transport Act 1998, and your blood, as ascertained from an analysis of a blood
specimen subsequently taken under section 72 or 73 of the Act, contained evidence of the use of a qualifying drug
Drove impaired – blood contained evidence of qualifying drug – 3rd or sub
(Effective date = 1 Nov 2009)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 57A(1) and 57A(3)
Maximum fine = $6,000, Maximum prison = 2 years, Minimum disqualification = more than 1 year, Notice type = T
Did [1 drive] a motor vehicle on a road namely *STREET* when you did not complete a compulsory impairment test in a manner
satisfactory to a trained enforcement officer when required to do so by an enforcement officer under section 71A of the Land
Transport Act 1998, and your blood, as ascertained from an analysis of a blood specimen subsequently taken under section 72 or
73 of the Act, contained evidence of the use of a qualifying drug you having been convicted at least twice previously of an offence
against any of sections 56(1), 56(2), 57A(1), 58(1), 60(1), 61(1), and 61(2) of the Act or the corresponding provisions of the
Transport Act 1962
12 attempt to drive
Staff are reminded that if a person commits this offence while he or she is driving a vehicle being used in a transport service (other
than a rental service) then you must use the appropriate specimen charge in the A600 series.
Refused to undergo compulsory impairment test – 3rd or subsequent
(Effective date = 1 Nov 2011)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 60(1)(d) and 60(3)
Maximum fine = $6,000, Maximum prison = 2 years, Minimum disqualification = more than 1 year, Notice type = T
Did [1 refuse] to undergo a compulsory impairment test after having been required to do so under section 71A of the Land
Transport Act 1998 by an enforcement officer, you having been convicted at least twice previously of an offence against any of
sections 56(1), 56(2), 57A(1), 58(1), 60(1), 61(1), or 61(2) of the Land Transport Act 1998 or the corresponding provisions of the
Transport Act 1962
12 fail
Staff are reminded that if a person commits this offence while he or she is driving a vehicle being used in a transport service (other
than a rental service) then you must use the appropriate specimen charge in the A600 series
In charge – blood contained controlled drug – caused injury – 3rd or sub
(Effective date = 1 Nov 2011)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 61(2)(b) and 61(3A)
Maximum fine = $20,000, Maximum prison = 5 years, Minimum disqualification = more than 1 year, Notice type = T
Being in charge of a motor vehicle you did cause bodily injury to *SPACES* when your blood, as ascertained from an analysis of
a blood specimen subsequently taken under section 73, contained evidence of the use of a controlled drug specified in Schedule 1
of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1975 you having been convicted at least twice previously of an offence against any of sections 56(1),
56(2), 57A(1), 58(1), 60(1), 61(1), or 61(2) of the Land Transport Act 1998 or the corresponding provisions of the Transport Act
Staff are reminded that if a person commits this offence while he or she is driving a vehicle being used in a transport service (other
than a rental service) then you must use the appropriate specimen charge in the A600 series.
In charge - blood contained controlled drug - caused death – 3rd or sub
(Effective date = 1 Jan 2018)
Land Transport Act 1998 sections 61(2)(b), 61(3AA) and 61(3A)
Maximum fine = $20,000, Maximum prison = 10 years, Minimum disqualification = more than 1 year, Notice type = T
Being in charge of a motor vehicle you did cause the death of *SPACES* when your blood, as ascertained from an analysis of a
blood specimen subsequently taken under section 73, contained evidence of the use of a controlled drug specified in Schedule 1 of
the Misuse of Drugs Act 1975 you having been convicted at least twice previously of an offence against any of sections 56(1),
56(2), 57A(1), 58(1), 60(1), 61(1), or 61(2) of the Land Transport Act 1998 or the corresponding provisions of the Transport Act
NOTES Staff are reminded that if a person commits this offence while he or she is driving a vehicle being used in a transport service (other
than a rental service) then you must use the appropriate precedent code in the A600 series.
Driver’s blood contained evidence of use of controlled drug – 3rd or sub
(Effective date = 1 Nov 2011)
2020 V9
12 November 2020
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 58(1)(b) and 58(3)
Maximum fine = $6,000, Maximum prison = 2 years, Minimum disqualification = more than 1 year, Notice type = T
Did [1 drive] a motor vehicle on a road namely *STREET* when your blood, as ascertained from an analysis of a blood specimen
subsequently taken under section 73 of the Land Transport Act 1998, contained evidence of the use of a controlled drug specified
in Schedule 1 of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1975, you having been convicted at least twice previously of an offence against any of
sections 56(1), 56(2), 57A(1), 58(1), 60(1), 61(1), or 61(2) of the Land Transport Act 1998 or the corresponding provisions of the
Transport Act 1962
12 attempt to drive
Staff are reminded that if a person commits this offence while he or she is driving a vehicle being used in a transport service (other
than a rental service) then you must use the appropriate specimen charge in the A600 series.
In charge - CIT – qualifying drug in blood – 3rd or sub - caused injury
(Effective date = 1 Jan 2016)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 61(2)(c), 61(3) and 61(3A)
Maximum fine = $20,000, Maximum prison = 5 years, Minimum disqualification = more than 1 year, Notice type = T
Being a person in charge of a motor vehicle on a road namely *STREET* you caused injury to a person namely *SPACES* when
you did not complete a compulsory impairment test in a manner satisfactory to a trained enforcement officer when required to do
so by an enforcement officer under section 71A of the Land Transport Act 1998, and your blood, as ascertained from an analysis of
a blood specimen subsequently taken under section 72 or 73 of the Act, contained evidence of the use of a qualifying drug you
having been convicted at least twice previously of an offence against any of sections 56(1), 56(2), 57A(1), 58(1), 60(1), 61(1), and
61(2) of the Act or the corresponding provisions of the Transport Act 1962
In charge - CIT – qualifying drug in blood – 3rd or sub - caused death
(Effective date = 1 Jan 2016)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 61(2)(c), 61(3AA) and 61(3A)
Maximum fine = $20,000, Maximum prison = 10 years, Minimum disqualification = more than 1 year, Notice type = T
Being a person in charge of a motor vehicle on a road namely *STREET* you caused the death of *SPACES* when you did not
complete a compulsory impairment test in a manner satisfactory to a trained enforcement officer when required to do so by an
enforcement officer under section 71A of the Land Transport Act 1998, and your blood, as ascertained from an analysis of a blood
specimen subsequently taken under section 72 or 73 of the Act, contained evidence of the use of a qualifying drug you having been
convicted at least twice previously of an offence against any of sections 56(1), 56(2), 57A(1), 58(1), 60(1), 61(1), and 61(2) of the
Act or the corresponding provisions of the Transport Act 1962
Aid/permit to drive while under influence of drink
(Effective date = 1 Mar 1999)
Section 58(1) Land Transport Act 1998 and section 66(1) Crimes Act 1961
Maximum fine = $4,500, Maximum prison = 3 months, Minimum disqualification = 6 months, Notice type = T
Did [1 aid] one *SPACES* to [2 drive] a motor vehicle on a road namely *STREET* while they were under the influence of drink
to such an extent as to be incapable of having proper control of the vehicle
12 abet
13 incite
14 counsel
15 procure
22 attempt to drive
Staff are reminded that if a person commits this offence as a result of someone driving a vehicle being used in a transport service
(other than a rental service) then you must use the appropriate specimen charge in the A600 series.
Aid/permit to drive while under influence of a drug
(Effective date = 1 Mar 1999)
Section 58(1) Land Transport Act 1998 and section 66(1) Crimes Act 1961
Maximum fine = $4,500, Maximum prison = 3 months, Minimum disqualification = 6 months, Notice type = T
Did [1 aid] one *SPACES* to [2 drive] a motor vehicle on a road namely *STREET* while they were under the influence of a
drug to such an extent as to be incapable of having proper control of the vehicle
12 abet
13 incite
14 counsel
15 procure
22 attempt to drive
Staff are reminded that if a person commits this offence as a result of someone driving a vehicle being used in a transport service
(other than a rental service) then you must use the appropriate specimen charge in the A600 series.
Aid/permit to drive while under influence of drink/drug
(Effective date = 1 Mar 1999)
Section 58(1) Land Transport Act 1998 and section 66(1) Crimes Act 1961
Maximum fine = $4,500, Maximum prison = 3 months, Minimum disqualification = 6 months, Notice type = T
Did [1 aid] one *SPACES* to [2 drive] a motor vehicle on a road namely *STREET* while they were under the influence of drink
or a drug or both to such an extent as to be incapable of having proper control of the vehicle
12 abet
13 incite
14 counsel
15 procure
2020 V9
12 November 2020
22 attempt to drive
Staff are reminded that if a person commits this offence as a result of someone driving a vehicle being used in a transport service
(other than a rental service) then you must use the appropriate specimen charge in the A600 series.
Aid/permit person to drive with excess breath alcohol
(Effective date = 1 Mar 1999)
Section 56(1) Land Transport Act 1998 and section 66(1) Crimes Act 1961
Maximum fine = $4,500, Maximum prison = 3 months, Minimum disqualification = 6 months, Notice type = T
Did [1 aid or abet] one *SPACES* to [2 drive] a motor vehicle on a road namely *STREET* while the proportion of alcohol in
their breath exceeded 400 micrograms of alcohol per litre of breath in that it was *BLEVEL* micrograms of alcohol per litre of
12 incite
13 counsel
14 procure
22 attempt to drive
Staff are reminded that if a person commits this offence as a result of someone driving a vehicle being used in a transport service
(other than a rental service) then you must use the appropriate specimen charge in the A600 series.
Breath alcohol level over 400 mcgs per litre of breath
(Effective date = 1 Mar 1999)
Section 56(1) Land Transport Act 1998
Maximum fine = $4,500, Maximum prison = 3 months, Minimum disqualification = 6 months, Notice type = T
Did [1 drive] a motor vehicle on a road namely *STREET* while the proportion of alcohol in your breath exceeded 400
micrograms of alcohol per litre of breath in that it was *BLEVEL* micrograms of alcohol per litre of breath
12 attempt to drive
Staff are reminded that if a person commits this offence while he or she is driving a vehicle being used in a transport service (other
than a rental service) then you must use the appropriate specimen charge in the A600 series.
Person under-20’s breath contained alcohol – over 150 mcg
(Effective date = 7 Aug 2011)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 57(1)
Maximum fine = $2,250, Maximum prison = 3 months, Minimum disqualification = 3 months, Notice type = T
Being a person under 20 years of age you [1 drove] a motor vehicle on a road namely *STREET* while your breath, as ascertained
by an evidential breath test subsequently undergone by you under section 69, contained alcohol but the proportion of alcohol
exceeded 150 micrograms of alcohol per litre of breath in that it was *BLEVEL* micrograms of alcohol per litre of breath
12 attempted to drive
Notes 1. Only use if level is over 150 but not more than 400 mcg per litre. If over 400, use appropriate adult limit specimen charge
2. Staff are reminded that if a person commits this offence while he or she is driving a vehicle being used in a transport service
(other than a rental service) then you must use the appropriate specimen charge in the A600 series.
Aided person under 20 to drive – breath contained alcohol – over 150 mcg
(Effective date = 7 Aug 2011)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 57(1)
Maximum fine = $2,250, Maximum prison = 3 months, Minimum disqualification = 3 months, Notice type = T
Did [1 aid or abet] one *SPACES*, being a person under the age of 20 years of age to [2 drive] a motor vehicle on a road namely
*STREET* while their breath, as ascertained by an evidential breath test subsequently undergone by them under section 69,
contained alcohol but the proportion of alcohol exceeded 150 micrograms of alcohol per litre of breath in that it was *BLEVEL*
micrograms of alcohol per litre of breath
12 incite
13 counsel
14 procure
22 attempt to drive
Notes 1. Only use if level is over 150 but not more than 400mcg per litre. If over 400, use appropriate adult limit specimen charge
2. Staff are reminded that if a person commits this offence while he or she is driving a vehicle being used in a transport service
(other than a rental service) then you must use the appropriate specimen charge in the A600 series.
Person under-20’s breath contained alcohol – 150 mcg or less
(Effective date = 7 Aug 2011)
(Infringement = $200)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 57(1A)
Maximum fine = $0, Maximum prison = 0 months, Minimum disqualification = 0 months, Notice type = N
Being a person under 20 years of age you [1 drove] a motor vehicle on a road while your breath, as ascertained by an evidential
breath test subsequently undergone by you under section 69, contained alcohol but the proportion of alcohol did not exceed 150
micrograms of alcohol per litre of breath
12 attempted to drive
Notes 1. Only use if level is 150mcg per litre or less. If over 400, use appropriate adult limit specimen charge
2. This offence has no other penalty besides the $200 infringement fee and 50 demerit points.
3. Staff are reminded that if a person commits this offence while he or she is driving a vehicle being used in a transport service
(other than a rental service) then you must use the appropriate specimen charge in the A600 series.
Aided person under 20 to drive – breath had alcohol – 150 mcg or less
(Effective date = 7 Aug 2011)
(Infringement = $200)
2020 V9
12 November 2020
Land Transport Act 1998, section 57(1A)
Maximum fine = $0, Maximum prison = 0 months, Minimum disqualification = 0 months, Notice type = N
Did [1 aid or abet] a person under the age of 20 years of age to [2 drive] a motor vehicle on a road while their breath, as ascertained
by an evidential breath test subsequently undergone by them under section 69, contained alcohol but the proportion of alcohol did
not exceed 150 micrograms of alcohol per litre of breath
12 incite
13 counsel
14 procure
22 attempt to drive
Notes 1. Only use if level is 150mcg per litre or less. If over 400, use appropriate adult limit specimen charge
2. This offence has no other penalty besides the $200 infringement fee and 50 demerit points.
3. Staff are reminded that if a person commits this offence while he or she is driving a vehicle being used in a transport service
(other than a rental service) then you must use the appropriate specimen charge in the A600 series.
Breath alcohol level exceeded 250 mcgs but not more than 400 mcgs
(Effective date = 1 Dec 2014)
(Infringement = $200)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 56(1A)
Maximum fine = 0, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N
Did [1 drive] a motor vehicle on a road while the proportion of alcohol in your breath exceeded 250 micrograms of alcohol per litre
of breath but did not exceed 400 micrograms of alcohol per litre of breath
12 attempt to drive
Aided person with breath alcohol level over 250 mcgs but not over 400 mcgs
(Effective date = 1 Dec 2014)
(Infringement = $200)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 56(1A), and Crimes Act 1961, section 66(1)
Maximum fine = 0, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N
Did [1 aid or abet] a person to [2 drive] a motor vehicle on a road while the proportion of alcohol in their breath exceeded 250
micrograms of alcohol per litre of breath but did not exceed 400 micrograms of alcohol per litre of breath
12 counsel
13 procure
22 attempt to drive
Drove with excess breath alcohol – 3rd or subsequent
(Effective date = 1 Nov 2011)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 56(1) and 56(4)
Maximum fine = $6,000, Maximum prison = 2 years, Minimum disqualification = more than 1 year, Notice type = T
Did [1 drive] a motor vehicle on a road namely *STREET* while the proportion of alcohol in your breath exceeded 400
micrograms of alcohol per litre of breath in that it was *BLEVEL* micrograms of alcohol per litre of breath you having been
convicted at least twice previously of an offence against any of sections 56(1), 56(2), 57A(1), 58(1), 60(1), 61(1), or 61(2) of the
Land Transport Act 1998 or the corresponding provisions of the Transport Act 1962
12 attempt to drive
Staff are reminded that if a person commits this offence while he or she is driving a vehicle being used in a transport service (other
than a rental service) then you must use the appropriate specimen charge in the A600 series.
Excess breath alcohol causing injury – 3rd or subsequent
(Effective date = 1 Nov 2011)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 61(1)(a) and 61(3A)
Maximum fine = $20,000, Maximum prison = 5 years, Minimum disqualification = more than 1 year, Notice type = T
Being a person in charge of a motor vehicle you did cause bodily injury to *SPACES* while the proportion of alcohol in your
breath exceeded 400 micrograms of alcohol per litre of breath in that it was *BLEVEL* micrograms of alcohol per litre of breath
you having on at least 2 previous occasions been convicted of an offence against any of sections 56(1), 56(2), 57A(1), 58(1), 60(1),
61(1), or 61(2) of the Land Transport Act 1998 or the corresponding provisions of the Transport Act 1962
Staff are reminded that if a person commits this offence while he or she is driving a vehicle being used in a transport service (other
than a rental service) then you must use the appropriate specimen charge in the A600 series.
Excess breath alcohol causing death – 3rd or subsequent
(Effective date = 1 Nov 2011)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 61(1)(a) and 61(3A)
Maximum fine = $20,000, Maximum prison = 10 years, Minimum disqualification = more than 1 year, Notice type = T
Being a person in charge of a motor vehicle you did cause the death of *SPACES* while the proportion of alcohol in your breath
exceeded 400 micrograms of alcohol per litre of breath in that it was *BLEVEL* micrograms of alcohol per litre of breath you
having on at least 2 previous occasions been convicted of an offence against any of sections 56(1), 56(2), 57A(1), 58(1), 60(1),
61(1), or 61(2) of the Land Transport Act 1998 or the corresponding provisions of the Transport Act 1962
Staff are reminded that if a person commits this offence while he or she is driving a vehicle being used in a transport service (other
than a rental service) then you must use the appropriate specimen charge in the A600 series.
Transport service driver under the influence of drink
(Effective date = 1 Nov 2009)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 58(1)(a) and 63
Maximum fine = $4,500, Maximum prison = 3 mths, Minimum disqualification = 6 months, Notice type = T
2020 V9
12 November 2020
Did [1 drive] a transport service vehicle on a road namely *STREET* while under the influence of drink to such an extent as to be
incapable of having proper control of that vehicle
12 attempt to drive
Under s63(1) Land Transport Act 1998 if a person is convicted of this offence after they had driven or attempted to drive a vehicle
being used in a transport service (other than a rental service), the court must, in addition to any other penalty, disqualify the person
from driving a vehicle being used in a transport service for more than 1 year but not more than 10 years. In addition, s103(2)(b)
LTA98 precludes such persons from applying for a limited licence that would authorise them to drive a vehicle being used in a
transport service (other than a rental service)
Transport service driver under the influence of a drug
(Effective date = 1 Nov 2009)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 58(1)(a) and 63
Maximum fine = $4,500, Maximum prison = 3 mths, Minimum disqualification = 6 months, Notice type = T
Did [1 drive] a transport service vehicle on a road namely *STREET* while under the influence of a drug to such an extent as to be
incapable of having proper control of that vehicle.
12 attempt to drive
Under s63(1) Land Transport Act 1998 if a person is convicted of this offence after they had driven or attempted to drive a vehicle
being used in a transport service (other than a rental service), the court must, in addition to any other penalty, disqualify the person
from driving a vehicle being used in a transport service for more than 1 year but not more than 10 years. In addition, s103(2)(b)
LTA98 precludes such persons from applying for a limited licence that would authorise them to drive a vehicle being used in a
transport service (other than a rental service)
In charge transport service vehicle under influence of drink causing injury
(Effective date = 6 Sep 2010)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 61(2)(a) and 63
Maximum fine = $20,000, Maximum prison = 5 years, Minimum disqualification = 1 year, Notice type = T
Being in charge of a transport service vehicle you did cause bodily injury to *SPACES* while under the influence of drink to such
an extent as to be incapable of having proper control of that vehicle
Under s63(1) Land Transport Act 1998 if a person is convicted of this offence after they had driven or attempted to drive a vehicle
being used in a transport service (other than a rental service), the court must, in addition to any other penalty, disqualify the person
from driving a vehicle being used in a transport service for more than 1 year but not more than 10 years. In addition, s103(2)(b)
LTA98 precludes such persons from applying for a limited licence that would authorise them to drive a vehicle being used in a
transport service (other than a rental service)
In charge transport service vehicle under influence of a drug causing injury
(Effective date = 6 Sep 2010)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 61(2)(a) and 63
Maximum fine = $20,000, Maximum prison = 5 years, Minimum disqualification = 1 year, Notice type = T
Being in charge of a transport service vehicle you did cause bodily injury to *SPACES* while under the influence of a drug to such
an extent as to be incapable of having proper control of that vehicle
Under s63(1) Land Transport Act 1998 if a person is convicted of this offence after they had driven or attempted to drive a vehicle
being used in a transport service (other than a rental service), the court must, in addition to any other penalty, disqualify the person
from driving a vehicle being used in a transport service for more than 1 year but not more than 10 years. In addition, s103(2)(b)
LTA98 precludes such persons from applying for a limited licence that would authorise them to drive a vehicle being used in a
transport service (other than a rental service)
In charge transport service vehicle under influence of drink causing death
(Effective date = 10 May 2011)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 61(2)(a), 61(3AA) & 63
Maximum fine = $20,000, Maximum prison = 10 years, Minimum disqualification = 1 year, Notice type = T
Being in charge of a transport service vehicle you did cause the death of *SPACES* while under the influence of drink to such an
extent as to be incapable of having proper control of that vehicle
Under s63(1) Land Transport Act 1998 if a person is convicted of this offence after they had driven or attempted to drive a vehicle
being used in a transport service (other than a rental service), the court must, in addition to any other penalty, disqualify the person
from driving a vehicle being used in a transport service for more than 1 year but not more than 10 years. In addition, s103(2)(b)
LTA98 precludes such persons from applying for a limited licence that would authorise them to drive a vehicle being used in a
transport service (other than a rental service)
In charge transport service vehicle under influence of drug causing death
(Effective date = 10 May 2011)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 61(2)(a), 61(3AA) & 63
Maximum fine = $20,000, Maximum prison = 10 years, Minimum disqualification = 1 year, Notice type = T
Being in charge of a transport service vehicle you did cause the death of *SPACES* while under the influence of a drug to such an
extent as to be incapable of having proper control of that vehicle
Under s63(1) Land Transport Act 1998 if a person is convicted of this offence after they had driven or attempted to drive a vehicle
being used in a transport service (other than a rental service), the court must, in addition to any other penalty, disqualify the person
from driving a vehicle being used in a transport service for more than 1 year but not more than 10 years. In addition, s103(2)(b)
LTA98 precludes such persons from applying for a limited licence that would authorise them to drive a vehicle being used in a
transport service (other than a rental service)
Excess breath alcohol causing injury – in charge transport service vehicle
2020 V9
12 November 2020
(Effective date = 6 Sep 2010)
Sections 61(1)(a) and 63 Land Transport Act 1998
Maximum fine = $20,000, Maximum prison = 5 years, Minimum disqualification = 1 year, Notice type = T
Being a person in charge of a transport service vehicle you did cause bodily injury to *SPACES* while the proportion of alcohol in
your breath exceeded 400 micrograms of alcohol per litre of breath in that it was *BLEVEL* micrograms of alcohol per litre of
Under s63(1) Land Transport Act 1998 if a person is convicted of this offence after they had driven or attempted to drive a vehicle
being used in a transport service (other than a rental service), the court must, in addition to any other penalty, disqualify the person
from driving a vehicle being used in a transport service for more than 1 year but not more than 10 years. In addition, s103(2)(b)
LTA98 precludes such persons from applying for a limited licence that would authorise them to drive a vehicle being used in a
transport service (other than a rental service)
Excess breath alcohol causing death – in charge transport service vehicle
(Effective date = 10 May 2011)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 61(1)(a), 61(3AA) & 63
Maximum fine = $20,000, Maximum prison = 10 years, Minimum disqualification = 1 year, Notice type = T
Being a person in charge of a transport service vehicle you did cause the death of *SPACES* while the proportion of alcohol in
your breath exceeded 400 micrograms of alcohol per litre of breath in that it was *BLEVEL* micrograms of alcohol per litre of
Under s63(1) Land Transport Act 1998 if a person is convicted of this offence after they had driven or attempted to drive a vehicle
being used in a transport service (other than a rental service), the court must, in addition to any other penalty, disqualify the person
from driving a vehicle being used in a transport service for more than 1 year but not more than 10 years. In addition, s103(2)(b)
LTA98 precludes such persons from applying for a limited licence that would authorise them to drive a vehicle being used in a
transport service (other than a rental service)
Drove in transport service under the influence of drink/drug or both
(Effective date = 1 Nov 2009)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 58(1)(a) and 63
Maximum fine = $4,500, Maximum prison = 3 months, Minimum disqualification = 6 months, Notice type = T
Did [1 drive] a transport service vehicle on a road namely *STREET* while under the influence of drink or a drug or both to such
an extent as to be incapable of having proper control of the vehicle
12 attempt to drive
Under s63(1) Land Transport Act 1998 if a person is convicted of this offence after they had driven or attempted to drive a vehicle
being used in a transport service (other than a rental service), the court must, in addition to any other penalty, disqualify the person
from driving a vehicle being used in a transport service for more than 1 year but not more than 10 years. In addition, s103(2)(b)
LTA98 precludes such persons from applying for a limited licence that would authorise them to drive a vehicle being used in a
transport service (other than a rental service)
Transport service driver under influence drink/drug causing injury
(Effective date = 6 Sep 2010)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 61(2)(a) and 63
Maximum fine = $20,000, Maximum prison = 5 years, Minimum disqualification = 1 year, Notice type = T
Being in charge of a transport service vehicle you did cause bodily injury to *SPACES* while you were under the influence of
drink or a drug or both to such an extent as to be incapable of having proper control of the vehicle
Under s63(1) Land Transport Act 1998 if a person is convicted of this offence after they had driven or attempted to drive a vehicle
being used in a transport service (other than a rental service), the court must, in addition to any other penalty, disqualify the person
from driving a vehicle being used in a transport service for more than 1 year but not more than 10 years. In addition, s103(2)(b)
LTA98 precludes such persons from applying for a limited licence that would authorise them to drive a vehicle being used in a
transport service (other than a rental service)
Transport service driver under influence drink/drug causing death
(Effective date = 10 May 2011)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 61(2)(a), 61(3AA) & 63
Maximum fine = $20,000, Maximum prison = 10 years, Minimum disqualification = 1 year, Notice type = T
Being in charge of a transport service vehicle you did cause the death of *SPACES* while under the influence of drink or a drug or
both to such an extent as to be incapable of having proper control of the vehicle
Under s63(1) Land Transport Act 1998 if a person is convicted of this offence after they had driven or attempted to drive a vehicle
being used in a transport service (other than a rental service), the court must, in addition to any other penalty, disqualify the person
from driving a vehicle being used in a transport service for more than 1 year but not more than 10 years. In addition, s103(2)(b)
LTA98 precludes such persons from applying for a limited licence that would authorise them to drive a vehicle being used in a
transport service (other than a rental service)
Transport service driver under influence drink or drug – 3rd or subsequent
(Effective date = 1 Nov 2011)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 58(1), 58(3) and 63
Maximum fine = $6,000, Maximum prison = 2 years, Minimum disqualification = more than 1 year, Notice type = T
Did [1 drive] a motor vehicle on a road namely *STREET* while under the influence of drink or a drug or both to such an extent
as to be incapable of having proper control of the vehicle you having on at least 2 previous occasions been convicted of an offence
against any of sections 56(1), 56(2), 57A(1), 58(1), 60(1), 61(1), or 61(2) of the Land Transport Act 1998 or the corresponding
provisions of the Transport Act 1962
12 attempt to drive
2020 V9
12 November 2020
Under s63(1) Land Transport Act 1998 if a person is convicted of this offence after they had driven or attempted to drive a vehicle
being used in a transport service (other than a rental service), the court must, in addition to any other penalty, disqualify the person
from driving a vehicle being used in a transport service for more than 1 year but not more than 10 years. In addition, s103(2)(b)
LTA98 precludes such persons from applying for a limited licence that would authorise them to drive a vehicle being used in a
transport service (other than a rental service)
Excess blood alcohol causing injury – in charge transport service vehicle
(Effective date = 6 Sep 2010)
Sections 61(1)(b) and 63 Land Transport Act 1998
Maximum fine = $20,000, Maximum prison = 5 years, Minimum disqualification = 1 year, Notice type = T
Being a person in charge of a transport service vehicle you caused bodily injury to *SPACES* while the proportion of alcohol in
your blood exceeded 80 milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood in that it was *BLEVEL* milligrams of alcohol per 100
millilitres of blood
Under s63(1) Land Transport Act 1998 if a person is convicted of this offence after they had driven or attempted to drive a vehicle
being used in a transport service (other than a rental service), the court must, in addition to any other penalty, disqualify the person
from driving a vehicle being used in a transport service for more than 1 year but not more than 10 years. In addition, s103(2)(b)
LTA98 precludes such persons from applying for a limited licence that would authorise them to drive a vehicle being used in a
transport service (other than a rental service)
Excess blood alcohol causing death – in charge transport service vehicle
(Effective date = 10 May 2011)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 61(1)(b), 61(3AA) & 63
Maximum fine = $20,000, Maximum prison = 10 years, Minimum disqualification = 1 year, Notice type = T
Being the person in charge of a transport service vehicle you caused the death of *SPACES* while the proportion of alcohol in
your blood exceeded 80 milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood in that it was *BLEVEL* milligrams of alcohol per 100
millilitres of blood
Under s63(1) Land Transport Act 1998 if a person is convicted of this offence after they had driven or attempted to drive a vehicle
being used in a transport service (other than a rental service), the court must, in addition to any other penalty, disqualify the person
from driving a vehicle being used in a transport service for more than 1 year but not more than 10 years. In addition, s103(2)(b)
LTA98 precludes such persons from applying for a limited licence that would authorise them to drive a vehicle being used in a
transport service (other than a rental service)
Transport driver refused to give blood specimen to doctor or med officer
(Effective date = 7 Nov 2018)
Sections 60(1)(b) and 63 Land Transport Act 1998
Maximum fine = $4,500, Maximum prison = 3 months, Minimum disqualification = 6 months, Notice type = T
Being the driver of a transport service vehicle did [1 refuse] to permit a blood specimen to be taken without delay after having been
requested to do so under section 72 of the Land Transport Act 1998 by a [2 health practitioner]
12 fail
22 medical officer
Under s63(1) Land Transport Act 1998 if a person is convicted of this offence after they had driven or attempted to drive a vehicle
being used in a transport service (other than a rental service), the court must, in addition to any other penalty, disqualify the person
from driving a vehicle being used in a transport service for more than 1 year but not more than 10 years. In addition, s103(2)(b)
LTA98 precludes such persons from applying for a limited licence that would authorise them to drive a vehicle being used in a
transport service (other than a rental service)
Transport service driver refused to accompany enforcement officer
(Effective date = 1Nov 2009)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 59(1)(b) and 63
Maximum fine = $4,500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = T
Being the driver of a transport service vehicle did [1 refuse] to accompany without delay an enforcement officer to a place when
required to do so under [2 section 69] of the Land Transport Act 1998
12 fail
22 section 71A
23 section 72
Under s63(1) Land Transport Act 1998 if a person is convicted of this offence after they had driven or attempted to drive a vehicle
being used in a transport service (other than a rental service), the court must, in addition to any other penalty, disqualify the person
from driving a vehicle being used in a transport service for more than 1 year but not more than 10 years. In addition, s103(2)(b)
LTA98 precludes such persons from applying for a limited licence that would authorise them to drive a vehicle being used in a
transport service (other than a rental service)
Transport service driver refused officers request for blood specimen
(Effective date = 1 Mar 1999)
Sections 60(1)(a) and 63 Land Transport Act 1998
Maximum fine = $4,500, Maximum prison = 3 months, Minimum disqualification = 6 months, Notice type = T
Being the driver of a transport service vehicle did [1 refuse] to permit a blood specimen to be taken after having been required to
do so under section 72 of the Land Transport Act 1998 by an enforcement officer
12 fail
Under s63(1) Land Transport Act 1998 if a person is convicted of this offence after they had driven or attempted to drive a vehicle
being used in a transport service (other than a rental service), the court must, in addition to any other penalty, disqualify the person
from driving a vehicle being used in a transport service for more than 1 year but not more than 10 years. In addition, s103(2)(b)
2020 V9
12 November 2020
LTA98 precludes such persons from applying for a limited licence that would authorise them to drive a vehicle being used in a
transport service (other than a rental service)
Transport service driver failed to remain for evidential breath test
(Effective date = 1 Mar 1999)
Sections 59(1)(c) and 63 Land Transport Act 1998
Maximum fine = $4,500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = T
Being the driver of a transport service vehicle and having accompanied an enforcement officer to a place under section 69 or
section 72 of the Land Transport Act 1998 you did [1 fail] to remain at that place until required to undergo an evidential breath test
12 refuse
Under s63(1) Land Transport Act 1998 if a person is convicted of this offence after they had driven or attempted to drive a vehicle
being used in a transport service (other than a rental service), the court must, in addition to any other penalty, disqualify the person
from driving a vehicle being used in a transport service for more than 1 year but not more than 10 years. In addition, s103(2)(b)
LTA98 precludes such persons from applying for a limited licence that would authorise them to drive a vehicle being used in a
transport service (other than a rental service)
Transport service driver failed remain for blood sample at another place
(Effective date = 7 Nov 2018)
Sections 59(1)(c)(i) and 63 Land Transport Act 1998
Maximum fine = $4,500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = T
Being the driver of a transport service vehicle and having accompanied an enforcement officer to a place under section 69 or
section 72 of the Land Transport Act 1998 you did [1 fail] to remain at that place until you were [2 requested by a health
practitioner] to permit a blood specimen to be taken from you
12 refuse
22 requested by a medical officer
23 required by an enforcement officer
Under s63(1) Land Transport Act 1998 if a person is convicted of this offence after they had driven or attempted to drive a vehicle
being used in a transport service (other than a rental service), the court must, in addition to any other penalty, disqualify the person
from driving a vehicle being used in a transport service for more than 1 year but not more than 10 years. In addition, s103(2)(b)
LTA98 precludes such persons from applying for a limited licence that would authorise them to drive a vehicle being used in a
transport service (other than a rental service)
Transport service driver failed to remain for blood sample
(Effective date = 1 Mar 1999)
Sections 59(1)(c) and 63 Land Transport Act 1998
Maximum fine = $4,500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = T
being the driver of a transport service vehicle and having accompanied an enforcement officer to a place under section 69 or
section 72 of the Land Transport Act 1998 you did [1 fail] to remain at that place until you were required to undergo a blood test
12 refuse
Under s63(1) Land Transport Act 1998 if a person is convicted of this offence after they had driven or attempted to drive a vehicle
being used in a transport service (other than a rental service), the court must, in addition to any other penalty, disqualify the person
from driving a vehicle being used in a transport service for more than 1 year but not more than 10 years. In addition, s103(2)(b)
LTA98 precludes such persons from applying for a limited licence that would authorise them to drive a vehicle being used in a
transport service (other than a rental service)
Transport service driver refused blood at hospital
(Effective date = 7 Nov 2018)
Sections 60(1)(c) and 63 Land Transport Act 1998
Maximum fine = $4,500, Maximum prison = 3 months, Minimum disqualification = 6 months, Notice type = T
Being a driver of a transport service vehicle and being a person from whom a [1 a health practitioner] may have taken a specimen
of blood under section 73 of the Land Transport Act 1998 you [2 refused] to permit such person to take a blood specimen
12 a medical officer
22 failed
Under s63(1) Land Transport Act 1998 if a person is convicted of this offence after they had driven or attempted to drive a vehicle
being used in a transport service (other than a rental service), the court must, in addition to any other penalty, disqualify the person
from driving a vehicle being used in a transport service for more than 1 year but not more than 10 years. In addition, s103(2)(b)
LTA98 precludes such persons from applying for a limited licence that would authorise them to drive a vehicle being used in a
transport service (other than a rental service)
Transport service driver refused accompany to another place for blood test
(Effective date = 1 Nov 2009)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 59(1)(c)(ii) and 63
Maximum fine = $4,500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = T
Being a driver of a transport service vehicle and having accompanied an enforcement officer to a place under [1 section 69] of the
Land Transport Act 1998 you did [2 refuse] to accompany an enforcement officer to another place when required to do so.
12 section 71A
13 section 72
22 fail
Under s63(1) Land Transport Act 1998 if a person is convicted of this offence after they had driven or attempted to drive a vehicle
being used in a transport service (other than a rental service), the court must, in addition to any other penalty, disqualify the person
from driving a vehicle being used in a transport service for more than 1 year but not more than 10 years. In addition, s103(2)(b)
2020 V9
12 November 2020
LTA98 precludes such persons from applying for a limited licence that would authorise them to drive a vehicle being used in a
transport service (other than a rental service)
Transport driver failed to remain for result of breath screening test
(Effective date = 1 Mar 1999)
Sections 59(1)(a) and 63 Land Transport Act 1998
Maximum fine = $4,500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = T
Being a driver of a transport service vehicle and having undergone a breath screening test you [1 failed] to remain at the place
where you underwent the test until after the result of the test was ascertained.
