This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Policy work on "Green Transport Card"'.

Recommended approach
Next key steps 9
50% fare concession, any time
Advise us of 
CSC holders would receive a 50% concession
Subsidy costs could be higher or
off base fares, throughout the day.
your preferred approach
lower than estimated
Hold off on dependents
Data would need to be collected before including.
Reason: no data available on CSC public transport usage, and
Report back to Cabinet 
Most already travel with concessions.
the estimates are based on assumptions about how much public
transport use could rise when fares fall. Cost should be reviewed
on the approach
after the first year of implementation.
Use existing travel cards
Link CSCs with registered travel-cards in each region.
Eligibility processes would be automated.
We will advise on $4.64 million 
Budget funding allocation
Funding system
Some CSC holders may criticise the
scheme if they are unable to access

Fare subsidies
We can advise stakeholders
public transport services
Funded by the Crown, 
similar to the SuperGold card approach.
Reason: this may include CSC holders with disabilities, and CSC
holders living in areas without a regular public transport service.
After Cabinet decision
Administrative costs
Funded through the NLTF, from 1 July 2021.
Estimate additional costs
SuperGold card holders with a CSC
Additional services
are likely to advocate for inclusion in
Funded through the usual NLTF processes, with the 
Crown contributing an additional portion of each fare.
the scheme
Negotiate funding agreement 
Reason: if included, this would increase costs significantly. Clear
with councils
communication will be vital.
Implementation timeline
Develop implementation plan
Mid 2021
Suggested target date
Fraud issues could attract negative
Advantages: would provide time for councils to
prepare, although this is still an ambitious timeline.
Develop Budget bids
Mid 2021 aligns with the next GPS and integrated
ticketing in Wellington.
Reason: some fraudulent use of the scheme will be unavoidable.
This could be managed by requiring CSC holders to carry their
Risks: councils have so far been supportive,
CSC with them while travelling, and by considering the
however are concerned about implementation pace
appropriateness of existing penalties for fraudulent card use.
Integrate into next GPS
and costs as they are still working through recent
legislative changes and other challenges.

Document Outline