This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Please supply emails and meeting summaries regarding the NZ Localities Dataset'.
 Susan Shaw
 Friday, 29 November 2019 3:45 PM
 Ravaji, Nick; Juriss, Chris; Donaldson, Matt
 Paul Stone
 NZ Localities and Creative Commons
Hello Nick, Chris & Matt
Paul Stone, from the NZ Open Data programme coordinated by Stats NZ, recommends Fire and Emergency NZ publishes
NZ Localities as a webservice under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC BY 4.0) licence.
1. Publishing NZ Localities as a webservice or API will ensure that users can always the latest data.  This in turn will
mitigate the current risk of outdated and incorrect information being used.
2. Adopting Creative Commons mitigates the liability to Fire and Emergency NZ where out of date copies are used,
because reusing data released under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 requires Fire and Emergency NZ to be
referenced as the source, which enables the user to make a comparison with the source of truth for the data.
3. Adopting Creative Commons Attribution will ensure NZ Localities remains the source of truth for suburbs data.
Restricting commercial reuse of the data already results in companies such as Google and many others generating
their own suburbs data which will become the default used and referred to during emergency calls by the public,
which in turn will increase issues for Fire and Emergency NZ response in the future.  These companies all wish to
align with NZ Localities, but cannot without a Creative Commons licence.
4. The current licence used by Fire and Emergency NZ illustrates best practise in terms of the support and corrections
provisions, and this should be maintained by incorporating this information in the metadata of NZ Localities.
5. The liability of Fire and Emergency is covered by Section 5 of the Creative Commons licence, and the disclaimer of
warranties and limitation of liability.
6. Compliance with the Privacy Act is included in the current Fire and Emergency licensing agreement.  This compliance
is implicit in the existence of the Privacy Act, which must be complied with irrespective of the licensing adopted for
NZ Localities.
7. Adopting Creative Commons Attribution will also ensure no commercial gain can be made from on-selling the data
without value-add (eg. by combining with other data to create something new and useful in a different context).  By
making the data openly available there is then no commercial market for the data as is.
8. Although funded by specific users from an insurance levy, Fire and Emergency NZ is funded by the public, and
therefore covered by the declaration on open and transparent government, issued by the Cabinet in August 2011.
This declaration made a commitment to actively release high value public data.  CC BY 4.0 is the default for
publishing government data, as per the New Zealand Government Open Access and Licensing (NZGOAL)
Framework - .THE OFFICIAL 
9. Improved business efficiency within Fire and Emergency NZ not having to administer the licence, audit the licensing
applications, issue updates, respond to OIA requests and seeking legal advice would be gained from publishing the
data as an API under Creative Commons Attribution licensing.
Both Paul and I are happy to discuss further, 
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Susan Shaw
Senior Resilience Advisor
Email  [email address]  | Mobile 027 777 6222
Wellington Office, Level 7, Radio New Zealand House, 155 The Terrace

PO Box 5501, Wellington 6145, New Zealand | T 04 460 0110   |
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