12 refused
Under s63(1) Land Transport Act 1998 if a person is convicted of this offence after they had driven or attempted to drive a vehicle
being used in a transport service (other than a rental service), the court must, in addition to any other penalty, disqualify the person
from driving a vehicle being used in a transport service for more than 1 year but not more than 10 years. In addition, s103(2)(b)
LTA98 precludes such persons from applying for a limited licence that would authorise them to drive a vehicle being used in a
transport service (other than a rental service)
Aid/abet person to drive in transport service with excess blood alcohol
(Effective date = 1 Mar 1999)
Sections 56(2) and 63 Land Transport Act 1998 and section 66(1) Crimes Act 1961
Maximum fine = $4,500, Maximum prison = 3 months, Minimum disqualification = 6 months, Notice type = T
Did [1 aid] one *SPACES* to [2 drive] a transport service vehicle on a road namely *STREET* while the proportion of alcohol in
their blood exceeded 80 milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood in that it was *BLEVEL* milligrams of alcohol per 100
millilitres of blood
12 abet
13 incite
14 counsel
15 procure
22 attempt to drive
Under s63(1) Land Transport Act 1998 if a person is convicted of this offence after someone has driven or attempted to drive a
vehicle being used in a transport service (other than a rental service), the court must, in addition to any other penalty, disqualify the
person from driving a vehicle being used in a transport service for more than 1 year but not more than 10 years. In addition,
s103(2)(b) LTA98 precludes such persons from applying for a limited licence that would authorise them to drive a vehicle being
used in a transport service (other than a rental service)
Transport driver failed remain for result of evidential breath test
(Effective date = 1 Mar 1999)
Sections 59(1)(d) and 63 Land Transport Act 1998
Maximum fine = $4,500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = T
Being a driver of a transport service vehicle and having undergone an evidential breath test you [1 failed] to remain at the place
where you underwent the test until after the result of the test was ascertained
12 refused
Under s63(1) Land Transport Act 1998 if a person is convicted of this offence after they had driven or attempted to drive a vehicle
being used in a transport service (other than a rental service), the court must, in addition to any other penalty, disqualify the person
from driving a vehicle being used in a transport service for more than 1 year but not more than 10 years. In addition, s103(2)(b)
LTA98 precludes such persons from applying for a limited licence that would authorise them to drive a vehicle being used in a
transport service (other than a rental service)
Drove in transport service with excess blood alcohol content
(Effective date = 1 Mar 1999)
Sections 56(2) and 63 Land Transport Act 1998
Maximum fine = $4,500, Maximum prison = 3 months, Minimum disqualification = 6 months, Notice type = T
Did [1 drive] a transport service vehicle on a road namely *STREET* while the proportion of alcohol in your blood exceeded 80
milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood in that it was *BLEVEL* milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood
12 attempt to drive
Under s63(1) Land Transport Act 1998 if a person is convicted of this offence after they had driven or attempted to drive a vehicle
being used in a transport service (other than a rental service), the court must, in addition to any other penalty, disqualify the person
from driving a vehicle being used in a transport service for more than 1 year but not more than 10 years. In addition, s103(2)(b)
LTA98 precludes such persons from applying for a limited licence that would authorise them to drive a vehicle being used in a
transport service (other than a rental service)
Drove in transport service with excess blood alcohol – 3rd or subsequent
(Effective date = 1 Nov 2011)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 56(2), 56(4) and 63
Maximum fine = $6,000, Maximum prison = 2 years, Minimum disqualification = more than 1 year, Notice type = T
Did [1 drive] a transport service vehicle on a road namely *STREET* while the proportion of alcohol in your blood exceeded 80
milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood in that it was *BLEVEL* milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood you
having been convicted at least twice previously of an offence against any of sections 56(1), 56(2), 57A(1), 58(1), 60(1), 61(1), or
61(2) of the Land Transport Act 1998 or the corresponding provisions of the Transport Act 1962
12 attempt to drive
Under s63(1) Land Transport Act 1998 if a person is convicted of this offence after they had driven or attempted to drive a vehicle
being used in a transport service (other than a rental service), the court must, in addition to any other penalty, disqualify the person
2020 V9
12 November 2020
from driving a vehicle being used in a transport service for more than 1 year but not more than 10 years. In addition, s103(2)(b)
LTA98 precludes such persons from applying for a limited licence that would authorise them to drive a vehicle being used in a
transport service (other than a rental service)
Refused officer request for blood sample – 3rd or sub – transport service
(Effective date = 1 Nov 2011)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 60(1)(a), 60(3) and 63
Maximum fine = $6,000, Maximum prison = 2 years, Minimum disqualification = more than 1 year, Notice type = T
Being a driver of a transport service vehicle you did [1 refuse] to permit a blood specimen to be taken after having been required to
do so under section 72 of the Land Transport Act 1998 by an enforcement officer you having been convicted at least twice
previously of an offence against any of sections 56(1), 56(2), 57A(1), 58(1), 60(1), 61(1), or 61(2) of this Act or the corresponding
provisions of the Transport Act 1962
12 fail
Under s63(1) Land Transport Act 1998 if a person is convicted of this offence after they had driven or attempted to drive a vehicle
being used in a transport service (other than a rental service), the court must, in addition to any other penalty, disqualify the person
from driving a vehicle being used in a transport service for more than 1 year but not more than 10 years. In addition, s103(2)(b)
LTA98 precludes such persons from applying for a limited licence that would authorise them to drive a vehicle being used in a
transport service (other than a rental service)
Refused to give blood specimen to doctor – 3rd or subs – transport service
(Effective date = 7 Nov 2018)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 60(1)(b) , 60(3) and 63
Maximum fine = $6,000, Maximum prison = 2 years, Minimum disqualification = more than 1 year, Notice type = T
Being a driver of a transport service vehicle you did [1 refuse] to permit a blood specimen to be taken without delay after having
been requested to do so under section 72 of the Land Transport Act 1998 by a [2 health practitioner] you having been convicted at
least twice previously of an offence against any of sections 56(1), 56(2), 57A(1), 58(1), 60(1), 61(1), or 61(2) of this Act or the
corresponding provisions of the Transport Act 1962
12 fail
22 a medical officer
Under s63(1) Land Transport Act 1998 if a person is convicted of this offence after they had driven or attempted to drive a vehicle
being used in a transport service (other than a rental service), the court must, in addition to any other penalty, disqualify the person
from driving a vehicle being used in a transport service for more than 1 year but not more than 10 years. In addition, s103(2)(b)
LTA98 precludes such persons from applying for a limited licence that would authorise them to drive a vehicle being used in a
transport service (other than a rental service)
Transport service driver refused to give blood at hospital – 3rd or subs
(Effective date = 7 Nov 2018)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 60(1)(c), 60(3) and 63
Maximum fine = $6,000, Maximum prison = 2 years, Minimum disqualification = more than 1 year, Notice type = T
Being a person from whom a [1 a health practitioner] may have taken a specimen of blood under section 73 of the Land Transport
Act 1998 you [2 refused] to permit such person to take a blood specimen you having been convicted at least twice previously of an
offence against any of sections 56(1), 56(2), 57A(1), 58(1), 60(1), 61(1), or 61(2) of this Act or the corresponding provisions of the
Transport Act 1962
12 a medical officer
22 failed
Under s63(1) Land Transport Act 1998 if a person is convicted of this offence after they had driven or attempted to drive a vehicle
being used in a transport service (other than a rental service), the court must, in addition to any other penalty, disqualify the person
from driving a vehicle being used in a transport service for more than 1 year but not more than 10 years. In addition, s103(2)(b)
LTA98 precludes such persons from applying for a limited licence that would authorise them to drive a vehicle being used in a
transport service (other than a rental service)
Aid/permit transport driver to drive while under influence of drink
(Effective date = 1 Mar 1999)
Sections 58(1) and 63 Land Transport Act 1998 and section 66(1) Crimes Act 1961
Maximum fine = $4,500, Maximum prison = 3 months, Minimum disqualification = 6 months, Notice type = T
Did [1 aid] one *SPACES* to [2 drive] a transport service vehicle on a road namely *STREET* while they were under the
influence of drink to such an extent as to be incapable of having proper control of the vehicle
12 abet
13 incite
14 counsel
15 procure
22 attempt to drive
Under s63(1) Land Transport Act 1998 if a person is convicted of this offence after someone has driven or attempted to drive a
vehicle being used in a transport service (other than a rental service), the court must, in addition to any other penalty, disqualify the
person from driving a vehicle being used in a transport service for more than 1 year but not more than 10 years. In addition,
s103(2)(b) LTA98 precludes such persons from applying for a limited licence that would authorise them to drive a vehicle being
used in a transport service (other than a rental service)
Aid/abet to drive in transport service while under influence of a drug
(Effective date = 1 Mar 1999)
Sections 58(1) and 63 Land Transport Act 1998 and section 66(1) Crimes Act 1961
2020 V9
12 November 2020
Maximum fine = $4,500, Maximum prison = 3 months, Minimum disqualification = 6 months, Notice type = T
Did [1 aid] one *SPACES* to [2 drive] a transport service vehicle on a road namely *STREET* while they were under the
influence of a drug to such an extent as to be incapable of having proper control of the vehicle
12 abet
13 incite
14 counsel
15 procure
22 attempt to drive
Under s63(1) Land Transport Act 1998 if a person is convicted of this offence after someone has driven or attempted to drive a
vehicle being used in a transport service (other than a rental service), the court must, in addition to any other penalty, disqualify the
person from driving a vehicle being used in a transport service for more than 1 year but not more than 10 years. In addition,
s103(2)(b) LTA98 precludes such persons from applying for a limited licence that would authorise them to drive a vehicle being
used in a transport service (other than a rental service)
Aid/abet transport driver to drive while under influence of drink/drug
(Effective date = 1 Mar 1999)
Sections 58(1) and 63 Land Transport Act 1998 and section 66(1) Crimes Act 1961
Maximum fine = $4,500, Maximum prison = 3 months, Minimum disqualification = 6 months, Notice type = T
Did [1 aid] one *SPACES* to [2 drive] a transport service vehicle on a road namely *STREET* while they were under the
influence of drink or a drug or both to such an extent as to be incapable of having proper control of the vehicle
12 bet
13 incite
14 counsel
15 procure
22 attempt to drive
Under s63(1) Land Transport Act 1998 if a person is convicted of this offence after someone has driven or attempted to drive a
vehicle being used in a transport service (other than a rental service), the court must, in addition to any other penalty, disqualify the
person from driving a vehicle being used in a transport service for more than 1 year but not more than 10 years. In addition,
s103(2)(b) LTA98 precludes such persons from applying for a limited licence that would authorise them to drive a vehicle being
used in a transport service (other than a rental service)
Aid/abet person to drive in transport service with excess breath alcohol
(Effective date = 1 Mar 1999)
Sections 56(1) and 63 Land Transport Act 1998 and section 66(1) Crimes Act 1961
Maximum fine = $4,500, Maximum prison = 3 months, Minimum disqualification = 6 months, Notice type = T
Did [1 aid or abet] one *SPACES* to [2 drive] a transport service vehicle on a road namely *STREET* while the proportion of
alcohol in their breath exceeded 400 micrograms of alcohol per litre of breath in that it was *BLEVEL* micrograms of alcohol per
litre of breath
12 incite
13 counsel
14 procure
22 attempt to drive
Under s63(1) Land Transport Act 1998 if a person is convicted of this offence after someone has driven or attempted to drive a
vehicle being used in a transport service (other than a rental service), the court must, in addition to any other penalty, disqualify the
person from driving a vehicle being used in a transport service for more than 1 year but not more than 10 years. In addition,
s103(2)(b) LTA98 precludes such persons from applying for a limited licence that would authorise them to drive a vehicle being
used in a transport service (other than a rental service)
Transport service driver breath alcohol level over 400 mcgs per litre
(Effective date = 1 Mar 1999)
Sections 56(1) and 63 Land Transport Act 1998
Maximum fine = $4,500, Maximum prison = 3 months, Minimum disqualification = 6 months, Notice type = T
Did [1 drive] a transport service vehicle on a road namely *STREET* while the proportion of alcohol in your breath exceeded 400
micrograms of alcohol per litre of breath in that it was *BLEVEL* micrograms of alcohol per litre of breath
12 attempt to drive
Under s63(1) Land Transport Act 1998 if a person is convicted of this offence after they had driven or attempted to drive a vehicle
being used in a transport service (other than a rental service), the court must, in addition to any other penalty, disqualify the person
from driving a vehicle being used in a transport service for more than 1 year but not more than 10 years. In addition, s103(2)(b)
LTA98 precludes such persons from applying for a limited licence that would authorise them to drive a vehicle being used in a
transport service (other than a rental service)
Drove in transport service with excess breath alcohol – 3rd or subsequent
(Effective date = 1 Nov 2011)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 56(1), 56(4) and 63
Maximum fine = $6,000, Maximum prison = 2 years, Minimum disqualification = more than 1 year, Notice type = T
Did [1 drive] a transport service vehicle on a road namely *STREET* while the proportion of alcohol in your breath exceeded 400
micrograms of alcohol per litre of breath in that it was *BLEVEL* micrograms of alcohol per litre of breath you having been
convicted at least twice previously of an offence against any of sections 56(1), 56(2), 57A(1), 58(1), 60(1), 61(1), or 61(2) of the
Land Transport Act 1998 or the corresponding provisions of the Transport Act 1962
12 attempt to drive
2020 V9
12 November 2020
Under s63(1) Land Transport Act 1998 if a person is convicted of this offence after they had driven or attempted to drive a vehicle
being used in a transport service (other than a rental service), the court must, in addition to any other penalty, disqualify the person
from driving a vehicle being used in a transport service for more than 1 year but not more than 10 years. In addition, s103(2)(b)
LTA98 precludes such persons from applying for a limited licence that would authorise them to drive a vehicle being used in a
transport service (other than a rental service)
Transport driver excess breath alcohol causing injury – 3rd or subs
(Effective date = 1 Nov 2011)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 61(1)(a), 61(3A) and 63
Maximum fine = $20,000, Maximum prison = 5 years, Minimum disqualification = more than 1 yr, Notice type = T
Being a person in charge of a transport service vehicle you did cause bodily injury to *SPACES* while the proportion of alcohol in
your breath exceeded 400 micrograms of alcohol per litre of breath in that it was *BLEVEL* micrograms of alcohol per litre of
breath you having on at least 2 previous occasions been convicted of an offence against any of sections 56(1), 56(2), 57A(1), 58(1),
60(1), 61(1), or 61(2) of the Land Transport Act 1998 or the corresponding provisions of the Transport Act 1962
Under s63(1) Land Transport Act 1998 if a person is convicted of this offence after they had driven or attempted to drive a vehicle
being used in a transport service (other than a rental service), the court must, in addition to any other penalty, disqualify the person
from driving a vehicle being used in a transport service for more than 1 year but not more than 10 years. In addition, s103(2)(b)
LTA98 precludes such persons from applying for a limited licence that would authorise them to drive a vehicle being used in a
transport service (other than a rental service)
Transport service driver excess blood alcohol causing injury – 3rd or sub
(Effective date = 1 Nov 2011)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 61(1)(b) , 61(3A) and section 63
Maximum fine = $20,000, Maximum prison = 5 years, Minimum disqualification = more than 1 year, Notice type = T
Being a person in charge of a transport service vehicle you did cause bodily injury to *SPACES* while the proportion of alcohol in
your blood exceeded 80 milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood in that it was *BLEVEL* milligrams of alcohol per 100
millilitres of blood you having on at least 2 previous occasions been convicted of an offence against any of sections 56(1), 56(2),
57A(1), 58(1), 60(1), 61(1), or 61(2) of the Land Transport Act 1998 or the corresponding provisions of the Transport Act 1962
Under s63(1) Land Transport Act 1998 if a person is convicted of this offence after they had driven or attempted to drive a vehicle
being used in a transport service (other than a rental service), the court must, in addition to any other penalty, disqualify the person
from driving a vehicle being used in a transport service for more than 1 year but not more than 10 years. In addition, s103(2)(b)
LTA98 precludes such persons from applying for a limited licence that would authorise them to drive a vehicle being used in a
transport service (other than a rental service)
Transport driver impaired – blood contained evidence of qualifying drug
(Effective date = 1 Nov 2009)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 57A(1) and 63
Maximum fine = $4,500, Maximum prison = 3 months, Minimum disqualification = 6 months, Notice type = T
Did [1 drive] a transport service vehicle on a road namely *STREET* when you did not complete a compulsory impairment test in
a manner satisfactory to an enforcement officer, who was trained to give the test, when required to do so by an enforcement officer
under section 71A of the Land Transport Act 1998, and your blood, as ascertained from an analysis of a blood specimen
subsequently taken under section 72 or 73 of the Act, contained evidence of the use of a qualifying drug
12 attempt to drive
Under s63(1) Land Transport Act 1998 if a person is convicted of this offence after they had driven or attempted to drive a vehicle
being used in a transport service (other than a rental service), the court must, in addition to any other penalty, disqualify the person
from driving a vehicle being used in a transport service for more than 1 year but not more than 10 years. In addition, s103(2)(b)
LTA98 precludes such persons from applying for a limited licence that would authorise them to drive a vehicle being used in a
transport service (other than a rental service)
Transport driver impaired – qualifying drug in blood – 3rd or sub
(Effective date = 1 Nov 2009)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 57A(1), 57A(3) and 63
Maximum fine = $6,000, Maximum prison = 2 years, Minimum disqualification = more than 1 year, Notice type = T
Did [1 drive] a transport service vehicle on a road namely *STREET* when you did not complete a compulsory impairment test in
a manner satisfactory to a trained enforcement officer when required to do so by an enforcement officer under section 71A of the
Land Transport Act 1998, and your blood, as ascertained from an analysis of a blood specimen subsequently taken under section
72 or 73 of the Act, contained evidence of the use of a qualifying drug you having been convicted at least twice previously of an
offence against any of sections 56(1), 56(2), 57A(1), 58(1), 60(1), 61(1), and 61(2) of the Act or the corresponding provisions of
the Transport Act 1962
12 attempt to drive
Under s63(1) Land Transport Act 1998 if a person is convicted of this offence after they had driven or attempted to drive a vehicle
being used in a transport service (other than a rental service), the court must, in addition to any other penalty, disqualify the person
from driving a vehicle being used in a transport service for more than 1 year but not more than 10 years. In addition, s103(2)(b)
LTA98 precludes such persons from applying for a limited licence that would authorise them to drive a vehicle being used in a
transport service (other than a rental service)
Transport driver’s blood contained evidence of use of controlled drug
(Effective date = 9 Aug 2011)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 58(1)(b) and 63
Maximum fine = $4,500, Maximum prison = 3 months, Minimum disqualification = 6 months, Notice type = T
2020 V9
12 November 2020
Did [1 drive] a transport service vehicle on a road namely *STREET* when your blood, as ascertained from an analysis of a blood
specimen subsequently taken under section 73 of the Land Transport Act 1998, contained evidence of the use of a controlled drug
specified in Schedule 1 of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1975
12 attempt to drive
Under s63(1) Land Transport Act 1998 if a person is convicted of this offence after they had driven or attempted to drive a vehicle
being used in a transport service (other than a rental service), the court must, in addition to any other penalty, disqualify the person
from driving a vehicle being used in a transport service for more than 1 year but not more than 10 years. In addition, s103(2)(b)
LTA98 precludes such persons from applying for a limited licence that would authorise them to drive a vehicle being used in a
transport service (other than a rental service)
Transport service driver failed to remain for compulsory impairment test
(Effective date = 1 Nov 2009)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 59(1)(c)(i) and 63
Maximum fine = $4,500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = T
Being the driver of a transport service vehicle and having accompanied an enforcement officer to a place under section 71A of the
Land Transport Act 1998 you did [1 fail] to remain at that place until required to undergo a compulsory impairment test
12 refuse
Under s63(1) Land Transport Act 1998 if a person is convicted of this offence after they had driven or attempted to drive a vehicle
being used in a transport service (other than a rental service), the court must, in addition to any other penalty, disqualify the person
from driving a vehicle being used in a transport service for more than 1 year but not more than 10 years. In addition, s103(2)(b)
LTA98 precludes such persons from applying for a limited licence that would authorise them to drive a vehicle being used in a
transport service (other than a rental service)
Transport service driver failed remain for impairment test result
(Effective date = 1 Nov 2009)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 59(1)(d) and 63
Maximum fine = $4,500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = T
Being the driver of a transport service vehicle and having undergone a compulsory impairment test under section 71A of the land
Transport Act 1998 you [1 failed] to remain at the place where you underwent the test until after the result of the test had been
12 refused
Under s63(1) Land Transport Act 1998 if a person is convicted of this offence after they had driven or attempted to drive a vehicle
being used in a transport service (other than a rental service), the court must, in addition to any other penalty, disqualify the person
from driving a vehicle being used in a transport service for more than 1 year but not more than 10 years. In addition, s103(2)(b)
LTA98 precludes such persons from applying for a limited licence that would authorise them to drive a vehicle being used in a
transport service (other than a rental service)
Transport service driver refused to undergo compulsory impairment test
(Effective date = 1 Nov 2009)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 60(1)(d) and 63
Maximum fine = $4,500, Maximum prison = 3 months, Minimum disqualification = 6 months, Notice type = T
Being the driver of a transport service vehicle you did [1 refuse] to undergo a compulsory impairment test after having been
required to do so under section 71A of the Land Transport Act 1998 by an enforcement officer
12 fail
Under s63(1) Land Transport Act 1998 if a person is convicted of this offence after they had driven or attempted to drive a vehicle
being used in a transport service (other than a rental service), the court must, in addition to any other penalty, disqualify the person
from driving a vehicle being used in a transport service for more than 1 year but not more than 10 years. In addition, s103(2)(b)
LTA98 precludes such persons from applying for a limited licence that would authorise them to drive a vehicle being used in a
transport service (other than a rental service)
Transport driver refused undergo compulsory impairment test – 3rd or sub
(Effective date = 1 Nov 2011)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 60(1)(d), 60(3) and 63
Maximum fine = $6,000, Maximum prison = 2 years, Minimum disqualification = more than 1 year, Notice type = T
Being the driver of a transport service vehicle you did [1 refuse] to undergo a compulsory impairment test after having been
required to do so under section 71A of the Land Transport Act 1998 by an enforcement officer, you having been convicted at least
twice previously of an offence against any of sections 56(1), 56(2), 57A(1), 58(1), 60(1), 61(1), or 61(2) of the Land Transport Act
1998 or the corresponding provisions of the Transport Act 1962
12 fail
Under s63(1) Land Transport Act 1998 if a person is convicted of this offence after they had driven or attempted to drive a vehicle
being used in a transport service (other than a rental service), the court must, in addition to any other penalty, disqualify the person
from driving a vehicle being used in a transport service for more than 1 year but not more than 10 years. In addition, s103(2)(b)
LTA98 precludes such persons from applying for a limited licence that would authorise them to drive a vehicle being used in a
transport service (other than a rental service)
Transport driver caused injury – qualifying drug in blood
(Effective date = 1 Nov 2009)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 62(1B) and 63
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 3 years, Minimum disqualification = 1 year, Notice type = T
Did cause bodily injury to *SPACES* by [1 driving] a transport service vehicle on a road namely *STREET* when you did not
complete a compulsory impairment test in a manner satisfactory to an enforcement officer, who was trained to give the test, when
2020 V9
12 November 2020
required to do so by an enforcement officer under section 71A of the Land Transport Act 1998, and your blood, as ascertained
from an analysis of a blood specimen subsequently taken under section 72 or 73 of the Act, contained evidence of the use of
qualifying drug
12 attempting to drive
Under s63(1) Land Transport Act 1998 if a person is convicted of this offence after they had driven or attempted to drive a vehicle
being used in a transport service (other than a rental service), the court must, in addition to any other penalty, disqualify the person
from driving a vehicle being used in a transport service for more than 1 year but not more than 10 years. In addition, s103(2)(b)
LTA98 precludes such persons from applying for a limited licence that would authorise them to drive a vehicle being used in a
transport service (other than a rental service)
Transport driver caused death – qualifying drug in blood
(Effective date = 1 Nov 2009)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 62(1B) and 63
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 3 years, Minimum disqualification = 1 year, Notice type = T
Did cause the death of *SPACES* by [1 driving] a transport service motor vehicle on a road namely *STREET* when you did not
complete a compulsory impairment test in a manner satisfactory to an enforcement officer, who was trained to give the test, when
required to do so by an enforcement officer under section 71A of the Land Transport Act 1998, and your blood, as ascertained
from an analysis of a blood specimen subsequently taken under section 72 or 73 of the Act, contained evidence of the use of
qualifying drug
12 attempting to drive
Under s63(1) Land Transport Act 1998 if a person is convicted of this offence after they had driven or attempted to drive a vehicle
being used in a transport service (other than a rental service), the court must, in addition to any other penalty, disqualify the person
from driving a vehicle being used in a transport service for more than 1 year but not more than 10 years. In addition, s103(2)(b)
LTA98 precludes such persons from applying for a limited licence that would authorise them to drive a vehicle being used in a
transport service (other than a rental service)
Transport driver’s blood had evidence of controlled drug – caused injury
(Effective date = 9 Aug 2011)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 61(2)(b) and 63
Maximum fine = $20,000, Maximum prison = 5 years, Minimum disqualification = year, Notice type = T
Did cause bodily injury to *SPACES* while in charge of a transport service motor vehicle on a road namely *STREET* when
your blood, as ascertained from an analysis of a blood specimen subsequently taken under section 73, contained evidence of the
use of a controlled drug specified in Schedule 1 of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1975
Under s63(1) Land Transport Act 1998 if a person is convicted of this offence after they had driven or attempted to drive a vehicle
being used in a transport service (other than a rental service), the court must, in addition to any other penalty, disqualify the person
from driving a vehicle being used in a transport service for more than 1 year but not more than 10 years. In addition, s103(2)(b)
LTA98 precludes such persons from applying for a limited licence that would authorise them to drive a vehicle being used in a
transport service (other than a rental service)
Transport driver’s blood had evidence of controlled drug – caused death
(Effective date = 9 Aug 2011)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 61(2)(b), 61(3AA) and 63
Maximum fine = $20,000, Maximum prison = 10 years, Minimum disqualification = 1 year, Notice type = T
Did cause the death of *SPACES* while in charge of a transport service motor vehicle on a road namely *STREET* when your
blood, as ascertained from an analysis of a blood specimen subsequently taken under section 73, contained evidence of the use of a
controlled drug specified in Schedule 1 of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1975
Under s63(1) Land Transport Act 1998 if a person is convicted of this offence after they had driven or attempted to drive a vehicle
being used in a transport service (other than a rental service), the court must, in addition to any other penalty, disqualify the person
from driving a vehicle being used in a transport service for more than 1 year but not more than 10 years. In addition, s103(2)(b)
LTA98 precludes such persons from applying for a limited licence that would authorise them to drive a vehicle being used in a
transport service (other than a rental service)
Transport driver’s blood had controlled drug – caused injury – 3rd or sub
(Effective date = 1 Nov 2011)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 61(2)(b), 61(3A) and 63
Maximum fine = $20,000, Maximum prison = 5 years, Minimum disqualification = more than 1 year, Notice type = T
Being in charge of a transport service vehicle you did cause bodily injury to *SPACES* when your blood, as ascertained from an
analysis of a blood specimen subsequently taken under section 73, contained evidence of the use of a controlled drug specified in
Schedule 1 of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1975 you having been convicted at least twice previously of an offence against any of
sections 56(1), 56(2), 57A(1), 58(1), 60(1), 61(1), or 61(2) of the Land Transport Act 1998 or the corresponding provisions of the
Transport Act 1962
Under s63(1) Land Transport Act 1998 if a person is convicted of this offence after they had driven or attempted to drive a vehicle
being used in a transport service (other than a rental service), the court must, in addition to any other penalty, disqualify the person
from driving a vehicle being used in a transport service for more than 1 year but not more than 10 years. In addition, s103(2)(b)
LTA98 precludes such persons from applying for a limited licence that would authorise them to drive a vehicle being used in a
transport service (other than a rental service)
Transport driver’s blood had controlled drug - caused death – 3rd or sub
(Effective date = 1 Jan 2018)
Land Transport Act 1998 sections 61(2)(b) , 61(3AA), 61(3A) and 63
Maximum fine = $20,000, Maximum prison = 10 years, Minimum disqualification = more than 1 year, Notice type = T 2020 V9
12 November 2020
Being in charge of a transport service vehicle you did cause the death of *SPACES* when your blood, as ascertained from an
analysis of a blood specimen subsequently taken under section 73, contained evidence of the use of a controlled drug specified in
Schedule 1 of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1975 you having been convicted at least twice previously of an offence against any of
sections 56(1), 56(2), 57A(1), 58(1), 60(1), 61(1), or 61(2) of the Land Transport Act 1998 or the corresponding provisions of the
Transport Act 1962
NOTES Under s63(1) Land Transport Act 1998 if a person is convicted of this offence after they had driven or attempted to drive a vehicle
being used in a transport service (other than a rental service), the court must, in addition to any other penalty, disqualify the person
from driving a vehicle being used in a transport service for more than 1 year but not more than 10 years. In addition, s 103(2)(b)
LTA98 precludes such persons from applying for a limited licence that would authorise them to drive a vehicle being used in a
transport service (other than a rental service)
Transport driver’s blood contained evidence of control ed drug – 3rd or sub
(Effective date = 1 Nov 2011)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 58(1)(b), 58(3) and 63
Maximum fine = $6,000, Maximum prison = 2 years, Minimum disqualification = more than 1 year, Notice type = T
Did [1 drive] a transport service vehicle on a road namely *STREET* when your blood, as ascertained from an analysis of a blood
specimen subsequently taken under section 73 of the Land Transport Act 1998, contained evidence of the use of a controlled drug
specified in Schedule 1 of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1975, you having been convicted at least twice previously of an offence against
any of sections 56(1), 56(2), 57A(1), 58(1), 60(1), 61(1), or 61(2) of the Land Transport Act 1998 or the corresponding provisions
of the Transport Act 1962
12 attempt to drive
Under s63(1) Land Transport Act 1998 if a person is convicted of this offence after they had driven or attempted to drive a vehicle
being used in a transport service (other than a rental service), the court must, in addition to any other penalty, disqualify the person
from driving a vehicle being used in a transport service for more than 1 year but not more than 10 years. In addition, s103(2)(b)
LTA98 precludes such persons from applying for a limited licence that would authorise them to drive a vehicle being used in a
transport service (other than a rental service)
Transport driver under-20’s blood contained alcohol – over 30 mcg
(Effective date = 7 Aug 2011)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 57(2), and 63
Maximum fine = $2,250, Maximum prison = 3 months, Minimum disqualification = 3 months, Notice type = T
Being a person under 20 years of age you [1 drove] a transport service vehicle on a road namely *STREET* while your blood, as
ascertained from an analysis of a blood specimen subsequently taken from you under section 72 or 73, contained alcohol and the
proportion of alcohol exceeded 30 milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood in that it was *BLEVEL* milligrams of
alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood
12 attempted to drive
1. Only use if level is over 30 but not more than 80mgms per 100mls. If over 80, use appropriate adult limit specimen charge
2. If a person commits this offence while he or she is driving a vehicle being used in a transport service (other than a rental service)
you should not issue an infringement but rather proceed against the person summarily as under s63(1) Land Transport Act 1998 the
court must, in addition to any other penalty, disqualify the person from driving a vehicle being used in a transport service for more
than 1 year but not more than 10 years. In addition, s103(2)(b) LTA98 precludes such persons from applying for a limited licence
that would authorise them to drive a vehicle being used in a transport service (other than a rental service)
Transport driver under-20’s blood contained alcohol – 30 mgm or less
(Effective date = 7 Aug 2011)
(Infringement = $200)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 57(2A)
Maximum fine = $0, Maximum prison = 0 months, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being a person under 20 years of age you [1 drove] a transport service vehicle on a road while your blood, as ascertained from an
analysis of a blood specimen subsequently taken from you under section 72 or 73, contained alcohol but the proportion of alcohol
did not exceed 30 milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood in that it was *BLEVEL* milligrams of alcohol per 100
millilitres of blood
12 attempted to drive
Being a person under 20 years of age you [1 drove] a transport service vehicle on a road while your blood, as ascertained from an
analysis of a blood specimen subsequently taken from you under section 72 or 73, contained alcohol but the proportion of alcohol
did not exceeded 30 milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood
12 attempted to drive
Notes 1. Only use if level is 30mgms per 100mls or less. If over 80, use appropriate adult limit specimen charge
2. If a person commits this offence while he or she is driving a vehicle being used in a transport service (other than a rental service)
you should not issue an infringement but rather proceed against the person summarily as under s63(1) Land Transport Act 1998 the
court must, in addition to any other penalty, disqualify the person from driving a vehicle being used in a transport service for more
than 1 year but not more than 10 years. In addition, s103(2)(b) LTA98 precludes such persons from applying for a limited licence
that would authorise them to drive a vehicle being used in a transport service (other than a rental service)
Transport driver under-20’s breath contained alcohol – over 150 mcg
(Effective date = 7 Aug 2011)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 57(1)
Maximum fine = $2,250, Maximum prison = 3 months, Minimum disqualification = 3 months, Notice type = T
Being a person under 20 years of age you [1 drove] a transport service vehicle on a road namely *STREET* while your breath, as
ascertained by an evidential breath test subsequently undergone by you person under section 69, contained alcohol but the
proportion of alcohol exceeded 150 micrograms of alcohol per litre of breath in that it was *BLEVEL* micrograms of alcohol per
litre of breath
2020 V9
12 November 2020
12 attempted to drive
Notes 1. Only use if level is over 150 but not more than 400mcg per litre. If over 400, use appropriate adult limit specimen charge
2. If a person commits this offence while he or she is driving a vehicle being used in a transport service (other than a rental service)
you should not issue an infringement but rather proceed against the person summarily as under s63(1) Land Transport Act 1998 the
court must, in addition to any other penalty, disqualify the person from driving a vehicle being used in a transport service for more
than 1 year but not more than 10 years. In addition, s103(2)(b) LTA98 precludes such persons from applying for a limited licence
that would authorise them to drive a vehicle being used in a transport service (other than a rental service)
Transport driver under-20’s breath contained alcohol – 150 mcg or less
(Effective date = 7 Aug 2011)
(Infringement = $200)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 57(1A)
Maximum fine = $0, Maximum prison = 0 months, Minimum disqualification = 0 months, Notice type = N/T
Being a person under 20 years of age you [1 drove] a transport service vehicle on a road while your breath, as ascertained by an
evidential breath test subsequently undergone by you under section 69, contained alcohol but the proportion of alcohol did not
exceed 150 micrograms of alcohol per litre of breath in that it was *BLEVEL* micrograms of alcohol per litre of breath
12 attempted to drive
Being a person under 20 years of age you [1 drove] a transport service vehicle on a road while your breath, as ascertained by an
evidential breath test subsequently undergone by you under section 69, contained alcohol but the proportion of alcohol did not
exceed 150 micrograms of alcohol per litre of breath
12 attempted to drive
Notes 1. Only use if level is 150mcg per litre or less. If over 400, use appropriate adult limit specimen charge
2 If a person commits this offence while he or she is driving a vehicle being used in a transport service (other than a rental service)
you should not issue an infringement but rather proceed against the person summarily as under s63(1) Land Transport Act 1998 the
court must, in addition to any other penalty, disqualify the person from driving a vehicle being used in a transport service for more
than 1 year but not more than 10 years. In addition, s103(2)(b) LTA98 precludes such persons from applying for a limited licence
that would authorise them to drive a vehicle being used in a transport service (other than a rental service)
Aided transport driver under 20 to drive – blood alcohol over 30 mcg
(Effective date = 7 Aug 2011)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 57(2) and 63 and Crimes Act 1961, section 66(1)
Maximum fine = $2,250, Maximum prison = 3 months, Minimum disqualification = 3 months, Notice type = T
Did [1 aid] one *SPACES*, being a person under 20 years of age, to [2 drive] a transport service vehicle on a road while their
blood, as ascertained from an analysis of a blood specimen subsequently taken from them under section 72 or 73 of the Land
Transport Act 1998, contained alcohol and the proportion of alcohol exceeded 30 milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood
in that it was *BLEVEL* milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood
12 abet
13 incite
14 counsel
15 procure
22 attempt to drive
Notes 1. Only use if level is over 30 but not more than 80mgms per 100mls. If over 80, use appropriate adult limit specimen charge
2. If a person commits this offence while he or she is driving a vehicle being used in a transport service (other than a rental service)
you should not issue an infringement but rather proceed against the person summarily as under s63(1) Land Transport Act 1998 the
court must, in addition to any other penalty, disqualify the person from driving a vehicle being used in a transport service for more
than 1 year but not more than 10 years. In addition, s103(2)(b) LTA98 precludes such persons from applying for a limited licence
that would authorise them to drive a vehicle being used in a transport service (other than a rental service)
Aided transport driver under 20 to drive – blood alcohol 30 mgm or less
(Effective date = 7 Aug 2011)
(Infringement = $200)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 57(2A) and Crimes Act 1961, section 66(1)
Maximum fine = $0, Maximum prison = 0 months, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Did [1 aid] one *SPACES*, being a person under 20 years of age, to [2 drive] a transport service vehicle on a road while their
blood, as ascertained from an analysis of a blood specimen subsequently taken from them under section 72 or 73 of the Land
Transport Act 1998, contained alcohol but the proportion of alcohol did not exceed 30 mil igrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of
blood in that it was *BLEVEL* milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood
12 abet
13 incite
14 counsel
15 procure
22 attempt to drive
Did [1 aid] a person under 20 years of age, to [2 drive] a transport service vehicle on a road while their blood, as ascertained from
an analysis of a blood specimen subsequently taken from them under section 72 or 73 of the Land Transport Act 1998, contained
alcohol but the proportion of alcohol did not exceeded 30 milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood
12 abet
13 incite
14 counsel
15 procure
22 attempt to drive
Notes 1. Only use if level is 30mgms per 100mls or less. If over 80, use appropriate adult limit specimen charge
2. If a person commits this offence while he or she is driving a vehicle being used in a transport service (other than a rental service)
you should not issue an infringement but rather proceed against the person summarily as under s63(1) Land Transport Act 1998 the
2020 V9
12 November 2020
court must, in addition to any other penalty, disqualify the person from driving a vehicle being used in a transport service for more
than 1 year but not more than 10 years. In addition, s103(2)(b) LTA98 precludes such persons from applying for a limited licence
that would authorise them to drive a vehicle being used in a transport service (other than a rental service)
Aided transport driver under 20 to drive – breath alcohol over 150 mcg
(Effective date = 7 Aug 2011)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 57(1) and Crimes Act 1961, section 66(1)
Maximum fine = $2,250, Maximum prison = 3 months, Minimum disqualification = 3 months, Notice type = T
Did [1 aid] one *SPACES*, being a person under 20 years of age, to [2 drive] a transport service vehicle on a road while their
breath, as ascertained by an evidential breath test subsequently undergone by them under section 69 of the Land Transport Act
1998, contained alcohol but the proportion of alcohol exceeded 150 micrograms of alcohol per litre of breath in that it was
*BLEVEL* micrograms of alcohol per litre of breath
12 abet
13 incite
14 counsel
15 procure
22 attempt to drive
Notes 1. Only use if level is over 150 but not more than 400mcg per litre. If over 400, use appropriate adult limit specimen charge
2. If a person commits this offence while he or she is driving a vehicle being used in a transport service (other than a rental service)
you should not issue an infringement but rather proceed against the person summarily as under s63(1) Land Transport Act 1998 the
court must, in addition to any other penalty, disqualify the person from driving a vehicle being used in a transport service for more
than 1 year but not more than 10 years. In addition, s103(2)(b) LTA98 precludes such persons from applying for a limited licence
that would authorise them to drive a vehicle being used in a transport service (other than a rental service)
Aided transport driver under 20 to drive – breath alcohol 150 mcg or less
(Effective date = 7 Aug 2011)
(Infringement = $200)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 57(1A) and Crimes Act 1961, section 66(1)
Maximum fine = $0, Maximum prison = 0 months, Minimum disqualification = 0 months, Notice type = N/T
Did [1 aid] one *SPACES*, being a person under 20 years of age, to [2 drive] a transport service vehicle on a road while their
breath, as ascertained by an evidential breath test subsequently undergone by them under section 69 of the Land Transport Act
1998, contained alcohol but the proportion of alcohol did not exceed 150 micrograms of alcohol per litre of breath in that it was
*BLEVEL* micrograms of alcohol per litre of breath
12 abet
13 incite
14 counsel
15 procure
22 attempt to drive
Did [1 aid] a person under 20 years of age to [2 drive] a transport service vehicle on a road while their breath, as ascertained by an
evidential breath test subsequently undergone by them under section 69 of the Land Transport Act 1998, contained alcohol but the
proportion of alcohol did not exceed 150 micrograms of alcohol per litre of breath
12 abet
13 incite
14 counsel
15 procure
12 attempt to drive
Notes 1. Only use if level is 150mcg per litre or less. If over 400, use appropriate adult limit specimen charge
2 If a person commits this offence while he or she is driving a vehicle being used in a transport service (other than a rental service)
you should not issue an infringement but rather proceed against the person summarily as under s63(1) Land Transport Act 1998 the
court must, in addition to any other penalty, disqualify the person from driving a vehicle being used in a transport service for more
than 1 year but not more than 10 years. In addition, s103(2)(b) LTA98 precludes such persons from applying for a limited licence
that would authorise them to drive a vehicle being used in a transport service (other than a rental service)
Transport service driver excess breath alcohol causing death – 3rd or sub
(Effective date = 1 Nov 2011)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 61(1)(a), 61(3A) and section 63
Maximum fine = $20,000, Maximum prison = 10 years, Minimum disqualification = more than 1 year, Notice type = T
Being a person in charge of a transport service vehicle you did cause the death of *SPACES* while the proportion of alcohol in
your blood exceeded 80 milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood in that it was *BLEVEL* milligrams of alcohol per 100
millilitres of blood you having on at least 2 previous occasions been convicted of an offence against any of sections 56(1), 56(2),
57A(1), 58(1), 60(1), 61(1), or 61(2) of the Land Transport Act 1998 or the corresponding provisions of the Transport Act 1962
Under s63(1) Land Transport Act 1998 if a person is convicted of this offence after they had driven or attempted to drive a vehicle
being used in a transport service (other than a rental service), the court must, in addition to any other penalty, disqualify the person
from driving a vehicle being used in a transport service for more than 1 year but not more than 10 years. In addition, s103(2)(b)
LTA98 precludes such persons from applying for a limited licence that would authorise them to drive a vehicle being used in a
transport service (other than a rental service)
Careless under influence drink or drug caused death – transport service
(Effective date = 27 Sep 2019)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 62(1) and 63
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 3 years, Minimum disqualification = 1 year, Notice type = T
2020 V9
12 November 2020
You did cause the death of *SPACES* by carelessly driving a transport service vehicle while under the influence of drink or a drug
or both but not so as to commit an offence against section 61 of the Land Transport Act 1998
Under s63(1) Land Transport Act 1998 if a person is convicted of this offence after they had driven or attempted to drive a vehicle
being used in a transport service (other than a rental service), the court must, in addition to any other penalty, disqualify the person
from driving a vehicle being used in a transport service for more than 1 year but not more than 10 years. In addition, s103(2)(b)
LTA98 precludes such persons from applying for a limited licence that would authorise them to drive a vehicle being used in a
transport service (other than a rental service)
Careless under influence drink or drug caused injury – transport service
(Effective date = 27 Sep 2019)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 62(1) and 63
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 3 years, Minimum disqualification = 1 year, Notice type = T
You did cause bodily injury to *SPACES* by carelessly driving a transport service vehicle while under the influence of drink or a
drug or both but not so as to commit an offence against section 61 of the Land Transport Act 1998
Under s63(1) Land Transport Act 1998 if a person is convicted of this offence after they had driven or attempted to drive a vehicle
being used in a transport service (other than a rental service), the court must, in addition to any other penalty, disqualify the person
from driving a vehicle being used in a transport service for more than 1 year but not more than 10 years. In addition, s103(2)(b)
LTA98 precludes such persons from applying for a limited licence that would authorise them to drive a vehicle being used in a
transport service (other than a rental service)
Transport service driver - excess blood alcohol caused death – 3rd or subs
(Effective date = 1 Jan 2018)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 61(1)(a), 61(3AA), 61(3A) & 63
Maximum fine = $20,000, Maximum prison = 10 years, Minimum disqualification = more than 1 year, Notice type = T
Being a person in charge of a transport service vehicle you did cause the death of *SPACES* while the proportion of alcohol in
your blood exceeded 80 milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood in that it was *BLEVEL* milligrams of alcohol per 100
millilitres of blood you having on at least 2 previous occasions been convicted of an offence against any of sections 56(1), 56(2),
57A(1), 58(1), 60(1), 61(1), or 61(2) of the Land Transport Act 1998 or the corresponding provisions of the Transport Act 1962
Under s63(1) Land Transport Act 1998 if a person is convicted of this offence after they had driven or attempted to drive a vehicle
being used in a transport service (other than a rental service), the court must, in addition to any other penalty, disqualify the person
from driving a vehicle being used in a transport service for more than 1 year but not more than 10 years. In addition, s103(2)(b)
LTA98 precludes such persons from applying for a limited licence that would authorise them to drive a vehicle being used in a
transport service (other than a rental service)
B Series – Duties and Obligations
Person gave false details as to driver's identity
(Effective date = 17 Jul 2020)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 52(6)(b) and 118
Maximum fine = $20,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = M/T
Having been required by an enforcement officer for the time being [1 in uniform] to give such information as was within your
knowledge and that may have lead to the identification of the [2 driver] of vehicle *REGNO* pursuant to section 118 of the Land
Transport Act 1998 you gave information that you knew to be false or misleading
12 possessing a warrant or other evidence of authority
22 person in charge
1. This is NOT an arrestable offence
2. Use this prec for any person other than a driver. If the offender was the driver of a vehicle use B219
Failed to stop when required
(Effective date = 11 Aug 2017)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 52A(1)(a)(i)
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = M/T
Being the user of a vehicle *REGNO* you failed to stop as soon as practicable when signalled or requested to stop by an
enforcement officer under section 114(1) of the Land Transport Act 1998
If, during the commission of this offence, the offender exceeded the speed limit or drove in a dangerous manner you need to use
B221. If the offender has 1 previous conviction for a breach of section 114, you need to use B225, or has 2 or more use B193
Person on a road failed to give name and address on demand
(Effective date = 17 Jul 2020)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 52(1)(c)
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type =T
Being a person on a road and having had a lawful demand by an enforcement officer to [1 give your full name and full address]
you failed or refused to give such information
12 state whether or not you were the owner of the vehicle
13 give your date of birth
14 give information that may lead to the identification of the driver of the vehicle
15 give the full name and full address of the owner of the vehicle
16 give your occupation
17 give your telephone number
2020 V9
12 November 2020
1. This is NOT an arrestable offence
2. Use this prec for any person other than a driver. If the offender was the driver of a vehicle use B218
Failed to stop when followed by red/blue flashing lights
(Effective date = 11 Aug 2017)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 52A(1)(a)(ii)
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = T
You failed to comply with a lawful requirement given to you under section 114(2) of the Land Transport Act 1998 by an
enforcement officer in that you, being the driver of a vehicle and being followed by a motor vehicle displaying flashing [1 blue and
red] lights or sounding a siren, failed to stop
12 blue
If, during the commission of this offence, the offender exceeded the speed limit or drove in a dangerous manner, or had previously
been convicted of an offence against section 114 you need to use B223. If the offender has 1 previous conviction for a breach of
section 114, you need to use B228, or has 2 or more use B195
Failed to remain stopped for an enforcement officer
(Effective date = 11 Aug 2017)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 52A(1)(b)
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = M/T
You being a driver of a vehicle that was stopped, you failed to remain stopped for as long as was necessary for an enforcement
officer to [1 obtain the particulars referred to in] the Land Transport Act 1998
12 complete the exercise of any powers conferred on him by
If the offender had previously been convicted of an offence against section 114 you need to use B224. If the offender has 1
previous conviction for a breach of section 114, you need to use B229, or has 2 or more use B196
Obstructed an enforcement officer
(Effective date = 7 Feb 2012)
Section 53(1) Land Transport Act 1998
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = M/T
You did without reasonable excuse [1 obstruct] an enforcement officer in the execution of that officer’s functions or powers under
the Land Transport Act 1998
12 hinder
13 incite a person namely *SPACES* to obstruct
14 incite a person namely *SPACES* to hinder
Interfered with non-operation order affixed to vehicle
(Effective date = 16 Jan 2006)
(Infringement = $600)
Section 52(1)(a) Land Transport Act 1998
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Did [1 remove] a notice affixed to a vehicle *REGNO* under section 115 Land Transport Act 1998 before [2 new evidence of
vehicle inspection had been obtained for the vehicle]
12 obscure
13 render indistinguishable
22 the enforcement officer had been notified in writing that the vehicle complied with the regulations and the rules
Did [1 remove] a notice affixed to a vehicle pursuant to section 115 Land Transport Act 1998 before [2 evidence of vehicle
inspection had been obtained for the vehicle]
12 obscure
13 render indistinguishable
22 the enforcement officer had been notified in writing that the vehicle complied with the regulations and the rules
Failed to remove a vehicle from a road
(Effective date = 7 Feb 2012)
Section 52(1)(c) Land Transport Act 1998
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = T
You failed to comply with a lawful requirement given to you under section 113(2)(d) of the Land Transport Act 1998 by an
enforcement officer in that you being the driver of a motor vehicle you failed to remove the vehicle from [1 the road] when
required to do so
22 a specific portion of the road
Failed to meet obligation regarding court ordered course
(Effective date = 10 Sept 2012)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 48(1) and 92(4)
Maximum fine = $2,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = T
Having been ordered by a court to attend a [1 driving improvement course] you failed without reasonable excuse to [2 attend that
course within 90 days after being required to do so]
12 dangerous goods course
22 complete that course within 90 days after being required to do so
22 pay the fee for the course within 21 days
23 provide the court with evidence that verifies that you had had successfully completed the course
Drove vehicle issued with non-operation order
2020 V9
12 November 2020
(Effective date = 1 Mar 1999)
(Infringement = $600)
Section 52(1) Land Transport Act 1998
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Drove a vehicle *REGNO* that had been ordered off the road by an order in writing before [1 new evidence of vehicle inspection
had been obtained for and displayed on the vehicle]
12 the enforcement officer had been notified that the vehicle now complied with the regulations and the rules
Drove a vehicle that had been ordered off the road by an order in writing before [1 new evidence of vehicle inspection had been
obtained for and displayed on the vehicle]
12 the enforcement officer had been notified that the vehicle now complied with the regulations and the rules
Failing to provide alternative identification
(Effective date = 17 Jul 2020)
Section 52(1)(c) and section 113(2)(a) Land Transport 1998
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = T
Being the driver of a motor vehicle did [1 fail] to establish his identity by some other means when required to do so by a [2
12 refuse
22 traffic officer
This is NOT an arrestable offence
Refused to be weighed
(Effective date = 1 Mar 1999)
(Infringement = $1000)
Section 52(1)(c) and 125(1)(c) Land Transport Act 1998
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the [1 driver] of [2 heavy motor vehicle] *REGNO* on *STREET* you [3 failed] to comply with a lawful direction given to
you by an enforcement officer to drive the vehicle [4 to a weighing site] specified by the enforcement officer.
12 person in charge
22 transport service vehicle
32 failing
42 onto a weighing device
Being the [1 driver] of [2 heavy motor vehicle] you failed to drive to a weighing device
12 person in charge
22 transport service vehicle
Failed to surrender keys of motor vehicle
(Effective date = 1 Mar 1999)
Section 52(1)(c) Land Transport Act 1998
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = T
Being the person in charge of a motor vehicle and having been required by an enforcement officer to deliver up immediately all
ignition or other keys of the vehicle under section 121(2)(c) of the Land Transport Act 1998 you [1 failed] to comply with that
lawful direction
12 refused
Failed to assist officer to inspect vehicle
(Effective date = 1 Mar 1999)
Section 52(1)(c) Land Transport Act 1998
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = M/T
Being the [1 person in charge] of a vehicle registered number *REGNO* you [2 failed] to comply with a lawful requirement under
section 124(d) of the Land Transport Act 1998 to provide reasonable assistance in the conduct of [3 an inspection] of that vehicle
12 owner
22 refused
32 a running test
Failed to assist an enforcement officer to inspect or test a vehicle when requested by that officer
Failed to off-load when directed
(Effective date = 11 Aug 2017)
(Infringement = $750)
Section 52(1)(c) Land Transport Act 1998
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the driver of a [1 heavy motor vehicle] on a road when the [2 gross mass] of the vehicle exceeded the maximum prescribed
mass by 10% or by 2 000 kg (whichever was the lesser) or more you failed to comply with a lawful direction to [3 off-load the
12 transport service vehicle
22 mass on a group of axles
23 mass on one of the axles
24 mass on a wheel
32 rearrange the load to comply with the mass restriction
Operated a [1 heavy motor vehicle] that exceeded the maximum prescribed mass and did fail to comply with a direction to [1 off-
load the vehicle] .
12 transport service vehicle
22 rearrange the load to comply with the mass restrictions
2020 V9
12 November 2020
Failed to off-load for bridge
(Effective date = 11 Aug 2017)
(Infringement = $750)
Section 52(1)(c) Land Transport Act 1998
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the [1 driver] of a heavy motor vehicle approaching a bridge when the [2 gross mass] of the vehicle exceeded the maximum
prescribed mass for that bridge by 10% or by 2 000 kg (whichever was the lesser) or more you failed to comply with a lawful
direction under section 126(4) of the Land Transport Act 1998 to remove [3 part of the load]
12 person in charge
22 mass on a group of axles
23 mass on one of the axles
24 mass on a wheel
32 the load
Operated a heavy motor vehicle approaching a bridge when the vehicle exceeded the maximum prescribed mass for that bridge and
did fail to comply with a direction to off-load the vehicle
Altered axle weight
(Effective date = 1 Mar 1999)
(Infringement = $370)
Regulation 13(2) and 18(1)(a) Heavy Motor Vehicle Regulations 1974
Maximum fine = $500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Did use a device to alter the axle weights of a vehicle after the driver of the vehicle had been signalled by a [1 constable] to stop
12 traffic officer
Did use a device to alter the axle weights of a vehicle after the driver of the vehicle had been signalled by a [1 constable] to stop
12 traffic officer
Failed to drive to a specified place for rest
(Effective date = 1 Mar 1999)
Section 52(1)(c) Land Transport Act 1998
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = T
Being the person for the time being in charge of a motor vehicle you [1 failed] to comply with a lawful direction by an enforcement
officer pursuant to section 121(2)(b) of the Land Transport Act 1998 to drive that vehicle to *SPACES* in order to obtain rest
12 refused
Driver of commercial vehicle failed to stop when directed
(Effective date = 11 Aug 2017)
(Infringement = $1,000)
Section 52(1)(c) Land Transport Act 1998
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Being the driver of a [1 heavy motor vehicle] *REGNO* failed to stop the vehicle and keep it stopped when lawfully directed
pursuant to section 125(4) of the Land Transport Act 1998 to do so by [2 a sign specifying that that particular vehicle or vehicles of
that class must stop]
12 goods service vehicle
22 an enforcement officer
Being the driver of a [1 heavy motor vehicle] failed to stop the vehicle and keep it stopped when directed to do so by [2 a sign
specifying that that particular vehicle or vehicles of that class must stop]
12 goods service vehicle
22 an enforcement officer
Failing to furnish driver’s name and address to warden
(Effective date = 1 Aug 2012)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 128E(2)(a)
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = T
While you were apparently in charge of or in a vehicle on a road and having been directed by a parking warden to give any
information that was within your knowledge and that may have led to the identification of the driver or person in charge of any
vehicle, including the person’s full name, full address, date of birth, occupation, and telephone number, you failed to provide such
Failing to furnish own name and address to warden
(Effective date = 1 Aug 2012)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 128E(2)(a)
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = T
While you were apparently in charge of or in a vehicle on a road and having been directed by a parking warden to give your name
and address and any other particulars required as to your identity, including your date of birth, occupation, and telephone number,
you failed to provide such information
Unlicensed driver failed to comply with prohibition
(Effective date = 1 Mar 1999)
Section 52(1)(c) Land Transport Act 1998
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = T
You failed to comply with a lawful requirement given to you under section 113(2)(e) of the Land Transport Act 1998 by an
enforcement officer in that you being the driver of a motor vehicle you drove a motor vehicle during a period that you had been
forbidden to drive
2020 V9
12 November 2020
Incapable driver failed to comply with prohibition
(Effective date = 1 Mar 1999)
Section 52(1)(c) Land Transport Act 1998
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = T
You failed to comply with a lawful requirement given to you under section 121(2)(a) of the Land Transport Act 1998 by an
enforcement officer in that you being the driver of a motor vehicle you drove your motor vehicle during a period that you had been
forbidden to drive
Aided or abetted person to drive when forbidden – driving hours
(Effective date = 1 Mar 1999)
Section 52(1)(c) Land Transport Act 1998 and section 66(1) Crimes Act 1961
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = T
Did [1 aid] a person namely *SPACES* to drive a vehicle during a period when a lawful direction had been given to that person by
an enforcement officer pursuant to section 121(2)(b) of the Land Transport Act 1998 directing that person to drive such a vehicle to
*SPACES* in order to obtain rest
12 abet
13 incite
14 counsel
15 procure
Aided or abetted person to fail to off-load when directed
(Effective date = 11 Aug 2017)
(Infringement = $750)
Section 52(1)(c) Land Transport Act 1998 and section 66(1) Crimes Act 1961
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Did [1 aid] a person namely *SPACES* to drive a [2 heavy motor vehicle] on a road when the [3 gross mass] of the vehicle
exceeded the maximum prescribed mass by 10% or by 2 000 kg (whichever was the lesser) or more and a lawful direction to [4
off-load the vehicle] had been given to that person
12 abet
13 incite
14 counsel
15 procure
22 transport service vehicle
32 mass on a group of axles
33 mass on one of the axles
34 mass on a wheel
42 rearrange the load to comply with the mass restriction
Aided and abetted a person who was operating a [1 heavy motor vehicle] that exceeded the maximum prescribed mass to fail to
comply with a direction to [2 off-load the vehicle] .
