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Hi All,


Hope all is well with you and you're managing to survive this dreary wet weather we've been encumbered with.


Please see the note below from the Governance & Administration Committee Clerk re the reporting date for the Mangrove Management Bill; it's again been extended, out to 24 September - I wonder why?


Best wishes,




Peter Wishart

Strategic Relationships Manager

Governance & Strategy Group

Thames-Coromandel District Council
Private Bag 1001, 515 Mackay Street, Thames.
T - 07 86 80 200

F - 07 86 80 234

M - 0274 594 562

[email address]

Visit our web site: www.tcdc.govt.nz


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From: Megan Robins [mailto:[email address]]
Sent: Thursday, 21 June 2018 10:57 a.m.
To: Peter Wishart
Cc: Lisa D'souza
Subject: RE: TCDC & HDC Mangrove Management Bill>G&A Committee Report


Hi Peter


Thanks for your email, and hope everything is well in your beautiful part of the country.


The report back date for this bill has been extended to 24 September, apologies our website was not updated, I am getting it updated now.


However, yes I am very happy to send you to the report straight after is has been released.


Thank you and apologies again.


Kind regards


Megan Robins

Clerk of Committee

Connecting people with Parliament

Level 10  Bowen House
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P +64 4 817 9536




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From: Peter Wishart [mailto:[email address]]
Sent: Thursday, 21 June 2018 10:17 a.m.
To: Megan Robins <[email address]>
Cc: Lisa D'souza <[email address]>
Subject: TCDC & HDC Mangrove Management Bill>G&A Committee Report


Hi Megan,


Hope all is well with you.


I note that the G&A Committee is due to report back on the Mangrove Management Bill tomorrow (22 June).


Is it possible for us to have the report (or its web-link) sent our way as soon as practicable once the report is made public?


Many thanks and kind regards,




Peter Wishart

Strategic Relationships Manager

Governance & Strategy Group

Thames-Coromandel District Council
Private Bag 1001, 515 Mackay Street, Thames.
T - 07 86 80 200

F - 07 86 80 234

M - 0274 594 562

[email address]

Visit our web site: www.tcdc.govt.nz


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