Wendy Olsen
[FYI request #12558 email]
Dear Wendy Olsen
Thank you for your email of 1 April 2020 requesting ‘
copies of all audits conducted in
2017 and 2018 of the NZSPCA by MPI’. Your request has been considered under the
Official Information Act 1982 (OIA).
Please find attached a copy of the 2017 audit of the NZSPCA by the Ministry for
Primary Industries (MPI). The request for the 2018 audit is refused under Section
18(e) as the document alleged to contain the information requested does not
This is due to operational demands delaying the 2018 audit to the extent where it
was deemed too close to the planned 2019 audit to complete the 2018 audit.
Some information has been withheld pursuant to section 9(2)(a) of the OIA, to protect
the privacy of natural persons.
MPI is satisfied that in the circumstances of this case, the withholding of the
information is not outweighed by other considerations which render it desirable in the
public interest to make the information available.
You have the right under section 28(3) of the OIA to seek an investigation and review
by the Ombudsman of our decision to withhold information.
Yours sincerely
Gary Orr
Director Compliance Services
Compliance and Governance
Compliance Services
Charles Fergusson Building, 34-38 Bowen Street
Wel ington 6140, New Zealand