12 transport service vehicle
22 rearrange the load to comply with the weight restrictions
Failed to comply with a condition of a non-operation order
(Effective date = 1 Mar 1999)
Section 52(1)(c) Land Transport Act 1998
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = M/T
You failed to comply with a lawful direction given to you under [1 section 115(1)] of the Land Transport Act 1998 by an
enforcement officer in that you being the driver of a motor vehicle you drove your motor vehicle [2 at a speed greater than that
specified] on the written direction given to the driver and affixed to the vehicle
12 section 115(3)
22 on a road other than that specified
Aided or abetted person to drive when prohibited
(Effective date = 1 Jan 2005)
Section 52(1)(c) Land Transport Act 1998 and section 66(1) Crimes Act 1961
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = T
Did [1 aid] a person namely *SPACES* to fail to comply with a lawful requirement given to that person under section 113(2)(e) of
the Land Transport Act 1998 by an enforcement officer in that the person being the driver of a motor vehicle drove the motor
vehicle during a period that he or she had been forbidden to drive
12 abet
13 incite
14 counsel
15 procure
Failed to comply with directions of officer on point duty
(Effective date = 1 Mar 1999)
Section 52(1)(c) Land Transport Act 1998
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = T
You failed to comply with the lawful direction of an enforcement officer [1 in uniform] for the time being engaged in the
regulation of traffic on a road
12 wearing a distinctive cap with badge of authority affixed
13 wearing a distinctive hat with badge of authority affixed
2020 V9
12 November 2020
14 wearing a distinctive helmet with badge of authority affixed
Aided/abetted person to drive vehicle issued with non-operation order
(Effective date = 1 Jun 2008)
(Infringement = $600)
Section 52(1) Land Transport Act 1998 and section 66(1) Crimes Act 1961
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Did [1 aid] a person namely *SPACES* to drive a vehicle *REGNO* that had been ordered off the road by an order in writing
before [2 new evidence of vehicle inspection had been obtained for and displayed on the vehicle]
12 abet
13 incite
14 counsel
15 procure
22 the enforcement officer had been notified that the vehicle now complied with the regulations and the rules
Did aid or abet a person to drive a vehicle that had been ordered off the road by an order in writing before [1 new evidence of
vehicle inspection had been obtained for and displayed on the vehicle]
12 the enforcement officer had been notified that the vehicle now complied with the regulations and the rules
Failed to stop when required – 3rd or subsequent offence
(Effective date = 11 Aug 2017)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 52A(1)(a)(i) and section 52A(5)
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 3 mths, Minimum disqualification = 2 yrs, Notice type = T
Being the user of a vehicle *REGNO* you failed to stop at the request or signal of an enforcement officer, you having, on at least 2
previous occasions, been convicted of an offence against section 114
Driver failed to give name and address on demand – 3rd or subs offence
(Effective date = 17 Jul 2020)
Land Transport Act 1998, , section 52A(1)(c) and section 52A(5)
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 3 mths, Minimum disqualification = 2 yrs, Notice type = T
Being the driver of a vehicle that was stopped under the Land Transport Act 1998 and having had a lawful demand by an
enforcement officer to [1 give your ful name and full address] you failed or refused to give such information, you having, on at
least 2 previous occasions, been convicted of an offence against section 114
12 state whether or not you were the owner of the vehicle
13 give your date of birth
14 give information that may lead to the identification of the driver of the vehicle
15 give the full name and full address of the owner of the vehicle
16 give your occupation
17 give your telephone number
This is an arrestable offence
Failed to stop when followed by red/blue flashing lights – 3rd or sub
(Effective date = 11 Aug 2017)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 52A(1)(a)(ii) and section 52A(5)
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 3 mths, Minimum disqualification = 2 yrs, Notice type = T
You failed to comply with a lawful requirement given to you under section 114(2) of the Land Transport Act 1998 by an
enforcement officer in that you being the driver of a vehicle and being followed by a motor vehicle displaying flashing [1 blue and
red] lights or sounding a siren failed to stop, you having, on at least 2 previous occasions, been convicted of an offence against
section 114
12 blue
Failed to remain stopped for an enforcement officer – 3rd or sub
(Effective date = 11 Aug 2017)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 52A(1)(b) and section 52A(5)
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 3 mths, Minimum disqualification = 2 yrs, Notice type = T
You being a driver of a vehicle that was stopped, you failed to remain stopped for as long as was necessary for an enforcement
officer to [1 obtain the particulars referred to in] the Land Transport Act 1998, you having, on at least 2 previous occasions, been
convicted of an offence against section 114
12 complete the exercise of any powers conferred on him by
Removed, obscured, made indistinguishable cruising warning notice
(Effective date = 1 Dec 2009)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 52(8)
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = T
You did [1 remove] a warning notice that had been attached by an enforcement officer to a motor vehicle *REGNO* under section
22AF of the Land Transport Act 1998
12 obscure
13 make indistinguishable
Failed comply with Commissioner’s prohibition on sale/disposal of vehicle
(Effective date = 1 Dec 2009)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 52(1)(c) and 98A(3)
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = T
2020 V9
12 November 2020
Being a person notified under section 98A(2) of the Land Transport Act 1998 that motor vehicle *REGNO* must not be sold or
disposed of, you failed to comply with that notice in that you [1 sold or disposed of the motor vehicle] specified in the notice
12 sold or disposed of parts of the motor vehicle
Learner or restricted driver failed to comply with direction
(Effective date = 1 Dec 2009)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 52(1)(c)
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = T
You failed to comply with a lawful requirement given to you under section 121A(2) of the Land Transport Act 1998 by an
enforcement officer in that you [1 drove a motor vehicle during a period that you were unable to comply with the conditions of
your learner licence]
12 drove a motor vehicle during a period that you were unable to comply with the conditions of your restricted licence
13 failed to drive to a place specified by the enforcement officer
14 failed to deliver up immediately to the enforcement officer all ignition or other keys of the vehicle
Gave false details after an accident
(Effective date = 17 Jul 2020)
(Infringement = $750)
Section 44 Land Transport Act 1998
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the [1 driver] of a vehicle on a road when an accident arising from the use of that vehicle had occurred you gave [2 a name
and address] to [3 a person concerned in the accident] knowing that information to be false or misleading
12 rider
22 a name and address for the owner of the vehicle
23 a registration number for the vehicle
32 an enforcement officer
Being the [1 driver] of a vehicle on a road when an accident arising from the use of that vehicle had occurred in response to a
request you gave [2 a name and address] knowing that information to be false or misleading
12 rider
22 a name and address for the owner of the vehicle
23 a registration number for the vehicle
This is NOT an arrestable offence
Failed to stop or ascertain injury – non-injury crash
(Effective date = 1 Mar 1999)
Section 35(1)(c) Land Transport Act 1998
Maximum fine = $4,500, Maximum prison = 3 months, Minimum disqualification = 6 months, Notice type = T
Having been the [1 driver] of a vehicle involved in a non-injury accident you did without reasonable excuse fail to stop after the
accident and ascertain whether anyone had been injured
12 rider
Failed to stop or ascertain injury or death after crash
(Effective date = 10 May 2011)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 36(1)(c)
Maximum fine = $20,000, Maximum prison = 5 years, Minimum disqualification = 1 year, Notice type = T
Having been the [1 driver] of a vehicle involved in an accident where a person was [2 injured] you did without reasonable excuse
after the accident fail to [3 stop and ascertain whether anyone had been injured]
12 rider
22 killed
32 render assistance
Failed to report damage to vehicle or property
(Effective date = 1 Mar 1999) (Infringement = $370)
Section 47 Land Transport Act 1998
Maximum fine = $5000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the [1 driver] of a vehicle involved in a non-injury accident where damage occurred to [2 an unoccupied motor vehicle] you
failed without reasonable excuse to report the damage together with your name address and other relevant particulars [3 as soon as
was reasonably practicable] to the [4 owner of the other vehicle]
12 rider
22 property belonging to a person other than you
32 within 48 hours
33 within 60 hours
42 owner of the property
43 nearest police station or an enforcement officer
Being the [1 driver] of a vehicle involved in a non-injury accident you failed to report damage arising from the use of the vehicle
12 rider
Failed to report injury or fatal accident
(Effective date = 22 Jun 2005)
Sections 47(1A) and (3) Land Transport Act 1998
Maximum fine = $5000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = T
2020 V9
12 November 2020
Being the driver or rider of a vehicle involved in an accident arising directly or indirectly from the operation of the vehicle did,
without reasonable excuse, fail to report an accident involving an injury to or the death of a person, in accordance with section
22(3) of the Land Transport Act 1998
Failed or refused to release vehicle towed away
(Effective date = 1 Mar 1999) (Infringement = $280)
Section 50 Land Transport Act 1998
Maximum fine = $2,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Having possession of a vehicle that had been removed at the direction of an enforcement officer under section 113(2)(c) of the
Land Transport Act 1998 you [1 failed] without reasonable excuse immediately to release the vehicle when required to do so by
section 117(2) of that Act
12 refused
Failed to immediately release a vehicle that had been removed under section 113(2)(c) of the Land Transport Act 1998 when
required by section 117(2) of the Act
Unlawfully removed or released impounded vehicle
(Effective date = 1 Nov 2009)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 49(1)(a)
Maximum fine = $5000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = T
Without reasonable excuse or authority you [1 removed] from storage a vehicle impounded under [2 section 96] of the Land
Transport Act 1998
12 released
22 section 122
23 section 123
24 section 250
Failed or refused to release impounded vehicle
(Effective date = 1 Nov 2009)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 49(1)(b)
Maximum fine = $5000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = T
Being a storage provider you [1 failed] without reasonable excuse to comply immediately with a direction under the Land
Transport Act 1998 to release a vehicle impounded under [2 section 96] of that Act to [3 the owner]
12 refused
22 section 122
23 section 123
24 section 250
32 a person authorised by the owner
Failed or refused to facilitate an audit or inspection
(Effective date = 7 Feb 2012)
(Infringement = $400)
Section 51 Land Transport Act 1998
Maximum fine = $5,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Having been required by the New Zealand Transport Agency under section 198 of the Land Transport Act 1998 to facilitate an [1
inspection] of your transport service you [2 failed] without reasonable excuse to comply with a requirement made under section
198 of that Act in relation to the audit or inspection
12 audit
22 refused
Having been required by the New Zealand Transport Agency under section 198 of the Land Transport Act 1998 to facilitate an [1
inspection] of your transport service you [2 failed] without reasonable excuse to comply with a requirement made under section
198 of that Act in relation to the audit or inspection
12 audit
22 refused
Failed to provide particulars after an accident
(Effective date = 17 Jul 2020)
Section 47(1) Land Transport Act 1998
Maximum fine = $5000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = T
Being the driver or rider of a vehicle involved in an accident arising directly or indirectly from the operation of the vehicle did,
without reasonable excuse, fail to provide the [1 driver’s or rider’s name and address] when required to do so under section 22(2)
of the Land Transport Act 1998
12 name and address of the owner of the vehicle
This is NOT an arrestable offence
Driver failed to give name and address on demand
(Effective date = 17 Jul 2020)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 52A(1)(c)
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type =T
Being the driver of a vehicle that was stopped under the Land Transport Act 1998 and having had a lawful demand by an
enforcement officer to [1 give your full name and full address] you failed or refused to give such information
12 state whether or not you were the owner of the vehicle
13 give your date of birth
2020 V9
12 November 2020
14 give information that may lead to the identification of the driver of the vehicle
15 give the full name and full address of the owner of the vehicle
16 give your occupation
17 give your telephone number
1. This is an arrestable offence
2. If the offender had previously been convicted of an offence against section 114 you need to use B226, or has 2 or more
convictions use B194
Driver gave false information as to own identity
(Effective date = 17 Jul 2020)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 52A(1)(c)
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type =T
Being the driver of a vehicle that was stopped under the Land Transport Act 1998 and having had a lawful demand by an
enforcement officer under section 114(3)(b) of the Act to [1 give your full name and full address] you provided false or misleading
12 state whether or not you were the owner of the vehicle
13 give your date of birth
14 give information that may lead to the identification of the driver of the vehicle
15 give the full name and full address of the owner of the vehicle
16 give your occupation
17 give your telephone number
1. This is an arrestable offence
2.If the offender had previously been convicted of an offence against section 114 you need to use B227. If the offender has at least
2 previous convictions for a breach of section 114, you need to use B230
Aided or abetted incapable driver to breach prohibition from driving
(Effective date = 1 Aug 2010)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 52(1)(c) and Crimes Act 1961, section 66(1)
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = T
Did [1 aid] a person namely *SPACES* to fail to comply with a lawful requirement given to that person under section 121(2)(a) of
the Land Transport Act 1998 by an enforcement officer in that the person drove a motor vehicle during a period that they had been
forbidden to drive
12 abet
13 incite
14 counsel
15 procure
Failed to stop when required – aggravated
(Effective date = 11 Aug 2017)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 52A(1)(a)(i), 52A(3)
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 6 months, Notice type = T
Being the user of a vehicle *REGNO*, [1 while exceeding the applicable speed limit], you failed to stop at the request or signal of
an enforcement officer
12 while operating the vehicle in a dangerous manner
Failed to stop when followed by red/blue flashing lights – aggravated
(Effective date = 11 Aug 2017)
Land Transport Act 1998, section , section 52A(1)(a)(ii) and section 52A(3)
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 6 months, Notice type = T
You, [1 while exceeding the applicable speed limit], failed to comply with a lawful requirement given to you under section 114(2)
of the Land Transport Act 1998 by an enforcement officer in that you, being the driver of a vehicle and being followed by a motor
vehicle displaying flashing [2 blue and red] lights or sounding a siren, failed to stop
12 while operating the vehicle in a dangerous manner
22 blue
Failed to remain stopped for an enforcement officer – aggravated
(Effective date = 11 Aug 2017)
Land Transport Act 1998, , section 52A(1)(b) and section 52A(3)
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 6 Months, Notice type = T
You being a driver of a vehicle that had been stopped [1 for exceeding the applicable speed limit], you failed to remain stopped for
as long as was necessary for an enforcement officer to [2 obtain the particulars referred to in] the Land Transport Act 1998
12 for operating the vehicle in a dangerous manner
22 complete the exercise of any powers conferred on him by
Failed to stop when required – 2nd offence
(Effective date = 11 Aug 2017)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 52A(1)(a)(i) and section 52A(4)
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 3 mths, Minimum disqualification = 1 yr, Notice type = T
Being the user of a vehicle *REGNO* you failed to stop as soon as practicable when signalled or requested to stop by an
enforcement officer under section 114(1) of the Land Transport Act 1998, you having, on at least 1 previous occasion, been
convicted of an offence against section 114
2020 V9
12 November 2020
Driver failed to give name and address on demand – 2nd offence
(Effective date = 17 Jul 2020)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 52A(1)(c) and section 52A(4)
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 1 yr, Notice type =T
Being the driver of a vehicle that was stopped under the Land Transport Act 1998 and having had a lawful demand by an
enforcement officer to [1 give your full name and full address] you failed or refused to give such information, you having, on at
least 1 previous occasion, been convicted of an offence against section 114
12 state whether or not you were the owner of the vehicle
13 give your date of birth
14 give information that may lead to the identification of the driver of the vehicle
15 give the full name and full address of the owner of the vehicle
16 give your occupation
17 give your telephone number
This is an arrestable offence
Driver gave false information as to own identity – 2nd offence
(Effective date = 17 Jul 2020)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 52A(1)(c) and section 52A(4)
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 1 yr, Notice type =T
Being the driver of a vehicle that was stopped under the Land Transport Act 1998 and having had a lawful demand by an
enforcement officer under section 114(3)(b) of the Act to [1 give your full name and full address] you provided false or misleading
information, you having, on at least 1 previous occasion, been convicted of an offence against section 114
12 state whether or not you were the owner of the vehicle
13 give your date of birth
14 give information that may lead to the identification of the driver of the vehicle
15 give the full name and full address of the owner of the vehicle
16 give your occupation
17 give your telephone number
This is NOT an arrestable offence
Failed to stop when followed by red/blue flashing lights – 2nd offence
(Effective date = 11 Aug 2017)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 52A(1)(a)(ii) and section 52A(4)
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 1 yr, Notice type = T
You failed to comply with a lawful requirement given to you under section 114(2) of the Land Transport Act 1998 by an
enforcement officer in that you, being the driver of a vehicle and being followed by a motor vehicle displaying flashing [1 blue and
red] lights or sounding a siren, failed to stop, you having, on at least 1 previous occasion, been convicted of an offence against
section 114
12 blue
Failed to remain stopped for an enforcement officer – 2nd offence
(Effective date = 11 Aug 2017)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 52A(1)(b) and section 52A(4)
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 1 yr, Notice type = T
You being a driver of a vehicle that was stopped, you failed to remain stopped for as long as was necessary for an enforcement
officer to [1 obtain the particulars referred to in] the Land Transport Act 1998, you having, on at least 1 previous occasion, been
convicted of an offence against section 114
12 complete the exercise of any powers conferred on him by
Driver gave false information as to own identity – 3rd or subsequent
(Effective date = 17 Jul 2020)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 52A(1)(c) and section 52A(5)
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 3 mths, Minimum disqualification = 2 yrs, Notice type =T
Being the driver of a vehicle that was stopped under the Land Transport Act 1998 and having had a lawful demand by an
enforcement officer under section 114(3)(b) of the Act to [1 give your full name and full address] you provided false or misleading
information, you having, on at least 1 previous occasions, been convicted of an offence against section 114
12 state whether or not you were the owner of the vehicle
13 give your date of birth
14 give information that may lead to the identification of the driver of the vehicle
15 give the full name and full address of the owner of the vehicle
16 give your occupation
17 give your telephone number
This is an arrestable offence
Owner or hirer gave false details
(Effective date = 17 Jul 2020)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 52(6)(b) and 118
Maximum fine = $20,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type =M/T
2020 V9
12 November 2020
Being the [1 owner] of a vehicle and on being required under section 118 of the Land Transport Act 1998 to give all information in
your possession or obtainable by you which might have led to the identification and apprehension of [2 the driver] you gave
information knowing it to be false or misleading
12 hirer
13 licence holder
22 a passenger in that vehicle
This is NOT an arrestable offence
Owner or hirer failed or refused to give information
(Effective date = 17 Jul 2020)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 52(6)(a) and 118
Maximum fine = $20,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = M/T
Being the [1 owner] of a vehicle and on being informed of an offence alleged to have been committed by the [2 driver] of the
vehicle on *STREET* and having been required by an enforcement officer for the time being [3 in uniform] to give such
information as was within your knowledge and that may have lead to the identification of the [4 driver] of vehicle *REGNO*
pursuant to section 118 of the Land Transport Act 1998 you [5 failed] to give all information in your possession or obtainable by
you which might have led to the identification and apprehension of the [6 driver]
12 hirer
13 licence holder
22 passenger
32 possessing a warrant or other evidence of authority
42 passenger
52 refused
62 passenger
This is NOT an arrestable offence
Driver of vehicle impounded under s.96 failed to provide own details
(Effective date = 17 Jul 2020)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 52(6), 96(2A)(a) and 118
Maximum fine = $20,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = T
Being the driver of a motor vehicle seized and impounded under section 96 of the Land Transport Act 1998 and having been
requested to do so by an enforcement officer you failed to provide your full name, and full address, and date of birth, and
occupation, and telephone number, and driver licence number
This is NOT an arrestable offence
Driver of vehicle impounded under s.96 failed to provide owner’s details
(Effective date = 17 Jul 2020)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 52(6), 96(2A)(b) and 118
Maximum fine = $20,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = T
Being the driver of a motor vehicle seized and impounded under section 96 of the Land Transport Act 1998, you not being the
registered person in respect of the vehicle, and having been requested to do so by an enforcement officer you failed to provide the
registered person’s ful name, and full address, and date of birth, and occupation, and telephone number
This is NOT an arrestable offence
Driver of transport vehicle impounded failed to provide owner’s details
(Effective date = 17 Jul 2020)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 52(6), 96A(2A)(b) and 118
Maximum fine = $20,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = T
Being the driver of a motor vehicle seized and impounded under section 96A of the Land Transport Act 1998, you not being the
registered person in respect of the vehicle, and having been requested to do so by an enforcement officer you failed to provide the
registered person’s full name, and full address, and date of birth (if an individual), and telephone number
This is NOT an arrestable offence
Driver of transport vehicle impounded failed to provide own details
(Effective date = 17 Jul 2020)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 52(6), 96A(2A)(a) and 118
Maximum fine = $20,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = T
Being the driver of a motor vehicle seized and impounded under section 96A of the Land Transport Act 1998 and having requested
to do so by an enforcement officer you failed to provide your full name, and full address, and date of birth, and occupation, and
telephone number, and driver licence number
This is NOT an arrestable offence
Person failed or refused to give details as to driver's identity
(Effective date = 17 Jul 2020)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 52(6)(a) and 118
Maximum fine = $20,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type =M/T
Having been required by an enforcement officer for the time being [1 in uniform] to give such information as was within your
knowledge and that may have lead to the identification of the [2 driver] of vehicle *REGNO* pursuant to section 118 of the Land
Transport Act 1998 you [3 failed] to give such information
12 possessing a warrant or other evidence of authority
22 person in charge
2020 V9
12 November 2020
32 refused
1. This is NOT an arrestable offence
2. Use this prec for any person other than a driver. If the offender was the driver of a vehicle use B218
Failed to drive vehicle to specified place for vehicle inspection
(Effective date = 1 Dec 1009)
Section 52(1)(c) Land Transport Act 1998
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = T
An enforcement officer having given you a direction under section 128C(2) of the Land Transport Act 1998 you failed to comply
with that direction in that you failed to [1 drive the vehicle to a specified place for vehicle inspection]
12 subject the vehicle to a vehicle inspection to determine whether it complied with any relevant enactment
Failed or refused to permit officer to inspect vehicle’s equipment
(Effective date = 7 Feb 2012)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 52(1)(c)
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = M/T
Being the person in charge of a motor vehicle and having been required by an enforcement officer to permit an inspection, test, or
examination of the brakes or any other part of the vehicle on a road or any associated equipment under section 113(2)(b)(i) of the
Land Transport Act 1998 you [1 failed] to comply with that lawful requirement, direction, notice, request
12 refused
Used equipment in vehicle that interfered with a speed measuring device
(Effective date = 10 May 2011)
(Infringement = $50)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 16B(a)
Maximum fine = $0 , Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N
Used in a motor vehicle equipment that interfered with the operation of a speed measuring device
There is no maximum fine set for this offence
Equipment in vehicle designed to interfere with speed measuring device
(Effective date = 10 May 2011)
(Infringement = $50)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 16B(b)
Maximum fine = $0, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N
Possessed in a motor vehicle equipment that was designed to interfere with the operation of a speed measuring device
There is no maximum fine set for this offence
Furnished false information regarding driver’s identity to warden
(Effective date = 1 Aug 2012)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 128E(2)(b)
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = T
While you were apparently in charge of or in a vehicle on a road and having been directed by a parking warden to give any
information that was within your knowledge and that may have led to the identification of the driver or person in charge of any
vehicle, including the person’s full name, full address, date of birth, occupation, and telephone number, you gave a response that
you knew was false
Furnished false information as to own name and address to warden
(Effective date = 1 Aug 2012)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 128E(2)(b)
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = T
While you were apparently in charge of or in a vehicle on a road and having been directed by a parking warden to give your name
and address and any other particulars required as to your identity, including your date of birth, occupation, and telephone number,
you gave a response that you knew was false
Tow operator failed to deliver up keys of vehicle removed by a warden
(Effective date = 10 May 2011)
(Infringement = $280)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 128E(5)
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being in possession of a vehicle as a result of its being moved under section 128E(1)(e) of the Land Transport Act 1998 you failed
to deliver possession of the vehicle, as soon as practicable, to a person who produced satisfactory evidence, at any reasonable time,
to the effect that they were lawfully entitled to possession of the vehicle immediately before it was moved
You failed to deliver possession of a vehicle moved under section 128E(1)(e) of the Land Transport Act 1998, as soon as
practicable, to a person who produced satisfactory evidence, at any reasonable time, to the effect that they were lawfully entitled to
possession of the vehicle immediately before it was moved
2020 V9
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C Series – Warrant and Certificate of Fitness
No evidence of current Warrant of Fitness
(Effective date = 1 Jan 2014)
(Infringement = $200)
s.34(1)(b) Land Transport Act 1998
Maximum fine = $2,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = G/L/N/T
Operated a vehicle *REGNO* (not being a heavy motor vehicle or a vehicle used in a transport service) on a road *STREET*
when that vehicle was not displaying current evidence of vehicle inspection as required
Operated a private vehicle on a road when that vehicle was not displaying current evidence of vehicle inspection
Operated vehicle not up to warrant of fitness standard
(Effective date = 27 Feb 2005)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 8.9(1) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the operator of a motor vehicle required to have a warrant of fitness operated the vehicle when it was not in a condition
appropriate to the level required for the issue of the warrant of fitness
Operated on a road a motor vehicle that was not up the warrant of fitness standard
NOTE Regulation 4A of the Land Transport (Offences & Penalties) Regs 1999 says that a person may not be subject to proceedings with
respect to a breach of clause 8.9(1) of the Land Transport (Road User) Rule 2004 if that person is, with respect to the same facts,
being proceeded against for a breach of another provision of a rule
Issued evidence of inspection to defective vehicle
(Effective date = 1 Apr 2006)
(Infringement = $370)
Sections 2.1 and 7.4 Vehicle Standards Compliance Rule 2002
Maximum fine = $500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Being an approved testing authority issued evidence of vehicle inspection to a vehicle that failed to meet the standards specified in
the rules
Being an approved testing authority issued evidence of vehicle inspection to a vehicle that failed to meet the standards specified in
the rules
No evidence of current Certificate of Fitness
(Effective date = 1 Jan 2014)
(Infringement = $600)
s.34(1)(b) Land Transport Act 1998
Maximum fine = $2,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = G/J/K/L/M/N/T
Operated a vehicle *REGNO* (being a [1 heavy motor vehicle]) on a road *STREET* when that vehicle was not displaying
current evidence of vehicle inspection as required
12 vehicle used in a transport service
Operated a vehicle (being a [1 heavy motor vehicle]) on a road when that vehicle was not displaying current evidence of vehicle
12 vehicle used in a transport service
Not up to certificate of fitness standard
(Effective date = 1 Apr 2006)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 8.9(1) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Being the operator of a motor vehicle required to have a certificate of fitness operated the vehicle when it was not in a condition
appropriate to the level required for the issue of the certificate of fitness
Operated on a road a motor vehicle that was not up the certificate of fitness standard
NOTE Regulation 4A of the Land Transport (Offences & Penalties) Regs 1999 says that a person may not be subject to proceedings with
respect to a breach of clause 8.9(1) of the Land Transport (Road User) Rule 2004 if that person is, with respect to the same facts,
being proceeded against for a breach of another provision of a rule
Not up to Certificate of Fitness standard (braking defect)
(Effective date = 1 Jun 2016)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 8.9(1) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the operator of a motor vehicle required to have a certificate of fitness you operated the vehicle when it was not in a
condition appropriate to the level required for the issue of the certificate of fitness, in that the vehicle had a braking defect
Operated on a road a motor vehicle that was not up the certificate of fitness standard, in that the vehicle had a braking defect
NOTE Regulation 4A of the Land Transport (Offences & Penalties) Regs 1999 says that a person may not be subject to proceedings with
respect to a breach of clause 8.9(1) of the Land Transport (Road User) Rule 2004 if that person is, with respect to the same facts,
being proceeded against for a breach of another provision of a rule
Not up to Cert of Fitness standard (cab, chassis or body defect)
(Effective date = 1 Jun 2016)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 8.9(1) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the operator of a motor vehicle required to have a certificate of fitness you operated the vehicle when it was not in a
condition appropriate to the level required for the issue of the certificate of fitness, in that the vehicle had a cab, chassis or body
2020 V9
12 November 2020
Operated on a road a motor vehicle that was not up the certificate of fitness standard, in that the vehicle had a cab, chassis or body
NOTE Regulation 4A of the Land Transport (Offences & Penalties) Regs 1999 says that a person may not be subject to proceedings with
respect to a breach of clause 8.9(1) of the Land Transport (Road User) Rule 2004 if that person is, with respect to the same facts,
being proceeded against for a breach of another provision of a rule
Not up to Certificate of Fitness standard (drive line defect)
(Effective date = 1 Jun 2016)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 8.9(1) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the operator of a motor vehicle required to have a certificate of fitness you operated the vehicle when it was not in a
condition appropriate to the level required for the issue of the certificate of fitness, in that the vehicle had a drive line defect
Operated on a road a motor vehicle that was not up the certificate of fitness standard, in that the vehicle had a drive line defect
NOTE Regulation 4A of the Land Transport (Offences & Penalties) Regs 1999 says that a person may not be subject to proceedings with
respect to a breach of clause 8.9(1) of the Land Transport (Road User) Rule 2004 if that person is, with respect to the same facts,
being proceeded against for a breach of another provision of a rule
Not up to Certificate of Fitness standard (load anchorage defect)
(Effective date = 1 Jun 2016)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 8.9(1) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the operator of a motor vehicle required to have a certificate of fitness you operated the vehicle when it was not in a
condition appropriate to the level required for the issue of the certificate of fitness, in that the vehicle had a load anchorage defect
Operated on a road a motor vehicle that was not up the certificate of fitness standard, in that the vehicle had a load anchorage
NOTE Regulation 4A of the Land Transport (Offences & Penalties) Regs 1999 says that a person may not be subject to proceedings with
respect to a breach of clause 8.9(1) of the Land Transport (Road User) Rule 2004 if that person is, with respect to the same facts,
being proceeded against for a breach of another provision of a rule
Not up to Certificate of Fitness standard (fluid leak)
(Effective date = 1 Jun 2016)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 8.9(1) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the operator of a motor vehicle required to have a certificate of fitness you operated the vehicle when it was not in a
condition appropriate to the level required for the issue of the certificate of fitness, in that the vehicle had a fluid defect
Operated on a road a motor vehicle that was not up the certificate of fitness standard, in that the vehicle had a fluid defect
NOTE Regulation 4A of the Land Transport (Offences & Penalties) Regs 1999 says that a person may not be subject to proceedings with
respect to a breach of clause 8.9(1) of the Land Transport (Road User) Rule 2004 if that person is, with respect to the same facts,
being proceeded against for a breach of another provision of a rule
Not up to Certificate of Fitness standard (lighting system defect)
(Effective date = 1 Jun 2016)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 8.9(1) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the operator of a motor vehicle required to have a certificate of fitness you operated the vehicle when it was not in a
condition appropriate to the level required for the issue of the certificate of fitness, in that the vehicle had a lighting system defect
Operated on a road a motor vehicle that was not up the certificate of fitness standard, in that the vehicle had a lighting system
NOTE Regulation 4A of the Land Transport (Offences & Penalties) Regs 1999 says that a person may not be subject to proceedings with
respect to a breach of clause 8.9(1) of the Land Transport (Road User) Rule 2004 if that person is, with respect to the same facts,
being proceeded against for a breach of another provision of a rule
Not up to Certificate of Fitness standard (steering system defect)
(Effective date = 1 Jun 2016)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 8.9(1) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the operator of a motor vehicle required to have a certificate of fitness you operated the vehicle when it was not in a
condition appropriate to the level required for the issue of the certificate of fitness, in that the vehicle had a steering system defect
Operated on a road a motor vehicle that was not up the certificate of fitness standard, in that the vehicle had a steering system
NOTE Regulation 4A of the Land Transport (Offences & Penalties) Regs 1999 says that a person may not be subject to proceedings with
respect to a breach of clause 8.9(1) of the Land Transport (Road User) Rule 2004 if that person is, with respect to the same facts,
being proceeded against for a breach of another provision of a rule
Not up to Certificate of Fitness standard (suspension system defect)
(Effective date = 1 Jun 2016)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 8.9(1) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
2020 V9
12 November 2020
Being the operator of a motor vehicle required to have a certificate of fitness you operated the vehicle when it was not in a
condition appropriate to the level required for the issue of the certificate of fitness, in that the vehicle had a suspension system
Operated on a road a motor vehicle that was not up the certificate of fitness standard, in that the vehicle had a suspension system
NOTE Regulation 4A of the Land Transport (Offences & Penalties) Regs 1999 says that a person may not be subject to proceedings with
respect to a breach of clause 8.9(1) of the Land Transport (Road User) Rule 2004 if that person is, with respect to the same facts,
being proceeded against for a breach of another provision of a rule
Not up to Certificate of Fitness standard (tow coupling defect)
(Effective date = 1 Jun 2016)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 8.9(1) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the operator of a motor vehicle required to have a certificate of fitness you operated the vehicle when it was not in a
condition appropriate to the level required for the issue of the certificate of fitness, in that the vehicle had a tow coupling defect
Operated on a road a motor vehicle that was not up the certificate of fitness standard, in that the vehicle had a tow coupling defect
NOTE Regulation 4A of the Land Transport (Offences & Penalties) Regs 1999 says that a person may not be subject to proceedings with
respect to a breach of clause 8.9(1) of the Land Transport (Road User) Rule 2004 if that person is, with respect to the same facts,
being proceeded against for a breach of another provision of a rule
Not up to Certificate of Fitness standard (vision glazing defect)
(Effective date = 1 Jun 2016)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 8.9(1) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the operator of a motor vehicle required to have a certificate of fitness you operated the vehicle when it was not in a
condition appropriate to the level required for the issue of the certificate of fitness, in that the vehicle had a vision glazing defect
Operated on a road a motor vehicle that was not up the certificate of fitness standard, in that the vehicle had a vision glazing defect
NOTE Regulation 4A of the Land Transport (Offences & Penalties) Regs 1999 says that a person may not be subject to proceedings with
respect to a breach of clause 8.9(1) of the Land Transport (Road User) Rule 2004 if that person is, with respect to the same facts,
being proceeded against for a breach of another provision of a rule
Not up to Certificate of Fitness standard (wheels or tyres defect)
(Effective date = 1 Jun 2016)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 8.9(1) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the operator of a motor vehicle required to have a certificate of fitness you operated the vehicle when it was not in a
condition appropriate to the level required for the issue of the certificate of fitness, in that the vehicle had a wheels or tyres defect
Operated on a road a motor vehicle that was not up the certificate of fitness standard, in that the vehicle had a wheels or tyres
NOTE Regulation 4A of the Land Transport (Offences & Penalties) Regs 1999 says that a person may not be subject to proceedings with
respect to a breach of clause 8.9(1) of the Land Transport (Road User) Rule 2004 if that person is, with respect to the same facts,
being proceeded against for a breach of another provision of a rule
Operated vehicle without certificate of loading
(Effective date = 1 Jan 2018)
(Infringement = $200)
Section 34(1)(b) Land Transport Act 1998
Maximum fine = $2,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Operated a vehicle *REGNO* on a road *STREET* when that vehicle was not displaying a certificate of loading as required
Operated a vehicle on a road when that vehicle was not displaying a certificate of loading as required
Failed to display certificate of loading
(Effective date = 1 Jan 2018)
(Infringement = $200)
Land Transport Act 1998, s40 & r4 Land Transport (Offences & Penalties) Regs 1999 & s10.2(1)(c) Vehicle Standards
Compliance Rule 2002
Maximum fine = $500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Operated a motor vehicle on a road when the certificate of loading applicable to the vehicle was not readily visible to [1 the driver]
12 the driver and passengers in a passenger service vehicle
Operated a motor vehicle on a road when the certificate of loading applicable to the vehicle was not readily visible to [1 the driver]
12 the driver and passengers in a passenger service vehicle
Failed to display current certificate of loading
(Effective date = 1 Jan 2014)
(Infringement = $200)
Land Transport Act 1998, s40 & Land Transport (Offences & Penalties) Regs 1999, r4 & Vehicle Standards Compliance Rule
2002, cl.10.2(1)(a)
Maximum fine = $500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Operated a motor vehicle on a road when the certificate of loading applicable to the vehicle was not current
Operated a motor vehicle on a road when the certificate of loading applicable to the vehicle was not current
Exceeded certificate of loading (weight)
(Effective date = 1 Jan 2018)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 8.9(3) Road User Rule 2004
2020 V9
12 November 2020
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = H
Did operate a motor vehicle in excess of the weight specified in the vehicle’s certificate of loading
Exceeded certificate of loading (passengers)
(Effective date = 1 Jan 2018)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 8.9(3) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Failed to comply with provisions of the rules concerning the operation of a vehicle that is required to have a certificate of loading
in that you did operate the vehicle in excess of the load specified in the certificate of loading
Did operate a motor vehicle with a load in excess of that specified in the certificate of loading
Exceeded certificate of loading (height or conditions)
(Effective date = 1 Jan 2018)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 8.9(3) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Operated on a road a motor vehicle required by the Vehicle Standards Compliance Rule 2002 to have a certificate of loading,
otherwise than in accordance with [1 the loading specifications] in the vehicle’s certificate of loading
12 any conditions
Operated a motor vehicle required to have a certificate of loading, otherwise than in accordance with [1 the loading specifications]
in the vehicle’s certificate of loading
12 any conditions
Exceeded static roll threshold (height)
(Effective date = 1 Jun 2019)
(Infringement = $600)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 8.10(1) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Operated on a road a motor vehicle required by the Vehicle Dimension and Mass Rule to comply with an SRT of at least 0.35g,
and certified for SRT, in breach of the load height limit specified in the [1 certificate of loading]
12 SRT document of compliance
Operated a motor vehicle required by the Vehicle Dimension and Mass Rule to comply with an SRT of at least 0.35g, and certified
for SRT, in breach of the load height limit specified in the [1 certificate of loading]
12 SRT document of compliance
Failed to carry or produce SRT document of compliance
(Effective date = 1 Jun 2019)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 8.10(2)(a) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Operated on a road a motor vehicle in accordance with an SRT document of compliance when the document was not [1 carried on
the vehicle]
12 produced for inspection on demand by an enforcement officer
Operated on a road a motor vehicle in accordance with an SRT document of compliance when the document was not [1 carried on
the vehicle]
12 produced for inspection on demand by an enforcement officer
Vehicle failed to comply with an SRT of at least 0.35 g
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2017)
(Infringement = $370)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40, Vehicle Dimensions & Mass 2016, cl.2.5(1) & 6.1(1), and Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r.4
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Operated on a road a [1 goods vehicle that had a gross vehicle mass exceeding 12 tonnes] and failed to ensure that the vehicle
complied with an SRT of at least 0.35 g
12 trailer that had a gross vehicle mass exceeding 10 tonnes
You operated on a road a [1 goods vehicle that had a gross vehicle mass exceeding 12 tonnes] and failed to ensure that the vehicle
complied with an SRT of at least 0.35 g
12 trailer that had a gross vehicle mass exceeding 10 tonnes
Heavy trailer 1st reg after 1/7/2002 height over 2.8m not SRT certified
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2017)
(Infringement = $370)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40, Vehicle Dimension & Mass Rule 2016, cl.2.1(1) & 3.15(3) and & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999,
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Operated on a road a heavy trailer with a gross vehicle mass exceeding 10 tonnes that was first registered after 1 July 2002 and
required to comply with an SRT of at least 0.35g and with a [1 body height] exceeding 2.8 m and failed to ensure that the vehicle
had been certified for SRT in accordance with 3.16 to 3.18 of the Land Transport Rule: Vehicle Dimension and Mass 2016
12 load height
Operated on a road a heavy trailer with a gross vehicle mass exceeding 10 tonnes that was first registered after 1 July 2002 and
required to comply with an SRT of at least 0.35g and with a body or load height exceeding 2.8 m and failed to ensure that the
vehicle had been certified for SRT in accordance with 3.16 to 3.18 of the Land Transport Rule: Vehicle Dimension and Mass 2016
No gas inspection certificate
(Effective date = 1 Apr 2006)
(Infringement = $200)
2020 V9
12 November 2020
Land Transport Act 1998, s40 & r4 Land Transport (Offences & Penalties) Regs 1999 & s10.2(1)(a) Vehicle Standards
Compliance Rule 2002
Maximum fine = $500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Did operate a vehicle fitted with a charged [1 CNG] alternative fuel system when there was not displayed on the vehicle a current
alternative fuel inspection certificate
12 LPG
Operated a vehicle fit ed with a charged alternative fuel system when there was not displayed on the vehicle a current alternative
fuel inspection certificate
12 LPG
D Series – Manner of Driving
Operated a motor vehicle recklessly
(Effective date = 11 Aug 2017)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 35(1)(a)
Maximum fine = $4,500, Maximum prison = 3 months, Minimum disqualification = 6 months, Notice type = T
Operated a motor vehicle *REGNO* on a road namely *STREET* recklessly
Recklessly caused injury
(Effective date = 11 Aug 2017)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 36(1)(a)
Maximum fine = $20,000, Maximum prison = 5 years, Minimum disqualification = 1 year, Notice type = T
Operated a motor vehicle recklessly and thereby caused an injury to *SPACES*
Recklessly caused death
(Effective date = 10 May 2011)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 36AA(1)(a)
Maximum fine = $20,000, Maximum prison = 10 years, Minimum disqualification = 1 year, Notice type = T
Operated a motor vehicle recklessly and thereby caused the death of *SPACES*
Drove a motor vehicle in a dangerous manner
(Effective date = 11 Aug 2017)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 35(1)(b)
Maximum fine = $4,500, Maximum prison = 3 months, Minimum disqualification = 6 months, Notice type = T
You [1 drove] a motor vehicle *REGNO* on a road *STREET* in a manner which having regard to all the circumstances of the
case [2 might have been] dangerous to [3 the public]
12 caused to be driven
22 was
23 was or might have been
32 a person
33 the public or a person
Aided driving in a dangerous manner
(Effective date = 11 Aug 2017)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 35(1)(b) and Crimes Act 1961, section 66(1)
Maximum fine = $4,500, Maximum prison = 3 months, Minimum disqualification = 6 months, Notice type = T
Did [1 aid] one *SPACES* to drive a motor vehicle on a road namely *STREET* *SPACES* in a manner which having regard to
all the circumstances of the case [2 might have been] dangerous to [3 the public]
12 abet
13 incite
14 counsel
15 procure
22 was
32 any person
Party to driving in dangerous manner causing injury
(Effective date = 11 Aug 2017)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 36(1)(a) and Crimes Act 1961, section 66(1)
Maximum fine = $20,000, Maximum prison = 5 years, Minimum disqualification = 1 year, Notice type = T
Did [1 procure] one *SPACES* to cause bodily injury to *SPACES* by driving a motor vehicle in a manner which having regard
to all the circumstances of the case was dangerous to[2 the public]
12 incite
13 counsel
14 aid
15 abet
22 any person
Drove dangerously causing injury
(Effective date = 11 Aug 2017)
2020 V9
12 November 2020
Land Transport Act 1998, section 36(1)(b)
Maximum fine = $20,000, Maximum prison = 5 years, Minimum disqualification = 1 year, Notice type = T
You [1 drove] a motor vehicle [2 at a speed] which having regard to all the circumstances of the case [3 was] dangerous to [4 the
public] and thereby caused injury to *SPACES*
12 caused to be driven
22 in a manner
32 might have been
42 a person
Drove dangerously causing death
(Effective date = 10 May 2011)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 36AA(1)(b)
Maximum fine = $20,000, Maximum prison = 10 years, Minimum disqualification = 1 year, Notice type = T
You [1 drove] a motor vehicle [2 at a speed] which having regard to all the circumstances of the case [3 was] dangerous to [4 the
public] and thereby caused the death of *SPACES*
12 caused to be driven
22 in a manner
32 might have been
42 a person
Drove a motor vehicle at a dangerous speed
(Effective date = 11 Aug 2017)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 35(1)(b)
Maximum fine = $4,500, Maximum prison = 3 months, Minimum disqualification = 6 months, Notice type = T
You [1 drove] a motor vehicle *REGNO* on a road *STREET* at a speed which having regard to all the circumstances of the case
[2 might have been] dangerous to [3 the public]
12 caused to be driven
22 was
23 was or might have been
32 a person
33 the public or a person
Operated vehicle in race or exhibition of speed or acceleration
(Effective date = 1 Jan 2012)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 36A(1)(a)
Maximum fine = $4,500, Maximum prison = 3 months, Minimum disqualification = 6 months, Notice type = T
You operated a motor vehicle *REGNO* on a road *STREET* in [1 a race] in contravention of section 22A(1) of the Land
Transport Act 1998
12 an unnecessary exhibition of speed
13 an unnecessary exhibition of acceleration
14 an unnecessary exhibition of speed or acceleration
If the offender has 2 or more convictions for offences against section 36A(1)(a) or (c) of the Land Transport Act 1998 within the
last 4 years staff should use specimen charge D369.
Operated a motor vehicle causing sustained loss of traction
(Effective date = 1 Jan 2012)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 36A(1)(c)
Maximum fine = $4,500, Maximum prison = 3 months, Minimum disqualification = 6 months, Notice type = T
You did, without reasonable excuse, operate a motor vehicle *REGNO* on a road *STREET* in a manner that caused the vehicle
to undergo sustained loss of traction in contravention of section 22A(3) of the Land Transport Act 1998
If the offender has 2 or more convictions for offences against section 36A(1)(a) or (c) of the Land Transport Act 1998 within the
last 4 years staff should use specimen charge D370.
Poured, placed or allowed slippery substance to spill on road
(Effective date = 2 May 2003)
(Infringement = $600)
Section 36A(1)(b) Land Transport Act 1998
Maximum fine = $3,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
You did without reasonable excuse, intentionally [1 pour onto] a road a substance likely to cause a vehicle to undergo sustained
loss of traction
12 place on
13 allow to spil onto
You did without reasonable excuse, intentionally [1 pour onto] a road a substance likely to cause a vehicle to undergo sustained
loss of traction
12 place on
13 allow to spil onto
Party to operation of vehicle in race/exhibition of speed/acceleration
(Effective date = 1 Nov 2009)
Land Transport Act 1998, Section 36A(1)(a) and Crimes Act 1961, section 66
Maximum fine = $4,500, Maximum prison = 3 months, Minimum disqualification = 6 months, Notice type = T
2020 V9
12 November 2020
You did [1 aid] a person namely *SPACES* to operate a motor vehicle *REGNO* on a road *STREET* in [2 a race] in
contravention of section 22A(1) of the Land Transport Act 1998
12 abet
13 incite
14 counsel
15 procure
22 an unnecessary exhibition of speed
23 an unnecessary exhibition of acceleration
24 an unnecessary exhibition of speed or acceleration
Party to operation of vehicle causing sustained loss of traction
(Effective date = 1 Nov 2009)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 36A(1)(c) and Crimes Act 1961, section 66
Maximum fine = $4,500, Maximum prison = 3 months, Minimum disqualification = 6 months, Notice type = T
You did [1 aid] a person namely *SPACES* to operate a motor vehicle *REGNO* on a road *STREET* in a manner that caused
the vehicle to undergo sustained loss of traction in contravention of section 22A(3) of the Land Transport Act 1998
12 abet
13 incite
14 counsel
15 procure
Operated a vehicle in breach of anti-cruising bylaw – Christchurch
(Effective date = 1 Jul 2017)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.22A(3A), Christchurch City Council Cruising and Prohibited Times on Roads Bylaw 2014, cls 4(1) &
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
You did operate a motor vehicle *REGNO* on *STREET* in a manner that contravened the Christchurch City Council Cruising
and Prohibited Times on Roads Bylaw 2014 in that you cruised on that road and at a time when such action was prohibited under
the bylaw
Did operate a motor vehicle on a road in a manner that contravened Christchurch City Council Cruising and Prohibited Times on
Roads Bylaw 2014 in that you cruised on that road and at a time when such action was prohibited under the bylaw
This is a qualifying offence for the purposes of issuing a warning under section 22AF Land Transport Act 1998. Under section
96(1AA) of the Act a breach of the warning notice may result in the vehicle being impounded.
Party to operating a vehicle in breach of anti-cruising bylaw – Chch
(Effective date = 1 Jul 2017)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.22A(3A), Christchurch City Council Cruising and Prohibited Times on Roads Bylaw 2014, cls 4(1) &
10(1) & Crimes Act 1961, s.66
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
You did [1 aid] a person namely *SPACES* to operate a motor vehicle *REGNO* on *STREET* in a manner that contravened
the Christchurch City Council Cruising and Prohibited Times on Roads Bylaw 2014 in that the person cruised on that road and at a
time prohibited under the bylaw
12 abet
13 incite
14 counsel
15 procure
You did [1 aid] a person to operate a motor vehicle on a road in a manner that contravened the Christchurch City Council Cruising
and Prohibited Times on Roads Bylaw 2014 in that the person cruised on a road and at a time prohibited under the bylaw
12 abet
13 incite
14 counsel
15 procure
Unnecessary exhibition of speed or acceleration causing injury
(Effective date = 1 Jan 2012)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 36A(1)(a), 36A(2)(a) and 36A(3)(a)
Maximum fine = $20,000, Maximum prison = 5 years, Minimum disqualification = 1 year, Notice type = T
You operated a motor vehicle *REGNO* on a road *STREET* in [1 a race] in contravention of section 22A(1) of the Land
Transport Act 1998 and thereby caused injury to *SPACES*
12 an unnecessary exhibition of speed
13 an unnecessary exhibition of acceleration
14 an unnecessary exhibition of speed or acceleration
If the offender has 2 or more convictions for offences against section 36A(1)(a) or (c) of the Land Transport Act 1998 within the
last 4 years staff should use specimen charge D371.
Unnecessary exhibition of speed or acceleration causing death
(Effective date = 1 Jan 2012)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 36A(1)(a), 36A(2)(b) and 36A(3)(b)
Maximum fine = $20,000, Maximum prison = 10 years, Minimum disqualification = 1 year, Notice type = T
You operated a motor vehicle *REGNO* on a road *STREET* in [1 a race] in contravention of section 22A(1) of the Land
Transport Act 1998 and thereby caused the death of *SPACES*
2020 V9
12 November 2020
12 an unnecessary exhibition of speed
13 an unnecessary exhibition of acceleration
14 an unnecessary exhibition of speed or acceleration
If the offender has 2 or more convictions for offences against section 36A(1)(a) or (c) of the Land Transport Act 1998 within the
last 4 years staff should use specimen charge D372.
Sustained loss of traction causing injury
(Effective date = 1 Jan 2012)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 36A(1)(a), 36A(1)(c) and 36A(3)(a)
Maximum fine = $20,000, Maximum prison = 5 years, Minimum disqualification = 1 year, Notice type = T
You did, without reasonable excuse, operate a motor vehicle *REGNO* on a road *STREET* in a manner that caused the vehicle
to undergo sustained loss of traction in contravention of section 22A(3) of the Land Transport Act 1998 and thereby caused injury
If the offender has 2 or more convictions for offences against section 36A(1)(a) or (c) of the Land Transport Act 1998 within the
last 4 years staff should use specimen charge D373.
Sustained loss of traction causing death
(Effective date = 1 Jan 2012)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 36A(1)(a), 36A(1)(c) and 36A(3)(b)
Maximum fine = $20,000, Maximum prison = 10 years, Minimum disqualification = 1 year, Notice type = T
You operated a motor vehicle *REGNO* on a road *STREET* in a manner that caused the vehicle to undergo sustained loss of
traction in contravention of section 22A(3) of the Land Transport Act 1998 and thereby caused the death of *SPACES*
If the offender has 2 or more convictions for offences against section 36A(1)(a) or (c) of the Land Transport Act 1998 within the
last 4 years staff should use specimen charge D374.
Party to exhibition of speed or acceleration causing injury
(Effective date = 10 May 2011)
Land Transport Act 1998, Sections 36A(1)(a), 36A(2)(a) and 36A(3)(a) & Crimes Act 1961, section 66
Maximum fine = $20,000, Maximum prison = 5 years, Minimum disqualification = 1 year, Notice type = T
You did [1 aid] a person namely *SPACES* to operate a motor vehicle *REGNO* on a road *STREET* in [2 a race] in
contravention of section 22A(1) of the Land Transport Act 1998 and thereby caused injury to *SPACES*
12 abet
13 incite
14 counsel
15 procure
22 an unnecessary exhibition of speed
23 an unnecessary exhibition of acceleration
24 an unnecessary exhibition of speed or acceleration
Party to exhibition of speed or acceleration causing death
(Effective date = 10 May 2011)
Land Transport Act 1998, Sections 36A(1)(a), 36A(2)(b) and 36A(3)(b) & Crimes Act 1961, section 66
Maximum fine = $20,000, Maximum prison = 10 years, Minimum disqualification = 1 year, Notice type = T
You did [1 aid] a person namely *SPACES* to operate a motor vehicle *REGNO* on a road *STREET* in [2 a race] in
contravention of section 22A(1) of the Land Transport Act 1998 and thereby caused the death of *SPACES*
12 abet
13 incite
14 counsel
15 procure
22 an unnecessary exhibition of speed
23 an unnecessary exhibition of acceleration
24 an unnecessary exhibition of speed or acceleration
Party to sustained loss of traction causing injury
(Effective date = 10 May 2011)
Sections 36A(1)(a), 36A(1)(c) and 36A(3)(a) Land Transport Act 1998 & Crimes Act 1961, section 66
Maximum fine = $20,000, Maximum prison = 5 years, Minimum disqualification = 1 year, Notice type = T
You did [1 aid] a person namely *SPACES* to operate a motor vehicle *REGNO* on a road *STREET* in a manner that caused
the vehicle to undergo sustained loss of traction in contravention of section 22A(3) of the Land Transport Act 1998 and thereby
caused injury to *SPACES*
12 abet
13 incite
14 counsel
15 procure
Party to sustained loss of traction causing death
(Effective date = 10 May 2011)
Sections 36A(1)(a), 36A(1)(c) and 36A(3)(b) Land Transport Act 1998 & Crimes Act 1961, section 66
Maximum fine = $20,000, Maximum prison = 10 years, Minimum disqualification = 1 year, Notice type = T
2020 V9
12 November 2020
You did [1 aid] a person namely *SPACES* to operate a motor vehicle *REGNO* on a road *STREET* in a manner that caused
the vehicle to undergo sustained loss of traction in contravention of section 22A(3) of the Land Transport Act 1998 and thereby
caused the death of *SPACES*
12 abet
13 incite
14 counsel
15 procure
Used vehicle in race/exhibit of speed or acceleration – 3rd or sub in 4 yrs
(Effective date = 1 Jan 2012)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 36A(1)(a), and Sentencing Act 2002, section 129A(3)
Maximum fine = $4,500, Maximum prison = 3 months, Minimum disqualification = 6 months, Notice type = T
You operated a motor vehicle *REGNO* on a road *STREET* in [1 a race] in contravention of section 22A(1) of the Land
Transport Act 1998, you having been convicted at least twice previously of an offence against section 36A(1)(a) or (c) of the Land
Transport Act 1998 within the last 4 years
12 an unnecessary exhibition of speed
13 an unnecessary exhibition of acceleration
14 an unnecessary exhibition of speed or acceleration
Staff are reminded that if the offender is appearing before the Court on this charge then section 129A(3) of the Sentencing Act
2002 wil apply. This means the Court may order the confiscation and destruction of the motor vehicle used in the offence.
Operated vehicle causing sustained loss of traction – 3rd or sub in 4 yrs
(Effective date = 1 Jan 2012)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 36A(1)(c), and Sentencing Act 2002, section 129A(3)
Maximum fine = $4,500, Maximum prison = 3 months, Minimum disqualification = 6 months, Notice type = T
You did, without reasonable excuse, operate a motor vehicle *REGNO* on a road *STREET* in a manner that caused the vehicle
to undergo sustained loss of traction in contravention of section 22A(3) of the Land Transport Act 1998, you having been
convicted at least twice previously of an offence against section 36A(1)(a) or (c) of the Land Transport Act 1998 within the last 4
Staff are reminded that if the offender is appearing before the Court on this charge then section 129A(3) of the Sentencing Act
2002 wil apply. This means the Court may order the confiscation and destruction of the motor vehicle used in the offence.
Exhibition of speed or acceleration causing injury – 3rd or sub in 4 yrs
(Effective date = 1 Jan 2012)
Land Transport Act 1998, Sections 36A(1)(a), 36A(2)(a) and 36A(3)(a), and Sentencing Act 2002, section 129A(3)
Maximum fine = $20,000, Maximum prison = 5 years, Minimum disqualification = 1 year, Notice type = T
You operated a motor vehicle *REGNO* on a road *STREET* in [1 a race] in contravention of section 22A(1) of the Land
Transport Act 1998 and thereby caused injury to *SPACES*, you having been convicted at least twice previously of an offence
against section 36A(1)(a) or (c) of the Land Transport Act 1998 within the last 4 years
12 an unnecessary exhibition of speed
13 an unnecessary exhibition of acceleration
14 an unnecessary exhibition of speed or acceleration
Staff are reminded that if the offender is appearing before the Court on this charge then section 129A(3) of the Sentencing Act
2002 wil apply. This means the Court may order the confiscation and destruction of the motor vehicle used in the offence.
Exhibition of speed or acceleration causing death – 3rd or sub in 4 yrs
(Effective date = 1 Jan 2012)
Land Transport Act 1998, Sections 36A(1)(a), 36A(2)(b) and 36A(3)(b), and Sentencing Act 2002, section 129A(3)
Maximum fine = $20,000, Maximum prison = 10 years, Minimum disqualification = 1 year, Notice type = T
You operated a motor vehicle *REGNO* on a road *STREET* in [1 a race] in contravention of section 22A(1) of the Land
Transport Act 1998 and thereby caused the death of *SPACES*, you having been convicted at least twice previously of an offence
against section 36A(1)(a) or (c) of the Land Transport Act 1998 within the last 4 years
12 an unnecessary exhibition of speed
13 an unnecessary exhibition of acceleration
14 an unnecessary exhibition of speed or acceleration
Staff are reminded that if the offender is appearing before the Court on this charge then section 129A(3) of the Sentencing Act
2002 wil apply. This means the Court may order the confiscation and destruction of the motor vehicle used in the offence.
Sustained loss of traction causing injury – 3rd or subsequent in 4 yrs
(Effective date = 1 Jan 2012)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 36A(1)(a), 36A(1)(c) and 36A(3)(a), and Sentencing Act 2002, section 129A(3)
Maximum fine = $20,000, Maximum prison = 5 years, Minimum disqualification = 1 year, Notice type = T
You did, without reasonable excuse, operate a motor vehicle *REGNO* on a road *STREET* in a manner that caused the vehicle
to undergo sustained loss of traction in contravention of section 22A(3) of the Land Transport Act 1998 and thereby caused injury
to *SPACES*, you having been convicted at least twice previously of an offence against section 36A(1)(a) or (c) of the Land
Transport Act 1998 within the last 4 years
Staff are reminded that if the offender is appearing before the Court on this charge then section 129A(3) of the Sentencing Act
2002 wil apply. This means the Court may order the confiscation and destruction of the motor vehicle used in the offence.
Sustained loss of traction causing death – 3rd or subsequent in 4 yrs
(Effective date = 1 Jan 2012)
2020 V9
12 November 2020
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 36A(1)(a), 36A(1)(c) and 36A(3)(b), and Sentencing Act 2002, section 129A(3)
Maximum fine = $20,000, Maximum prison = 10 years, Minimum disqualification = 1 year, Notice type = T
You operated a motor vehicle *REGNO* on a road *STREET* in a manner that caused the vehicle to undergo sustained loss of
traction in contravention of section 22A(3) of the Land Transport Act 1998 and thereby caused the death of *SPACES*, you
having been convicted at least twice previously of an offence against section 36A(1)(a) or (c) of the Land Transport Act 1998
within the last 4 years
Staff are reminded that if the offender is appearing before the Court on this charge then section 129A(3) of the Sentencing Act
2002 wil apply. This means the Court may order the confiscation and destruction of the motor vehicle used in the offence.
Operated a vehicle in breach of anti-cruising bylaw – Auckland
(Effective date = 1 Aug 2012)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.22A(3A), Auckland Transport Traffic Bylaw 2012, clauses 14(2) and 29 & Offences & Penalties Regs
1999, r4
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Did, without reasonable excuse, operate a motor vehicle *REGNO* on *STREET* in a manner that contravened a resolution made
pursuant to clause 14 of the Auckland Transport Traffic Bylaw 2012 in that you cruised on that road and at a time when such
action was prohibited under the bylaw
Did, without reasonable excuse, operate a motor vehicle on in a manner that contravened a resolution made pursuant to clause 14
of the Auckland Transport Traffic Bylaw 2012 in that you cruised on that road and at a time when such action was prohibited under
the bylaw
This is a qualifying offence for the purposes of issuing a warning under section 22AF Land Transport Act 1998. Under section
96(1AA) of the Act a breach of the warning notice may result in the vehicle being impounded.
Party to operating a vehicle in breach of anti-cruising bylaw – Auckland
(Effective date = 1 Aug 2012)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.22A(3A), Auckland Transport Traffic Bylaw 2012, clauses 14(2) and 29 & Offences & Penalties Regs
1999, r4 & Crimes Act 1961, s.66
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
You did [1 aid] a person namely *SPACES* to, without reasonable excuse, operate a motor vehicle *REGNO* on *STREET* in a
manner that contravened a resolution made pursuant to clause 14 of the Auckland Transport Traffic Bylaw 2012 in that you cruised
on that road and at a time when such action was prohibited under the bylaw
12 abet
13 incite
14 counsel
15 procure
You did [1 aid] a person to, without reasonable excuse, operate a motor vehicle on in a manner that contravened a resolution made
pursuant to clause 14 of the Auckland Transport Traffic Bylaw 2012 in that you cruised on that road and at a time when such
action was prohibited under the bylaw
12 abet
13 incite
14 counsel
15 procure
Operated a vehicle inconsiderately
(Effective date = 7 Feb 2012)
Section 37 Land Transport Act 1998
Maximum fine = $3,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = T
Operated a vehicle on a road namely *STREET* without reasonable consideration for other persons using the road
Slow vehicle or inconsiderate driving impeded traffic
(Effective date = 7 Feb 2012)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 2.1(2) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Drove a vehicle on a road at a speed impeding the normal and reasonable traffic flow and failed as soon as reasonably practicable
to move to the left side of the roadway to allow following traffic to pass
Being a driver of a vehicle impeding the flow of traffic failed to move your vehicle to the left side of the roadway to allow
following traffic to pass.
Impeded a light rail vehicle
(Effective date = 27 Feb 2005)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 4.7 Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the driver of a vehicle on a road impeded the progress of a light rail vehicle
Being the driver of a vehicle on a road impeded the progress of a light rail vehicle
Passed stationary school bus without due care
(Effective date = 1 Oct 2011)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 5.6(1A)(a) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the driver of a vehicle on a road and upon [1 overtaking] a school bus [2 that was displaying a school bus sign and was
stopped for the purpose of picking up or dropping off school children] you did drive without due care for the safety of the children
2020 V9
12 November 2020
12 meeting
22 that was displaying a specified school bus sign on which the lights were flashing
Upon [1 overtaking] a stationary school bus stopped for the purpose of picking up or dropping off school children you did drive a
vehicle without due care for the safety of the children
12 meeting
Driver of light rail vehicle impeded other traffic
(Effective date = 27 Feb 2005)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 11.17 Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the driver of a light rail vehicle failed to take due care to enable a driver of another vehicle to move safely from the path of
the light rail vehicle
Being the driver of a light rail vehicle failed to take due care to enable a driver of another vehicle to move safely from the path of
the light rail vehicle
Carelessly opened or closed door
(Effective date = 7 Feb 2012)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 7.2(1) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Did cause a hazard to a person namely *SPACES* by [1 opening] a door of a motor vehicle
12 closing
13 leaving open
Did cause a hazard to a person by [1 opening] a door of a motor vehicle
12 closing
13 leaving open
Operated a vehicle carelessly
(Effective date = 7 Feb 2012)
Section 37 Land Transport Act 1998
Maximum fine = $3,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = T
Operated a vehicle on a road namely *STREET* carelessly
Aided and abetted careless use
(Effective date = 7 Feb 2012)
Section 37 Land Transport Act 1998 and section 66(1) Crimes Act 1961
Maximum fine = $3,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = T
Did [1 aid] one *SPACES* to operate a vehicle on a road namely *STREET* carelessly
12 abet
13 counsel
14 procure
Aid/abet careless driving causing death
(Effective date = 7 Feb 2012)
Section 38 Land Transport Act 1998 and section 66(1) Crimes Act 1961
Maximum fine = $4,500, Maximum prison = 3 months, Minimum disqualification = 6 months, Notice type = T
Did aid or abet one *SPACES* in the careless operation of a vehicle which operation caused the death of *SPACES*
Aid/abet careless driving causing injury
(Effective date = 7 Feb 2012)
Section 38 Land Transport Act 1998 and section 66(1) Crimes Act 1961
Maximum fine = $4,500, Maximum prison = 3 months, Minimum disqualification = 6 months, Notice type = T
Did aid or abet one *SPACES* in the careless operation of a vehicle which operation caused injury to *SPACES*
Careless operation causing death (not on a road)
(Effective date = 21 Jun 2005)
Section 38 Land Transport Act 1998
Maximum fine = $4,500, Maximum prison = 3 months, Minimum disqualification = 6 months, Notice type = T
Operated a vehicle carelessly and thereby caused the death of *SPACES*
Careless operation causing injury (not on a road)
(Effective date = 21 Jun 2005)
Section 38 Land Transport Act 1998
Maximum fine = $4,500, Maximum prison = 3 months, Minimum disqualification = 6 months, Notice type = T
Operated a vehicle carelessly and thereby caused an injury to *SPACES*
Careless or inconsiderate vehicle operation causing injury (on a road)
(Effective date = 1 Dec 2012)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 38
Maximum fine = $4,500, Maximum prison = 3 months, Minimum disqualification = 6 months, Notice type = T
Operated a vehicle on a road namely *STREET* [1 carelessly] and thereby caused injury to *SPACES*
12 inconsiderately
2020 V9
12 November 2020
Careless or inconsiderate vehicle operation causing death (on a road)
(Effective date = 1 Dec 2012)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 38
Maximum fine = $4,500, Maximum prison = 3 months, Minimum disqualification = 6 months, Notice type = T
Operated a vehicle on a road namely *STREET* [1 carelessly] and thereby caused the death of *SPACES*
12 inconsiderately
Aggravated careless driving causing death
(Effective date = 1 Dec 2012)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 39
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 3 years, Minimum disqualification = 1 year, Notice type = T
Caused the death of *SPACES* by carelessly using a motor vehicle *REGNO* on *STREET* while [1 exceeding a speed limit]
12 illegally overtaking
13 driving on the wrong part of the road
Aggravated careless driving causing injury
(Effective date = 1 Dec 2012)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 39
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 3 years, Minimum disqualification = 1 year, Notice type = T
Caused an injury to *SPACES* by carelessly using a motor vehicle *REGNO* on *STREET* while [1 exceeding a speed limit]
12 illegally overtaking
13 driving on the wrong part of the road
Cut in when overtaking
(Effective date = 7 Feb 2012)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r.4 & Road User Rule 2004, 2.6(3)
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Did drive a vehicle on a road and while passing another vehicle moving in the same direction moved into the line of passage of that
vehicle before that manoeuvre could be made safely and thereby impeded the movement of that other vehicle.
Passed another vehicle moving in the same direction and moved in front of that vehicle when such manoeuvre could not be made
safely and without impeding the other vehicle
Passed at railway level crossing
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2010)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 2.11(1) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Did drive a vehicle on a road and [1 passed] a vehicle that had stopped at a railway level crossing to [2 give way to a rail vehicle]
when the other vehicle [3 was moving]
12 attempted to pass
22 ascertain whether a rail vehicle was using the line
32 had stopped to give way to a vehicle using the railway line
Did [1 pass] another vehicle stopped at a railway level crossing.
12 attempt to pass
Passed with less than 100 metres of visibility
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2010)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 2.6(1)(d) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Did drive a vehicle on a road and passed another vehicle proceeding in the same direction when the driver did not have a clear
view of the road and any traffic thereon for a distance of at least 100 metres throughout the entire movement.
Passed another vehicle moving in the same direction without a clear view of the road for at least 100 metres throughout the entire
Attempted to pass with less than 100 metres visibility
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2010)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 2.6(1)(d) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Did drive a vehicle on a road and attempted to pass a vehicle proceeding in the same direction when he did not have a clear view of
the road and any traffic thereon for a distance of at least 100 metres throughout the entire movement
Attempted to pass another vehicle moving in the same direction without a clear view of the road for at least 100 metres throughout
the entire movement
Overtook on right at intersection and encroached opposing lane
(Effective date = 7 Feb 2012)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 2.7(a)(1) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the driver of a vehicle [1 crossing] an intersection where the roadway was marked in lanes encroached on a lane for
opposing traffic when [2 passing] on the right of another vehicle
12 approaching
22 attempting to pass
2020 V9
12 November 2020
Encroached on a lane for opposing traffic when [1 passing] a vehicle on the right at an intersection
12 attempting to pass
Overtook on right at intersection unsafe manoeuvre
(Effective date = 7 Feb 2012)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 2.7(a)(ii) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the driver of a vehicle [1 crossing] an intersection [2 passed] on the right of another vehicle when the movement could not
be made with safety and with due consideration for users of the intersecting road
12 approaching
22 attempted to pass
While driving at an intersection [1 passed] a vehicle on the right when the movement could not be made with safety and with due
consideration for other road users
12 attempted to pass
Overtook another vehicle - insufficient clear road
(Effective date = 7 Feb 2012)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 2.6(1)(c) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the driver of a vehicle on a road [1 passed] another vehicle moving in the same direction when there was not sufficient clear
road visible for the movement to be completed without [2 being likely to impede] any possible opposing traffic
12 attempted to pass
22 impeding
Did [1 pass] another vehicle without sufficient clear road visible to complete the movement without impeding or being likely to
impede any possible opposing traffic
12 attempt to pass
Overtook another vehicle across a flush median
(Effective date = 7 Feb 2012)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 2.7(b) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the driver of a vehicle you [1 passed] on the right of another vehicle moving in the same direction and in doing so
encroached on a flush median
12 attempted to pass
In [1 passing] another vehicle on the right travelling in the same direction you encroached on a flush median
12 attempting to pass
Failed to keep to the left
(Effective date = 7 Feb 2012)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 2.1(1) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Drove a vehicle on a road and failed to drive as near as practicable to the left side of the roadway
Drove a vehicle on a road and failed to drive as near as practicable to the left side of the roadway
Failed to drive within a lane
(Effective date = 1 Sep 2012)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 2.3(2)(a) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Being the driver of a motor vehicle on a road marked in lanes failed to drive as far as practicable entirely within a lane
Being the driver of a motor vehicle on a road marked in lanes failed to drive as far as practicable entirely within a lane
Failed to keep left of no passing line when passing or attempting to pass
(Effective date = 1 Sep 2012)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999 r.4 & Road User Rule 2004 2.9(2)
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Being the driver of a vehicle on a road failed to keep wholly to the left of a no passing line when [1 passing] a motor vehicle or an
animal-drawn vehicle
travelling in the same direction
12 attempting to pass
Failed to keep wholly to the left of a no passing line when [1 passing] a motor vehicle or an animal-drawn vehicle
travelling in the
same direction
12 attempting to pass
Unsafe changing of lanes
(Effective date = 7 Feb 2012)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 2.3(2)(b) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the driver of a vehicle on a road marked in lanes moved from a lane before ascertaining that the manoeuvre could be made
Being the driver of a vehicle on a road marked in lanes moved from a lane before ascertaining that the manoeuvre could be made
2020 V9
12 November 2020
Failed to keep left throughout left hand turn
(Effective date = 7 Feb 2012)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 2.5(1)(b) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the driver of a vehicle turning to the left to enter [1 another roadway] failed to keep as close as practicable to the left of the
roadway throughout the turn
12 a vehicle entrance
Being the driver of a vehicle turning to the left failed to keep as close as practicable to the left of the roadway throughout the turn
Failed to move to the left when turning left
(Effective date = 7 Feb 2012)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 2.5(1)(a) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the driver of a vehicle turning to the left to enter [1 another roadway] failed to move as close as practicable to the left of the
roadway before making the turn
12 a vehicle entrance
Being the driver of a vehicle failed to move as close as practicable to the left side of the roadway when intending to turn left
Failed to move to the right when turning right
(Effective date = 7 Feb 2012)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 2.5(2)(a) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the driver of a vehicle turning to the right to enter [1 another roadway] did before turning fail to move as far as practicable to
the right
12 a vehicle entrance
Being the driver of a vehicle failed to move to the right when intending to turn right
Failed to turn into correct position after turning right
(Effective date = 27 Feb 2005)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 2.5(2)(b) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the driver of a vehicle [1 having made] a right hand turn from one road into another did fail to turn as directly as possible
into the correct position on the other roadway
12 making
Being the driver of a vehicle [1 having made] a right hand turn from one roadway into another did fail to turn into the correct
position on the other roadway
12 making
Drove in unavailable lane - overhead traffic signal
(Effective date = 1 Nov 2014)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, reg 4 and Road User Rule 2004, 2.3(1)(a)
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the driver of a vehicle travelling on a road did drive in a lane which was declared unavailable to his use by an overhead
traffic sign showing a red diagonal cross
Drove in a lane declared to be unavailable by an overhead traffic sign
Drove in lane over centre line (2 way 2 lane)
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2010)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 2.3(1)(b) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the driver of a vehicle on a road used a lane on the right hand side of the centre line of a two way roadway marked in two or
more lanes
When not passing another vehicle drove in a lane not available to you on a 2 way roadway being on the right hand side of the
centre line
Drove in a lane right side of centre line (2 way - 3 lanes)
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2010)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 2.3(1)(c)(i) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the driver of a vehicle on a two-way roadway marked in three lanes used the lane on the right side of the roadway
On a two way three lane road drove in the lane on the right hand side of the roadway
Drove in unavailable lane-centre lane (2 way - 3 lane)
(Effective date = 27 Feb 2005)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 2.3(1)(c)(ii) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the driver of a vehicle used on a two-way 3 lane roadway when you were neither turning right nor passing another vehicle
travelling in the same direction
Drove in the centre lane on a 3 lane road when not turning right or passing
Drove in unavailable lane - wrong side of no pass line (not overtaking)
2020 V9
12 November 2020
(Effective date = 1 Mar 2009) (Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999 r.4 & Road User Rule 2004 2.3(1)(d)
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the driver of vehicle on a road used a lane to the right of a no passing line
Being the driver of vehicle on a road used a lane to the right of a no passing line
Drove in lane on wrong side of traffic cones
(Effective date = 27 Feb 2005)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 2.3(1)(e) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the driver of vehicle on a road used the area on the right side of a row of [1 traffic cones] placed so as they separated traffic
travelling in opposite directions
12 delineators
Being the driver of vehicle on a road used the area on the right side of a row of [1 traffic cones] placed so as they separated traffic
travelling in opposite directions
12 delineators
Cut corner turning right
(Effective date = 7 Feb 2012)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 2.5(2)(a) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the driver of a vehicle on a road [1 having made] a right turn encroached [2 on any lanes not available to you]
12 making
22 over the middle of the roadway
Being the driver of a vehicle on a road [1 having made] a right turn encroached [2 on any lanes not available to you]
12 making
22 over the middle of the roadway
Failed to use slow vehicle bay
(Effective date = 27 Feb 2005)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 2.2(2)(a) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Drove a vehicle on a road at a slow speed that would impede the normal and reasonable movement of another vehicle and failed to
move into a slow vehicle bay as soon as the movement could be made with safety
Drove a vehicle slowly on a road impeding other traffic and failed to use a slow vehicle bay as soon as the movement could be
made with safety
Failed to continue to use slow vehicle bay
(Effective date = 27 Feb 2005)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 2.2(2)(b) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Drove a vehicle on a road at a slow speed that would impede the normal and reasonable movement of another vehicle and failed to
continue in a slow vehicle bay until [1 the end of the bay]
12 he or she was able to proceed without impeding other traffic
Drove a vehicle slowly on a road and failed to continue to use to use a slow vehicle bay
Unauthorised use of special vehicle lane
(Effective date = 27 Feb 2005)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 2.3(1)(f) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the driver of a vehicle on a road used a special vehicle lane reserved for a specific class or classes of vehicle other than the
one being driven
Drove a vehicle on a road and used a special vehicle lane reserved for a specific class or classes of vehicle other than the one being
Turning vehicle impeded light rail vehicle
(Effective date = 27 Feb 2005)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 2.3(5) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the driver of a vehicle on a road turning across a [1 light rail vehicle lane] impeded the progress of a light rail vehicle
travelling along the same roadway in the opposite direction
12 safety zone
Drove a vehicle on a road turning across a [1 light rail vehicle lane] impeded the progress of a light rail vehicle travelling along the
same roadway in the opposite direction
12 safety zone
Unsafe passing manoeuvre
(Effective date = 7 Feb 2012)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 2.6(1)(a) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
2020 V9
12 November 2020
Being a driver of a vehicle on a road did [1 pass] another vehicle moving in the same direction when the movement could not be
made with safety
12 attempt to pass
Did unsafely [1 pass] another vehicle travelling in the same direction
12 attempt to pass
Inconsiderate passing manoeuvre
(Effective date = 7 Feb 2012)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 2.6(1)(b) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being a driver of a vehicle on a road did [1 pass] another vehicle moving in the same direction when the movement could not be
made without due consideration for other road users
12 attempt to pass
Did inconsiderately [1 pass] another vehicle travelling in the same direction
12 attempt to pass
Unlawfully passed on left
(Effective date = 7 Feb 2012)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 2.8 Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being a driver of a vehicle on a road did [1 pass] on the left of another vehicle moving in the same direction other than in
accordance with clause 2.8 of the road user rule 2004
12 attempt to pass
Drove a vehicle on a road and [1 passed] on the left of another vehicle travelling in the same direction
12 attempt to pass
Passed vehicle at school crossing point
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2010)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 2.10 Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the driver of a vehicle on a road did [1 pass] a motor vehicle that had stopped or slowed down to yield right of way to a
person who was at a school crossing point
12 attempt to pass
Did pass a vehicle that was giving way to a person at a school crossing point
Passed within 60 metres of a railway level crossing
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2010)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 2.11(2) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Did drive a vehicle on a road and [1 passed] another vehicle moving in the same direction at or within 60 metres of a railway level
12 attempted to pass
Did [1 pass] another vehicle at or within 60 metres of a railway level crossing.
