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Freshwater consultation open now

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We are pleased to let you know that the Action for healthy waterways discussion document is now out for consultation.

The Government is proposing some changes to rules and regulations to protect our environment and transition to a sustainable, low-emissions future. This includes proposals to stop freshwater quality getting worse and restore it to a healthy state.

We encourage you to download and read Action for healthy waterways or the six page summary.

The following supporting documents are available here

Freshwater Leaders Group report
Kāhui Wai Māori report
Science and Technical Advisory Group report
Regional Sector Water Subgroup report
Cabinet paper
Draft National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management
Proposed National Environmental Standards for Freshwater
Draft Stock Exclusion Section 360 Regulations
Regulatory Impact Assessment (summary)
Regulatory Impact Assessment (full version)

You can find information about a series of public meetings that will be taking place around the country here.

You will also find details about how you can make your submission, including a link to the submission form.

The consultation is open until 5pm Thursday 17 October and we encourage you to let us know what you think.

We would also welcome you promoting the consultation and meetings through your channels and networks.

If you have any questions, please email [email address] and we’ll get back to you.


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