This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'How many UAV's (unmanned aerial vehicles) do NZ Police currently have in operation? What are they used for?'.

13 July 2020   
Our Reference: IR-01-20-15748 
Liam Roche 
[FYI request #13055 email] 
Dear Liam, 
I am writing in response to the email you submitted 1st June, 2020. Your request has been 
considered pursuant to the Official Information Act 1982. Specifically you requested:  
How many UAV’s (unmanned aerial vehicles) or drones are in operation by the NZ 
Police? What purpose/s are NZ Police employing UAV's/drones for? 
New Zealand Police currently have 24 Remotely Piloted Aircraft systems (RPAS) –
commonly referred to as drones, across New Zealand. 
In relation to the second part of your request, Police are using drones in a number of 
applications including: 
•  Crime and crash scene examination 
•  Search and rescue operations 
•  To provide situational awareness to staff in critical incidents 
•  To monitor training 
Drones equip our staff with current and cost effective technologies to improve response 
times, reduce risk, and keep our staff and community safer.  
I trust you are satisfied with my response to your request. If not, you have a right under 
section 28(3) of the Official Information Act 1982 to ask the Office of the Ombudsman to 
seek an investigation and review of my decision. 
Yours sincerely 
Inspector N. Brown 
Acting National Manager: Response & Operations 
Police National Headquarters 
180 Molesworth Street. PO Box 3017, Wellington 6140, New Zealand.  
Telephone: 04 474 9499. Fax: 04 498 7400.