12 attempt to pass
Drove in an emergency stopping lane
(Effective date = 27 Feb 2005)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 2.12(3) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Drove a vehicle on a motorway in an emergency stopping lane
Drove a vehicle on a motorway in an emergency stopping lane
Drove on lawn garden or other cultivation
(Effective date = 27 Feb 2005)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 2.14 Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Drove a vehicle on a [1 lawn] adjacent to or forming part of a road
12 garden
Drove a vehicle on a [1 lawn] adjacent to or forming part of a road
12 garden
13 cultivation
Failed to give way to a vehicle on the right
(Effective date = 7 Feb 2012)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 4.2(3) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the driver of a vehicle approaching or crossing an intersection to which clause 4.2(1) of the Road User Rule 2004 applied
failed to give way to another vehicle approaching or crossing the intersection from the right
Being the driver of a vehicle approaching or crossing an intersection failed to give way to another vehicle approaching or crossing
the intersection from the right
2020 V9
12 November 2020
Failed to give way when turning - other vehicle not turning
(Effective date = 7 Feb 2012)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 4.2(2) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the driver of a vehicle on a road who was turning or about to turn in a situation described in 4.2(1) of the Land Transport
(Road User) Rule 2004 you failed to give way to a vehicle not making a turn
Being the driver of a vehicle on a road who was turning or about to turn you failed to give way to a vehicle not making a turn
Turned at lights - failed to give way to straight through traffic
(Effective date = 7 Feb 2012)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 3.1(1) & 3.2 Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the driver of a vehicle facing a traffic signals in the form of a green disc when turning or about to turn did fail to give way to
an approaching vehicle lawfully proceeding straight ahead
When turning at traffic lights failed to yield right of way to a vehicle lawfully proceeding straight ahead
Failed to give way when changing lanes - other vehicle not changing
(Effective date = 7 Feb 2012)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 4.2(2) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being a driver of a vehicle changing lanes or about to change lanes failed to give way to a vehicle not changing lanes or about to
change lanes
Being a driver of a vehicle changing lanes or about to change lanes failed to give way to a vehicle not changing lanes or about to
change lanes
Turned right at lights – failed to give way to vehicle turning left
(Effective date = 25 Mar 2012)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 3.1(1) & 3.2(1)(c) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the driver of a vehicle facing a traffic signals in the form of a green disc when turning right did fail to give way to a vehicle
approaching from the opposite direction and lawfully turning or about to turn left
When turning right at traffic lights failed to yield right of way to a vehicle lawfully turning left
Failed to give way to road user on footpath, cycle path, or shared path
(Effective date = 25 Mar 2012)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 4.4 Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the driver of a vehicle on a road [1 entered] a driveway without giving way to a road user on a [2 footpath]
12 exited
22 cycle path
23 shared path
Being the driver of a vehicle on a road [1 entered] a driveway without giving way to a road user on a [2 footpath]
12 exited
22 cycle path
23 shared path
Right turning driver failed to give way to vehicle turning left
(Effective date = 25 Mar 2012)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 4.2(2A) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the driver who was turning or about to turn to their right failed to give way to a vehicle approaching from the opposite
direction and lawfully turning or about to turn to its left
Being the driver who was turning or about to turn to their right failed to give way to a vehicle approaching from the opposite
direction and lawfully turning or about to turn to its left
Driver on terminating road failed give way to vehicle on continuing road
(Effective date = 25 Mar 2012)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 4.2(4) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the driver on a terminating road who was approaching or crossing a T-intersection failed to give way to a vehicle on the
continuing road
Being the driver on a terminating road who was approaching or crossing a T-intersection failed to give way to a vehicle on the
continuing road
Driver exiting driveway failed to give way to vehicle on roadway
(Effective date = 25 Mar 2012)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 4.4(2) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the driver exiting a driveway failed to give way to a vehicle on a roadway
Being the driver exiting a driveway failed to give way to a vehicle on a roadway
2020 V9
12 November 2020
Speed too great to stop in half visible road - not laned
(Effective date = 27 Feb 2005)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 5.9(2) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Did drive a vehicle on an unlaned road at such a speed that the driver was unable to stop the vehicle within half the length of
roadway that was visible to the driver
Did drive a vehicle on an unlaned road at such a speed that the driver was unable to stop the vehicle within half the length of
roadway that was visible to the driver
Speed too great to stop in length of lane visible
(Effective date = 27 Feb 2005)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 5.9(1) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Did drive a vehicle in a lane marked on a road at such a speed as to be unable to stop in the length of lane visible to the driver
Did drive a vehicle in a lane marked on a road at such a speed as to be unable to stop in the length of lane visible to the driver
Speed too great to stop short - sudden stop by other vehicle
(Effective date = 27 Feb 2005)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 5.9(3) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Did drive a vehicle on a road following behind another vehicle drove so as to be unable to stop short of that vehicle in front in the
event of a sudden stop by that vehicle
Did drive a vehicle on a road following behind another vehicle drove so as to be unable to stop short of that vehicle in front in the
event of a sudden stop by that vehicle
Followed too close - 40 to 50 kilometres an hour
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2010)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 5.9(4)(a) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Did drive a vehicle on a road fol owing behind another vehicle at a distance of less than 16 metres where the speed was 40
kilometres an hour or more but less than 50 kilometres an hour
Drove on a road at a speed between 40 and 50 kilometres an hour following another vehicle at less than 16 metres distance
Followed too close - 50 to 60 kilometres an hour
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2010)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 5.9(4)(b) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Did drive a vehicle on a road fol owing behind another vehicle at a distance of less than 20 metres where the speed was 50
kilometres an hour or more but less than 60 kilometres an hour
Drove on a road at a speed between 50 and 60 kilometres an hour following another vehicle at less than 20 metres distance
Followed too close - 60 to 70 kilometres an hour
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2010)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 5.9(4)(c) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Did drive a vehicle on a road following behind another vehicle at a distance of less than 24 metres where the speed was 60
kilometres an hour or more but less than 70 kilometres an hour
Drove on a road at a speed between 60 and 70 kilometres an hour following another vehicle at less than 24 metres distance
Followed too close - 70 to 80 kilometres an hour
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2010)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 5.9(4)(d) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Did drive a vehicle on a road following behind another vehicle at a distance of less than 28 metres where the speed was 70
kilometres an hour or more but less than 80 kilometres an hour
Drove on a road at a speed between 70 and 80 kilometres an hour following another vehicle at less than 28 metres distance
Driver in convoy failed to leave space
(Effective date = 27 Feb 2005)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 7.17(2) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the driver of a vehicle following another vehicle failed to keep a sufficient distance from the vehicle ahead to enable another
vehicle to overtake and safely move in between the two
Being the driver of a vehicle following another vehicle failed to keep a sufficient distance from the vehicle ahead to enable another
vehicle to overtake and safely move in between the two
Followed too close - 80 to 90 kilometres an hour
(Effective date = 1 Nov 2010)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 5.9(4)(e) Road User Rule 2004
2020 V9
12 November 2020
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Did drive a vehicle on a road following behind another vehicle at a distance of less than 32 metres where the speed was 80 km an
hour or more but less than 90 km an hour
Did drive a vehicle on a road following behind another vehicle at a distance of less than 32 metres where the speed was 80 km an
hour or more but less than 90 km an hour
Followed too close - 90 kilometres an hour or more
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2010)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 5.9(4)(f) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Did drive a vehicle on a road following behind another vehicle at a distance of less than 36 metres where the speed was 90
kilometres an hour or more
Did drive a vehicle on a road fol owing behind another vehicle at a distance of less than 36 metres where the speed was 90
kilometres an hour or more
E Series – Speeding
Exceeded 20kmh passed accident, breakdown, crash, emergency or fire sign
(Effective date = 1 Dec 2016)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & regs 3 & 4 Offences & Penalties Regs 1999 & 5.8 Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Did drive a vehicle on a road at a speed exceeding 20 kilometres an hour after passing a warning sign advising of [1 an accident]
and before clearing the same
12 a breakdown
13 a crash
14 an emergency
15 a fire
Did drive a vehicle on a road at a speed exceeding 20 kilometres an hour after passing a warning sign advising of [1 an accident]
and before clearing the same
12 a breakdown
13 a crash
14 an emergency
15 a fire
Exceeded 80 km/h on a space-saver tyre
(Effective date = 27 Feb 2005)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & regs 3 & 4 Offences & Penalties Regs 1999 & 2.6(8) Tyres and Wheels Rule 2001
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Did operate on a road a vehicle fit ed with a temporary-use spare tyre at a speed exceeding 80 km/h
Operated on a road a vehicle fitted with a temporary-use spare tyre at a speed exceeding 80 km/h
Exceeded 20 km/h passing school bus
(Effective date = 1 Oct 2011)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & regs 3 & 4 Offences & Penalties Regs 1999 & 5.6(1A)(b) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the driver of a vehicle on a road and upon [1 overtaking] a school bus [2 that was displaying a school bus sign and was
stopped for the purpose of picking up or dropping off school children] you did drive at a speed exceeding 20 kilometres per hour
while passing any part of the bus
12 meeting
22 that was displaying a specified school bus sign on which the lights were flashing
Drove at a speed exceeding 20 kilometres per hour when passing a school bus stopped for the purpose of picking up or dropping
off school children
Towed disabled motorcycle in excess of 30 km/h
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2010)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, regs 3 & Road User Rule 2004, 4 & 5.4(3)
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Did drive on a road a vehicle towing a mechanically disabled [1 motorcycle] at a speed exceeding 30 kilometres per hour
12 all terrain vehicle
Towed a disabled [1 motorcycle] at a speed exceeding 30 kilometres per hour
12 all terrain vehicle
Exceeded 90 km/h posted speed limit
(Effective date = 27 Feb 2005)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & regs 3 & 4 Offences & Penalties Regs 1999 & 5.1(1) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Drove a vehicle on a road at a speed exceeding 90 kilometres per hour being the applicable speed limit
Drove a vehicle on a road at a speed exceeding 90 kilometres per hour being the applicable speed limit
2020 V9
12 November 2020
Exceeded 10 km/h posted speed limit
(Effective date = 27 Feb 2005)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & regs 3 & 4 Offences & Penalties Regs 1999 & 5.1(1) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Drove a vehicle on a road at a speed exceeding 10 kilometres per hour being the applicable speed limit
Drove a vehicle on a road at a speed exceeding 10 kilometres per hour being the applicable speed limit
Exceeded 20 km/h posted speed limit
(Effective date = 27 Feb 2005)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & regs 3 & 4 Offences & Penalties Regs 1999 & 5.1(1) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Drove a vehicle on a road at a speed exceeding 20 kilometres per hour being the applicable speed limit
Drove a vehicle on a road at a speed exceeding 20 kilometres per hour being the applicable speed limit
Exceeded 30 km/h posted speed limit
(Effective date = 27 Feb 2005)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & regs 3 & 4 Offences & Penalties Regs 1999 & 5.1(1) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Drove a vehicle on a road at a speed exceeding 30 kilometres per hour being the applicable speed limit
Drove a vehicle on a road at a speed exceeding 30 kilometres per hour being the applicable speed limit
Exceeded 40 km/h posted speed limit
(Effective date = 27 Feb 2005)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & regs 3 & 4 Offences & Penalties Regs 1999 & 5.1(1) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Drove a vehicle on a road at a speed exceeding 40 kilometres per hour being the applicable speed limit
Drove a vehicle on a road at a speed exceeding 40 kilometres per hour being the applicable speed limit
Exceeded 50 km/h posted speed limit
(Effective date = 27 Feb 2005)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & regs 3 & 4 Offences & Penalties Regs 1999 & 5.1(1) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Drove a vehicle on a road at a speed exceeding 50 kilometres per hour being the applicable speed limit
Drove a vehicle on a road at a speed exceeding 50 kilometres per hour being the applicable speed limit
Exceeded 60 km/h posted speed limit
(Effective date = 27 Feb 2005)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & regs 3 & 4 Offences & Penalties Regs 1999 & 5.1(1) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Drove a vehicle on a road at a speed exceeding 60 kilometres per hour being the applicable speed limit
Drove a vehicle on a road at a speed exceeding 60 kilometres per hour being the applicable speed limit
Exceeded 70 km/h posted speed limit
(Effective date = 27 Feb 2005)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & regs 3 & 4 Offences & Penalties Regs 1999 & 5.1(1) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Drove a vehicle on a road at a speed exceeding 70 kilometres per hour being the applicable speed limit
Drove a vehicle on a road at a speed exceeding 70 kilometres per hour being the applicable speed limit
Exceeded 80 km/h posted speed limit
(Effective date = 27 Feb 2005)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & regs 3 & 4 Offences & Penalties Regs 1999 & 5.1(1) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Drove a vehicle on a road at a speed exceeding 80 kilometres per hour being the applicable speed limit
Drove a vehicle on a road at a speed exceeding 80 kilometres per hour being the applicable speed limit
Exceeded 100 km/h posted speed limit
(Effective date = 27 Feb 2005)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & regs 3 & 4 Offences & Penalties Regs 1999 & 5.1(1) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Drove a vehicle on a road at a speed exceeding 100 kilometres per hour being the applicable speed limit
Drove a vehicle on a road at a speed exceeding 100 kilometres per hour being the applicable speed limit
Exceeded 30 km/h temporary speed limit
(Effective date = 27 Feb 2005)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & regs 3 & 4 Offences & Penalties Regs 1999 & 5.1 Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Drove a vehicle on a road at a speed exceeding the applicable temporary speed limit of 30 kilometres per hour
Drove a vehicle on a road at a speed exceeding the applicable temporary speed limit of 30 kilometres per hour
Exceeded 40 km/h temporary speed limit
2020 V9
12 November 2020
(Effective date = 27 Feb 2005)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & regs 3 & 4 Offences & Penalties Regs 1999 & 5.1 Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Drove a vehicle on a road at a speed exceeding the applicable temporary speed limit of 40 kilometres per hour
Drove a vehicle on a road at a speed exceeding the applicable temporary speed limit of 40 kilometres per hour
Exceeded 50 km/h temporary speed limit
(Effective date = 27 Feb 2005)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & regs 3 & 4 Offences & Penalties Regs 1999 & 5.1 Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Drove a vehicle on a road at a speed exceeding the applicable temporary speed limit of 50 kilometres per hour
Drove a vehicle on a road at a speed exceeding the applicable temporary speed limit of 50 kilometres per hour
Exceeded 60 km/h temporary speed limit
(Effective date = 27 Feb 2005)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & regs 3 & 4 Offences & Penalties Regs 1999 & 5.1 Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Drove a vehicle on a road at a speed exceeding the applicable temporary speed limit of 60 kilometres per hour
Drove a vehicle on a road at a speed exceeding the applicable temporary speed limit of 60 kilometres per hour
Exceeded 70 km/h temporary speed limit
(Effective date = 27 Feb 2005)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & regs 3 & 4 Offences & Penalties Regs 1999 & 5.1 Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Drove a vehicle on a road at a speed exceeding the applicable temporary speed limit of 70 kilometres per hour
Drove a vehicle on a road at a speed exceeding the applicable temporary speed limit of 70 kilometres per hour
Exceeded 80 km/h temporary speed limit
(Effective date = 27 Feb 2005)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & regs 3 & 4 Offences & Penalties Regs 1999 & 5.1 Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Drove a vehicle on a road at a speed exceeding the applicable temporary speed limit of 80 kilometres per hour
Drove a vehicle on a road at a speed exceeding the applicable temporary speed limit of 80 kilometres per hour
Exceeded 90 km/h temporary speed limit
(Effective date = 27 Feb 2005)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & regs 3 & 4 Offences & Penalties Regs 1999 & 5.1 Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Drove a vehicle on a road at a speed exceeding the applicable temporary speed limit of 90 kilometres per hour
Drove a vehicle on a road at a speed exceeding the applicable temporary speed limit of 90 kilometres per hour
Exceeded 110 km/h posted speed limit
(Effective date = 21 Aug 2017)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & regs 3 & 4 Offences & Penalties Regs 1999 & 5.1(1) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Drove a vehicle on a road at a speed exceeding 110 kilometres per hour being the applicable speed limit
Drove a vehicle on a road at a speed exceeding 110 kilometres per hour being the applicable speed limit
Light rail vehicle exceeded 10 km/h – shared zone
(Effective date = 27 Feb 2005)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & regs 3 & 4 Offences & Penalties Regs 1999 & 5.7(2) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Drove a light rail vehicle in a shared zone at a speed exceeding 10 kilometres per hour
Drove a light rail vehicle in a shared zone at a speed exceeding 10 kilometres per hour
Exceeded 45 km/h driving an unsprung heavy motor vehicle
(Effective date = 1 Nov 2009)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & regs 3 & 4 Offences & Penalties Regs 1999 & 5.5(2) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Did drive on a road a heavy motor vehicle constructed without springs or other effective cushioning apparatus between its road
wheels and its chassis at a speed in excess of 45 km/h
Drove heavy motor vehicle constructed without springs or other effective cushioning apparatus between its road wheels and its
chassis at a speed in excess of 45 km/h
Exceeded 45 km/h towing an unsprung heavy trailer
(Effective date = 1 Nov 2009)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & regs 3 & 4 Offences & Penalties Regs 1999 & 5.5(2) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Did drive on a road a motor vehicle used to tow a heavy trailer constructed without springs or other effective cushioning apparatus
between its road wheels and its chassis at a speed in excess of 45 km/h
2020 V9
12 November 2020
Drove a motor vehicle towing a heavy trailer constructed without springs or other effective cushioning apparatus between its road
wheels and its chassis at a speed in excess of 45 km/h
Exceeded 10 km/h heavy motor vehicle bridge speed limit
(Effective date = 1 Jul 2018)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 and Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, regs 3 & 4, and Heavy Motor Vehicle Regs 1974, reg 18(1)
Maximum fine = $500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Drove a heavy motor vehicle *REGNO* on a bridge at a speed exceeding 10 kilometres per hour being the applicable speed limit
as fixed by the controlling authority under regulation 11(3) of the Heavy Motor Vehicle Regulations 1974
Drove a heavy motor vehicle on a bridge at a speed exceeding 10 kilometres per hour being the applicable speed limit fixed by the
controlling authority
Exceeded 20 km/h heavy motor vehicle bridge speed limit
(Effective date = 1 Jul 2018)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 and Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, regs 3 & 4, and Heavy Motor Vehicle Regs 1974, reg 18(1)
Maximum fine = $500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Drove a heavy motor vehicle *REGNO* on a bridge at a speed exceeding 20 kilometres per hour being the applicable speed limit
as fixed by the controlling authority under regulation 11(3) of the Heavy Motor Vehicle Regulations 1974
Drove a heavy motor vehicle on a bridge at a speed exceeding 20 kilometres per hour being the applicable speed limit fixed by the
controlling authority
Exceeded 30 km/h heavy motor vehicle bridge speed limit
(Effective date = 1 Jul 2018)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 and Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, regs 3 & 4, and Heavy Motor Vehicle Regs 1974, reg 18(1)
Maximum fine = $500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Drove a heavy motor vehicle *REGNO* on a bridge at a speed exceeding 30 kilometres per hour being the applicable speed limit
as fixed by the controlling authority under regulation 11(3) of the Heavy Motor Vehicle Regulations 1974
Drove a heavy motor vehicle on a bridge at a speed exceeding 30 kilometres per hour being the applicable speed limit fixed by the
controlling authority
Exceeded 40 km/h heavy motor vehicle bridge speed limit
(Effective date = 1 Jul 2018)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 and Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, regs 3 & 4, and Heavy Motor Vehicle Regs 1974, reg 18(1)
Maximum fine = $500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Drove a heavy motor vehicle *REGNO* on a bridge at a speed exceeding 40 kilometres per hour being the applicable speed limit
as fixed by the controlling authority under regulation 11(3) of the Heavy Motor Vehicle Regulations 1974
Drove a heavy motor vehicle on a bridge at a speed exceeding 40 kilometres per hour being the applicable speed limit fixed by the
controlling authority
Exceeded 50 km/h heavy motor vehicle bridge speed limit
(Effective date = 1 Jul 2018)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 and Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, regs 3 & 4, and Heavy Motor Vehicle Regs 1974, reg 18(1)
Maximum fine = $500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Drove a heavy motor vehicle *REGNO* on a bridge at a speed exceeding 50 kilometres per hour being the applicable speed limit
as fixed by the controlling authority under regulation 11(3) of the Heavy Motor Vehicle Regulations 1974
Drove a heavy motor vehicle on a bridge at a speed exceeding 50 kilometres per hour being the applicable speed limit fixed by the
controlling authority
F Series – Driver Duties and Obligations
Failed to stop for red flashing lights
(Effective date = 27 Feb 2005)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 3.1(1) & 3.2(5) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the driver of a vehicle on a road at a place controlled by traffic control device did fail to comply with the instructions given
by that device namely 2 alternately flashing red signals in the form of discs
Failed to stop at alternately flashing red traffic signals in the form of discs
Driver turning at lights failed to give way to pedestrian
(Effective date = 1 Sep 2012)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 3.1(1) & 3.2(1)(b)(ii) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Being the driver of a vehicle on a road at a place controlled by traffic control device did while facing a green signal in the form of a
disc fail to give way to pedestrians lawfully crossing or about to cross the roadway
Being the driver of a vehicle at traffic lights failed to give way to pedestrians lawfully crossing or about to cross the roadway
Failed to comply with yellow traffic signal (vehicles)
(Effective date = 1 Sep 2012)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 3.1(1) & 3.2(4) Road User Rule 2004
2020 V9
12 November 2020
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Being the driver of a vehicle on a road at a place controlled by traffic control device did fail to comply with the instructions given
by that device namely a steady yellow signal in the form of a disc
Failed to stop at a yellow traffic signal in the form of discs
Pedestrian failed to comply with traffic signals
(Effective date = 27 Feb 2005)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 3.1(1) & 3.2 & 3.3 Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $10, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = T
Being a pedestrian on a road at a place controlled by traffic control device did fail to comply with the instructions given by that
device namely a [1 steady yellow signal in the form of a disc]
12 steady red signal in the form of a disc
13 yellow signal in the form of an arrow
14 red signal in the form of an arrow
Pedestrian failed to comply with a traffic signal
Failed to comply with red traffic signal (vehicles)
(Effective date = 1 Sep 2012)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 3.1(1) & 3.2(5) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Being the driver of a vehicle on a road at a place controlled by traffic control device did fail to comply with the instructions given
by that device namely a steady red signal in the form of a disc
Failed to stop at a red traffic signal in the form of a disc
Failed to comply with yellow arrow traffic signal (vehicles)
(Effective date = 1 Sep 2012)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 3.1(1) & 3.3(2)(a) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Being the driver of a vehicle on a road at a place controlled by traffic control device did fail to comply with the instructions given
by that device namely a yel ow signal in the form of an arrow
Failed to stop at a yellow traffic signal in the form of an arrow
Failed to comply with red arrow traffic signal
(Effective date = 1 Sep 2012)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 3.1(1) & 3.3(3)(a) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Being the driver of a vehicle on a road at a place controlled by traffic control device did fail to comply with the instructions given
by that device namely a red signal in the form of an arrow
Failed to stop at a red traffic signal in the form of an arrow
Failed to comply with yellow T or B traffic signal
(Effective date = 7 Feb 2012)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 3.1(1) & 3.6(2) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the driver of a [1 light rail vehicle] on a road facing a [2 yellow T] traffic signal controlling traffic at that place entered the
controlled area
12 bus
22 yellow B
Being the driver of a [1 light rail vehicle] on a road facing a [2 yellow T] traffic signal controlling traffic at that place entered the
controlled area
12 bus
22 yellow B
Failed to comply with red T or B traffic signal
(Effective date = 7 Feb 2012)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 3.1(1) & 3.6(4) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the driver of a [1 light rail vehicle] on a road facing a [2 red T] traffic signal controlling traffic at that place entered the
controlled area
12 bus
22 red B
Being the driver of a [1 light rail vehicle] on a road facing a [2 red T] traffic signal controlling traffic at that place entered the
controlled area
12 bus
22 red B
Made a prohibited U turn
(Effective date = 1 Jun 2019)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 3.1A Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
2020 V9
12 November 2020
Being the driver of a vehicle on a road at a place controlled by a traffic control device in the form of a traffic sign prohibiting
vehicles from making a U turn, did fail to comply with the instructions given by that sign
Being the driver of a vehicle on a road did make a U turn contrary to a traffic sign prohibiting such a manoeuvre
Made a prohibited right or left turn
(Effective date = 1 Jun 2019)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 3.1A Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the driver of a vehicle on a road at a place controlled by a traffic control device in the form of a traffic sign prohibiting
vehicles from turning [1 right], did fail to comply with the instructions given by that sign
12 left
Being the driver of a vehicle on a road did make a [1 right] turn contrary to a traffic sign prohibiting such a manoeuvre
12 left
Failed to comply with a no entry sign
(Effective date = 1 Jun 2019)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 3.1A Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the driver of a vehicle on a road at a place controlled by a traffic control device in the form of a traffic sign prohibiting the
entry of vehicles, did fail to comply with the instructions given by that sign
Being the driver of a vehicle on a road did enter a road contrary to a traffic sign prohibiting such a manoeuvre
Driver turning at lights failed to give way to mobility device
(Effective date = 7 Feb 2012)
(Infringement fee = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 3.1(1) & 3.2(1)(b)(ii) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the driver of a vehicle on a road at a place controlled by traffic control device did while facing a green signal in the form of a
disc fail to give way to a rider of a mobility device lawfully crossing or about to cross the roadway
Being the driver of a vehicle at traffic lights failed to give way to a rider of a mobility device lawfully crossing or about to cross the
Driver turning at lights failed to give way to wheel recreational device
(Effective date = 7 Feb 2012)
(Infringement fee = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 3.1(1) & 3.2(1)(b)(ii) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the driver of a vehicle on a road at a place controlled by traffic control device did while facing a green signal in the form of a
disc fail to give way to a rider of a wheel recreational device lawfully crossing or about to cross the roadway
Being the driver of a vehicle at traffic lights failed to give way to a rider of a wheel recreational device lawfully crossing or about
to cross the roadway
Wheeled device rider failed to comply with traffic signals
(Effective date = 1 Nov 2009)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 3.1(1) & 3.2 & 3.3 Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $10, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = T
Being a [1 rider of a mobility device] on a road at a place controlled by traffic control device did fail to comply with the
instructions given by that device namely a [2 steady yellow signal in the form of a disc]
12 rider of a wheeled recreational device
22 steady red signal in the form of a disc
23 yellow signal in the form of an arrow
24 red signal in the form of an arrow
[1 Rider of a mobility device] failed to comply with a traffic signal
12 Rider of a wheeled recreational device
Failed to stop at Stop Sign
(Effective date = 1 Dec 2016)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 4.1(1)(a) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Being the [1 driver] of a vehicle on a road approaching or entering a place controlled by a Stop Sign failed to stop in such a
position as to be able to ascertain that the way was clear to proceed
12 rider
Failed to stop at a Stop Sign
Failed to give way at Stop Sign
(Effective date = 1 Dec 2016)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 4.1(1)(b) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Being the [1 driver] of a vehicle on a road and controlled by a Stop Sign failed to give way to a vehicle [2 approaching] the place
not controlled by a Stop Sign
12 rider
22 crossing
Being a [1 driver] at a place controlled by a Stop Sign failed to give way to another vehicle not controlled by a Stop Sign 2020 V9
12 November 2020
12 rider
Failed to stop at railway crossing Stop Sign
(Effective date = 27 Feb 2005)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 9.2(1)(a) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the driver of a vehicle approaching a level crossing controlled by a Stop Sign failed to stop the vehicle [1 in such a position]
as was necessary to ascertain that the line was clear
12 for such a time
Being the driver of a motor vehicle did fail to stop at a railway crossing which was controlled by a Stop Sign
Failed to remain stopped at railway crossing Stop Sign
(Effective date = 27 Feb 2005)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 9.2(1)(b) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the driver of a vehicle having stopped at a Stop Sign controlling a railway level crossing did fail to remain stationary until
the way was clear
Being the driver of a vehicle stopped at a railway crossing controlled by a Stop Sign proceeded before the way was clear
Entered blocked railway crossing
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2010)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 9.3 Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the driver of a vehicle entered a level crossing when the [1 intended passage through the crossing] was blocked by traffic
12 intended exit
Being the driver of a vehicle entered a level crossing when the way was blocked by traffic
Passenger vehicle failed to stop at level crossing
(Effective date = 1 Sep 2012)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & Road User Rule 2004, 9.4(2)
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Being the driver of a [1 large passenger service vehicle] carrying passengers failed to stop the vehicle before crossing a level
12 school bus carrying school children
Being the driver of a [1 large passenger service vehicle] carrying passengers failed to stop the vehicle before crossing a level
12 school bus carrying school children
Vehicle carrying explosives failed to stop at railway crossing
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2010)
(Infringement = Individual $500, Corp $1000)
Land Transport Act 1998, s40 & R3 & 4 Land Transport (Offences & Penalties) Regs 1999 & s.8.4(1) Dangerous Goods Rule
Individual maximum fine = $2,500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Being the driver of a road vehicle being used on *STREET* for the carriage of explosives failed to stop clear of a railway level
crossing for such time as was necessary to make adequate observations to ascertain whether or not the line was clear
Being the driver of a road vehicle used on a road to carry explosives failed to stop before crossing a railway level crossing.
Carrying flammable liquid fails to stop at railway crossing
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2010)
(Infringement = Individual $500, Body Corp $1000)
Land Transport Act 1998, sS40 & R3 & 4 Land Transport (Offences & Penalties) Regs 1999 & s.8.4(1) Dangerous Goods Rule
Individual Maximum fine = $2,500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Being the driver of a road vehicle being used on *STREET* for the carriage of flammable liquid in [1 bulk] failed to stop clear of a
railway level crossing for such time as was necessary to make adequate observations to ascertain whether or not the line was clear
12 containers
Being the driver of a road vehicle used for the carriage of flammable liquid failed to stop before crossing a railway level crossing
Failed to give way at level crossing
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2010)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 9.2(2) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the driver of a vehicle approaching a level crossing controlled by a give way sign failed to give way to a rail vehicle which
was approaching or crossing the level crossing
Being the driver of a vehicle you failed to give way to a rail vehicle at a level crossing which was controlled by a Give Way sign
Failed to stop for a manually controlled stop sign
(Effective date = 1 Jun 2019)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 3.8(2)(a) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the driver of a vehicle on a road approaching a manually controlled stop sign failed to stop before reaching the sign
Being the driver of a vehicle on a road approaching a manually controlled stop sign failed to stop before reaching the sign 2020 V9
12 November 2020
Failed to remain stopped for a manually controlled stop sign
(Effective date = 1 Jun 2019)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 3.8(2)(b) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the driver of a vehicle on a road approaching a hand-held stop sign proceeded before a “GO” or “SLOW” sign was displayed
to the driver or the person controlling the stop sign stopped displaying the sign to the driver
Being the driver of a vehicle on a road approaching a hand-held stop sign proceeded before a “GO” or “SLOW” sign was displayed
to the driver or the person controlling the stop sign stopped displaying the sign to the driver
Failed to give way entering roundabout
(Effective date = 1 Sep 2012)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 4.6(1) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Being the driver of a vehicle on a road entering a roundabout failed to give way to traffic [1 on the roundabout]
12 approaching from the right
Being the driver of a vehicle on a road entering a roundabout failed to give way to traffic [1 on the roundabout]
12 approaching from the right
Entered roundabout in wrong lane – early exit
(Effective date = 7 Feb 2012)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 4.6(2) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the driver of a vehicle on a road approaching a multi-laned roundabout intending to leave less than halfway around failed to
enter the roundabout from the left hand lane or other appropriately marked lane
Used the wrong lane when entering a multi-lane roundabout when intending to exit early
Entered roundabout in wrong lane –exit halfway
(Effective date = 7 Feb 2012)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 4.6(3) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the driver of a vehicle on a road approaching a multi-laned roundabout intending to leave halfway around failed to enter the
roundabout from lane signed or marked for traffic intending to leave halfway around or from a lane other than one reserved for
another movement
Used the wrong lane when entering a multi-lane roundabout when intending to exit halfway around
Entered roundabout in wrong lane –late exit
(Effective date = 7 Feb 2012)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 4.6(4) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the driver of a vehicle on a road approaching a multi-laned roundabout intending to leave more than halfway around failed to
enter the roundabout from the right hand lane or a lane marked by arrows for traffic exiting more than halfway around
Used the wrong lane when entering a multi-lane roundabout when intending to exit more than halfway around
Failed to indicate left turn at roundabout –early exit
(Effective date = 7 Feb 2012)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 3.10(5)(a) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the driver of a vehicle on a road entering a roundabout and intending to leave at the first exit failed to signal a left turn
before entering the roundabout
Being the driver of a vehicle on a road entering a roundabout and intending to leave at the first exit failed to signal a left turn
before entering the roundabout
Failed to indicate right turn at roundabout
(Effective date = 7 Feb 2012)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 3.10(5)(b) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the driver of a vehicle on a road entering a roundabout and intending to leave more than halfway around failed to signal a
right turn before entering the roundabout
Drove a vehicle on a road entering a roundabout and intending to leave more than halfway around failed to signal a right turn
before entering the roundabout
Failed to comply with rail barrier arms
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2010)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 9.2(4) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the driver of a vehicle on a road facing a warning device in the form of a barrier arm lowered at a level crossing did enter the
controlled area
Being the driver of a vehicle you failed to give way to a rail vehicle at a level crossing which was controlled by a give way sign
Risky crossing of level crossing - animal or vehicle
2020 V9
12 November 2020
(Effective date = 27 Feb 2005)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 9.1(4) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the [1 driver] of [2 a vehicle] on a road at a level crossing did [3 drive] on to or across the crossing when there was a risk of
that [4 vehicle] being involved in a collision with a rail vehicle using the railway line
12 rider
22 an animal
32 attempt to drive
33 attempt to ride
42 animal
Did at a level crossing [1 drive] [2 a vehicle] on to or across the crossing when there was a risk of that [3 vehicle] being involved in
a collision with a rail vehicle using the railway line
12 ride
13 attempt to drive
14 attempt to ride
22 an animal
32 animal
Failed to stop for red signal at level crossing
(Effective date = 27 Feb 2005)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 9.2(3) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the driver of a vehicle on a road facing [1 a steady red signal] in the form of a disc displayed at a level crossing entered the
controlled area
12 two alternately flashing red signals
Being the driver of a vehicle on a road facing [1 a steady red signal] in the form of a disc displayed at a level crossing entered the
controlled area
12 two alternately flashing red signals
Driver failed to give way to rail vehicle
(Effective date = 27 Feb 2005)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 9.1(2) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $20,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the driver of a vehicle on a road failed to give way to a rail vehicle using the rail line that was approaching and within 800
metres of the level crossing
Being the driver of a vehicle on a road failed to give way to a rail vehicle using the rail line that was approaching and within 800
metres of the level crossing
Pedestrian – risky crossing of level crossing
(Effective date = 27 Feb 2005)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 9.1(3) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $20,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Did [1 walk] across a level crossing when there was a risk of colliding with a rail vehicle using the railway line
12 attempt to walk
Did [1 walk] across a level crossing when there was a risk of colliding with a rail vehicle using the railway line
12 attempt to walk
Failed to indicated left turn at roundabout – late exit
(Effective date = 27 Feb 2005)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 3.10(6) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the driver of a vehicle on a road on a roundabout and intending to exit the roundabout after an intervening exit failed to
signal a left turn
Being the driver of a vehicle on a road on a roundabout and intending to exit the roundabout after an intervening exit failed to
signal a left turn
Failed to give way at a One-way Give-way sign
(Effective date = 7 Feb 2012)
(Infringement fee = $100)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 4.1(3) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the driver approaching a section of road suitable for travel in only 1 direction and controlled by a one-way give-way sign at
or near the section you failed to give way to vehicles on or approaching the section
Being the driver approaching a section of road suitable for travel in only 1 direction and controlled by a one-way give-way sign at
or near the section you failed to give way to vehicles on or approaching the section
Failed to signal intention to stop or reduce speed
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2019)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 3.10(2) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the driver of a vehicle *REGNO* on a road intending to stop or reduce speed, and was able to signal only by means of a
manually-operated approved signalling device or an arm signal, failed to signal for at least 3 seconds
2020 V9
12 November 2020
Being the driver of a vehicle on a road intending to stop or reduce speed, and was able to signal only by means of a manually-
operated approved signalling device or an arm signal, failed to signal for at least 3 seconds
Failed to signal intention to move to the right
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2019)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 3.10(3) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the driver of a vehicle *REGNO* on a road intending to turn or move to the right or to draw out from a kerb on the left side
of the vehicle failed to signal for at least 3 seconds
Being the driver of a vehicle on a road intending to turn or move to the right or to draw out from a kerb on the left side of the
vehicle failed to signal for at least 3 seconds
Failed to signal intention to move to the left
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2019)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 3.10(4) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the driver of a vehicle *REGNO* on a road intending to turn or move to the left or to draw out from a kerb on the right side
of the vehicle failed to signal for at least 3 seconds
Being the driver of a vehicle on a road intending to turn or move to the left or to draw out from a kerb on the right side of the
vehicle failed to signal for at least 3 seconds
Failed to give way at a give way sign
(Effective date = 1 Dec 2016)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 4.1(2) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Being the [1 driver] of a vehicle on a road [2 approaching] a place controlled by a give way sign failed to give way to a vehicle [3
approaching] the place that was not controlled by either a stop or give way sign
12 rider
22 entering
32 crossing
Being the [1 driver] of a vehicle failed to give way to a vehicle approaching or crossing a place when you were required to do so by
a give way sign
12 rider
Failed to give way at a pedestrian crossing
(Effective date = 1 Sep 2012)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & Road User Rule 2004, 10.1
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Being the driver of a vehicle approaching a pedestrian crossing on a road failed to give way to a [1 pedestrian] [2 on that crossing]
12 rider of a wheeled recreational device
13 rider of a mobility device
22 obviously waiting to cross
Being the driver of a vehicle approaching a pedestrian crossing on a road failed to give way to a [1 pedestrian] [2 on that crossing]
12 rider of a wheeled recreational device
13 rider of a mobility device
22 obviously waiting to cross
Passed vehicle stopped at pedestrian crossing
(Effective date = 7 Feb 2012)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 2.10 Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the driver of a vehicle on a road did [1 pass] a vehicle that had stopped or slowed down to yield right of way to a person who
was on a pedestrian crossing
12 attempt to pass
Did pass a vehicle that was giving way to a person on a pedestrian crossing
Failed to stop and remain stopped for school patrol
(Effective date = 27 Feb 2005)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 3.9(a) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the driver of a vehicle on a road approaching a [1 pedestrian crossing] at which a school patrol sign was extended did [2 fail
to stop before reaching the crossing]
12 school crossing point
22 fail to remain stopped while the sign was extended
Failed to stop and remain stopped at an extended school patrol sign
Blocked a pedestrian crossing
(Effective date = 7 Feb 2012)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 10.1(2) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the driver of a vehicle on a road entered a pedestrian crossing when the intended passage was blocked by stationary traffic
2020 V9
12 November 2020
Being the driver of a vehicle on a road entered a pedestrian crossing when the intended passage was blocked by stationary traffic
Failed to give way to pedestrian at shared zone
(Effective date = 27 Feb 2005)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 10.2(1) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the driver of a vehicle on a road [1 entering] a length of roadway intended to be used by pedestrians failed to give way to a
pedestrian in that zone
12 proceeding along
13 proceeding through
Being the driver of a vehicle on a road [1 entering] a length of roadway intended to be used by pedestrians failed to give way to a
pedestrian in that zone
12 proceeding along
13 proceeding through
Failed to stop or make way for siren
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2010)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 3.11(1)(c) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the driver of a vehicle on a road and having reasonable cause to believe that he was being signalled to [1 stop] by means of a
duly approved siren on an emergency vehicle failed to do so as practicable with safety
12 make way
Having reasonable cause to believe that you were being signalled by means of a siren on an emergency vehicle to stop or make
way you failed to do so
Failed to make way for blue – red beacons
(Effective date = 27 Feb 2005)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 3.11(1)(a) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the driver of a vehicle on a road failed to make way, as soon as practicable with safety, for an emergency vehicle operating
blue and/or red beacons
Failed to make way, as soon as practicable with safety, for an emergency vehicle operating blue and/or red beacons
Failed to make way for vehicle escorted by enforcement officer
(Effective date = 27 Feb 2005)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 3.11(1)(b) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the driver of a vehicle on a road failed to make way, as soon as practicable with safety, for a vehicle escorted by an
enforcement officer driving a vehicle operating blue and red beacons
Failed to make way, as soon as practicable with safety, for a vehicle escorted by an enforcement officer driving a vehicle operating
blue and red beacons
Failed to make way for medical person
(Effective date = 27 Feb 2005)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 3.12(a) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the driver of a vehicle on a road failed to make way, as soon as practicable with safety, for a vehicle operated by a [1
registered medical practitioner] displaying a green beacon
12 registered nurse
13 registered mid-wife
Failed to make way, as soon as practicable with safety, for a vehicle displaying a green beacon operated by a [1 registered medical
12 registered nurse
13 registered mid-wife
Failed to make way for pilot or overdimension vehicle
(Effective date = 27 Feb 2005)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 3.12(b) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the driver of a vehicle on a road failed to make way, as soon as practicable with safety, for a [1 pilot vehicle]
12 vehicle marked or lit as an overdimension vehicle
13 vehicle marked or lit as having an overdimension load
Failed to make way, as soon as practicable with safety, for a [1 pilot vehicle]
12 vehicle marked or lit as an overdimension vehicle
13 vehicle marked or lit as having an overdimension load
Failed to comply with directional arrows
(Effective date = 7 Feb 2012)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 2.4 Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
2020 V9
12 November 2020
Being the driver of a vehicle on a road where [1 road markings] designated specific lanes for specific manoeuvres approaching an
intersection did use a lane other than for the manoeuvre appropriate for its [2 road markings]
12 a traffic sign
13 road markings and traffic sign
22 traffic sign
23 road markings and traffic sign
Being the driver of a vehicle on a road approaching an intersection used a lane contrary to its marking or signage.
Incorrectly entered a motorway
(Effective date = 27 Feb 2005)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 2.12(1) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the driver of a vehicle entering a motorway did fail to enter at such [1 speed] as would place the driver correctly in the
stream of traffic without danger to any other user of the motorway
12 opportunity
Failed to enter a motorway at such [1 speed] as would position the driver correctly without danger to other road users
12 opportunity
Made a U turn on motorway
(Effective date = 27 Feb 2005)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 2.12(4) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the driver of a vehicle did make a U turn on a motorway
Being the driver of a vehicle did make a U turn on a motorway
Entered blocked intersection
(Effective date = 7 Feb 2012)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 4.5(2) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the driver of a vehicle on a road entered [1 an intersection] when the [2 intended passage through the intersection] was
blocked by stationary traffic
12 an area controlled by traffic signals
22 intended exit
Entered an intersection when your path was blocked by stationary traffic.
Increased speed at intersection
(Effective date = 7 Feb 2012)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 4.5(1) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the driver of a vehicle on a road increased the speed of the vehicle when approaching an intersection where another vehicle
was [1 approaching] the intersection
12 crossing
Increased speed when approaching an intersection which another vehicle was approaching or crossing
Reversed on motorway
(Effective date = 27 Feb 2005)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 2.12(4) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the driver did reverse a vehicle on a motorway
Being the driver did reverse a vehicle on a motorway
Incorrectly entering crossing or leaving a motorway
(Effective date = 1 Oct 1989)
Government Roading Powers Act 1989, sections 84(1) and 87(1)(d)
Maximum fine = $500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = T
Did [1 enter] a motorway otherwise than by a [2 motorway] from which vehicular access to the motorway had been constructed
and authorised in terms of the Government Roading Powers Act 1989
12 cross
13 leave
22 State Highway
23 road
Did [1 enter] a motorway otherwise than by a [2 motorway]
12 cross
13 leave
22 State Highway
23 road
Used Onewa Road contrary to traffic signs
(Effective date = 27 Feb 2005)
(Infringement = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 2.3(1)(f) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
2020 V9
12 November 2020
Drove a vehicle on a road and used a special vehicle lane reserved for a specific class or classes of vehicle other than the one being
Drove a vehicle on a road and used a special vehicle lane reserved for a specific class or classes of vehicle other than the one being
G Series – Speeding
Exceeded 90 km/h while towing - trailer
(Effective date = 1 Nov 2009)
Land Transport Act 1998, s40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r3 & 4 & Road User Rule 2004, 5.4(4)
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Drove on a road at a speed exceeding a vehicle being used to tow a trailer
Exceeded 90 kilometres per hour towing another vehicle
Exceeded 90 km/h with heavy motor vehicle
(Effective date = 27 Feb 2005)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & regs 3 & 4 Offences & Penalties Regs 1999 & 5.5(1) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Did operate a heavy motor vehicle on a road at a speed exceeding 90 kilometres an hour
Did operate a heavy motor vehicle on a road at a speed exceeding 90 kilometres an hour
Exceeded 80 km/h in school bus
(Effective date = 1 Mar 2017)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & regs 3 & 4 Offences & Penalties Regs 1999 & 5.6(2) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Did drive a school bus having a gross vehicle mass in excess of 2000 kilograms on a road at a speed exceeding 80 kilometres an
Did drive a school bus having a gross vehicle mass in excess of 2000 kilograms on a road at a speed exceeding 80 kilometres an
Moped/motorcycle or cycle exceeded 40 km/h towing trailer
(Effective date = 1 Nov 2009)
Land Transport Act 1998, s40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r3 & 4 & Road User Rule 2004, 5.4(5)
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Did drive [1 a motorcycle] towing a trailer on a road at a speed exceeding 40 kilometres per hour when the trailer together with its
load exceeded 50 percent of the unladen weight of the [2 motorcycle]
12 a moped
13 a cycle
14 an all terrain vehicle
22 moped
23 cycle
24 all terrain vehicle
Drove [1 a motorcycle] towing a trailer at a speed exceeding 40 kilometres per hour.
12 a moped
13 a cycle
14 an all terrain vehicle
Exceeded 90 km/h towing disabled vehicle – rigid towing connection
(Effective date = 1 Nov 2009)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & regs 3 & 4 Offences & Penalties Regs 1999 & 5.4(1) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Drove on a road at a speed exceeding 90 km per hour a vehicle that was towing, using a rigid towing connection, a vehicle
normally propelled by mechanical power that was not a motorcycle or all terrain vehicle.
Exceeded 90 kilometres per hour towing a disabled vehicle using a rigid towing connection
Exceeded 50 km/h towing disabled vehicle – non-rigid towing connection
(Effective date = 1 Nov 2009)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & regs 3 & 4 Offences & Penalties Regs 1999 & 5.4(2) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Drove on a road at a speed exceeding 50 km per hour a vehicle that was towing, using a non-rigid towing connection, a vehicle
normally propelled by mechanical power that was not a motorcycle or all terrain vehicle
Exceeded 50 kilometres per hour towing a disabled vehicle using a non-rigid towing connection
Exceeded 20 km/h posted speed limit in the vicinity of a school
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2006)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & regs 3 & 4 Offences & Penalties Regs 1999 & 5.1(1) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Drove a vehicle on a road in the vicinity of a school at a speed exceeding 20 kilometres per hour being the applicable speed limit
2020 V9
12 November 2020
Drove a vehicle on a road in the vicinity of a school at a speed exceeding 20 kilometres per hour being the applicable speed limit
Exceeded 30 km/h posted speed limit in the vicinity of a school
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2006)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & regs 3 & 4 Offences & Penalties Regs 1999 & 5.1(1) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Drove a vehicle on a road in the vicinity of a school at a speed exceeding 30 kilometres per hour being the applicable speed limit
Drove a vehicle on a road in the vicinity of a school at a speed exceeding 30 kilometres per hour being the applicable speed limit
Exceeded 40 km/h posted speed limit in the vicinity of a school
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2006)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & regs 3 & 4 Offences & Penalties Regs 1999 & 5.1(1) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Drove a vehicle on a road in the vicinity of a school at a speed exceeding 40 kilometres per hour being the applicable speed limit
Drove a vehicle on a road in the vicinity of a school at a speed exceeding 40 kilometres per hour being the applicable speed limit
Exceeded 50 km/h posted speed limit in the vicinity of a school
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2006)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & regs 3 & 4 Offences & Penalties Regs 1999 & 5.1(1) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Drove a vehicle on a road in the vicinity of a school at a speed exceeding 50 kilometres per hour being the applicable speed limit
Drove a vehicle on a road in the vicinity of a school at a speed exceeding 50 kilometres per hour being the applicable speed limit
Exceeded 60 km/h posted speed limit in the vicinity of a school
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2006)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & regs 3 & 4 Offences & Penalties Regs 1999 & 5.1(1) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Drove a vehicle on a road in the vicinity of a school at a speed exceeding 60 kilometres per hour being the applicable speed limit
Drove a vehicle on a road in the vicinity of a school at a speed exceeding 60 kilometres per hour being the applicable speed limit
Exceeded 70 km/h posted speed limit in the vicinity of a school
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2006)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & regs 3 & 4 Offences & Penalties Regs 1999 & 5.1(1) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Drove a vehicle on a road in the vicinity of a school at a speed exceeding 70 kilometres per hour being the applicable speed limit
Drove a vehicle on a road in the vicinity of a school at a speed exceeding 70 kilometres per hour being the applicable speed limit
Exceeded 80 km/h posted speed limit in the vicinity of a school
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2006)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & regs 3 & 4 Offences & Penalties Regs 1999 & 5.1(1) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Drove a vehicle on a road in the vicinity of a school at a speed exceeding 80 kilometres per hour being the applicable speed limit
Drove a vehicle on a road in the vicinity of a school at a speed exceeding 80 kilometres per hour being the applicable speed limit
Exceeded 100 km/h posted speed limit in the vicinity of a school
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2006)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & regs 3 & 4 Offences & Penalties Regs 1999 & 5.1(1) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Drove a vehicle on a road in the vicinity of a school at a speed exceeding 100 kilometres per hour being the applicable speed limit
Drove a vehicle on a road in the vicinity of a school at a speed exceeding 100 kilometres per hour being the applicable speed limit
Exceeded 90 km/h posted speed limit in the vicinity of a school
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2009)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & regs 3 & 4 Offences & Penalties Regs 1999 & 5.1(1) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Drove a vehicle on a road in the vicinity of a school at a speed exceeding 90 kilometres per hour being the applicable speed limit
Drove a vehicle on a road in the vicinity of a school at a speed exceeding 90 kilometres per hour being the applicable speed limit
H Series – Road User Charges & Overloading
Road User Charges
RUC vehicle is not fitted with a properly working distance recorder
(Effective date = 1 Aug 2012)
(Infringement = Individual $400, Body Corp $800)
Road User Charges Act 2012, s.8(5)(a), & Road User Charges (Infringement Offences) Regulations 2012, r.4(1)
Individual Maximum fine = $3,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $15,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Did operate a RUC vehicle *REGNO* where the RUC vehicle was not fitted with a properly working distance recorder
Operated a RUC vehicle where the RUC vehicle was not fitted with a properly working distance recorder
2020 V9
12 November 2020
Electronic distance recorder not provided by electronic system provider
(Effective date = 1 Aug 2012)
(Infringement = Individual $400, Body Corp $800)
Road User Charges Act 2012, s.8(5)(b), & Road User Charges (Infringement Offences) Regulations 2012, r.4(1)
Individual Maximum fine = $3,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $15,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Did operate a RUC vehicle *REGNO* where the electronic distance recorder or hubodometer fitted to the RUC vehicle had not
been provided by an electronic system provider
Operated a RUC vehicle where the electronic distance recorder or hubodometer fitted to the RUC vehicle had not been provided by
an electronic system provider
Electronic distance recorder not approved by the RUC collector
(Effective date = 1 Aug 2012)
(Infringement = Individual $400, Body Corp $800)
Road User Charges Act 2012, s.8(5)(b), & Road User Charges (Infringement Offences) Regulations 2012, r.4(1)
Individual Maximum fine = $3,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $15,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Did operate a RUC vehicle where the electronic distance recorder or hubodometer fitted to the RUC vehicle had not been approved
by the RUC collector
Operated a RUC vehicle where the electronic distance recorder or hubodometer fitted to the RUC vehicle had not been approved
by the RUC collector
Hubo or electronic distance recorder incorrectly fitted to RUC vehicle
(Effective date = 1 Aug 2012)
(Infringement = Individual $400, Body Corp $800)
Road User Charges Act 2012, s.8(5)(c), & Road User Charges (Infringement Offences) Regulations 2012, r.4(1)
Individual Maximum fine = $3,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $15,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Did operate a RUC vehicle *REGNO* where the [1 hubodometer] fitted to the RUC vehicle was not fitted in accordance with
Road User Charges Regulations 2012
electronic distance recorder
Operated a RUC vehicle where the [1 hubodometer] fitted to the vehicle was not fitted in accordance with Road User Charges
Regulations 2012
electronic distance recorder
Inaccurate distance recorder fitted to the RUC vehicle
(Effective date = 1 Aug 2012)
(Infringement = Individual $400, Body Corp $800)
Road User Charges Act 2012, s.8(5)(d), & Road User Charges (Infringement Offences) Regulations 2012, r.4(1)
Individual Maximum fine = $3,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $15,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Did operate a RUC vehicle *REGNO* where the distance recorder fitted to the RUC vehicle was not accurately recording the
distance travelled by the RUC vehicle
Operated a RUC vehicle where the distance recorder fitted to the RUC vehicle was not accurately recording the distance travelled
by the RUC vehicle
RUC vehicle did not have valid distance licence
(Effective date = 1 Aug 2012)
(Infringement = Individual $400, Body Corp $800)
Road User Charges Act 2012, s.9(4)(a)(i), & Road User Charges (Infringement Offences) Regulations 2012, r.4(1)
Individual Maximum fine = $3,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/MN/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $15,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Did operate a RUC vehicle *REGNO* on a road *STREET* where the vehicle did not have a distance licence that specified the [1
minimum and maximum distances covered by the licence]
number or any other distinguishing mark shown on the registration plates of the RUC vehicle
13 serial number of the distance recorder fitted to the RUC vehicle
14 RUC vehicle type of the RUC vehicle
15 word "distance licence"
16 unique licence number
17 date on which the licence was issued
18 place or site at or from which the licence was issued
19 RUC weight for the RUC vehicle
Did operate a RUC vehicle on a road where the vehicle did not have a distance licence that specified the [1 minimum and
maximum distances covered by the licence]
number or any other distinguishing mark shown on the registration plates of the RUC vehicle
13 serial number of the distance recorder fitted to the RUC vehicle
14 RUC vehicle type of the RUC vehicle
15 word "distance licence"
16 unique licence number
17 date on which the licence was issued
18 place or site at or from which the licence was issued
19 RUC weight for the RUC vehicle
RUC vehicle no evidence of registration under alternative payment scheme
(Effective date = 1 Aug 2012)
(Infringement = Individual $400, Body Corp $800)
2020 V9
12 November 2020
Road User Charges Act 2012, s.9(4)(a)(ii), & Road User Charges (Infringement Offences) Regulations 2012, r.4(1)
Individual Maximum fine = $3,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $15,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Did operate a RUC vehicle *REGNO* on a road *STREET* where the vehicle did not have evidence of registration under an
appropriate alternative payment scheme
Operate a RUC vehicle on a road where the vehicle did not have evidence of registration under an appropriate alternative payment
RUC vehicle had expired distance licence
(Effective date = 1 Aug 2012)
(Infringement = Individual $400, Body Corp $800)
Road User Charges Act 2012, s.9(4)(b), & Road User Charges (Infringement Offences) Regulations 2012, r.4(1)
Individual Maximum fine = $3,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $15,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Did operate a heavy RUC vehicle *REGNO* where the distance licence issued for the vehicle had expired
Operated a heavy RUC vehicle where the distance licence issued for the vehicle had expired
Exceeded maximum reading on distance licence - light RUC vehicle
(Effective date = 1 Aug 2012)
(Infringement = $200)
Road User Charges Act 2012, s.10(2), & Road User Charges (Infringement Offences) Regulations 2012, r.4(2)(a)
Individual Maximum fine = $3,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $15,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Did operate a light RUC vehicle *REGNO* on a road *STREET* where the reading of the distance recorder fitted to the vehicle
exceeded the maximum reading specified in the distance licence for the vehicle by more than 500 kilometres.
Operated a light RUC vehicle on a road where the reading of the distance recorder fitted to the vehicle exceeded the maximum
reading specified in the distance licence for the vehicle by more than 500 kilometres.
Exceeded maximum reading on distance licence - heavy RUC vehicle
(Effective date = 1 Aug 2012)
(Infringement = Refer Schedule of Fees)
Road User Charges Act 2012, s.10(2), & Road User Charges (Infringement Offences) Regulations 2012, r.4(2)(b)
Individual Maximum fine = $3,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $15,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Did operate a heavy RUC vehicle *REGNO* on a road *STREET* where the reading of the distance recorder fitted to the vehicle
exceeded the maximum reading specified in the distance licence for the vehicle by more than 500 kilometres.
Operated a heavy RUC vehicle on a road where the reading of the distance recorder fitted to the vehicle exceeded the maximum
reading specified in the distance licence for the vehicle by more than 500 kilometres.
