01 May 2020
H Rogers
fyi-request-12270-43f85fc8@requests .fyi .org .nz
REF: IR-01-20-5087
Dear H Rogers
Request for information
Thank you for your email dated 20 February 2020 requesting information on
investigative interviewing. You requested:
• Please can you supply the Police Policy and the relevant section of the
Police Guidelines/Manual relating to the use of foreign language
interpreters when interviewing defendants and witnesses whose first
language is not English.
Specifically, police interviews at the police station when police officers
take formal written statements or DVD statements in respect of criminal
allegations or charges which are later provided as a disclosure under the
Criminal Disclosure Act.
Finally, the regulations used to authenticate such statements when an
interpreter is used.
I enclose the following information:
• Investigative Interviewing - Different linguistic, cultural or religous
background sections
You will notice that some of the text in the sections provided is in underlined blue
type. This text links to other information in the Police Manual, which has not been
provided to you.
In regards to your request about the regulation used to authenticate such
statements where and interpreter is used, I can advise that these would be
contained in the Evidence Act 2006 which is publically available online.
I trust that this information will be sufficient to answer your request - please let me
know if further information is required.
Police National Headquarters
180 Molesworth Street. PO Box 3017, Wellington 6140, New Zealand
Telephone: 04 474- 9499. Fax: 04 498 7400. www.police.qovt.nz
If you are not satisfied with my response to your request you have the right to
complain to the Office of the Ombudsman and seek an investigation and review of
my decision.
Yours sincerely
Craig Scott
Detective Inspector
National Criminal Investigations Group