This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Nzta employee spouse vehicle use rules.'.

31 January 2020 
Gerard Byrne 
[email address] 
[FYI request #12039 email] 
[email address] 
REF: OIA-6288 
Dear Gerard 
Request made under the Official Information Act 1982 
Thank you for your three emails received on 15 January 2020 requesting information under the Official 
Information Act 1982 (the Act). Your requests and our responses are outlined below. 
Email 1: 
can you please provide the gps printout for your employees vehicle that was repeatedly driving 
on ranui rd, Karetu on the night of 13/14 jan, 2019. 
This employee of yours is under a court order not to travel more than 50kph past my property 
because of health and safety reasons. It seems like his speed has once again crept up to a 
dangerous level. There are children and animals that walk this road at all hours. 
Waka Kotahi, the NZ Transport Agency can only provide information on Transport Agency-owned or 
leased vehicles.  It is not clear from your request whether the vehicle in question is one of the 
Transport Agency’s owned or leased vehicles. If you would like to provide more details on the vehicle, 
we will be able to check if this vehicle is Transport Agency-owned or leased. 
If it is one of the vehicles that was the subject of your previous requests under the Act, I reiterate that it 
is not owned or leased by the Transport Agency. Therefore, I am refusing your request under section 
18(g) of the Act as the information requested is not held by the Transport Agency and the person 
dealing with the request has no grounds for believing that the information is either: 
(i) held by another department or Minister of the Crown or organisation, or by a local authority; 
(ii) connected more closely with the functions of another department or Minister of the Crown 
or organisation or of a local authority. 
Email 2: 
can you please provide a detailed copy of nzta vehicle policy that allows employees spouses to 
use nzta vehicles in a private capacity, including launching boats into salt water. 
i have photos of this happening just last weekend. 
If you want copies you can email me. 
you have my email address. 
Using Fleet Vehicles and Driving for Work Policy (December 2019, Version 1.1) is attached as 
Attachment 1. 

Email 3: 
can you please provide me with the video your employee took of me in my kitchen this 
morning at approx 6.02am, on Ranui rd, Karetu, using an nzta approved camera to " gather 
I do not authorize you to keep this. 
I am refusing this request under section 18(e) of the Act because the documents alleged to contain the 
information requested do not exist or, despite reasonable efforts to locate them, cannot be found. 
Under section 28 of the Act, you have the right to ask the Ombudsman to review my decision to refuse 
your request. You can find the contact details for the Ombudsman at 
If you would like to discuss this reply with the Transport Agency, please contact Linda Bird, Manager 
Employment Relations, by email to [email address] or by phone on 04 894 5400. 
Yours sincerely 
Chris Lokum 
General Manager, People