Operated RUC vehicle on overweight permit without appropriate RUC licence
(Effective date = 1 Aug 2012)
Road User Charges Act 2012, section 12(5)
Individual Maximum fine = $3,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = M/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $15,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Did operate a [1 single RUC vehicle *REGNO* issued with a permit] on a road *STREET* without [2 an additional licence or
evidence of being registered under an alternative payment scheme]
12 towing vehicle *REGNO* that was towing a trailer issued with a permit covering both the towing vehicle and the trailer
13 towing vehicle *REGNO* that was towing more than one trailer issued with a permit covering both the towing vehicle and the
22 a distance licence for a RUC vehicle type H or an additional licence or evidence of being registered under an alternative
payment scheme
RUC vehicle fitted with damaged or altered distance recorder
(Effective date = 1 Aug 2012)
Road User Charges Act 2012, section 13(1)(a)
Individual Maximum fine = $15,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = M/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $75,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Did operate a RUC vehicle *REGNO* on a road *STREET* when you knew, or ought to have known, that the distance recorder
fitted to the vehicle, or any equipment that was required for the operation of the distance recorder fit ed to the vehicle, had been
altered or damaged in a manner that affected, or was likely to affect, the accuracy of the distance recorder
RUC vehicle fitted with tampered distance recorder
(Effective date = 1 Aug 2012)
Road User Charges Act 2012, section 13(1)(b)
Individual Maximum fine = $15,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = M/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $75,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Did operate a RUC vehicle *REGNO* on a road *STREET* when you knew, or ought to have known, that the distance recorder
fitted to the vehicle had been tampered with in a manner that affects, or was likely to affect, the accuracy of the distance recorder
Altered, damaged, or tampered with distance recorder on RUC vehicle
(Effective date = 1 Aug 2012)
Road User Charges Act 2012, section 13(1)(c)
Individual Maximum fine = $15,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = M/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $75,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
2020 V9
12 November 2020
Did wilfully alter, damage, or tamper with [1 a distance recorder] fitted to a RUC vehicle *REGNO* in a manner that affected, or
was likely to affect, the accuracy of the distance recorder
12 any equipment that was required for the operation of the distance recorder
RUC vehicle fitted with unlawfully repaired or modified distance recorder
(Effective date = 1 Aug 2012)
Road User Charges Act 2012, section 13(1)(d)
Individual Maximum fine = $15,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = M/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $75,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Did operate a RUC vehicle *REGNO* on a road when you knew, or ought to have known, that the distance recorder fitted to the
RUC vehicle had been modified or repaired except as authorised by the Road User Charges Act 2012 or by regulations made under
that Act
Unlawfully modified or repaired distance recorder fitted to RUC vehicle
(Effective date = 1 Aug 2012)
Road User Charges Act 2012, section 13(1)(e)
Individual Maximum fine = $15,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = M/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $75,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Did [1 modify or repair] any part of a distance recorder fitted to a RUC vehicle *REGNO* except as authorised by the Road User
Charges Act 2012 or by regulations made under that Act
12 attempt to modify or repair
RUC vehicle fitted with equipment that interfered with distance recorder
(Effective date = 1 Aug 2012)
Road User Charges Act 2012, section 14(1)(a)
Individual Maximum fine = $15,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = M/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $75,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Did operate equipment in a RUC vehicle *REGNO* when you knew, or ought to have known, the equipment would interfere with,
or was likely to interfere with, the accurate operation of the distance recorder fitted to the vehicle
Installed equipment to interfere with distance recorder in RUC vehicle
(Effective date = 1 Aug 2012)
Road User Charges Act 2012, section 14(1)(b)
Individual Maximum fine = $15,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = M/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $75,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Did install equipment in a RUC vehicle *REGNO* that was designed to interfere with the accurate operation of the distance
recorder fitted to the vehicle
Possessed equipment to interfere with distance recorder in RUC vehicle
(Effective date = 1 Aug 2012)
Road User Charges Act 2012, section 14(1)(c)
Individual Maximum fine = $3,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = M/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $15,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Did possess equipment in a RUC vehicle *REGNO* that was designed to interfere with the accurate operation of the distance
recorder fitted to the vehicle
Provided incorrect information in a RUC application
(Effective date = 1 Aug 2012)
Road User Charges Act 2012, section 15(2)
Individual Maximum fine = $15,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = M/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $75,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Did provide information in respect of an application for a RUC licence when you knew, or ought to have known, the information
was incorrect in a material particular
Operated a RUC vehicle with incorrectly displayed RUC licence
(Effective date = 1 Aug 2012)
(Infringement = Individual $200, Body Corp $800)
Road User Charges Act 2012, s.19(2), & Road User Charges (Infringement Offences) Regulations 2012, r.4(1)
Individual Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $5,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Did operate a RUC vehicle *REGNO* on a road *STREET* without displaying a RUC licence for the vehicle in accordance with
the Road User Charges Regulations 2012
Operated a RUC vehicle on a road without displaying a RUC licence for the vehicle in accordance with the Road User Charges
Regulations 2012
Failed to produce RUC licence on demand
(Effective date = 1 Aug 2012)
(Infringement = Individual $400, Body Corp $800)
Road User Charges Act 2012, s.21(2), & Road User Charges (Infringement Offences) Regulations 2012, r.4(1)
Individual Maximum fine = $3,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $15,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Being the [1 owner] of a RUC vehicle *REGNO* for which a RUC licence had been issued you failed to produce the licence
immediately on demand by an enforcement officer
2020 V9
12 November 2020
12 operator
Being the [1 owner] of a RUC vehicle for which a RUC licence had been issued you failed to produce the licence immediately on
demand by an enforcement officer
12 operator
Seller failed to provide acquirer with current RUC licence
(Effective date = 1 Aug 2012)
Road User Charges Act 2012, section 22(3)
Individual Maximum fine = $15,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = M/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $75,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Being the seller of a vehicle you did fail to provide to the acquirer of the vehicle on, or before, the date of delivery of the vehicle a
distance licence for the RUC vehicle that would be current when the vehicle was delivered.
Altered or defaced a RUC licence
(Effective date = 1 Aug 2012)
Road User Charges Act 2012, section 23(1)(a)
Individual Maximum fine = $15,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = M/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $75,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
You did alter or deface a RUC licence
Operated a RUC vehicle with an altered or defaced RUC licence
(Effective date = 1 Aug 2012)
Road User Charges Act 2012, section 23(1)(b)
Individual Maximum fine = $15,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = M/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $75,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
You did operate a RUC vehicle *REGNO* on a road where the RUC licence for the vehicle had been altered or defaced.
Item likely to be mistaken for RUC licence displayed on RUC vehicle
(Effective date = 1 Aug 2012)
(Infringement = Individual $400, Body Corp $800)
Road User Charges Act 2012, s.24(1), & Road User Charges (Infringement Offences) Regulations 2012, r.4(1)
Individual Maximum fine = $3,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $15,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
You did [1 display] on a RUC vehicle *REGNO* an item (not being a RUC licence) that was likely to be mistaken for a RUC
12 cause to be displayed
Did [1 display] on a RUC vehicle an item (not being a RUC licence) that was likely to be mistaken for a RUC licence
12 cause to be displayed
Operated RUC vehicle with obscured RUC licence
(Effective date = 1 Aug 2012)
(Infringement = Individual $200, Body Corp $800)
Road User Charges Act 2012, s.25(1), & Road User Charges (Infringement Offences) Regulations 2012, r.4(1)
Individual Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $5,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
You did operate a RUC vehicle *REGNO* on a road *STREET* with a RUC licence for the vehicle that was obscured or not
easily distinguishable
Operated a RUC vehicle on a road with a RUC licence for the vehicle that was obscured or not easily distinguishable
Provided wrong information in application - light RUC vehicle exemption
(Effective date = 1 Aug 2012)
Road User Charges Act 2012, section 40(5)
Individual Maximum fine = $15,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = M/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $75,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
You did in respect of an application for an exemption under section 40(1) of the Road User Charges Act 2012 provide information
you knew, or ought to have known, was incorrect in a material particular
RUC electronic system provider failed to report tampering
(Effective date = 1 Aug 2012)
Road User Charges Act 2012, section 46(1)(a)
Individual Maximum fine = $15,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = M/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $75,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Being electronic system provider you did without reasonable excuse fail to report to the RUC collector any tampering or suspected
tampering with an electronic system
RUC electronic system provider provided false or misleading information
(Effective date = 1 Aug 2012)
Road User Charges Act 2012, section 46(1)(b)
Individual Maximum fine = $15,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = M/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $75,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Being electronic system provider you did knowingly provide false or misleading information to the RUC collector
Displayed item likely to be mistaken for electronic distance recorder
2020 V9
12 November 2020
(Effective date = 1 Aug 2012)
Road User Charges Act 2012, section 47(1)
Individual Maximum fine = $15,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = M/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $75,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Did operate a RUC vehicle *REGNO* on a road *STREET* while displaying a thing (not being an electronic distance recorder)
that you knew, or ought to have known, was likely to be mistaken for an electronic distance recorder
Fitted hubodometer to RUC vehicle - previously fitted to that vehicle
(Effective date = 1 Aug 2012)
Road User Charges Act 2012, section 49(3)
Individual Maximum fine = $15,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = M/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $75,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
You did, without the consent of the RUC collector, fit a hubodometer to RUC vehicle *REGNO* for the purposes of the Road
User Charges Act 2012 when you knew, or ought to have known, that the hubodometer had previously been fitted to the RUC
vehicle, and the vehicle has been operated after the removal, loss, or displacement of the hubodometer from the vehicle
Fitted hubodometer to RUC vehicle - previously fitted to another vehicle
(Effective date = 1 Aug 2012)
Road User Charges Act 2012, section 49(3)
Individual Maximum fine = $15,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = M/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $75,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
You did, without the consent of the RUC collector, fit a hubodometer to RUC vehicle *REGNO* for the purposes of the Road
User Charges Act 2012 when you knew, or ought to have known, that the hubodometer had previously been fitted to another motor
vehicle for the purposes of this Act, and the other motor vehicle was still registered under section 242 of the Land Transport Act
Operated RUC vehicle with no serial number on hubodometer
(Effective date = 1 Aug 2012)
(Infringement = Individual $200, Body Corp $800)
Road User Charges Act 2012, s.52(1)(a), & Road User Charges (Infringement Offences) Regulations 2012, r.4(1)
Individual Maximum fine = $3,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $15,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
You did operate a RUC vehicle *REGNO* on a road *STREET* where the hubodometer fitted to the vehicle did not have a serial
Operated a RUC vehicle on a road where the hubodometer fitted to the vehicle did not have a serial number
Operated RUC vehicle with obscured serial number on hubodometer
(Effective date = 1 Aug 2012)
(Infringement = Individual $200, Body Corp $800)
Road User Charges Act 2012, s.52(1)(a), & Road User Charges (Infringement Offences) Regulations 2012, r.4(1)
Individual Maximum fine = $3,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $15,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
You did operate a RUC vehicle *REGNO* on a road *STREET* where the hubodometer fitted to the vehicle had an obscured
serial number
Operated a RUC vehicle on a road where the hubodometer fitted to the vehicle had an obscured serial number
Operated RUC vehicle with duplicated serial number on hubodometer
(Effective date = 1 Aug 2012)
(Infringement = Individual $200, Body Corp $800)
Road User Charges Act 2012, s.52(1)(a), & Road User Charges (Infringement Offences) Regulations 2012, r.4(1)
Individual Maximum fine = $3,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $15,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
You did operate a RUC vehicle *REGNO* on a road *STREET* where the hubodometer fitted to the vehicle had a serial number
that was identical to that of another hubodometer of the same make
Operated a RUC vehicle on a road where the hubodometer fitted to the vehicle had a serial number that was identical to that of
another hubodometer of the same make
Operated RUC vehicle with obscured distance reading on hubodometer
(Effective date = 1 Aug 2012)
(Infringement = Individual $200, Body Corp $800)
Road User Charges Act 2012, s.52(1)(b), & Road User Charges (Infringement Offences) Regulations 2012, r.4(1)
Individual Maximum fine = $3,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $15,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
You did operate a RUC vehicle *REGNO* on a road *STREET* where the distance reading of the hubodometer fitted to the
vehicle was obscured
Operated a RUC vehicle on a road where the distance reading of the hubodometer fitted to the vehicle was obscured
Operated RUC vehicle with wrong tyre size for hubodometer
(Effective date = 1 Aug 2012)
Road User Charges Act 2012, section 52(1)(c)
Individual Maximum fine = $3,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = M/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $15,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
You did operate, without the consent of the RUC collector, a RUC vehicle *REGNO* on a road *STREET* where the
hubodometer fitted to the vehicle was under-recording the distance travelled because it was designed for a different tyre size than
the tyre fitted to the wheel on which the hubodometer was fitted.
2020 V9
12 November 2020
Transport service licence holder failed to keep and retain RUC records
(Effective date = 1 Aug 2012)
Road User Charges Act 2012, section 65(4)
Individual Maximum fine = $25,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = M/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $100,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
You, being the holder of a transport service licence, did without reasonable excuse, fail to keep records in relation to each RUC
vehicle that you owned or operated, and retain those records, for such periods as described in section 65(2)(b) of the Road User
Charges Act 2012
TSL holder failed to produce records relating to a RUC vehicle
(Effective date = 1 Aug 2012)
Road User Charges Act 2012, section 65(4)
Individual Maximum fine = $25,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = M/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $100,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
You, being the holder of a transport service licence, did fail to produce the records described in section 65 of the Road User
Charges Act 2012 for inspection when required by the RUC collector under section 66 of the Act
TSL holder produced false RUC records or information
(Effective date = 1 Aug 2012)
Road User Charges Act 2012, section 66(4)
Individual Maximum fine = $15,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = M/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $75,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
You, being the holder of a transport service licence, did knowingly produce false records or information when required by the RUC
collector under section 66(1) of the Road User Charges Act 2012 to produce for inspection any records or other information in your
possession or control
Third party failed to produce records relating to a RUC vehicle
(Effective date = 1 Aug 2012)
Road User Charges Act 2012, section 66(4)
Maximum fine = $15,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = M/T
You, having serviced, maintained, supplied, or contracted for the use of RUC vehicle *REGNO* and having been required under
section 67(2) of the Road User Charges Act 2012 to produce your business records in relation to that RUC vehicle for the purpose
of verifying the records or other information produced under section 66(1) of the Act, or establishing the RUC vehicle’s use and
maintenance history, you did, without reasonable excuse, fail to do so
Wrongly disclosed information acquired during inspection or search
(Effective date = 1 Aug 2012)
Road User Charges Act 2012, section 80(1)
Individual Maximum fine = $25,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = M/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $100,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
You did knowingly discloses information acquired during [1 an inspection of records or other information under section 66 or 67]
of the Road User Charges Act 2012
a search authorised under section 79
Exceeded axle mass limit
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2017)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.43, Vehicle Dimensions & Mass Rule 2016, cl.2.1(1), 4.4(a), and Offences & Penalties Regs r.4(6)
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = H
Operated a heavy motor vehicle on a road when the mass on [1 a single standard tyred] axle breached the applicable prescribed
maximum mass limit for that axle
12 a single large tyred
13 a twin tyred
14 an oscillating
15 a single mega-tyred
Exceeded mass limit on 2 axles in tandem axle set
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2017)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.43, Vehicle Dimensions & Mass Rule 2016, cl.2.1(1), 4.4(a), and Offences & Penalties Regs r.4(6)
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = H
Operated a heavy motor vehicle on a road when the mass on 2 axles in a tandem axle set breached the applicable prescribed
maximum sum of axle mass limits for that set
Exceeded maximum gross mass limit
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2017)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.43, Vehicle Dimensions & Mass Rule 2016 cl.2.1(1), 4.2, and Offences & Penalties Regs r.4(6)
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = H
2020 V9
12 November 2020
Operated [1 a heavy motor vehicle] on a road when [2 its] gross mass breached the applicable prescribed maximum gross mass
limit for a [3 heavy motor vehicle]
12 heavy motor vehicles
22 their
Exceeded axle mass limit - bridge (30% to 70% of Class 1)
(Effective date = 11 Aug 2017)
Section 43 Land Transport Act 1998 & regulation 11 Heavy Motor Vehicle Regulations 1974
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = H
Operated a heavy motor vehicle that breached the [1 30] percent of Class 1 bridge mass limit on [2 a single standard tyred] axle
12 40
13 50
14 60
15 70
22 a single large tyred
23 a twin tyred
24 an oscillating
25 a single mega-tyred
Exceeded axle mass limit - bridge (80% to 90% of Class I)
(Effective date = 11 Aug 2017)
Section 43 Land Transport Act 1998 & regulation 11 Heavy Motor Vehicle Regulations 1974
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = H
Operated a heavy motor vehicle that breached the [1 80] percent of Class I bridge mass limit on [2 a single standard tyred] axle
12 90
22 a single large tyred
23 a twin tyred
24 an oscillating
25 a single mega-tyred
Exceeded group mass limit - bridge (30% to 70% of Class I)
(Effective date = 11 Aug 2017)
Section 43 Land Transport Act 1998 & regulation 11 Heavy Motor Vehicle Regulations 1974
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = H
Operated a [1 heavy motor vehicle] that breached the [2 30] percent of Class I bridge mass limit on a group of axles
12 combination of vehicles
22 40
23 50
24 60
25 70
Exceeded group mass limit - bridge (80% to 90% of Class 1)
(Effective date = 11 Aug 2017)
Section 43 Land Transport Act 1998 & regulation 11 Heavy Motor Vehicle Regulations 1974
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = H
Operated a [1 heavy motor vehicle] that breached the [2 80] percent of Class 1 bridge mass limit on a group of axles
12 combination of vehicles
22 90
Exceeded gross mass limit on a bridge
(Effective date = 11 Aug 2017)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 43 & Heavy Motor Vehicle Regulations 1974, regulation 11
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = H
Operated a motor vehicle that breached the [1 maximum] gross mass limit for a [2 heavy motor vehicle] on a bridge, as fixed by
the controlling authority in respect of the bridge under its control
12 30% of Class 1
13 40% of Class 1
14 50% of Class 1
15 60% of Class 1
16 70% of Class 1
22 combination of vehicles
Exceeded gross mass limit - bridge (80% to 90% of Class 1)
(Effective date = 11 Aug 2017)
Section 43 Land Transport Act 1998 & regulation 11 Heavy Motor Vehicle Regulations 1974
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = H
Operated a [1 heavy motor vehicle] that breached the [2 80] percent of Class 1 gross mass bridge limit
12 combination of vehicles
22 90
Exceeded maximum mass limit in a tri-axle set
2020 V9
12 November 2020
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2017)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.43, Vehicle Dimensions & Mass Rule 2016, cl.2.1(1), 4.4(a), and Offences & Penalties Regs, r.4(6)
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = H
Operated a heavy motor vehicle that breached the applicable maximum mass limit on the axles in a tri-axle set
Exceeded mass limit 2 or more axles (not tandem or triaxle)
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2017)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.43, Vehicle Dimensions & Mass Rule 2016, cl.2.1(1), 4.4(a), and Offences & Penalties Regs, r.4(6)
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = H
Operated a [1 heavy motor vehicle] that breached the applicable prescribed maximum mass limit on any 2 or more axles that
together did not constitute a single tandem or tri-axle set
12 combination of vehicles including a heavy motor vehicle
Exceeded axle mass
limit on a bridge
(Effective date = 11 Aug 2017)
Section 43 Land Transport Act 1998 & regulation 11 Heavy Motor Vehicle Regulations 1974
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = H
Operated a heavy motor vehicle on a bridge when the mass on [1 a single standard tyred] axle on that vehicle breached the mass
limit for an axle as fixed by the controlling authority in respect of the bridge under its control
12 a single large tyred
13 a twin tyred
14 an oscillating
15 a single mega-tyred
Exceeded axle mass limit on a trailer
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2017)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.43, and Vehicle Dimensions & Mass Rule 2016, cl.2.1(1), 4.4(a), and Offences & Penalties Regs,
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = H
Operated a heavy motor vehicle, being a trailer, that breached the applicable prescribed maximum weight limit on [1 a single
standard] tyred axle
12 a single large
13 a twin
14 an oscillating
15 a single mega-tyred
Exceeded mass limit on 2 axles in tandem axle set - trailer
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2017)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.43, and Vehicle Dimensions & Mass Rule 2016, cl.2.1(1), 4.4(a), and Offences & Penalties Regs,
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = H
Operated a heavy motor vehicle, being a trailer, on a road when it breached the applicable prescribed maximum sum of axle mass
limits on 2 axles in a tandem axle set
Exceeded axle mass limit - bridge (30% - 70% of Class 1) - trailer
(Effective date = 11 Aug 2017)
Section 43 Land Transport Act 1998 & regulation 11 Heavy Motor Vehicle Regulations 1974
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = H
Operated a heavy motor vehicle, being a trailer, that breached the applicable [1 30] percent of Class 1 bridge mass limit on [2 a
single standard tyred] axle
12 40
13 50
14 60
15 70
22 a single large tyred
23 a twin tyred
24 an oscillating
25 a single mega-tyred
Exceeded axle mass limit - bridge (80% - 90% of Class 1) - trailer
(Effective date = 11 Aug 2017)
Section 43 Land Transport Act 1998 & regulation 11 Heavy Motor Vehicle Regulations 1974
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = H
Operated a heavy motor vehicle, being a trailer, which breached the applicable [1 80] percent of class 1 bridge mass limit on [2 a
single standard tyred] axle
12 90
22 a single large tyred
23 a twin tyred
24 an oscillating
25 a single mega-tyred
2020 V9
12 November 2020
Exceeded static roll threshold (weight)
(Effective date = 1 Jun 2019)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 8.10(1) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = H
Operated a vehicle required by the vehicle dimension and mass rule to comply with an SRT of at least 0.35g, and certified for SRT,
in breach of the mass limit set out in the [1 certificate of loading]
12 SRT document of compliance
Exceeded the bridge limit for an axle mass - trailer
(Effective date = 11 Aug 2017)
Section 43 Land Transport Act 1998 & regulation 11 Heavy Motor Vehicle Regulations 1974
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = H
Operated a heavy motor vehicle, being a trailer, which breached the applicable prescribed bridge mass limit in force for that bridge
at that time
Operated pre-2016 articulated vehicle (with steering axle) over 37 tonnes
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2017)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.43, Vehicle Dimensions & Mass Rule 2016, cl.2.1(1) & 1.1 of Schedule 1, and Offences & Penalties
Regs, r.4
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = H
Operated an articulated vehicle *REGNO*, first registered in New Zealand before 1 July 2016, that had previously been approved
under regulation 48B(1)(s) of the Traffic Regulations 1976 when the gross mass exceeded 37,000kgs
Exceeded 39 tonne - unfit vehicle
(Effective date = 11 Aug 2017)
S.40 & 43 Land Transport Act 1998 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 7.1 & 10.1 Heavy-vehicle Brakes Rule 2006
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = H
Operated a combination of heavy motor vehicles on a road when its gross vehicle mass breached the applicable prescribed
maximum gross vehicle mass limit of 39000 kg for a combination of vehicles
Exceeded maximum mass limit in a quad-axle set - trailer
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2017)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.43, and Vehicle Dimensions & Mass Rule 2016, cl.2.1(1), 4.4(a), and Offences & Penalties Regs,
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = H
Operated a heavy motor vehicle being a trailer *TRAREG* that breached the applicable prescribed maximum mass limit for the
axles in a quad-axle set
Operated ‘A Train’ exceeding 39000 kg gross mass
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2017)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.43, Vehicle Dimensions & Mass Rule 2016, cl.2.1(1), 4.3(1), and Offences & Penalties Regs, r.4(6)
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = H
Operated an ‘A Train’ when the gross mass exceeded 39000 kg
Combination exceeded 39000 kg without twin drive axle set
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2017)
S.43 Land Transport Act 1998 s.43, and Vehicle Dimensions & Mass Rule 2016, 2.1(1), 4.3(4) & 4.3(5), and Offences & Penalties
Regs, r.4(6)
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = H
Operated a vehicle in combination with other vehicles when the gross mass exceeded 39000kgs and the towing vehicle did not
contain 2 motor driven axles in a tandem axle set
Combination exceeded 39T when truck under 4.25m wheelbase
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2017)
S.43 Land Transport Act 1998 s.43, and Vehicle Dimensions & Mass Rule 2016, cl.2.1(1), 4.3(4) & 4.3(5), and Offences &
Penalties Regs, r.4(6)
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = H
Operated a vehicle used in combination with a full trailer when the mass exceeded 39T and the towing vehicle's wheelbase was
under 4.25 metres
Operated truck & full trailer over 42T without twin steer
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2017)
(Infringement = $370)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.43, and Vehicle Dimensions & Mass Rule 2016, cl.2.1(1), 4.3(6) & 4.3(7), and Offences & Penalties
Regs, r.4(6)
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Operated a vehicle towing a full trailer and the gross mass of both exceeded 42000kgs when the towing vehicle did not have a twin
steer set
Rear trailer mass ratio exceeded 1.5 of truck and trailer
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2017)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.43 & Vehicle Dimensions & Mass Rule 2016, cl.2.1(1), 4.5(1), and Offences & Penalties Regs, r.4(6)
2020 V9
12 November 2020
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = H
Operated [1 a rigid vehicle towing 2 vehicles] when the gross mass of the rear most vehicle exceeded 1.5 times the gross mass of
the towing vehicle and the first towed vehicle
12 a B-train
13 an A-train
Trailer mass ratio exceeded 1.5 of towing vehicle
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2017)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.43, Vehicle Dimensions & Mass Rule 2016, cl.2.1(1), 4.5(2), and Offences & Penalties Regs, r.4(6)
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = H
Operated a heavy vehicle towing a trailer when the gross mass of the trailer exceeded 1.5 times the gross mass of the towing
Heavy trailer mass exceeded 1.5 times light towing vehicle
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2017)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.43, Vehicle Dimensions & Mass Rule 2016, cl.2.1(1) & 3.14(4)(a), and Offences & Penalties Regs,
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = H
Operated a light vehicle towing a heavy trailer when the gross mass of the trailer exceeded 1.5 times the gross mass of the towing
Heavy passenger service vehicle towed trailer over 3500 kg
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2017)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.43, Vehicle Dimensions & Mass Rule 2016, cl.2.1(1) & 3.14(6), and Offences & Penalties Regs, r.4(6)
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = H
Operated a heavy passenger service vehicle towing a trailer with a gross mass exceeding 3500 kg
Exceeded static roll threshold (weight)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 8.10(1) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = H
Operated a vehicle required by the vehicle dimension and mass rule to comply with an SRT of at least 0.35g, and certified for SRT,
in breach of the mass limit set out in the [1 certificate of loading]
12 SRT compliance certificate
Caused or required a vehicle to be overloaded
(Effective date = 1 Nov 2013)
S79U Land Transport Act 1998
Maximum fine = $25,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = M/T
By an [1 act] namely *SPACES* did [2 directly] [3 cause] (whether or not the sole cause) a driver to operate a [4 vehicle] in
breach of the applicable gross weight limit for that [5 vehicle] when you knew or should have known that the breach would, or
would be likely to, occur
12 omission
22 indirectly
32 require
42 combination of vehicles
52 combination of vehicles
Operated truck and simple trailer over 36 tonne
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2017)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.43, Vehicle Dimensions & Mass Rule 2016, cl.2.1(1) & 4.3(8), and Offences & Penalties Regs, r4(6)
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = H
Operated a towing vehicle *REGNO* in combination with a simple trailer when the gross mass exceeded 36,000kgs
Heavy trailer mass exceeded maximum towed mass of light towing vehicle
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2017)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.43, Vehicle Dimensions & Mass Rule 2016, cl.2.1(1) & 3.14(4)(b), and Offences & Penalties Regs,
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = H
Operated a light vehicle towing a heavy trailer when the gross mass of the trailer exceeded the maximum towed mass of the towing
vehicle specified by the manufacturer
Operated truck & simple trailer over 40 tonne
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2017)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.43, Vehicle Dimensions & Mass Rule 2016, cl.2.1(2) & 4.3(9), and Offences & Penalties Regs, r4(6)
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = H
Operated a towing vehicle *REGNO* in combination with a simple trailer and a high-productivity motor vehicle permit had been
issued for the vehicle to vary from a dimension requirement in Schedule 2 of the Land Transport Rule: Vehicle Dimensions and
Mass 2016, and the towing connection was a roll-coupled hitch approved by the New Zealand Transport Agency as meeting the
equivalent safety performance as a standard towing vehicle and semi-trailer combination, when the gross mass exceeded 40,000kgs
2020 V9
12 November 2020
Exceeded axle mass limit – high-productivity vehicle
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2017)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.43 & Vehicle Dimensions & Mass Rule 2016, cl.2.1(2) & 4.4(c), and Offences & Penalties Regs, r4(6)
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = H
Operated on a road in a high-productivity motor vehicle combination a heavy motor vehicle when the mass on [1 a single standard
tyred] axle breached the applicable prescribed maximum mass limit for that axle
12 a single large tyred
13 a twin tyred
14 an oscillating
15 a single mega-tyred
Exceeded mass on 2 axles in tandem axle set – high-productivity vehicle
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2017)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.43 & Vehicle Dimensions & Mass Rule 2016, cl.2.1(2) & 4.4(c), and Offences & Penalties Regs, r4(6)
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = H
Operated on a road in a high-productivity motor vehicle combination a heavy motor vehicle when the mass on 2 axles in a tandem
axle set breached the applicable prescribed maximum sum of axle mass limits for that axle set
Exceeded maximum mass limit in tri-axle set - high-productivity vehicle
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2017)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.43 & Vehicle Dimensions & Mass Rule 2016, cl.2.1(2) & 4.4(c), and Offences & Penalties Regs, r4(6)
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = H
Operated on a road in a high-productivity motor vehicle combination a heavy motor vehicle that breached the applicable maximum
mass limit on the axles in a tri-axle set
Exceeded maximum mass limit in quad-axle set - high-productivity vehicle
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2017)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.43 & Vehicle Dimensions & Mass Rule 2016, cl.2.1(2) & 4.4(c), and Offences & Penalties Regs, r4(6)
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = H
Operated in a high-productivity motor vehicle combination a heavy motor vehicle that breached the applicable prescribed
maximum mass limit for the axles in a quad-axle set
Exceeded limit 2 or more axles (not tandem tri or quad) - high-prod vehicle
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2017)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.43 & Vehicle Dimensions & Mass Rule 2016, cl.2.1(2) & 4.4(c), and Offences & Penalties Regs, r4(6)
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = H
Operated in a high-productivity motor vehicle combination a [1 heavy motor vehicle] that breached the applicable prescribed
maximum mass limit on any 2 or more axles that together did not constitute a single tandem or tri-axle set
12 combination of vehicles including a heavy motor vehicle
Exceeded maximum gross mass limit – high-productivity vehicle
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2017)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.43 & Vehicle Dimensions & Mass Rule 2016, cl.2.1(2) & 4.2(2)(b), and Offences & Penalties Regs,
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = H
Operated in a high-productivity motor vehicle combination [1 a heavy motor vehicle] on a road when [2 its] gross mass breached
the applicable prescribed maximum gross mass limit for [3 a heavy motor vehicle] in a high-productivity motor vehicle
12 heavy motor vehicles
22 their
32 combination of vehicles
Exceeded mass on 2 axles (twin-steer axle set) – high-productivity vehicle
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2017)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.43 & Vehicle Dimensions & Mass Rule 2016, cl.2.1(2) & 4.4(c), and Offences & Penalties Regs, r4(6)
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = H
Operated on a road in a high-productivity motor vehicle combination a heavy motor vehicle when the mass on 2 axles in a twin-
steer axle set breached the applicable prescribed maximum mass limit for that axle set
Exceeded axle mass limit – overweight permit vehicle
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2017)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.43 & Vehicle Dimensions & Mass Rule 2016, cl.2.1(2) & 4.4(b), and Offences & Penalties Regs, r4B
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = H
Operated on a road a vehicle issued with an overweight permit under 5.8 of the Land Transport Rule: Vehicle Dimensions and
Mass 2016 when the mass on [1 a single standard-tyred] axle breached the applicable prescribed maximum mass limit for that axle
12 a single large-tyred
13 a single mega-tyred
14 a twin tyred
15 an oscillating
2020 V9
12 November 2020
Exceeded mass on 2 axles in tandem axle set – overweight permit vehicle
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2017)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.43 & Vehicle Dimensions & Mass Rule 2016, cl.2.1(2) & 4.4(b), and Offences & Penalties Regs, r4B
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = H
Operated on a road a vehicle issued with an overweight permit under 5.8 of the Land Transport Rule: Vehicle Dimensions and
Mass 2016 when the mass on 2 axles in a tandem axle set breached the applicable prescribed maximum sum of axle mass limits for
that axle set
Exceeded maximum mass limit in tri-axle set – overweight permit vehicle
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2017)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.43 & Vehicle Dimensions & Mass Rule 2016, cl.2.1(2) & 4.4(b), and Offences & Penalties Regs, r4B
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = H
Operated on a road a vehicle issued with an overweight permit under 5.8 of the Land Transport Rule: Vehicle Dimensions and
Mass 2016 when the mass on a tri-axle set exceeded the applicable prescribed maximum mass limit for that axle set
Exceeded maximum mass limit - quad-axle set - overweight permit vehicle
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2017)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.43 & Vehicle Dimensions & Mass Rule 2016, cl.2.1(2) & 4.4(b), and Offences & Penalties Regs, r4B
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = H
Operated on a road a vehicle issued with an overweight permit under 5.8 of the Land Transport Rule: Vehicle Dimensions and
Mass 2016 when the mass on a quad-axle set exceeded the applicable prescribed maximum mass limit for that axle set
Exceeded limit 2 or more axles (not tandem/tri/quad) - OWP permit vehicle
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2017)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.43 & Vehicle Dimensions & Mass Rule 2016, cl.2.1(2) & 4.4(b), and Offences & Penalties Regs, r4B
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = H
Operated on a road a vehicle issued with an overweight permit under 5.8 of the Land Transport Rule: Vehicle Dimensions and
Mass 2016 when the limit on any 2 or more axles that together did not constitute a single tandem or tri-axle or quad axle set
exceeded the applicable prescribed maximum mass limit for that group of axles
Exceeded mass on 2 axles (twin-steer axle set) – overweight permit vehicle
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2017)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.43 & Vehicle Dimensions & Mass Rule 2016, cl.2.1(2) & 4.4(b), and Offences & Penalties Regs, r4B
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = H
Operated on a road a vehicle issued with an overweight permit under 5.8 of the Land Transport Rule: Vehicle Dimensions and
Mass 2016 when the mass on 2 axles in a twin-steer axle set breached the applicable prescribed maximum mass limit for that axle
Exceeded twin-tyred axle mass limit – specialist vehicle
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2017)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.43 & Vehicle Dimensions & Mass Rule 2016, cl.2.1(2) & 4.4(d), and Offences & Penalties Regs, r. 4B
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = H
Operated on a road a [1 passenger service vehicle] issued with an overweight permit under 5.11 of the Land Transport Rule:
Vehicle Dimensions and Mass 2016 when the mass on a twin-tyred axle breached the applicable prescribed maximum mass limit
for that axle
12 concrete mixer
13 ground spreader truck
14 rubbish truck
Exceeded mass on 2 axles in tandem axle set – specialist vehicle
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2017)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.43 & Vehicle Dimensions & Mass Rule 2016, cl.2.1(2) & 4.4(d), Offences & Penalties Regs, r. 4B
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = H
Operated on a road a [1 passenger service vehicle] issued with an overweight permit under 5.11 of the Land Transport Rule:
Vehicle Dimensions and Mass 2016 when the mass on 2 axles in a tandem axle set breached the applicable prescribed maximum
sum of axle mass limits for that set
12 concrete mixer
13 ground spreader truck
14 rubbish truck
J Series – Speed Camera Offences
Exceeded 50 km/h - speed camera
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2010)
S.40 & 133 Land Transport Act 1998 & regs 3 & 4 Offences & Penalties Regs 1999 & 5.1 Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = C/F
Drove a vehicle on *STREET* at a speed exceeding 50 kilometres per hour being an offence detected by approved vehicle
surveillance equipment
2020 V9
12 November 2020
Drove a vehicle on *STREET* at a speed exceeding 50 kilometres per hour being an offence detected by approved vehicle
surveillance equipment
Exceeded 70 km/h - speed camera
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2010)
S.40 & 133 Land Transport Act 1998 & regs 3 & 4 Offences & Penalties Regs 1999 & 5.1 Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = C/F
Drove a vehicle on *STREET* at a speed exceeding 70 kilometres per hour being an offence detected by approved vehicle
surveillance equipment
Drove a vehicle on *STREET* at a speed exceeding 70 kilometres per hour being an offence detected by approved vehicle
surveillance equipment
Exceeded 100 km/h - speed camera
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2010)
S.40 & 133 Land Transport Act 1998 & regs 3 & 4 Offences & Penalties Regs 1999 & 5.1 Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = C/F
Drove a vehicle on *STREET* at a speed exceeding 100 kilometres per hour being an offence detected by approved vehicle
surveillance equipment
Drove a vehicle on *STREET* at a speed exceeding 100 kilometres per hour being an offence detected by approved vehicle
surveillance equipment
Exceeded 30 km/h towing motorcycle-speed camera
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2010)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & 133 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, regs 3 & 4 & Road User Rule 2004, 5.4(3)
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = C/F
Drove a vehicle *REGNO* on *STREET* at a speed exceeding 30 kilometres per hour towing a disable motorcycle being an
offence detected by approved vehicle surveillance equipment
Drove a vehicle *REGNO* on *STREET* at a speed exceeding 30 kilometres per hour towing a disable motorcycle being an
offence detected by approved vehicle surveillance equipment
Exceeded 90 km/h heavy motor vehicle - speed camera
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2010)
S.40 & 133 Land Transport Act 1998 & regs 3 & 4 Offences & Penalties Regs 1999 & 5.5(1) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = C/F
Drove a vehicle on *STREET* at a speed exceeding 90 kilometres per hour in a heavy motor vehicle being an offence detected by
approved vehicle surveillance equipment
Drove a vehicle on *STREET* at a speed exceeding 90 kilometres per hour in a heavy motor vehicle being an offence detected by
approved vehicle surveillance equipment
Exceeded 80 km/h school bus - speed camera
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2010)
S.40 & 133 Land Transport Act 1998 & regs 3 & 4 Offences & Penalties Regs 1999 & 5.6(2) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = C/F
Drove a vehicle on *STREET* at a speed exceeding 80 kilometres per hour in a school bus being an offence detected by approved
vehicle surveillance equipment
Drove a vehicle on *STREET* at a speed exceeding 80 kilometres per hour in a school bus being an offence detected by approved
vehicle surveillance equipment
Exceeded 40 km/h motorcycle & trailer-speed camera
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2010)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & 133 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, regs 3 & 4 & Road User Rule 2004, 5.4(5)
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = C/F
Drove a vehicle *REGNO* on *STREET* at a speed exceeding 40 kilometres per hour towing a trailer being an offence detected
by approved vehicle surveillance equipment
Drove a vehicle *REGNO* on *STREET* at a speed exceeding 40 kilometres per hour towing a trailer being an offence detected
by approved vehicle surveillance equipment
Exceeded 90 km/h - light vehicle towing - speed camera
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2010)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & 133 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, regs 3 & 4 & Road User Rule 2004, 5.4(4) Maximum
fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = C/F
Drove a vehicle on *STREET* at a speed exceeding 90 km/h towing a trailer being an offence detected by approved vehicle
surveillance equipment
Drove a vehicle on *STREET* at a speed exceeding 90 km/h towing a trailer being an offence detected by approved vehicle
surveillance equipment
Exceeded 60km/h - speed camera
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2010)
S.40 & 133 Land Transport Act 1998 & regs 3 & 4 Offences & Penalties Regs 1999 & 5.1 Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = C/F
2020 V9
12 November 2020
Drove a vehicle on *STREET* at a speed exceeding 60 kilometres per hour being an offence detected by approved vehicle
surveillance equipment
Drove a vehicle on *STREET* at a speed exceeding 60 kilometres per hour being an offence detected by approved vehicle
surveillance equipment
Exceeded 80km/h - speed camera
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2010)
S.40 & 133 Land Transport Act 1998 & regs 3 & 4 Offences & Penalties Regs 1999 & 5.1 Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = C/F
Drove a vehicle on *STREET* at a speed exceeding 80 kilometres per hour being an offence detected by approved vehicle
surveillance equipment
Drove a vehicle on *STREET* at a speed exceeding 80 kilometres per hour being an offence detected by approved vehicle
surveillance equipment
Exceeded 10km/h - speed camera
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2010)
S.40 & 133 Land Transport Act 1998 & regs 3 & 4 Offences & Penalties Regs 1999 & 5.1 Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = C/F
Drove a vehicle on *STREET* at a speed exceeding 10 kilometres per hour being an offence detected by approved vehicle
surveillance equipment
Drove a vehicle on *STREET* at a speed exceeding 10 kilometres per hour being an offence detected by approved vehicle
surveillance equipment
Exceeded 20km/h - speed camera
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2010)
S.40 & 133 Land Transport Act 1998 & regs 3 & 4 Offences & Penalties Regs 1999 & 5.1 Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = C/F
Drove a vehicle on *STREET* at a speed exceeding 20 kilometres per hour being an offence detected by approved vehicle
surveillance equipment
Drove a vehicle on *STREET* at a speed exceeding 20 kilometres per hour being an offence detected by approved vehicle
surveillance equipment
Exceeded 30km/h - speed camera
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2010)
S.40 & 133 Land Transport Act 1998 & regs 3 & 4 Offences & Penalties Regs 1999 & 5.1 Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = C/F
Drove a vehicle on *STREET* at a speed exceeding 30 kilometres per hour being an offence detected by approved vehicle
surveillance equipment
Drove a vehicle on *STREET* at a speed exceeding 30 kilometres per hour being an offence detected by approved vehicle
surveillance equipment
Exceeded 40km/h - speed camera
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2010)
S.40 & 133 Land Transport Act 1998 & regs 3 & 4 Offences & Penalties Regs 1999 & 5.1 Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = C/F
Drove a vehicle on *STREET* at a speed exceeding 40 kilometres per hour being an offence detected by approved vehicle
surveillance equipment
Drove a vehicle on *STREET* at a speed exceeding 40 kilometres per hour being an offence detected by approved vehicle
surveillance equipment
Exceeded 90km/h - speed camera
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2010)
S.40 & 133 Land Transport Act 1998 & regs 3 & 4 Offences & Penalties Regs 1999 & 5.1 Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = C/F
Drove a vehicle on *STREET* at a speed exceeding 90 kilometres per hour being an offence detected by approved vehicle
surveillance equipment
Drove a vehicle on *STREET* at a speed exceeding 90 kilometres per hour being an offence detected by approved vehicle
surveillance equipment
Exceeded 30 km/h temporary speed limit - speed camera
(Effective date = 27 Feb 2005)
S.40 & 133 Land Transport Act 1998 & regs 3 & 4 Offences & Penalties Regs 1999 & 5.1 Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = C/F
Drove on *STREET* at a speed exceeding a temporary speed limit of 30 kilometres per hour being an offence detected by
approved vehicle surveillance equipment
Drove on *STREET* at a speed exceeding a temporary speed limit of 30 kilometres per hour being an offence detected by
approved vehicle surveillance equipment
Exceeded 20 km/h passed accident, breakdown, crash, emergency or fire sign
(Effective date = 1 Dec 2016)
S.40 & 133 Land Transport Act 1998 & regs 3 & 4 Offences & Penalties Regs 1999 & 5.8 Road User Rule 2004
2020 V9
12 November 2020
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = C/F
Did drive a vehicle on *STREET* at a speed exceeding 20 kilometres an hour after passing a warning sign advising of an accident,
breakdown, crash, emergency or fire
and before clearing the same being an offence detected by an approved vehicle surveillance
Did drive a vehicle on *STREET* at a speed exceeding 20 kilometres an hour after passing a warning sign advising of an accident,
breakdown, crash, emergency or fire and before clearing the same being an offence detected by an approved vehicle surveillance
Exceeded 20 km/h passing school bus-speed camera
(Effective date = 27 Feb 2005)
S.40 & 133(1) Land Transport Act 1998 & regs 3 & 4 Offences & Penalties Regs 1999 & 5.6 Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = C/F
Drove a vehicle on *STREET* exceeding 20 kilometres per hour passed a school bus being an offence detected by approved
vehicle surveillance equipment
Drove a vehicle on *STREET* exceeding 20 kilometres per hour passed a school bus being an offence detected by approved
vehicle surveillance equipment
Exceeded 70 km/h in a temporary speed limit area -speed camera
(Effective date = 27 Feb 2005)
S.40 & 133 Land Transport Act 1998 & regs 3 & 4 Offences & Penalties Regs 1999 & 5.1 Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = C/F
Drove on *STREET* at a speed exceeding a temporary speed limit of 70 kilometres per hour being an offence detected by
approved vehicle surveillance equipment
Drove on *STREET* at a speed exceeding a temporary speed limit of 70 kilometres per hour being an offence detected by
approved vehicle surveillance equipment
Exceeded 80 km/h in a temporary speed limit area -speed camera
(Effective date = 27 Feb 2005)
S.40 & 133 Land Transport Act 1998 & regs 3 & 4 Offences & Penalties Regs 1999 & 5.1 Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = C/F
Drove on *STREET* at a speed exceeding a temporary speed limit of 80 kilometres per hour being an offence detected by
approved vehicle surveillance equipment
Drove on *STREET* at a speed exceeding a temporary speed limit of 80 kilometres per hour being an offence detected by
approved vehicle surveillance equipment
Failed to comply with red traffic signal - camera offence
(Effective date = 1Apr 2007)
(Infringement = $150)
S.40 & 133(1) Land Transport Act 1998 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 3.1(1) & 3.2(5) Road User Rule
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = R
Drove a vehicle on *STREET* and did fail to comply with the instructions given by a steady red signal in the form of a disc, being
an offence detected by approved vehicle surveillance equipment
Turned at traffic lights against a red arrow – camera offence
(Effective date = 1Apr 2007)
(Infringement = $150)
S.40 & 133 Land Transport Act 1998 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 3.1(1) & 3.3(3)(a) Road User Rule 2004
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = R
Drove a vehicle on *STREET* at a place controlled by a traffic control device and did fail to comply with the instructions given by
that device namely a red signal in the form of an arrow, being an offence detected by approved vehicle surveillance equipment
Tampered with an approved vehicle surveillance equipment
Section 55(1) Land Transport Act 1998
Maximum fine = $5000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = T
Did [1 tamper] with a [2 speed camera] being approved vehicle surveillance equipment
12 interfere
22 red light camera
Interfered with operation of vehicle surveillance equipment
Section 55(1)(b) Land Transport Act 1998
Maximum fine = $5000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = T
Did interfere with the operation of a [1 speed camera] being approved vehicle surveillance
12 red light camera
Made a false or misleading statutory declaration
(Effective date = 7 Feb 2012)
(Infringement = $750)
Section 44 Land Transport Act 1998
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Made a statement in a statutory declaration given for a purpose under the Land Transport Act 1998 knowing the statement to be
false or misleading
Made a false or misleading statement in a statutory declaration given for a purpose under the Land Transport Act 1998
Made false or misleading statement or declaration regarding toll
2020 V9
12 November 2020
(Effective date = 25 Jan 2009)
Section 54(3) Land Transport Management Act 2003
Maximum fine = $500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0,
You did for the purpose of sectio
n 52(3) of the Land Transport Management Act 2003 give a sworn statement in writing or a
statutory declaration and, in that statement or declaration, you gave information that you knew to be false or misleading
You did for the purpose of sectio
n 52(3) of the Land Transport Management Act 2003 give a sworn statement in writing or a
statutory declaration and, in that statement or declaration, you gave information that you knew to be false or misleading
NOTE This specimen charge is for NZTA use only.
