File Ref: 5-IM-2
06 January 2020
Mr Robert Snijders
Grey Street
Via email: [FYI request #11925 email]
Dear Mr Snijders
Official Information Request
I refer to your request made under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act
dated 20 December 2019. The information you requested is outlined below:
Please confirm if the council has sold or leased part of the former Elim Church site to the adjacent
property owner, Speirs.
A non-permanent Licence to Occupy (LTO) has been granted to the adjoining owner (Speirs)
allowing access to a portion of the land abutting that owner's land. No sale, lease, or permanent
disposal of the land is involved or contemplated. An access/use fee is payable by the Licensee,
and a requirement they maintain the land involved. The LTO is not transferable without the prior
written consent of RDC and it is terminable by either party on short (reasonable) notice.
Yours sincerely
Carol Gordon
Manager – Executive Office