t I
14 January 2021
Nirav Shastri
[FYI request #14130 email]
File No: DOIA 2021-1000
Dear Nirav Shastri
Thank you for your email on 15 November 2020, requesting the following information under the
Official Information Act 1982 (the OIA):
1) Going through previous FYI responses, I see that you keep posting us with weekly statistics
on the a/location numbers for priority and non-priority queues. The latest data we have was
for the week commencing 1 May 2020. Therefore, could I please ask you to provide CO
(thereafter CO- Case Officer) allocation figures for the following weeks (separately for priority
and non-priority queues}:
a) Week commencing 02 Nov 2020- Number of priority applications got CO I Number of non
priority applications got CO
b} Week commencing 09 Nov 2020 -
Number of priority applications got CO I Number of non
priority applications got CO
c) Week commencing 16 Nov 2020- Number of priority applications got CO I Number of non
priority applications got CO
d} Week commencing 23 Nov 2020 -
Number of priority applications got CO I Number of non
priority applications got CO
2} What is the lodgement date for the oldest non-priority SMC/RFW application?
3) What is the total number of non-priority applications in SMC/RFW non-priority queue
currently awaiting for CO allocation? Also, please provide number of applicants behind these
4) Could you please provide breakdown on the number of offshore and onshore applications
{applicants) awaiting for a/location in the SMC/RFW non-priority queue.
5) What is the number of priority SMC/RFW applications currently awaiting for officer
6} Do you process offshore priority SMC applications? Are these applications being prioritized
over non-priority SMC/RFW onshore applications?
7} Could you please provide monthly breakdown numbers on how many non-priority SMC/RFW
applications/applicants who lodged their applications last year (2019) are waiting for CO
a) May 2019 -
Number of applications waiting for CO
allocation I Number of app/Jcants
waiting for CO
b} June 2019 -
Number of applications waiting for CO
allocation I Number of applicants
waiting for CO
c) July 2019 -
Number of applications waiting for CO
allocation I Number of applicants waiting
for CO
d) August 2019 -
Number of applications waiting for CO
a/location I Number of applicants
waiting for CO allocation
e) September 2019 -
Number of applications waiting for CO allocation I Number of applicants
waiting for CO allocation
f) October 2019 -
Number of applications waiting for CO
a/location I Number of applicants
waiting for CO
g) November 2019 -
Number of applications waiting for CO allocation I Number of applicants
waiting for CO allocation
h) December 2019 -
Number of applications waiting for CO
allocation I Number of applicants
waiting for CO
8) When did Immigration New Zealand adopt the policy of application prioritisation and when
was first shared with broad public?
9) What is the definition of "reasonable timeframe" for the SMC/RFW applications?
10} How many Immigration Officers Working on SMC?
11} How many application allocating to CO each week?
12) for how long Immigration was closed in Christmas Period?
Our response
Immigration New Zealand (INZ} has Skilled Residence queues containing Skilled Migrant Category and
Resident from Work visa applications that are pending allocation to an immigration officer for
assessment. The applications are not separated by type.
1) Could I please ask you to provide CO
(thereafter CO-
Case Officer) allocation figures for the following
weeks (separately for priority and non-priority queues):
a) Week commencing 02 Nov 2020 -
Number of priority applications got CO
I Number of non-priority
applications got CO
During the week starting 2 November 2020, INZ allocated 16 priority and 175 non-priority applications
from the Skilled Residence queue to an immigration officer for assessment.
b) Week commencing 09 Nov 2020 -
Number of priority applications got CO
I Number of non-priority
applications got CO
During the week starting 9 November 2020, lNZ allocated 67 priority and 172 non-priority applications
from the Skilled Residence queue to an immigration officer for assessment.
c) Week commencing 16 Nov 2020- Number of priority applications got CO/ Number of non-priority
applications got CO
During the week starting 16 November 2020, INZ allocated 68 priority and 184 non-priority
applications from the Skilled Residence queue to an immigration officer for assessment.
d) Week commencing 23 Nov 2020 -
Number of priority applications got CO I Number of non�priorlty
applications got CO
During the week starting 23 November 2020, INZ allocated 40 priority and 205 non-priority
applications from the Skilled Residence queue to an immigration officer for assessment.
2) What is the lodgement dote for the oldest non-priority SMC/RFW application?
As of 16 December 2020, the oldest non-priority application in the Skilled Residence queue was
accepted by INZ on 14 January 2019. However, this includes applications where the applicants are
onshore and offshore. Second Priority is given to residence class visa applications where the applicant
is offshore. As of 21 December 2020, the oldest non-priority application in the Skilled Residence queue
where the applicant is onshore was accepted by INZ on 6 June 2019.
3) What is the total number of non-priority applications in SMC/RFW non-priority queue currently
awaiting for CO allocation? Also, please provide number of applicants behind these applications.
Please find the information contained in Table 1.
4) Could you please provide breakdown on the number of offshore and onshore applications
(applicants) awaiting for allocation in the SMC/RFW non-priority queue.