Person gave false or misleading information
(Effective date = 17 Jul 2020)
(Infringement = $750)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 14 and 44
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Having been required by or under the Land Transport Act 1998 to give specified information, namely *SPACES*, you gave in
response to that requirement information that you knew to be false or misleading.
Having been required by or under the Land Transport Act 1998 to give specified information you gave in response to that
requirement information that you knew to be false or misleading
This is NOT an arrestable offence
2. Only use this prec for requests related to miscellaneous Land Transport Act matters not related to routine policing activities
Refused or failed to pay a toll
(Effective date = 25 Jan 2009)
(Infringement = $40)
s.54(1) Land Transport Management Act 2003 & s.138(1)(b) Land Transport Act 1998 & reg.4 Offences & Penalties Regs 1999
Maximum fine = 0, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0,
Did, without reasonable excuse, refuse or fail to pay the toll payable for the use of a toll road
NOTE This specimen charge is for NZTA use only.
K Series – Transport Licensing & Dangerous Goods
Carried on or facilitated an unlicensed service
(Effective date = 1 Oct 2017)
Section 79A(1) and (2) Land Transport Act 1998
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = M/T
Did [1 carry on] a transport service without the appropriate current licence
12 in relation to a small passenger service facilitate
13 vehicle recovery
14 rental
Carried on or facilitated an unlicensed service - 2nd or sub offence
(Effective date = 1 Oct 2017)
Section 79A(1) and (3) Land Transport Act 1998
Maximum fine = $25,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = M/T
Did [1 carry on] a transport service without the appropriate current licence you having previously been convicted of operating or
facilitating a transport service without the appropriate current licence
12 in relation to a small passenger service facilitate
Applied for transport driver licence when disqualified
(Effective date = 1 Oct 2007)
Section 79D Land Transport Act 1998
Maximum fine = $4,500, Maximum prison = 3 months, Minimum disqualification = 6 months, Notice type = M/T
Being a person disqualified from holding or obtaining a transport service licence applied for a transport licence during the period of
Failed to maintain complaints register - large PSV
(Effective date = 1 Oct 2017)
(Infringement = Individual $750, Body Corp $3750)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 2.11(2) Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2017
Individual Maximum fine = $4,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $20,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Being the holder of a large passenger service licence under which one or more motor vehicles were operated failed to ensure that
there was maintained a complaints register in respect of the operation of all vehicles operated under the licence
Being the holder of a large passenger service licence under which one or more motor vehicles were operated failed to ensure that
there was maintained a complaints register in respect of the operation of all vehicles operated under the licence
Failed to make complaints register available for inspection – large PSV
(Effective date = 1 Oct 2017)
(Infringement = Individual $750, Body Corp $3750)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 2.11(7) Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2017
Individual Maximum fine = $4,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $20,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
2020 V9
12 November 2020
Being the holder of a large passenger service licence failed to make the complaints register maintained in respect of the operation
of all such vehicles operated under the licence available for inspection at a reasonable time by an enforcement officer
Being the holder of a large passenger service licence failed to make the complaints register maintained in respect of the operation
of all such vehicles operated under the licence available for inspection at a reasonable time by an enforcement officer
Party to offence of unlicensed transport service
(Effective date = 1 Oct 2017)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 79A(1) and (2) and section 66(1) Crimes Act 1961
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = M/T
Did [1 aid] one *SPACES* [2 to carry on] a transport service without the appropriate current licence
12 abet
13 incite
14 counsel
15 procure
22 in relation to a small passenger service to facilitate
Party to offence of unlicensed transport service - 2nd or sub offence
(Effective date = 1 Oct 2017)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 79A(1) and (3) and section 66(1) Crimes Act 1961
Maximum fine = $25,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = M/T
Did [1 aid] one *SPACES* [2 to carry on] a transport service without the appropriate current licence you having previously been
convicted of being a party to an offence of operating a transport service without the appropriate current licence
12 abet
13 incite
14 counsel
15 procure
22 in relation to a small passenger service to facilitate
Drove vehicle used in an unlicensed transport service
(Effective date = 1 Oct 2017)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 79AB(1) and (2)
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = M/T
Did drive a vehicle in a transport service when there was no relevant transport service licence held by you, or a transport service
operator on whose behalf you were driving, or a facilitator who facilitated you to connect with passengers of the service
Facilitator failed to keep or produce records
(Effective date = 1 Oct 2017)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 30Q and 79HA(1)
Maximum fine = $100,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = M/T
Being the facilitator of a facilitated cost-sharing arrangements [1 failed] to [2 keep for 12 months from the date they were made] all
of the records specified in section 30Q(1) of the Land Transport Act 1998
12 refused
22 make available for immediate inspection on demand by the Agency
Contravened an enforceable undertaking
(Effective date = 1 Sep 2020)
Land Transport Act 1998, section 112D(2)
Individual Maximum fine = $20,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $100,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Having given to the Agency an enforceable undertaking that was in force, you contravened that undertaking
Unlicensed rail service
(Effective date = 17 Jul 2005)
Section 10(1) and 62(2) Railways Act 2005
Maximum fine = $500,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = T
Did carry on a rail service otherwise than under the authority of a rail service licence
Rail service operator failed to give advice of accident
(Effective date = 1 Aug 2008)
Sections 13 and 63 Railways Act 2005
Maximum fine = $5,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = T
Being the operator of a rail service failed to notify the New Zealand Transport Agency of an [1 accident] that was known to the
operator and that the Agency was provided with the information about the [2 accident] that was required
12 incident
22 incident
Goods service licensee failed to comply with conditions
(Effective date = 7 Feb 2012)
Section 79F Land Transport Act 1998
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = M/T
2020 V9
12 November 2020
Being the holder of a goods service licence upon which a condition in respect of the licence had been imposed under section 30M
of the Land Transport Act 1998 namely *SPACES* you failed to comply with that condition
Provided incorrect information regarding a certificate
(Effective date = 1 Aug 2008)
Section 79B Land Transport Act 1998
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = M/T
Being a [1 transport service licence holder] you notified the New Zealand Transport Agency that you held the appropriate
certificate, [2 knowing that the information was incorrect]
12 person having control of a transport service
22 you being reckless as to whether or not it was correct
Failed to present transport service vehicle for inspection
(Effective date = 1 Oct 2017)
Section 79C Land Transport Act 1998
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = M/T
Being a [1 transport service licence holder] you failed to present your transport service vehicle for inspection when required to do
so by the New Zealand Transport Agency
12 driver of a small passenger service vehicle
Used an unlicensed transport service
(Effective date = 1 Oct 2007)
Section 79E Land Transport Act 1998
Maximum fine = $25,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = M/T
Did use a transport service when you knew or ought reasonably to have known that at the time you used the transport service the [1
operator of the service did not hold an appropriate transport licence]
12 operator of the service was disqualified from holding or obtaining a transport licence
13 transport service licence of the operator was suspended or revoked
Drove a transport service vehicle when prohibited
(Effective date = 1 Oct 2007)
Section 79G(1) Land Transport Act 1998
Maximum fine = $2,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = M/T
Having been prohibited under section 87G(1)(b) of the Land Transport Act 1998 from driving a transport service vehicle did,
during the currency of the prohibition, drive a vehicle being used in a [1 transport service]
12 specified class of transport service
Carried on duties of driving instructor or testing officer when banned
(Effective date = 7 Feb 2012)
Section 79G(2) Land Transport Act 1998
Maximum fine = $2,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = M/T
Having been prohibited under section 87G(1)(c) of the Land Transport Act 1998 from carrying out the duties or activities of a [1
driving instructor] did, during the currency of the prohibition, carry out such duties
12 testing officer
Disq instructor, testing officer, transport driver applied for licence
(Effective date = 7 Feb 2012)
Section 79G(4) Land Transport Act 1998
Maximum fine = $500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = M/T
Having been disqualified under section 87G(1)(a) of the Land Transport Act 1998 from obtaining a driver licence did, during the
currency of the prohibition, [1 apply for] a driver licence, other than a driver licence that related principally to the use of private
motor vehicles
12 obtain
Unlicensed transport service failed to comply with prohibition
(Effective date = 1 Oct 2007)
Section 52(1)(c) Land Transport Act 1998
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = M/T
Having been forbidden by an enforcement officer under section 113(2)(f) of the Land Transport Act 1998 from operating a vehicle
in a transport service without a licence to operate that service you did, during that period that you had been forbidden to operate,
fail to comply with that lawful prohibition given to you
Failed to allow records to be inspected
(Effective date = 11 Aug 2017)
Section 52(1)(c) Land Transport Act 1998
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = M/T
Having been required by an enforcement officer to produce without delay for inspection all relevant books or records in your
possession or over which you had control, including (but not limited to) records kept under section 65 of the Road User Charges
Act 2012, logbooks, records associated with logbooks, financial records relating to expenditure on fuel, invoices, vehicle
maintenance records, depreciation records for vehicles, time and wage records, and waybills, you [1 failed] to do so
12 refused
2020 V9
12 November 2020
Failed to pay passenger service fare
(Effective date = 12 Oct 2017)
(Infringement fee = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 79M(1) and 79M(5)
Maximum fine = $500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Failed to pay a passenger service fare that you were liable to pay
Failed to pay a passenger service fare that you were liable to pay
Acted in contravention of direction relating to small PSV
(Effective date = 1 Oct 2017)
Section 79H Land Transport Act 1998
Maximum fine = $2,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = M/T
Being the [1 holder of a small passenger service licence] and having been directed by an enforcement officer under section 128A of
the Land Transport Act 1998 to cease making the vehicle available for hire and to remove the vehicle from any designated stand
until such time as the vehicle complied with the regulations and the rules did fail to comply with that direction
12 driver of a small passenger service vehicle
Operated unregistered exempt public transport service – 1st offence
(Effective date = 1 Mar 2017)
Section 146(1) Land Transport Management Act 2003
Maximum fine = $30,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = T
Being a person who, without reasonable excuse, operated within a region an exempt public transport service that was required
under section 136 of the Land Transport Management Act 2003 to be registered when that service was not registered.
Unregistered exempt public transport service – 2nd or sub offence
(Effective date = 1 Mar 2017)
Section 146(1) Land Transport Management Act 2003
Maximum fine = $60,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = T
Being a person who, without reasonable excuse, operated within a region an exempt public transport service that was required
under section 136 of the Land Transport Management Act 2003 to be registered when that service was not registered, you having
previously committed an offence against section 57 of the Act.
Varied registered exempt public transport service – no notification
(Effective date = 1 Mar 2017)
Section 148 Land Transport Management Act 2003
Maximum fine = $30,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = T
Being the operator of a registered exempt public transport service you did, without reasonable excuse, fail to comply with the
notice requirement of section 133 of the Land Transport Management Act 2003 in that you did fail to notify variation to the [1
route or routes of the service]
12 timetable for the service
13 fares of the service
The maximum fine for a second or subsequent offence is $60,000
Withdrew registered exempt public transport service – no notification
(Effective date = 1 Mar 2017)
Section 146(1) Land Transport Management Act 2003
Maximum fine = $30,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = T
Being the operator of a registered exempt public transport service you did, without reasonable excuse, withdraw that service
without complying with the notice requirement of section 133 of the Land Transport Management Act 2003
The maximum fine for a second or subsequent offence is $60,000
Withdrew registered exempt public transport service before expiry
(Effective date = 1 Mar 2017)
Section 146(1) Land Transport Management Act 2003
Maximum fine = $30,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = T
Being the operator of a registered exempt public transport service you did, without reasonable excuse, withdraw that service
without complying with the notice requirement of section 133 of the Land Transport Management Act 2003
The maximum fine for a second or subsequent offence is $60,000
Failed to provide evidence the public transport service fare had been paid
(Effective date = 12 Oct 2017)
(Infringement fee = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 79M(2)(b) and 79M(5)
Maximum fine = $500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Did, in relation to a public transport service fare, fail to provide to an enforcement officer evidence of having paid the fare that you
were liable to pay
Failed to provide to an enforcement officer evidence of having paid the public transport service fare that you were liable to pay
Transport passenger failed to provide information as to identity
(Effective date = 11 Aug 2017)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 79M(3)(a) and 79M(6)
2020 V9
12 November 2020
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = T
Did, in relation to a public transport service fare, fail to provide (in response to an enforcement officer’s direction given in
accordance with section 128F(2)(a) of the Land Transport Act 1998) the identifying particulars referred to in that section
Transport passenger failed to comply with enforcement officer's direction
(Effective date = 11 Aug 2017)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 79M(3)(b) and 79M(6)
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = T
Did, in relation to a public transport service fare, [1 board] a public transport service in contravention of an enforcement officer’s
direction given in accordance with section 128F(2)(b) of the Land Transport Act 1998
12 fail to disembark
13 refuse to disembark
Failed to pay public transport service fare
(Effective date = 12 Oct 2017)
(Infringement fee = $150)
Land Transport Act 1998, sections 79M(2)(a) and 79M(5)
Maximum fine = $500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Failed to pay a public transport service fare that you were liable to pay
Failed to pay a public transport service fare that you were liable to pay
Operator information not in or on vehicle recovery vehicle
(Effective date = 1 Oct 2017)
(Infringement = Individual $400, Body Corp $2000)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 2.6(3) Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2017
Individual Maximum fine = $2,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Being the holder of a vehicle recovery service licence failed to ensure that there was clearly displayed in a form approved by the
Agency both the inside and outside of every vehicle recovery service vehicle used under the licence the [1 name of the licence
12 business location of the licence holder
13 contact telephone number of the licence holder
14 name of the vehicle recovery service organisation of which the holder was a member
Being the holder of a vehicle recovery service licence failed to ensure that there was clearly displayed in a form approved by the
Agency on both the inside and outside of every vehicle recovery service vehicle used under the licence the [1 name of the licence
12 business location of the licence holder
13 contact telephone number of the licence holder
14 name of the vehicle recovery service organisation of which the holder was a member
Vehicle recovery service vehicle driver ID not displayed
(Effective date = 1 Oct 2017)
(Infringement = Individual $400, Body Corp $2000)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 5.2(1) Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2017
Individual Maximum fine = $2,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Being the driver of vehicle recovery service vehicle failed to wear, in a readily visible position, [1 his] driver identification card
12 her
Being the driver of vehicle recovery service vehicle failed to wear, in a readily visible position, [1 his] driver identification card
12 her
Vehicle recovery service driver permitted improper behaviour
(Effective date = 1 Oct 2017)
(Infringement = Individual $750, Body Corp $3750)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 5.4(1) Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2017
Individual Maximum fine = $4,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $20,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Being the driver of a vehicle recovery service vehicle failed to ensure that a passenger the driver allowed in the vehicle did not
engage in threatening or improper behaviour
Being the driver of a vehicle recovery service vehicle failed to ensure that a passenger the driver allowed in the vehicle did not
engage in threatening or improper behaviour
Vehicle recovery service driver failed to move when directed
(Effective date = 1 Oct 2017)
(Infringement = Individual $400, Body Corp $2000)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 5.5(1) Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2017
Individual Maximum fine = $2,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Being the driver of a vehicle recovery service vehicle when directed by an [1 enforcement officer] to move [2 himself] and the
vehicle away from the immediate vicinity of a crash scene failed to comply with that direction
12 ambulance officer
13 fire officer
22 herself
Being the driver of a vehicle recovery service vehicle when directed by an [1 enforcement officer] to move [2 himself] and the
vehicle away from the immediate vicinity of a crash scene failed to comply with that direction
12 ambulance officer
2020 V9
12 November 2020
13 fire officer
22 herself
Vehicle recovery driver failed to ensure passenger obeyed
(Effective date = 1 Oct 2017)
(Infringement = Individual $400, Body Corp $2000)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 5.5(2) Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2017
Individual Maximum fine = $2,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Being the driver of a vehicle recovery service vehicle failed to ensure the removal of a passenger who had arrived at the crash
scene as a passenger in the vehicle when directed to do so by an [1 enforcement officer]
12 ambulance officer
13 fire officer
Being the driver of a vehicle recovery service vehicle failed to ensure the removal of a passenger who had arrived at the crash
scene as a passenger in the vehicle when directed to do so by an [1 enforcement officer]
12 ambulance officer
13 fire officer
Vehicle recovery vehicle carried animal in vehicle
(Effective date = 1 Oct 2017)
(Infringement = Individual $750, Body Corp $3750)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 5.7(1) Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2017
Individual Maximum fine = $4,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $20,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Being the [1 holder of a vehicle recovery service licence] failed to ensure that no animal was carried in or on the vehicle recovery
service vehicle when the vehicle was [3 being used] in the service
12 driver of a vehicle recovery service vehicle
22 on
32 available for use
Being the [1 holder of a vehicle recovery service licence] failed to ensure that no animal was carried in or on the vehicle recovery
service vehicle when the vehicle was [3 being used] in the service
12 driver of a vehicle recovery service vehicle
22 on
32 available for use
Vehicle recovery vehicle used without tow authority
(Effective date = 1 Oct 2017)
(Infringement = Individual $400, Body Corp $2000)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 5.8(1) Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2017
Individual Maximum fine = $2,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Towed a vehicle with a vehicle recovery service vehicle when a tow authority [1 had not been completed]
12 was not carried in the vehicle recovery service vehicle
Towed a vehicle with a vehicle recovery service vehicle when a tow authority [1 had not been completed]
12 was not carried in the vehicle recovery service vehicle
Vehicle recovery tow authority not signed
(Effective date = 1 Oct 2017)
(Infringement = Individual $400, Body Corp $2000)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 5.9(1) Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2017
Individual Maximum fine = $2,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Moved a vehicle using a vehicle recovery service vehicle when a tow authority had not been signed by the person who requested
the tow be undertaken
Moved a vehicle using a vehicle recovery service vehicle when a tow authority had not been signed by the person who requested
the tow be undertaken
Vehicle recovery driver deviated from shortest route
(Effective date = 1 Oct 2017)
(Infringement = Individual $400, Body Corp $2000)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 5.10 Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2017
Individual Maximum fine = $2,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Being the driver of a vehicle recovery service vehicle failed to tow a vehicle to the place of intended set down without [1
unnecessary delay]
12 deviation from the shortest available route
Being the driver of a vehicle recovery service vehicle failed to tow a vehicle to the place of intended set down without [1
unnecessary delay]
12 deviation from the shortest available route
Vehicle recovery personnel failed to prevent damage or loss
(Effective date = 1 Oct 2017)
(Infringement = Individual $400, Body Corp $2000)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 5.11 Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2017
Individual Maximum fine = $2,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
2020 V9
12 November 2020
Being the [1 holder of a vehicle recovery service licence] failed to take all reasonable precautions to prevent [2 loss of] a motor
vehicle that [3 had been] towed under the licence
12 driver of a vehicle recovery service vehicle
22 loss from
23 damage to
32 was being
Operated a vehicle recovery service vehicle and failed to take all reasonable precautions to prevent [1 loss of] a motor vehicle that
[2 had been] towed under the licence
12 loss from
13 damage to
22 was being
Vehicle recovery licensee failed to maintain tow register
(Effective date = 1 Oct 2017)
(Infringement = Individual $400, Body Corp $2000)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 5.12(1) Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2017
Individual Maximum fine = $2,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Being the holder of a vehicle recovery service licence failed to maintain a register comprising in chronological order, all the tow
authorities completed in respect of each vehicle recovery service vehicle operated under the licence
Being the holder of a vehicle recovery service licence failed to maintain a register comprising in chronological order, all the tow
authorities completed in respect of each vehicle recovery service vehicle operated under the licence
Vehicle recovery complaints register not maintained
(Effective date = 1 Oct 2017)
(Infringement = Individual $750, Body Corp $3750)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 2.11(2) Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2017
Individual Maximum fine = $4,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $20,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Being the holder of a vehicle recovery service licence under which one or more vehicle recovery service vehicles were operated
failed to ensure that a register of complaints was maintained
Being the holder of a vehicle recovery service licence under which one or more vehicle recovery service vehicles were operated
failed to ensure that a register of complaints was maintained
Vehicle recovery complaints register not available
(Effective date = 1 Oct 2017)
(Infringement = Individual $750, Body Corp $3750)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 2.11(7) Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2017
Individual Maximum fine = $4,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $20,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Being the holder of a vehicle recovery service licence failed to make the complaints register available for inspection at any
reasonable time by an enforcement officer
Being the holder of a vehicle recovery service licence failed to make the complaints register available for inspection at any
reasonable time by an enforcement officer
Vehicle recovery complaints register not held for 48 months
(Effective date = 1 Oct 2017)
(Infringement = Individual $750, Body Corp $3750)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 2.11(6) Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2017
Individual Maximum fine = $4,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $20,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Being the holder of a vehicle recovery service licence failed to ensure that the complaints register was maintained and available for
inspection for a period of not less than 48 months following the day of the latest entry in the register
Being the holder of a vehicle recovery service licence failed to ensure that the complaints register was maintained and available for
inspection for a period of not less than 48 months following the day of the latest entry in the register
Vehicle recovery tow register unavailable for inspection
(Effective date = 1 Oct 2017)
(Infringement = Individual $400, Body Corp $2000)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 5.12(3) Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2017
Individual Maximum fine = $2,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Being the holder of a vehicle recovery service licence failed to make the register of tows available, at any reasonable time during
the 12 months following the latest date to which it refers, for inspection by an [1 enforcement officer]
12 a person authorised by the Agency
Being the holder of a vehicle recovery service licence failed to make the register of tows available, at any reasonable time during
the 12 months following the latest date to which it refers, for inspection by an [1 enforcement officer]
12 a person authorised by the Agency
Acted contrary to direction relating to vehicle recovery service vehicle
(Effective date = 7 Feb 2012)
Section 79I Land Transport Act 1998
Maximum fine = $2,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = M/T
Being the [1 holder of a vehicle recovery service licence] and having been directed by an enforcement officer to cease making the
vehicle available for towing or carrying until such time as the vehicle complied with the regulations and the rules did fail to comply
with that direction
2020 V9
12 November 2020
12 driver of a vehicle recovery service vehicle
Vehicle recovery service driver’s behaviour unacceptable
(Effective date = 1 Oct 2017)
(Infringement = Individual $400, Body Corp $2000)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 5.3 Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2017
Individual Maximum fine = $2,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Being the driver of a vehicle recovery service vehicle failed to behave in an orderly and civil manner at all times while engaged in
the operation of a vehicle recovery service vehicle
Being the driver of a vehicle recovery service vehicle failed to behave in an orderly and civil manner at all times while engaged in
the operation of a vehicle recovery service vehicle
Vehicle recovery service vehicle displayed prohibited advertising
(Effective date = 1 Oct 2017)
(Infringement = Individual $200, Body Corp $1000)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 5.6(1) Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2017
Individual Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $5,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Being the holder of a vehicle recovery service licence allowed a vehicle recovery service vehicle to be used in the service when
there was advertising material on the [1 outside] of the vehicle that [2 was applied to glazing]
12 inside
22 may impede vision from or into the vehicle
23 may obscure a notice, sign, or other matter required to be displayed on the vehicle
Allowed a vehicle recovery service vehicle to be used in the service when there was advertising material on the [1 outside] of the
vehicle that [2 was applied to glazing]
12 inside
22 may impede vision from or into the vehicle
23 may obscure a notice, sign, or other matter required to be displayed on the vehicle
Failed to produce tow authority on demand to enforcement officer
(Effective date = 1 Oct 2017)
(Infringement = Individual $400, Body Corp $2000)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 5.8(1) Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2017
Individual Maximum fine = $2,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Towed a vehicle with a vehicle recovery service vehicle and failed to produce a tow authority on demand to an enforcement officer
Towed a vehicle with a vehicle recovery service vehicle and failed to produce a tow authority on demand to an enforcement officer
Tow authority not in approved form or contain required information
(Effective date = 1 Oct 2017)
(Infringement = Individual $400, Body Corp $2000)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 5.8(2) Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2017
Individual Maximum fine = $2,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
a vehicle recovery service vehicle when the tow authority [1 was not in a form approved by the New Zealand Transport
12 did not contain all the information required by 5.8(2) Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2017
a vehicle recovery service vehicle when the tow authority [1 was not in a form approved by the New Zealand Transport
12 did not contain all the information required by 5.8(2) Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2017
Vehicle recovery complaints register failed to record all matters
(Effective date = 1 Oct 2017)
(Infringement = Individual $750, Body Corp $3750)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 2.11(8) Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2017
Individual Maximum fine = $2,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Being the holder of a vehicle recovery service licence under which one or more vehicle recovery service vehicles were operated
failed to ensure that the complaints register recorded, as far as practicable, all of the matters set out in 2.11(8) Land Transport Rule:
Operator Licensing 2017
Being the holder of a vehicle recovery service licence failed to ensure that the complaints register recorded, as far as practicable, all
of the matters set out in 2.11(8) Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2017
Rental service register not maintained
(Effective date = 1 Oct 2017)
(Infringement = Individual $400, Body Corp $2000)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 4.1(1) Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2017
Individual Maximum fine = $2,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Being the holder of a rental service licence failed to maintain a register of vehicles and hirers including the vehicle’s make, model
and registration number, the date and time of commencement of the vehicle hire, and the full name and address of the hirer of the
Failed to maintain a register of vehicles and hirers including the vehicle’s make, model and registration number, the date and time
of commencement of the vehicle hire, and the full name and address of the hirer of the vehicle
Rental service licensee failed to inspect driver's licence
2020 V9
12 November 2020
(Effective date = 1 Oct 2017)
(Infringement = Individual $400, Body Corp $2000)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 4.2(5) Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2017
Individual Maximum fine = $2,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Being the holder of a rental service licence failed to ensure that a prospective hirer and any person who was to drive the rental
service vehicle held a current and valid driver licence that was appropriate for the vehicle that the person wished to drive
Rental service licence holder failed to ensure that a prospective hirer and any person who was to drive the rental service vehicle
held a current and valid driver licence appropriate for the vehicle that the person wished to drive
Rental service licensee failed to produce register of hires
(Effective date = 1 Oct 2017)
(Infringement = Individual $400, Body Corp $2000)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 4.1(2) Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2017
Individual Maximum fine = $2,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Being the holder of a rental service licence when requested by an enforcement officer to do so failed to produce without delay for
inspection by an enforcement officer, the register of vehicles and hirers containing the transactions for the three years preceding the
date of the request
When requested by an enforcement officer to do so failed to produce without delay for inspection by an enforcement officer, the
register of vehicles and hirers containing the transactions for the three years preceding the date of the request
Copy of rental service hire agreement not given to hirer
(Effective date = 1 Oct 2017)
(Infringement = Individual $400, Body Corp $2000)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 4.2(3) Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2017
Individual Maximum fine = $2,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Being the holder of a rental service licence failed to ensure that the hirer of rental vehicle received at least one copy of the hire
Being the holder of a rental service licence failed to ensure that the hirer of rental vehicle received at least one copy of the hire
Rental service hire agreement not produced by driver
(Effective date = 1 Oct 2017)
(Infringement = Individual $200, Body Corp $1000)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 4.3(2) Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2017
Individual Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $5,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Being the hirer of a rental service vehicle failed to ensure that a copy of the hire agreement was kept in the vehicle throughout the
term of the hire and produced without delay for inspection on demand by an enforcement officer
Being the hirer of a rental service vehicle failed to ensure that a copy of the hire agreement was kept in the vehicle throughout the
term of the hire and produced without delay for inspection on demand by an enforcement officer
Rental service holder failed to enter into written agreement with hirer
(Effective date = 1 Oct 2017)
(Infringement = Individual $400, Body Corp $2000)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 4.2(1) Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2017
Individual Maximum fine = $2,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Being the holder of a rental service licence failed to enter into a written agreement with a hirer of a rental service vehicle
Being the holder of a rental service licence failed to enter into a written agreement with a hirer of a rental service vehicle
Rental service agreement failed to include prescribed terms
(Effective date = 1 Oct 2017)
(Infringement = Individual $400, Body Corp $2000)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 4.2(2) Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2017
Individual Maximum fine = $2,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Being the holder of a rental service licence failed to ensure that the written agreement with a hirer of a rental service vehicle
included the terms referred to in 4.2(2)(a) and (b) Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2017
Being the holder of a rental service licence failed to ensure that the written agreement with a hirer of a rental service vehicle
included the terms referred to in 4.2(2)(a) and (b) Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2017
Rental service holder failed to explain rental agreement to hirer
(Effective date = 1 Oct 2017)
(Infringement = Individual $200, Body Corp $1000)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 4.2(4) Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2017
Individual Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $5,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Being the holder of a rental service licence and having been requested to do so by the hirer, failed to explain the provisions and
content of the hirer agreement to the hirer
Being the holder of a rental service licence and having been requested to do so by the hirer, failed to explain the provisions and
content of the hirer agreement to the hirer
Rental service holder failed to offer hirer vehicle insurance
(Effective date = 1 Oct 2017)
(Infringement = Individual $200, Body Corp $1000)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 4.4(1) Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2017
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Individual Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $5,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Being the holder of a rental service licence, before entering into an agreement for hire of a rental service vehicle, failed to offer
vehicle insurance to the prospective hirer
Being the holder of a rental service licence, before entering into an agreement for hire of a rental service vehicle, failed to offer
vehicle insurance to the prospective hirer
Infringement fee charged to hirer’s card - incomplete rental agreement
(Effective date = 1 Oct 2017)
(Infringement = Individual $400, Body Corp $2000)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 4.5(3) Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2017
Individual Maximum fine = $2,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Being the holder of a rental service licence charged an infringement fee to a hirer’s credit card when the hirer had not been notified
in the rental service agreement of all of the matters set out in 4.5(3)(a) to (d) Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2017
Charged an infringement fee to a hirer’s credit card when the hirer had not been notified in the rental service agreement of all of
the matters set out in 4.5(3)(a) to (d) Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2017
Rental service holder failed to forward infringement documents to hirer
(Effective date = 1 Oct 2017)
(Infringement = Individual $400, Body Corp $2000)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 4.5(5) Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2017
Individual Maximum fine = $2,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Being the holder of a rental service licence did before debiting a hirer’s credit card for an infringement fee fail to forward a copy of
the infringement notice and the rental service agreement to the hirer’s permanent address, within 5 working days of receipt of the
infringement, and to notify the hirer that if the licence holder received a reminder notice for the offence the holder would debit the
hirer’s credit card for the amount of the infringement fee
Did before debiting a hirer’s credit card for an infringement fee fail to forward a copy of the infringement notice and rental service
agreement to the hirer’s address, within 5 working days of receipt of the infringement, and to notify the hirer that if a reminder
notice for the offence was received the holder would debit the hirer’s credit card for the amount of the infringement fee
Rental service holder failed to forward reminder documents to hirer
(Effective date = 1 Oct 2017)
(Infringement = Individual $400, Body Corp $2000)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 4.5(6) Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2017
Individual Maximum fine = $2,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Being the holder of a rental service licence did before debiting a hirer’s credit card for an infringement fee fail to forward a copy of
the reminder notice and the rental service agreement to the hirer’s permanent address, within 5 working days of receipt of the
infringement, and to notify the hirer that the licence holder would debit the hirer’s credit card for the amount of the infringement
Did before debiting a hirer’s credit card for an infringement fee fail to forward a copy of the reminder notice and the rental service
agreement to the hirer’s address, within 5 working days of receipt of the infringement, and to notify the hirer that the hirer’s credit
card for the amount of the infringement fee
Rental service holder failed to keep infringement documents for 6 months
(Effective date = 1 Oct 2017)
(Infringement = Individual $400, Body Corp $2000)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 4.5(8) Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2017
Individual Maximum fine = $2,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Being the holder of a rental service licence failed to keep copies of the infringement notice, reminder notice and the rental service
agreement for six months from the date of the latest notice
Being the holder of a rental service licence failed to keep copies of the infringement notice, reminder notice and the rental service
agreement for six months from the date of the latest notice
Rental licensee failed to remit infringement fee as soon as practicable
(Effective date = 1 Oct 2017)
(Infringement = Individual $400, Body Corp $2000)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 4.5(9) Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2017
Individual Maximum fine = $2,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Being the holder of a rental service licence failed to remit an infringement fee paid by the hirer to the appropriate enforcement
authority as soon as was practicable
Being the holder of a rental service licence failed to remit an infringement fee paid by the hirer to the appropriate enforcement
authority as soon as was practicable
Drove without dangerous goods endorsement in licence
(Effective date = 7 Feb 2012)
(Infringement = $400)
Section 31(1)(a) Land Transport Act 1998
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Drove a motor vehicle on a road namely *STREET* without an appropriate current driver licence in that the vehicle was being
used in a transport service and [1 part] of the load of [2 that vehicle] was dangerous goods and your driver licence was not
endorsed indicating that you were approved to drive a vehicle with such a load
12 all
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22 a vehicle being towed by that vehicle
Drove a motor vehicle carrying dangerous goods on a road without a current dangerous goods endorsement
Party to offence - no dangerous goods endorsement
(Effective date = 7 Feb 2012)
(Infringement = $400)
Section 31(1)(a) Land Transport Act 1998 and section 66(1) Crimes Act 1961
Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Did [1 aid] one *SPACES* to drive a motor vehicle on a road namely *STREET* without an appropriate current driver licence in
that the vehicle was being used in a transport service and [2 part] of the load of [3 that vehicle] was dangerous goods and the
driver’s licence was not endorsed indicating that he or she was approved to drive a vehicle with such a load
12 abet
13 counsel
14 procure
15 incite
22 all
32 a vehicle being towed by that vehicle
Did aid or abet a person to drive a motor vehicle on a road carrying dangerous goods without a current dangerous goods
Drove when directed to remain stopped - dangerous goods
Section 52(1)(c) Land Transport Act 1998
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = T
Being the [1 driver] of a transport service vehicle where there was a breach of the provisions of the Land Transport Act 1998
relating to the transport of dangerous goods and a direction had been given under section 129(2) of that Act by [2 a dangerous
goods enforcement officer] that the vehicle [3 remain stopped] until the breach had been rectified you failed to comply with that
12 person in charge
22 an enforcement officer
32 be moved to a place of safety
Displayed DG label, placard or marking when dangerous goods not transported
(Effective date = 1 July 2018)
(Infringement = Individual $150, Body Corp $500)
Land Transport Act 1998 S40 & R3 & 4 Land Transport (Offences & Penalties) Regs 1999 & s.10.1(5) Dangerous Goods Rule
Body Corporate maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Individual maximum fine = $2,500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being [1 a person who] was operating a vehicle *REGNO* that was not transporting dangerous goods you displayed, on the
vehicle or load, labels, placards or markings that may be mistaken for labels, placards or markings that identified dangerous goods
12 an organisation that
Displayed, on a vehicle or load, labels, placards or markings that may be mistaken for labels, placards or markings that identified
dangerous goods when such dangerous goods were not being transported
Failed to give dangerous goods declaration to master of ship
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2011)
Maritime (Offences) Regulations 1998, reg 3 & Maritime Rule 24A - Dangerous Goods, rule 24A.5(1)(c)
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $30,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Individual Maximum fine = $5,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = T
Being the shipper of a [1 vehicle] containing dangerous goods being shipped on a ship namely *SPACES* you failed to provide to
the owner or the master of that ship the completed documentation itemised in Appendix 1.4(1) of the Maritime Rules Part 24A –
Carriage of Cargoes – Dangerous Goods
12 container
Failed to mark load of dangerous goods shipped by sea
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2011)
Maritime (Offences) Regulations 1998, reg 3 & Maritime Rule 24A - Dangerous Goods, rule 24A.10(1)(a)
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $30,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Individual Maximum fine = $5,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = T
Being a person who [1 offered dangerous goods for carriage in] a ship namely *SPACES* you failed to ensure that the dangerous
goods were properly marked and labelled in accordance with Appendix 1.3 of the Maritime Rules Part 24A – Carriage of Cargoes
– Dangerous Goods
12 caused dangerous goods to be loaded into
13 allowed dangerous goods to be loaded into
Misrepresents dangerous goods to evade Maritime Rules Part 24A
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2010)
Section 67 Maritime Transport Act 1994
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $100,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Individual Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 12 month, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = T
Did provide information relating to the safety of a ship, namely *SPACES*, knowing the information to be false or in a manner
reckless as to whether it was false, in that you did misrepresent the nature of dangerous goods [1 categories] *SPACES* with
intent to evade any of the provisions of the Maritime Rules Part 24A – Carriage of Cargoes – Dangerous Goods
12 category
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Obstructed a dangerous goods enforcement officer - rail
Section 53(1) Land Transport Act 1998
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = T
You did without reasonable excuse [1 obstruct] a dangerous goods enforcement officer in the execution of that officer’s functions
or powers under the Land Transport Act 1998
12 hinder
13 incite *SPACES* to obstruct
14 incite *SPACES* to hinder
Failed to comply with D.G. enforcement officer - rail
(Effective date = 1 Jan 2013)
Section 52(1)(c) Land Transport Act 1998
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = T
Where a rail vehicle was in breach of section 130 of the Land Transport Act 1998 and you being the driver or person in charge of
that vehicle was directed that the said vehicle [1 not be moved] you [2 failed to comply with that direction]
12 be moved to a place of safety
22 did an act in breach of that direction namely
Moved vehicle against direction D.G. enforcement officer - rail
(Effective date = 1 Jan 2013)
Section 52(1)(c) Land Transport Act 1998
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = T
Where the driver of person in charge of a rail vehicle had been directed by a dangerous goods enforcement officer under section
130 of the Land Transport Act 1998 that the said vehicle not be moved you knowingly moved the vehicle in breach of that
Obstructed a dangerous goods enforcement officer - road
(Effective date = 1 Jan 2013)
Section 53(1) Land Transport Act 1998
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = T
You did without reasonable excuse [1 obstruct] a dangerous goods enforcement officer in the execution of that officer’s functions
or powers under the Land Transport Act 1998
12 hinder
13 incite *SPACES* to obstruct
14 incite *SPACES* to hinder
Failed comply with dangerous goods enforcement officer - road
(Effective date = 1 Jan 2013)
Section 52(1)(c) Land Transport Act 1998
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = T
A dangerous goods enforcement officer having given you reasonable directions in relation to the [1 loading of a vehicle] to ensure
compliance with the rules or otherwise to ensure safety in relation to the transportation of dangerous goods you [2 failed to comply
with that direction]
12 unloading of a vehicle
13 packing of anything
14 unpacking of anything
22 did an act in breach of that direction namely
Drove prohibited vehicle into Lyttelton motorway tunnel
(Effective date = 4 Aug 2016)
(Infringement = $750)
NZTA (Christchurch-Lyttelton Tunnel) Bylaw 2016, clauses 11(1) & 17, and Government Roading Powers Act 1989, s.109(1)
Maximum fine = $500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the driver of a motor vehicle *REGNO* carrying dangerous goods in Class 1 explosives, you did enter the Christchurch-
Lyttelton Motorway Tunnel
Drove of a motor vehicle carrying dangerous goods in Class 1 explosives and entered the Christchurch-Lyttelton Motorway Tunnel
Vehicle with DG classes 3 or 6 entered Lyttelton Tunnel without authority
(Effective date = 4 Aug 2016)
(Infringement = $750)
NZTA (Christchurch-Lyttelton Tunnel) Bylaw 2016, clauses 12(1) & 17, and Government Roading Powers Act 1989, s.109(1)
Maximum fine = $500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the operator of a motor vehicle *REGNO* carrying dangerous goods in [1 Class 3 flammable liquids, packing groups I and
II], you did allow the vehicle to enter the Christchurch-Lyttelton Motorway Tunnel when you had not obtained a special
authorisation to do so from the Tunnel Manager
12 Class 6 Division 6.1 toxic substances, packing group 1
Operated a motor vehicle carrying dangerous goods in Class 3 flammable liquids, packing groups I and II; or Class 6 Division 6.1
toxic substances, packing group 1, you did allow the vehicle to enter the Christchurch-Lyttelton Motorway Tunnel when you had
not obtained a special authorisation to do so from the Tunnel Manager
Vehicle with restricted DG entered Lyttelton Tunnel without permission
(Effective date = 4 Aug 2016)
(Infringement = $750)
2020 V9
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NZTA (Christchurch-Lyttelton Tunnel) Bylaw 2016, clauses 13(1) & 17, and Government Roading Powers Act 1989, s.109(1)
Maximum fine = $500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the operator of a motor vehicle *REGNO* carrying dangerous goods in Class [1 1 explosive, being articles listed in Table
2.1 the Land Transport Rule: Dangerous Goods 2005], you did allow the vehicle to enter the Christchurch-Lyttelton Motorway
Tunnel when you had not obtained permission to do so from a Tunnel Control Officer
12 2 gases
13 3 flammable liquids, packing group III
14 4 flammable solids which are liable to spontaneous combustion; emit flammable gases in contact with water
15 5 oxidising substances and organic peroxides
16 6 Division 6.1 toxic substances, packing groups II and III or Division 6.2 infectious substances
17 7 radioactive materials
18 8 corrosive substances
19 miscellaneous dangerous substances and articles
Operator of a motor vehicle carrying dangerous goods of a type listed in clause 13(1)(a) to (j) of the New Zealand Transport
Agency (Christchurch-Lyttelton Tunnel) Bylaw 2016, you did allow the vehicle to enter the Christchurch-Lyttelton Motorway
Tunnel when you had not obtained permission to do so from a Tunnel Control Officer
Goods of Class 6 Division 6.2 infectious substances excludes routine diagnostic specimens and low-risk biological products
transported in accordance with the Dangerous Goods Rule.
Vehicle carrying dangerous goods unlawfully entered Waterview Tunnel
(Effective date = 1 Dec 2018)
(Infringement = $750)
New Zealand Transport Agency (Waterview Tunnels) Bylaw 2016, clauses 5(a) & 9, and Government Roading Powers Act 1989,
Maximum fine = $500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the operator of a motor vehicle *REGNO* carrying dangerous goods that was required to display placards under section 7 of
the Land Transport Rule: Dangerous Goods 2005, you did cause or permit the vehicle to enter the Waterview Tunnel
Did cause or permit a vehicle carrying dangerous goods that was required to display placards under section 7 of the Land Transport
Rule: Dangerous Goods 2005 to enter the Waterview Tunnel
Failed to undertake safe dangerous goods practices
(Effective date = 7 Feb 2012)
(Infringement = Individual $500, Body Corp $1,000)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & r.3 & 4 Land Transport (Offences & Penalties) Regs 1999 & s10.1 Dangerous Goods Rule
Body Corporate maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Individual maximum fine = $2,500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Being [1 a person] involved in an activity related to the transport of dangerous goods you failed to undertake such activity safely
and in compliance with the Land Transport Rule: Dangerous Goods 2005 in that you *SPACES*
12 an organisation
Being involved in the transport of dangerous goods you failed to do so safely and in compliance with the Land Transport Rule:
Dangerous Goods 2005
NOTE Where other specific offences are to be proceeded with this specimen charge should not be used other than as an alternative
Failed to comply with dangerous goods requirements
(Effective date = 7 Feb 2012)
Land Transport Act 1998, s40 & r3 & 4 Land Transport (Offences & Penalties) Regs 1999 & s.10.1 Dangerous Goods Rule
Body Corporate maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Individual maximum fine = $2,500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = M/T
Being [1 a person] not specified in sections 10.2 to 10.6 of the Land Transport Rule: Dangerous Goods 2005 but involved in an
activity related to the transport of dangerous goods you failed to comply with the relevant requirements of that rule in that you
12 an organisation
NOTE Where other specific offences are to be proceeded with this specimen charge should not be used other than as an alternative
Failed to comply with dangerous goods in limited quantities rule
(Effective date = 27 Jun 2005)
(Infringement = Individual $500, Body Corp $1,000)
Land Transport Act 1998, s40 & R3 & 4 Land Transport (Offences & Penalties) Regs 1999 & s.10.1 Dangerous Goods Rule
Body Corporate maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Individual maximum fine = $2,500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being [1 a person] transporting [2 dangerous goods in limited quantities] you failed to comply with the requirements of section 2 of
the Land Transport Rule: Dangerous Goods 2005 in that you *SPACES*
12 an organisation
22 consumer commodities
23 small packages
24 routine diagnostic specimens
25 low risk biological products
Being involved in transporting [1 dangerous goods in limited quantities] you failed to comply with the relevant section of the Land
Transport Rule: Dangerous Goods 2005
12 consumer commodities
13 small packages
14 routine diagnostic specimens
15 low risk biological products
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Failed to comply with Dangerous Goods Rule (not for hire and reward)
(Effective date = 7 Feb 2012)
(Infringement = Individual $250, Body Corp $750)
Land Transport Act 1998, s40 & R3 & 4 Land Transport (Offences & Penalties) Regs 1999 & s10.1 Dangerous Goods Rule
Body Corporate maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Individual maximum fine = $2,500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Being [1 a person] transporting dangerous goods [2 for use as tools-of-trade] you failed to comply with the requirements of section
2 of the Land Transport Rule: Dangerous Goods 2005 in that you *SPACES*
12 an organisation
22 for agricultural use
23 for a commercial purpose
Being involved in transporting dangerous goods [1 for use as tools-of-trade] you failed to comply with the relevant section of the
Land Transport Rule: Dangerous Goods 2005
12 for agricultural use
13 for a commercial purpose
Failed to comply with Dangerous Goods Rule (domestic or recreational)
(Effective date = 27 Jun 2005)
(Infringement = Individual $150, Body Corp $500)
Land Transport Act 1998, s40 & R3 & 4 Land Transport (Offences & Penalties) Regs 1999 & s.10.1 Dangerous Goods Rule
Body Corporate maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Individual maximum fine = $2,500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being [1 a person] transporting dangerous goods for [2 domestic] purposes you failed to comply with the requirements of section 2
of the Land Transport Rule: Dangerous Goods 2005 in that you *SPACES*
12 an organisation
22 recreational
Being involved in transporting dangerous goods for [1 domestic] purposes you failed to comply with section 2 of the Land
Transport Rule: Dangerous Goods 2005
12 recreational
Transported leaking dangerous goods package
(Effective date = 7 Feb 2012)
(Infringement = Individual $1500, Body Corp $7,500)
Land Transport Act 1998 S40 & R3 & 4 Land Transport (Offences & Penalties) Regs 1999 & s.10.1 Dangerous Goods Rule
Body Corporate maximum fine = $37,500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Individual maximum fine = $7,500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Being [1 a person] transporting dangerous goods you continued to transport those goods when the packaging they were contained
in was leaking
12 an organisation
Transported dangerous goods when the package they were contained in was leaking
Wrongly identified goods as dangerous
(Effective date = 7 Feb 2012)
(Infringement = Individual $150, Body Corp $500)
Land Transport Act 1998 S40 & R3 & 4 Land Transport (Offences & Penalties) Regs 1999 & s.10.1 Dangerous Goods Rule
Body Corporate maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Individual maximum fine = $2,500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Being [1 a person] that was not on the material journey transporting dangerous goods you displayed on a [2 vehicle] a [3 placard]
that may have been mistaken for a [4 placard] identifying dangerous goods
12 an organisation
22 load
32 label
33 marking
42 label
43 marking
Displayed on a [1 vehicle a placard] that mistakenly identified that [2 vehicle as carrying] dangerous goods
12 package or container a label
13 package or container a marking
22 item as
Consignor failed to ensure dangerous goods properly packaged
(Effective date = 27 Jun 2005)
(Infringement = Individual $1,000, Body Corp $5,000)
Land Transport Act 1998 S40 & R3 & 4 Land Transport (Offences & Penalties) Regs 1999 & s.10.2 Dangerous Goods Rule
Body Corporate maximum fine = $25,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Individual maximum fine = $5,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
As the consignor of dangerous goods for transport you failed to ensure that the dangerous goods were properly packaged in
accordance with [1 section 3] of the Land Transport Rule: Dangerous Goods 2005
12 section 6.4(5)
As a consignor of dangerous goods for transport you failed to ensure the goods were properly packaged
NOTE Section 6.4(5) applies to diagnostic specimens and biological products (not routine diagnostic specimens and low risk biological
products). Section 3 applies to all other cases
Consignor failed to ensure dangerous goods properly labelled & marked
(Effective date = 27 Jun 2005)
(Infringement = Individual $2,000, Body Corp $10,000)
Land Transport Act 1998 S40 & R3 & 4 Land Transport (Offences & Penalties) Regs 1999 & s.10.2 Dangerous Goods Rule
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Body Corporate maximum fine = $50,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Individual maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
As the consignor of dangerous goods for transport you failed to ensure that the dangerous goods were displaying labels and marks
to identify the goods as dangerous goods
As a consignor of dangerous goods for transport you failed to ensure the goods displayed the proper labels and marks
Consignor failed to ensure dangerous goods correctly labelled & marked
(Effective date = 27 Jun 2005)
(Infringement = Individual $1,000, Body Corp $5,000)
Land Transport Act 1998 S40 & R3 & 4 Land Transport (Offences & Penalties) Regs 1999 & s.10.2 Dangerous Goods Rule
Body Corporate maximum fine = $25,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Individual maximum fine = $5,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
As the consignor of dangerous goods for transport you failed to ensure that the package of dangerous goods displayed the labels
and markings that were in accordance with section 4 of the Land Transport Rule: Dangerous Goods 2005
As a consignor of dangerous goods for transport you failed to ensure the package displayed the correct labels and marks
Consignor failed to provide dangerous goods documentation
(Effective date = 27 Jun 2005)
(Infringement = Individual $2,000, Body Corp $10,000)
Land Transport Act 1998 S40 & R3 & 4 Land Transport (Offences & Penalties) Regs 1999 & s.10.2 Dangerous Goods Rule
Body Corporate maximum fine = $50,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Individual maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
As the consignor of dangerous goods for transport you failed to ensure that the required dangerous goods documentation in
accordance with section 5 of the Land Transport Rule: Dangerous Goods 2005 was supplied
As consignor of dangerous goods for transport you failed to ensure the required documents were supplied
Consignor failed to provide correct dangerous goods information
(Effective date = 27 Jun 2005)
(Infringement = Individual $1,000, Body Corp $5,000)
Land Transport Act 1998 S40 & R3 & 4 Land Transport (Offences & Penalties) Regs 1999 & s.10.2 Dangerous Goods Rule
Body Corporate maximum fine = $25,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Individual maximum fine = $5,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
As the consignor of dangerous goods for transport you failed to ensure that the required dangerous goods documentation in
accordance with section 5 of the Land Transport Rule: Dangerous Goods 2005 contained the correct information
As consignor of dangerous goods for transport you failed to ensure the documentation contained the correct information
Consignor failed to provide emergency response information
(Effective date = 27 Jun 2005)
(Infringement = Individual $1,000, Body Corp $5,000)
Land Transport Act 1998 S40 & R3 & 4 Land Transport (Offences & Penalties) Regs 1999 & s.10.2 Dangerous Goods Rule
Body Corporate maximum fine = $25,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Individual maximum fine = $5,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
As the consignor of dangerous goods for transport you failed to ensure that the required emergency response information in
accordance with section 8 of the Land Transport Rule: Dangerous Goods 2005 was provided
As consignor of dangerous goods for transport you failed to ensure the required emergency response information was given
Consignor failed to give dangerous goods documentation to next person
(Effective date = 27 Jun 2005)
(Infringement = Individual $1,500, Body Corp $7,500)
Land Transport Act 1998 S40 & R3 & 4 Land Transport (Offences & Penalties) Regs 1999 & s.10.2 Dangerous Goods Rule
Body Corporate maximum fine = $37,500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Individual maximum fine = $7,500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
As the consignor of dangerous goods for transport you failed to ensure that the dangerous goods documentation was passed to the
next person responsible for the transport or handling of the dangerous goods
As consignor of dangerous goods for transport you failed to pass on the documents to the next person handling the goods
Loader failed to check dangerous goods items for defects
(Effective date = 27 Jun 2005)
(Infringement = Individual $250, Body Corp $750)
Land Transport Act 1998 S40 & R3 & 4 Land Transport (Offences & Penalties) Regs 1999 & s.10.3 Dangerous Goods Rule
Body Corporate maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Individual maximum fine = $2,500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
As a person who loaded a [1 vehicle] used to transport dangerous goods you failed to ensure that the condition of the [2 packaging]
was checked for obvious defects
12 freight container
22 labelling
23 marking
As a person who loaded a [1 vehicle] with dangerous goods you failed to ensure the [2 packaging] was checked for defects
12 freight container
22 labelling
23 marking
Loader failed to ensure load plan or packing cert prepared
(Effective date = 27 Jun 2005)
(Infringement = Individual $1,000, Body Corp $5,000)
Land Transport Act 1998 S40 & R3 & 4 Land Transport (Offences & Penalties) Regs 1999 & s.10.3 Dangerous Goods Rule
Body Corporate maximum fine = $25,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Individual maximum fine = $5,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
2020 V9
12 November 2020
As a person who loaded a [1 vehicle] used to transport dangerous goods you failed to ensure that the [2 load plan] as required in
section 5 of the Land Transport Rule: Dangerous Goods 2005 was prepared
12 freight container
22 container packing certificate
23 vehicle packing certificate
As a person who loaded a [1 vehicle] with dangerous goods you failed to ensure that the required [2 load plan] was prepared
12 freight container
22 container packing certificate
23 vehicle packing certificate
Loader failed to comply with special loading instructions
(Effective date = 27 Jun 2005)
(Infringement = Individual $1,000, Body Corp $5,000)
Land Transport Act 1998 S40 & R3 & 4 Land Transport (Offences & Penalties) Regs 1999 & s.10.3 Dangerous Goods Rule
Body Corporate maximum fine = $25,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Individual maximum fine = $5,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
As the person who loaded a [1 vehicle] used to transport dangerous goods you failed to ensure compliance with the special loading
instructions contained in the dangerous goods documentation
12 freight container
As a person who loaded a [1 vehicle] with dangerous goods you failed to ensure special loading advice was followed
12 freight container
Loader failed to ensure mixed loads segregated
(Effective date = 27 Jun 2005)
(Infringement = Individual $1,000, Body Corp $5,000)
Land Transport Act 1998 S40 & R3 & 4 Land Transport (Offences & Penalties) Regs 1999 & s.10.3 Dangerous Goods Rule
Body Corporate maximum fine = $25,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Individual maximum fine = $5,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
As the person who loaded a [1 vehicle] used to transport dangerous goods you failed to ensure a mixed load was segregated as
required by section 6 of the Land Transport Rule: Dangerous Goods 2005
12 freight container
As a person who loaded a [1 vehicle] with dangerous goods you failed to ensure a mixed load was segregated as required
12 freight container
Loader failed to ensure vehicle or container placarded
(Effective date = 27 Jun 2005)
(Infringement = Individual $1,000, Body Corp $5,000)
Land Transport Act 1998 S40 & R3 & 4 Land Transport (Offences & Penalties) Regs 1999 & s.10.3 Dangerous Goods Rule
Body Corporate maximum fine = $25,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Individual maximum fine = $5,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
As the person who loaded a [1 vehicle] used to transport dangerous goods you failed to ensure the [2 vehicle] was placarded as
required by section 7 of the Land Transport Rule: Dangerous Goods 2005
12 freight container
22 freight container
As a person who loaded a [1 vehicle] with dangerous goods you failed to ensure the [2 vehicle] was placarded as required
12 freight container
22 freight container
Loader failed to ensure dangerous goods secured
(Effective date = 27 Jun 2005)
(Infringement = Individual $750, Body Corp $2,500)
Land Transport Act 1998 S40 & R3 & 4 Land Transport (Offences & Penalties) Regs 1999 & s.10.3 Dangerous Goods Rule
Body Corporate maximum fine = $15,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Individual maximum fine = $3,500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
As the person who loaded a [1 vehicle] used to transport dangerous goods you failed to ensure the [2 vehicle] was securely loaded
as required by section 8 of the Land Transport Rule: Dangerous Goods 2005
12 freight container
22 freight container
As a person who loaded a [1 vehicle] with dangerous goods you failed to ensure the [2 vehicle] was securely loaded
12 freight container
22 freight container
Loader failed to undergo dangerous goods training
(Effective date = 27 Jun 2005)
(Infringement = Individual $500, Body Corp $1,000)
Land Transport Act 1998 S40 & R3 & 4 Land Transport (Offences & Penalties) Regs 1999 & s.10.3 Dangerous Goods Rule
Body Corporate maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Individual maximum fine = $2,500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
As the person who loaded a [1 vehicle] used to transport dangerous goods you had failed to undergo training specific to the
transport of dangerous goods appropriate for the nature quantity and use of the dangerous goods
12 freight container
As a person who loaded a [1 vehicle] with dangerous goods you failed to do specific training on the subject
12 freight container
Loader failed to pass on dangerous goods documentation
(Effective date = 27 Jun 2005)
(Infringement = Individual $1,500, Body Corp $7,500)
2020 V9
12 November 2020
Land Transport Act 1998 S40 & R3 & 4 Land Transport (Offences & Penalties) Regs 1999 & s.10.3 Dangerous Goods Rule
Body Corporate maximum fine = $37,500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Individual maximum fine = $7,500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
As the person who loaded a [1 vehicle] used to transport dangerous goods you failed to ensure the dangerous goods documentation
was passed to the next person responsible for the transport or handling of the dangerous goods
12 freight container
As a person who loaded a [1 vehicle] with dangerous goods you failed to pass the documents to the next person
12 freight container
Operator failed to placard dangerous goods load
(Effective date = 7 Feb 2012)
(Infringement = Individual $1,500, Body Corp $7,500)
Land Transport Act 1998 S40 & R3 & 4 Land Transport (Offences & Penalties) Regs 1999 & s.10.4 Dangerous Goods Rule
Body Corporate maximum fine = $37,500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Individual maximum fine = $7,500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
As the [1 driver] of a road vehicle transporting dangerous goods you failed to ensure the [2 vehicle] was placarded in accordance
with section 7 of the Land Transport Rule: Dangerous Goods 2005
12 operator
22 load
As a [1 driver] of a road vehicle carrying dangerous goods you failed to ensure [2 it] was appropriately placarded
12 operator
22 load
Failed to display dangerous goods placards in the correct place
(Effective date = 7 Feb 2012)
(Infringement = Individual $750, Body Corp $2,500)
Land Transport Act 1998 S40 & R3 & 4 Land Transport (Offences & Penalties) Regs 1999 & s.10.4 Dangerous Goods Rule
Body Corporate maximum fine = $15,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Individual maximum fine = $3,500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
As the [1 driver] of a road vehicle transporting dangerous goods you failed to ensure placards were affixed in the correct position
on the [2 vehicle] in accordance with section 7 of the Land Transport Rule: Dangerous Goods 2005
12 operator
22 load
As a [1 driver] of a road vehicle carrying dangerous goods you failed to ensure placards were affixed in the correct position
12 operator
Operator failed to correctly placard dangerous goods
(Effective date = 7 Feb 2012)
(Infringement = Individual $1,000, Body Corp $5,000)
Land Transport Act 1998 S40 & R3 & 4 Land Transport (Offences & Penalties) Regs 1999 & s.10.4 Dangerous Goods Rule
Body Corporate maximum fine = $25,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Individual maximum fine = $5,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Being the [1 driver] of a road vehicle transporting dangerous goods you failed to ensure the correct placards were displayed on the
[2 vehicle] for the [3 classes] of goods located on the vehicle in accordance with section 7 of the Land Transport Rule: Dangerous
Goods 2005
12 operator
22 load
32 divisions
As a [1 driver] of a road vehicle carrying dangerous goods you failed to placard [2 it] for the [3 classes] of goods on the vehicle
12 operator
22 load
32 divisions
Parked dangerous goods vehicle over 18 hrs not in depot
(Effective date = 27 Jun 2005)
(Infringement = Individual $500, Body Corp $1,000)
Land Transport Act 1998 S40 & R3 & 4 Land Transport (Offences & Penalties) Regs 1999 & s.10.4 Dangerous Goods Rule
Body Corporate maximum fine = $37,500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Individual maximum fine = $7,500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
As the [1 driver] of a road vehicle transporting dangerous goods you failed to comply with transport procedures specified in section
7 of the Land Transport Rule: Dangerous Goods 2005 in that you parked the vehicle for a continuous period longer than 18 hours
other than in a depot
12 operator
As the [1 driver] of a road vehicle carrying dangerous goods you parked the vehicle for a continuous period longer than 18 hours
other than in a depot
12 operator
Operator failed to ensure dangerous goods secure
(Effective date = 7 Feb 2012)
(Infringement = Individual $750, Body Corp $2,500)
Land Transport Act 1998 S40 & R3 & 4 Land Transport (Offences & Penalties) Regs 1999 & s.10.4 Dangerous Goods Rule
Body Corporate maximum fine = $15,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Individual maximum fine = $3,500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
As the [1 driver] of a road vehicle transporting dangerous goods you failed to comply with transport procedures in accordance with
section 8 of the Land Transport Rule: Dangerous Goods 2005 in that you failed to ensure the vehicle was securely loaded
12 operator
2020 V9
12 November 2020
As the [1 driver] of a road vehicle transporting dangerous goods you failed to ensure the vehicle was securely loaded
12 operator
Emergency response information not carried in the vehicle
(Effective date = 7 Feb 2012)
(Infringement = Individual $500, Body Corp $1,000)
Land Transport Act 1998 S40 & R3 & 4 Land Transport (Offences & Penalties) Regs 1999 & s.10.4 Dangerous Goods Rule
Body Corporate maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Individual maximum fine = $2,500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
As the [1 driver] of a road vehicle transporting dangerous goods you failed to comply with transport procedures in accordance with
section 8 of the Land Transport Rule: Dangerous Goods 2005 in that you failed to ensure the required emergency response
information was carried
12 operator
As the [1 driver] of a road vehicle carrying dangerous goods you failed to ensure emergency response information was carried
12 operator
Failed to stop dangerous goods vehicle at rail crossing
(Effective date = 27 Jun 2005)
(Infringement = Individual $500, Body Corp $1,000)
Land Transport Act 1998 S40 & R3 & 4 Land Transport (Offences & Penalties) Regs 1999 & s.10.4 Dangerous Goods Rule
Body Corporate maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Individual maximum fine = $2,500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
As the [1 driver] of a road vehicle transporting dangerous goods you failed to comply with transport procedures in accordance with
section 8 of the Land Transport Rule: Dangerous Goods 2005 in that you failed to ensure the vehicle stopped at a railway level
crossing as required
12 operator
As the [1 driver] of a road vehicle carrying dangerous goods you failed to stop the vehicle at a railway level crossing
12 operator
Operator failed to undergo dangerous goods training
(Effective date = 7 Feb 2012)
(Infringement = Individual $500, Body Corp $1,000)
Land Transport Act 1998 S40 & R3 & 4 Land Transport (Offences & Penalties) Regs 1999 & s.10.4 Dangerous Goods Rule
Body Corporate maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Individual maximum fine = $2,500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
As the [1 driver] of a road vehicle transporting dangerous goods you failed to comply with section 9 of the Land Transport Rule:
Dangerous Goods 2005 in that you failed to undergo training specific to the transport of dangerous goods
12 operator
As the [1 driver] of a road vehicle carrying dangerous goods you failed to undergo specific dangerous goods training
12 operator
Operator failed to carry dangerous goods documentation
(Effective date = 7 Feb 2012)
(Infringement = Individual $750, Body Corp $1,500)
Land Transport Act 1998 S40 & R3 & 4 Land Transport (Offences & Penalties) Regs 1999 & s.10.4 Dangerous Goods Rule
Body Corporate maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Individual maximum fine = $2,500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
As the [1 driver] of a road vehicle transporting dangerous goods you failed to comply with section 5 of the Land Transport Rule:
Dangerous Goods 2005 in that you failed to ensure the dangerous goods documentation was carried
12 operator
As the [1 driver] of a road vehicle carrying dangerous goods you failed to ensure the dangerous goods documentation was carried
12 operator
Operator failed to carry dangerous goods documents in holder
(Effective date = 7 Feb 2012)
(Infringement = Individual $750, Body Corp $1,500)
Land Transport Act 1998 S40 & R3 & 4 Land Transport (Offences & Penalties) Regs 1999 & s.10.4 Dangerous Goods Rule
Body Corporate maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Individual maximum fine = $2,500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
As the [1 driver] of a road vehicle transporting dangerous goods you failed to comply with section 5 of the Land Transport Rule:
Dangerous Goods 2005 in that you failed to ensure the dangerous goods documentation was carried in the appropriate holder in the
12 operator
As the [1 driver] of a road vehicle carrying dangerous goods you failed to ensure the dangerous goods documentation was carried
in the appropriate holder
12 operator
Operator failed to make dangerous goods documents available
(Effective date = 7 Feb 2012)
(Infringement = Individual $750, Body Corp $1,500)
Land Transport Act 1998 S40 & R3 & 4 Land Transport (Offences & Penalties) Regs 1999 & s.10.4 Dangerous Goods Rule
Body Corporate maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Individual maximum fine = $2,500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
As the [1 driver] of a road vehicle transporting dangerous goods you failed to comply with section 5 of the Land Transport Rule:
Dangerous Goods 2005 in that you failed to ensure the dangerous goods documentation was made available to [2 a dangerous
goods enforcement officer] when required to do so
12 operator
2020 V9
12 November 2020
22 an emergency services personnel
As the [1 driver] of a road vehicle carrying dangerous goods you failed to make the dangerous goods documentation available
when required
12 operator
Operator failed to give dangerous goods documents to next person
(Effective date = 7 Feb 2012)
(Infringement = Individual $1,500, Body Corp $7,500)
Land Transport Act 1998 S40 & R3 & 4 Land Transport (Offences & Penalties) Regs 1999 & s.10.4 Dangerous Goods Rule
Body Corporate maximum fine = $37,500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Individual maximum fine = $7,500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
As the [1 driver] of a road vehicle transporting dangerous goods you failed to comply with section 5 of the Land Transport Rule:
Dangerous Goods 2005 in that you failed to ensure the dangerous goods documentation was passed to the next person responsible
for the [2 handling] of the dangerous goods
12 operator
22 transport
As the [1 driver] of a road vehicle carrying dangerous goods you failed to pass the dangerous goods documentation to the next
person handling the goods
12 operator
Operator failed to amend dangerous goods quantity schedule
(Effective date = 7 Feb 2012)
(Infringement = Individual $250, Body Corp $750)
Land Transport Act 1998 S40 & R3 & 4 Land Transport (Offences & Penalties) Regs 1999 & s.10.4 Dangerous Goods Rule
Body Corporate maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Individual maximum fine = $2,500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
As the [1 driver] of a road vehicle transporting dangerous goods you failed to comply with section 5 of the Land Transport Rule:
Dangerous Goods 2005 in that you failed to ensure the quantities schedule was amended to record the [2 collection] of the
dangerous goods
12 operator
22 delivery
23 collection and delivery
As the [1 driver] of a road vehicle carrying dangerous goods you failed to ensure the quantities schedule was correctly amended
12 operator
Operator failed to amend dangerous goods load plan
(Effective date = 7 Feb 2012)
(Infringement = Individual $250, Body Corp $750)
Land Transport Act 1998 S40 & R3 & 4 Land Transport (Offences & Penalties) Regs 1999 & s.10.4 Dangerous Goods Rule
Body Corporate maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Individual maximum fine = $2,500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
As the [1 driver] of a road vehicle transporting dangerous goods you failed to comply with section 5 of the Land Transport Rule:
Dangerous Goods 2005 in that you failed to ensure the load plan was amended to record the [2 collection] of the dangerous goods
and other goods from which those dangerous goods had to be segregated
12 operator
22 delivery
23 collection and delivery
As the [1 driver] of a road vehicle carrying dangerous goods you failed to ensure the load plan was correctly amended
12 operator
Operator failed to ensure driver supervised by qualified person
(Effective date = 7 Feb 2012)
(Infringement = Individual $400 Body Corp $400)
Land Transport Act 1998 S40 & R3 & 4 Land Transport (Offences & Penalties) Regs 1999 & s.10.4(da) Dangerous Goods Rule
Body Corporate maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Individual maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
As the [1 driver] of a road vehicle transporting dangerous goods you failed to ensure that [2 you were] supervised by a person who
held a current dangerous goods endorsement on his or her driver licence
12 operator
22 the driver was
As the [1 driver] of a road vehicle transporting dangerous goods you failed to ensure that [2 you were] supervised by a person who
held a current dangerous goods endorsement on his or her driver licence
12 operator
22 the driver was
Supervisor failed to hold dangerous goods endorsement
(Effective date = 7 Feb 2012)
(Infringement = Individual $400 Body Corp $400)
Land Transport Act 1998 S40 & R3 & 4 Land Transport (Offences & Penalties) Regs 1999 & s.10.7(a) Dangerous Goods Rule
Body Corporate maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Individual maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
As the [1 driver] of a road vehicle transporting dangerous goods you failed to ensure that [2 you were] supervised by a person who
held a current dangerous goods endorsement on his or her driver licence
12 operator
22 the driver was
2020 V9
12 November 2020
As the [1 driver] of a road vehicle transporting dangerous goods you failed to ensure that [2 you were] supervised by a person who
held a current dangerous goods endorsement on his or her driver licence
12 operator
22 the driver was
Supervisor failed to ensure driver complied with responsibilities
(Effective date = 7 Feb 2012)
(Infringement = Individual $500 Body Corp $1,000)
Land Transport Act 1998 S40 & R3 & 4 Land Transport (Offences & Penalties) Regs 1999 & s.10.7(b) Dangerous Goods Rule
Body Corporate maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Individual maximum fine = $2,500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
As the supervisor of the driver of a road vehicle transporting dangerous goods you failed to ensure that the person complied with
all of their responsibilities in clause 10.4 Land Transport Rule: Dangerous Goods 2005
As the supervisor of the driver of a road vehicle transporting dangerous goods you failed to ensure that the person complied with
all of their responsibilities in clause 10.4 Land Transport Rule: Dangerous Goods 2005
Failed to comply with traffic sign regarding transport of dangerous goods
(Effective date = 1 Oct 2016)
(Infringement = Individual $500, Body Corp $1000)
Land Transport Act 1998 S40 & Land Transport (Offences & Penalties) Regs 1999, r.3 & 4 and s.8.6 & 10.4(b)(v) Dangerous
Goods Rule
Body Corporate maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Individual maximum fine = $2,500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the [1 driver] of a road vehicle transporting dangerous goods *REGNO* on *STREET* and the vehicle was required to
display placards in accordance with section 7 of the Land Transport Rule: Dangerous Goods 2005, you failed to ensure that traffic
signs indicating prohibitions or restrictions on the transport of dangerous goods were complied with
12 operator
As the [1 driver] of a road vehicle carrying dangerous goods and the vehicle was required to display placards in accordance with
section 7 of the Land Transport Rule: Dangerous Goods 2005 you failed to ensure that traffic signs indicating prohibitions or
restrictions on the transport of dangerous goods were complied with
12 operator
For this to be enforceable the road controlling authority needs to have made a bylaw that specifies the terms of the prohibition or
restriction, and any conditions that apply,and the road to which the prohibition or restriction applies, and the prohibition or
restrictions is displayed on a traffic sign in accordance with Land Transport Rule: Traffic Control Devices 2004.
Rail personnel failed to undertake dangerous goods training
(Effective date = 27 Jun 2005)
(Infringement = Individual $500, Body Corp $1,000)
Land Transport Act 1998 S40 & R3 & 4 Land Transport (Offences & Penalties) Regs 1999 & s.10.5 Dangerous Goods Rule
Body Corporate maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Individual maximum fine = $2,500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
As the [1 driver] of a rail vehicle that was transporting dangerous goods you failed to undergo training specific to the transport of
dangerous goods appropriate for the nature, quantity and use of the dangerous goods
12 operator
As [1 driver] of a rail vehicle carrying dangerous goods you failed to undergo specific training on the subject
12 operator
Rail personnel failed to carry dangerous goods documents
(Effective date = 27 Jun 2005)
(Infringement = Individual $500, Body Corp $1,000)
Land Transport Act 1998 S40 & R3 & 4 Land Transport (Offences & Penalties) Regs 1999 & s.10.5 Dangerous Goods Rule
Body Corporate maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Individual maximum fine = $2,500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
As the [1 driver] of a rail vehicle that was transporting dangerous goods you failed to comply with section 5 of the Land Transport
Rule: Dangerous Goods 2005 in that you failed to [2 carry] the required dangerous goods documentation
12 operator
22 ensure there was carried
As the [1 driver] of a rail vehicle carrying dangerous goods you failed to [2 carry] dangerous goods documentation
12 operator
22 ensure there was carried
Rail service dangerous goods documents not in holder
(Effective date = 27 Jun 2005)
(Infringement = Individual $750, Body Corp $1,500)
Land Transport Act 1998 S40 & R3 & 4 Land Transport (Offences & Penalties) Regs 1999 & s.10.5 Dangerous Goods Rule
Body Corporate maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Individual maximum fine = $2,500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
As the [1 driver] of a rail vehicle that was transporting dangerous goods you failed to comply with section 5 of the Land Transport
Rule: Dangerous Goods 2005 in that you failed to [2 carry] the required dangerous goods documentation secured in a dangerous
goods holder
12 operator
22 ensure there was carried
As the [1 driver] of a rail vehicle carrying dangerous goods you failed to [2 carry] dangerous goods documentation in a holder
12 operator
22 ensure there was carried
2020 V9
12 November 2020
Rail person failed to make dangerous goods papers available
(Effective date = 27 Jun 2005)
(Infringement = Individual $750, Body Corp $1,500)
Land Transport Act 1998 S40 & R3 & 4 Land Transport (Offences & Penalties) Regs 1999 & s.10.5 Dangerous Goods Rule
Body Corporate maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Individual maximum fine = $2,500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
As the [1 driver] of a rail vehicle that was transporting dangerous goods you failed to comply with section 5 of the Land Transport
Rule: Dangerous Goods 2005 in that you failed to make the dangerous goods documentation available to [2 a dangerous goods
enforcement officer] when required to do so
12 operator
22 emergency services personnel
As the [1 driver] of a rail vehicle carrying dangerous goods you failed to make the required dangerous goods documentation
12 operator
Rail person failed to pass dangerous goods papers to next person
(Effective date = 27 Jun 2005)
(Infringement = Individual $1,500, Body Corp $7,500)
Land Transport Act 1998 S40 & R3 & 4 Land Transport (Offences & Penalties) Regs 1999 & s.10.5 Dangerous Goods Rule
Body Corporate maximum fine = $37,500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Individual maximum fine = $7,500, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
As the [1 driver] of a rail vehicle that was transporting dangerous goods you failed to comply with section 5 of the Land Transport
Rule: Dangerous Goods 2005 in that you failed to pass the dangerous goods documentation to the next person responsible for the
transport of the dangerous goods
12 operator
As the [1 driver] of a rail vehicle carrying dangerous goods you failed to pass the documentation to the next person
12 operator
Employer failed to ensure staff complied with Dangerous Goods Rule
(Effective date = 7 Feb 2012)
(Infringement = Individual $1,000, Body Corp $5,000)
Land Transport Act 1998 S40 & R3 & 4 Land Transport (Offences & Penalties) Regs 1999 & s.10.6 Dangerous Goods Rule
Body Corporate maximum fine = $25,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Individual maximum fine = $5,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
As an employer of a person carrying out activity related to the transport of dangerous goods you failed to ensure the employee
complied with the Land Transport Rule: Dangerous Goods 2005
As an employer of a person to carry out activity related to the transport of dangerous goods you failed to ensure the employee
complied with the Land Transport Rule: Dangerous Goods 2005
Loader failed to ensure load plan/packing certificate prepared - Maritime
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2011)
Maritime (Offences) Regulations 1998, reg 3 & Maritime Rule 24A - Dangerous Goods, rule 24A.8(1)(b)
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $30,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Individual Maximum fine = $5,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = T
As the consolidator of a [1 vehicle] containing dangerous goods and intended for shipment in a ship to which the Maritime Rules
Part 24A – Carriage of Cargoes – Dangerous Goods applied, you packed the dangerous goods into a [2 vehicle] and failed to
complete a signed [2 vehicle packing declaration] as described in Appendix 1.4(1)(c) of the Rule
12 container
22 container
32 container packing certificate
Shipper failed to ensure dangerous goods properly prepared - Maritime
(Effective date = 1 Feb 2011)
Maritime (Offences) Regulations 1998, reg 3 & Maritime Rule 24A - Dangerous Goods, rule 24A.5(4)
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $30,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Individual Maximum fine = $5,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = T
As the shipper of a dangerous goods taken on board a ship, namely *SPACES*, you failed to ensure that all packaging used for the
goods complied with all of the requirements of Appendix 1.2 of the Maritime Rules Part 24A – Carriage of Cargoes – Dangerous
Goods, namely *SPACES*
Transport service licensee fails to notify change of address
(Effective date = 1 Oct 2017)
(Infringement = Individual $500, Body Corp $1000)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 2.4 Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2017
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $2,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Individual Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Being the holder of a transport service licence failed to notify the New Zealand Transport Agency of a change in the [1 business]
address of the [2 holder of the licence] before the change occurred or not later than 14 days after it had occurred
12 residential
22 person or persons having control of the service
Being the holder of a transport service licence failed to notify the New Zealand Transport Agency of a change in the [1 business]
address of the [2 holder of the licence] before the change occurred or not later than 14 days after it had occurred
12 residential
22 person or persons having control of the service
2020 V9
12 November 2020
Transport licensee fails to notify change of personnel
(Effective date = 1 Oct 2017)
(Infringement = Individual $500, Body Corp $1000)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 2.4 Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2017
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $2,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Individual Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Being the holder of a transport service licence failed to notify the New Zealand Transport Agency of a change in the person or
persons having control of the service before the change occurred or not later than 14 days after it had occurred
Being the holder of a transport service licence failed to notify the New Zealand Transport Agency of a change in the person or
persons having control of the service before the change occurred or not later than 14 days after it had occurred
Drove smal passenger service vehicle with no identification
(Effective date = 1 Oct 2017)
(Infringement = Individual $400, Body Corp $2000)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 3.5(1) Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2017
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Individual Maximum fine = $2,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Did drive a small passenger service vehicle, other than an ambulance operated by an ambulance service, when that person was not
the holder of, and displaying, a current driver identification card
Drove a small passenger service vehicle when that person was not the holder of, and displaying, a current driver identification card
Driver ID card not displayed in small passenger service vehicle
(Effective date = 1 Oct 2017)
(Infringement = Individual $200, Body Corp $1000)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 3.5(6) Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2017
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $5,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Individual Maximum fine = $1,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Being the [1 holder of a passenger service licence under which a small passenger service vehicle was being operated] failed to
ensure that the driver’s driver identification card was displayed in the vehicle in accordance with 3.5(7) of the Land Transport
Rule: Operator Licensing 2017
12 driver of a small passenger service vehicle
Failed to ensure that the driver’s driver identification card was displayed in the vehicle in accordance with 3.5(7) of the Land
Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2017
Smal PSV driver failed to state correct scale or basis of fare
(Effective date = 1 Oct 2017)
(Infringement = Individual $400, Body Corp $2000)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 3.7(3) Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2017
Individual Maximum fine = $2,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Being the driver of a small passenger service vehicle you failed to agree with the prospective hirer the scale or basis of the fare
prior to the start of the trip (including extra charges and inclusive of GST, if charged)
Drove a small passenger service vehicle and failed to agree with the prospective hirer the scale or basis of the fare prior to the start
of the trip (including extra charges and inclusive of GST, if charged)
Small PSV driver overcharged hirer
(Effective date = 1 Oct 2017)
(Infringement = Individual $400, Body Corp $2000)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 3.7(4) Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2017
Individual Maximum fine = $2,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Being the driver of a small passenger service *REGNO* at the end of a hiring demanded more than the exact amount of the [1 fare
and other charges] payable for the hiring
12 fare
Being the driver of a small passenger service vehicle at the end of a hiring demanded more than the exact amount payable for the
Smal PSV driver failed to give hirer itemised receipt
(Effective date = 1 Oct 2017)
(Infringement = Individual $400, Body Corp $2000)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 3.7(5) Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2017
Individual Maximum fine = $2,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Being the driver of a small passenger service vehicle *REGNO* and on request by a hirer failed to issue an itemised receipt to the
Failed to issue an itemised receipt to the hirer
Small passenger service operator failed to maintain complaints register
(Effective date = 1 Oct 2017)
(Infringement = Individual $750, Body Corp $3750)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 3.3(1) Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2017
Individual Maximum fine = $4,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $20,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Being a small passenger service operator failed to keep a register of complaints received
Being a small passenger service operator failed to keep a register of complaints received
Small PS operator failed to maintain complaints register for 2 yrs
(Effective date = 1 Oct 2017)
(Infringement = Individual $400, Body Corp $2000)
2020 V9
12 November 2020
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 3.3(2) Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2017
Individual Maximum fine = $2,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Being a small passenger service operator failed to maintain their complaints register for a period of at least 2 years
Being a small passenger service operator failed to maintain their complaints register for a period of at least 2 years
Smal passenger service complaints register not available for inspection
(Effective date = 1 Oct 2017)
(Infringement = Individual $400, Body Corp $2000)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 3.3(3) Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2017
Individual Maximum fine = $2,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Being a small passenger service operator failed to make their complaints register available for inspection at any reasonable time by
an enforcement officer for any auditor investigation
Being a small passenger service operator failed to make their complaints register available for inspection at any reasonable time by
an enforcement officer for any auditor investigation
Smal passenger service driver used stand when not available for hire
(Effective date = 1 Oct 2017)
(Infringement = Individual $400, Body Corp $2000)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 3.6(1) Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2017
Individual Maximum fine = $2,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Being the driver of a small passenger service vehicle took up a position at a stand designated for small passenger service vehicle
when the vehicle was not available for hire
Being the driver of a small passenger service vehicle took up a position at a stand designated for small passenger service vehicle
when the vehicle was not available for hire
Smal passenger service driver failed to use most advantageous route
(Effective date = 1 Jan 2011)
(Infringement = Individual $400, Body Corp $2000)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 3.7(2) Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2017
Individual Maximum fine = $2,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Being the driver of a small passenger service vehicle, failed to travel from the place the hirer entered the vehicle, being
*SPACES*, to the intended destination of the hirer, being *SPACES*, without unnecessary deviation from the route that was most
advantageous to the hirer
Small passenger service vehicle driver deviated from the route that was the most advantageous to the hirer
Failed to surrender transport service licence card to enforcement officer
(Effective date = 1 Oct 2017)
(Infringement = Individual $400, Body Corp $2000)
Land Transport Act 1998 s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999 r.4 & Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2017 2.8(2)
Individual Maximum fine = $2,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Being the [1 holder of a transport service licence] you failed to surrender a transport service licence card on demand to an
enforcement officer when the [2 applicable transport service licence was revoked]
12 driver of a vehicle operated under a transport service licence
13 applicable transport service licence was surrendered]
14 applicable transport service licence was suspended]
22 officer believed on reasonable grounds that the card did not related to the service
Failed to surrender a transport service licence card on demand to an enforcement officer when the [1 applicable transport service
licence was revoked, surrendered or suspended]
12 officer believed on reasonable grounds that the card did not related to the service
Failed to correctly display TSL card on a small passenger service vehicle
(Effective date = 1 Oct 2017)
(Infringement = Individual $400, Body Corp $2000)
Land Transport Act 1998 s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999 r.4 & Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2017 2.6(2)
Individual Maximum fine = $2,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Being the holder of a small passenger service licence you operated a vehicle *REGNO* under that licence and you failed to ensure
that the appropriate transport service licence card was displayed in the vehicle in the manner prescribed in clause 2.6(2) Land
Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2017
Being the holder of a small passenger service licence operated a vehicle under that licence when the appropriate transport service
licence card was not displayed in the vehicle in the manner prescribed in clause 2.6(2) Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing
Failed to correctly display TSL card on recovery vehicle
(Effective date = 1 Oct 2017)
(Infringement = Individual $400, Body Corp $2000)
Land Transport Act 1998 s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999 r.4 & Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2017 2.6(2)
Individual Maximum fine = $2,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Being the holder of a vehicle recovery service licence you operated a vehicle *REGNO*, under that licence and you failed to
ensure that the appropriate transport service licence card was displayed in the vehicle in the manner prescribed in clause 2.6(2)
Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2017
2020 V9
12 November 2020
Being the holder of a vehicle recovery service licence operated a vehicle under that licence when the appropriate transport service
licence card was not displayed in the vehicle in the manner prescribed in clause 2.6(2) Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing
Failed to correctly display TSL card on goods service vehicle
(Effective date = 1 Oct 2017)
(Infringement = Individual $400, Body Corp $2000)
Land Transport Act 1998 s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999 r.4 & Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2017 2.6(2)
Individual Maximum fine = $2,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Being the holder of a goods service licence you operated a vehicle, *REGNO*, under that licence and you failed to ensure that the
appropriate transport service licence card was displayed in the vehicle in the manner prescribed in clause 2.6(2) Land Transport
Rule: Operator Licensing 2017
Being the holder of a goods service licence operated a vehicle under that licence when the appropriate transport service licence
card was not displayed in the vehicle in the manner prescribed in clause 2.6(2) Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2017
Failed to correctly display transport service licence card on large PSV
(Effective date = 1 Oct 2017)
(Infringement = Individual $400, Body Corp $2000)
Land Transport Act 1998 s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999 r.4 & Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2017 2.6(2)
Individual Maximum fine = $2,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Being the holder of a passenger service licence you operated a large passenger service vehicle, *REGNO*, under that licence and
you failed to ensure that the appropriate transport service licence card was displayed in the vehicle in the manner prescribed in
clause 2.6(2) Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2017
Being the holder of a passenger service licence operated a large passenger service vehicle under that licence when the appropriate
transport service licence card was not displayed in the vehicle in the manner prescribed in clause 2.6(2) Land Transport Rule:
Operator Licensing 2017
Used a special interest vehicle in a transport service
(Effective date = 1 Oct 2017)
(Infringement = Individual $400, Body Corp $2000)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2017, 2.10
Individual Maximum fine = $2,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Being the operator of a transport service licence you did use a special interest vehicle *REGNO* in that service
Being the operator of a transport service licence you did use a special interest vehicle in that service
Smal PSV not displaying approved child safety lock signs
(Effective date = 1 May 2018)
(Infringement = Individual $400, Body Corp $2000)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 7.23(2) Road User Rule
Individual Maximum fine = $2,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Being the driver of a small passenger service vehicle that was fitted with 1 or more child safety locks you failed to ensure that a
sign approved by the Agency was displayed at the handle on the outside of each door that was fitted with a child safety lock
As the driver of a small passenger service vehicle that was fitted with 1 or more child safety locks you failed to ensure that a sign
approved by the Agency was displayed at the handle on the outside of each door that was fitted with a child safety lock
Small PSV driven with child safety lock operated without request
(Effective date = 1 May 2018)
(Infringement = Individual $400, Body Corp $2000)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 7.23(3) Road User Rule
Individual Maximum fine = $2,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Being the driver of a small passenger service vehicle that was fitted with 1 or more child safety locks you failed to ensure that the
child safety lock was used only at the request of the passenger nearest to the door fitted with the lock, or a person responsible for
the well-being of the passenger nearest to the door fitted with the lock
As the driver of a small passenger service vehicle that was fitted with 1 or more child safety locks you failed to ensure that the
child safety lock was used only at the request of the passenger nearest to the door fitted with the lock, or a person responsible for
the well-being of the passenger nearest to the door fitted with the lock
Caused small PSV driver to accept hire - camera system non-compliant
(Effective date = 1 Oct 2017)
(Infringement = Individual $400, Body Corp $2000)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 3.10(2) Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2017
Individual Maximum fine = $2,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Did cause or permit a small passenger service driver to accept a hire in an area listed in Schedule 2 of the Land Transport Rule:
Operator Licensing 2017 when the vehicle *REGNO* [1 was] fitted with an in-vehicle security camera system that [2 had not been
approved by the Agency]
12 was not
22 had been approved by the Agency
23 was not operating
24 did not have an unobscured view of the interior of the vehicle
2020 V9
12 November 2020
Did cause or permit a small passenger service driver to accept a hire in an area listed in Schedule 2 of the Land Transport Rule:
Operator Licensing 2017 when the vehicle [1 was] fit ed with an in-vehicle security camera system that [2 had not been approved
by the Agency]
12 was not
22 had been approved by the Agency
23 was not operating
24 did not have an unobscured view of the interior of the vehicle
Smal PSV driver accepted hire without prescribed working camera system
(Effective date = 1 Oct 2017)
(Infringement = $400)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 3.9(2) Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2017
Maximum fine = $2,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Being the driver of a small passenger vehicle you accepted a hire in an area listed in Schedule 2 of the Land Transport Rule:
Operator Licensing 2017 when the vehicle [1 was] fit ed with an in-vehicle security camera system that [2 had not been approved
by the Agency]
12 was not
22 had been approved by the Agency
23 was not operating
24 did not have an unobscured view of the interior of the vehicle
Being the driver of a small passenger vehicle you accepted a hire in an area listed in Schedule 2 of the Land Transport Rule:
Operator Licensing 2017 when the vehicle [1 was] fit ed with an in-vehicle security camera system that [2 had not been approved
by the Agency]
12 was not
22 had been approved by the Agency
23 was not operating
24 did not have an unobscured view of the interior of the vehicle
Unlawfully accessed material in an in-vehicle security camera system
(Effective date = 1 Oct 2017)
(Infringement = $2,000)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 3.12(2) Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2017
Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = J/M/N/T
Not being a person specifically authorised for the purpose under 3.12(2) of the Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2017, you
did access material recorded by and stored in an in-vehicle security camera
Not being a person specifically authorised for the purpose under 3.12(2) of the Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2017, you
did access material recorded by and stored in an in-vehicle security camera
Operator failed to display current transport service licence card
(Effective date = 1 Oct 2017)
(Infringement = Individual $400, Body Corp $2000)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 2.5(2) Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2017
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Individual Maximum fine = $2,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Being the operator of a [1 small passenger service vehicle] you failed to display the appropriate current transport service licence
12 large passenger service vehicle
13 vehicle recovery service vehicle
14 goods service vehicle.
Being the operator of a vehicle subject to transport service licensing requirements you failed to display the appropriate current
transport service licence card
Smal passenger service operator failed comply with duties regarding driver
(Effective date = 1 Oct 2017)
(Infringement = Individual $750, Body Corp $3750)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 3.2(1) Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2017
Individual Maximum fine = $2,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Being a small passenger service operator you failed to ensure that you complied with all of the duties in relation to the drivers as
set out in 3.2(1) Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2017
Being a small passenger service operator you failed to ensure that you complied with all of the duties in relation to the drivers as
set out in 3.2(1) Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2017
Operated non-compliant small PSV with no in-vehicle security
(Effective date = 1 Oct 2017)
(Infringement = Individual $400, Body Corp $2000)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 3.8(2) Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2017
Individual Maximum fine = $2,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Body Corporate Maximum fine = $10,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0
Being a small passenger service operator operating in an area listed in Schedule 2 of the Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing
2017 and having elected not to operate small passenger vehicle *REGNO* fitted with approved in-vehicle security camera system
you failed to ensure all requirements prescribed in 3.8(2)(b) of the Rule were complied with
Operated a small passenger service vehicle in an area listed in Schedule 2 of the Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2017
and having elected not to operate the vehicle fitted with approved in-vehicle security camera system you failed to ensure all
requirements prescribed in 3.8(2)(b) of the Rule were complied with
2020 V9
12 November 2020
In-vehicle security camera system not correctly installed
(Effective date = 1 Oct 2017)
(Infringement = $400)
Land Transport Act 1998, s.40 & Offences & Penalties Regs 1999, r4 & 3.10(4) Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2017
Maximum fine = $2,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = N/T
Operated a small passenger vehicle *REGNO* fitted with an in-vehicle security camera when it was not [1 visible to passengers]
12 fitted so as to record facial images of persons sitting in a normal manner in any seating position
Operated a small passenger vehicle fitted with an in-vehicle security camera when it was not [1 visible to passengers]
12 fitted so as to record facial images of persons sitting in a normal manner in any seating position
Caused or required a driver to breach speed limit
(Effective date = 1 Oct 2007)
Section 79T(a) Land Transport Act 1998
Maximum fine = $25,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = M/T
By an [1 act] namely *SPACES* did [2 directly] [3 cause (whether or not the sole cause)] a driver to exceed the applicable speed
limit when you knew, or should have known, that the speed limit would be, or would likely be, exceeded; and the driver was a
driver to whom subpart 1 of Part 4B of the Land Transport Act 1998 applied
12 omission
22 indirectly
32 require
Caused or required a driver to exceed maximum work time
(Effective date = 1 Oct 2007)
Section 79T(b) Land Transport Act 1998
Maximum fine = $25,000, Maximum prison = 0, Minimum disqualification = 0, Notice type = M/T
By an [1 act] namely *SPACES* did [2 directly] [3 cause (whether or not the sole cause)] a driver to exceed the maximum