Please find the information contained in Table 1.
Table 1: Applications and applicants in Skilled Residence non-priority
queue as at 16 December 2020
Number of
Number of applicants
5) What is the number of priority SMC/RFW applications currently awaiting for officer allocation?
As of 16 December 2020, there were 48 Skilled Residence priority applications that were awaiting
allocation to an immigration officer. There were 138 applicants involved in these applications.
6) Do you process offshore priority SMC applications? Are these applications being prioritized over non
priority SMC/RFW onshore applications?
Immigration Instructions Al6.1 sets out the order of visa processing for both residence and temporary
entry class visa applications. As stated above, Second Priority is given to residence class visa
applications where the applicant is offshore. The Immigration Act 2009 means that in general, INZ
cannot currently grant visas to applicants who are offshore unless they have been granted an
exception to the border restrictions. More information on this can be found on the INZ website:•2020-offshore-visa-processing
during-border closure.pdf
7) Could you please provide monthly breakdown numbers on how many non-priority SMC/RFW
applications/applicants who lodged their applications last year (2019) are waiting for CO allocation:
a) Moy 2019 -
Number of applications waiting for CO allocation /
Number of applicants
waiting for CO allocation
b} June 2019 -
Number of applications waiting for CO allocation I Number of applicants
waiting for CO allocation
c) July 2019 -
Number of applications waiting for CO allocation I Number of applicants waiting
for CO
d} August 2019 -
Number of applications waiting for CO allocation I Number of applicants
waiting for CO
e) September 2019 -
Number of applications waiting for CO
allocation/ Number of applicants
waiting for CO
f) October 2019 -
Number of applications waiting for CO
allocation I Number of applicants
waiting for CO
g) November 2019 -
Number of applications waiting for CO
allocation I Number of applicants
waiting for CO
h} December 2019 -
Number of applications waiting for CO allocation I Number of applicants
waiting for CO
Please find the information contained in Table 2. Note the numbers include both onshore and offshore
11 Table 2: Applications and applicants in Skilled Residence non-priority
queue, by month accepted as at 17 December 2020
Month of application
Number of
Number of applicants
May 2019
June 2019
July 2019
August 2019
September 2019
October 2019
November 2019
December 2019
8) When did Immigration New Zealand adopt the policy of application prioritisation and when it was
first shared with broad public?
On 24 February 2020, an amendment circular was issued to reflect the general instruction made by
the Deputy Chief Executive of Immigration for changes to the order and manner of processing
residence class visa applications. This general Instruction gave priority to Skilled Migrant Category
applications {with job offers) and Residence from Work Category applications where the principal
applicant has current occupational registration and this registration is required by immigration
instructions, or is paid twice the median wage or higher. The amendment circular can be found on the
INZ website:
https:/Jwww.1mmigrat1on.govt nz1documents/amendment-circularstan1endment-c1rcular
2020 04.pdf
This information was shared with the public very shortly after, on the following page:
htt ps:l/www .1 mm igratio n .govt. n z/a bout-us/ media-centre/ news-n at ifica tio ns/h ow-we-priori t lse
resident visa-applications
9) What is the definition of "reasonable timeframe" for the SMC/RFW applications?
This information you have requested is not considered official information under the OIA. However, l
can advise that the New Zealand Residence Program (NZRP) Planning Range sets the upper and lower
number for residence visa approvals. The last NZRP ran from 1 July 2018 until 31 December 2019 and
included a Planning Range of 50,000 to 60,000 residence approvals.
The Government is currently reviewing its approach to the NZRP and is considering replacing the
planning range with a more targeted approach that focuses on management of specific residence visa
types. In the meantime, 1NZ will continue to process applications at same volume and with the same
level of resourcing as the previous NZRP allowed for, this does have an impact on the number of
applications that can be allocated and the timeliness of application processing. The INZ website
remains the best place for up-to•date information on processing timeframes:
https://www for a-visa/how-long-it takes-to•
10} How many Immigration Officers Working on SMC?
As of 14 December 2020, there were 70 immigration officers who assess Skilled Residence
11} How many application allocating to CO each week?
Allocations of applications to immigration officers occur weekly and the number of applications that
are allocated is dependent upon processing capacity. As stated above, INZ continues to process
applications at the same volume and with the same level of resourcing as the previous NZRP allowed
12) for how long Immigration was closed in Christmas Period?
The Manukau office observed three statutory public holidays over the Christmas and New Year period.
It is noted that December to January is traditionally a period of high leave for staff. INZ encourages
and supports all staff to maintain their health and safety in the workplace by making use of their
annual leave entitlements under the Holidays Act 2003.
If you wish to discuss any aspect of your request or this response, please contact Chung Man
Charmaine Ho, Business Advisor, Operations Support, Immigration New Zealand at
[email address].
Yours sincerely
Nicola Hogg
General Manager - Border and Visa Operations
Immigration New Zealand
Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment