19 June 2019
Aarti Singh
Via FYI.org
il: [FYI request #10435 email]
Dear Aarti,
Official Information Act (1982) Request
I write in response to your Official Information Act request, dated 04 June 2019. You requested the
following information:
What is the number, and percentage (the total being ful number of funded positions) of
your vacancies in mental health doctors (registrars and consultants) in 2018 and 2019?
Is there a strategic plan in place to increase the numbers of mental health doctors, given
the increased demands for mental health services, and the recent government budget
The Mental Health services at Counties Manukau Health (CM Health) have a Senior Medical Officer
(SMO) staff establishment in full time equivalent (FTE) of 60 FTE.
The number of vacancies varies over time, and we use locum, contracted and fixed-term psychiatrists
to cover these vacancies. Counting only permanently employed SMO staff by headcount FTE (with a
max of 1.0), CM Health has had a vacancy rate of 15 FTE (25%) over the last 2 years.
The Psychiatry Registrar training is a regional programme, hosted by Auckland DHB on behalf of the
Northern Region. Across 2018 and 2019, the Registrar training year dates were:
• 2019 Training Year – 10/12/2018 to 09/12/2019
• 2018 Training Year – 11/12/2017 to 09/12/2018
The total funded Registrar positions in Mental Health services and the number that remained vacant
at the commencement of each run of the training programme were:
Run Start Date
Position FTE
Vacancy FTE
3 (18.75%)
3 (18.75%)
3 (16.75%)
3 (16.75%)
Vacancies can fluctuate throughout each run rotation, for a number of reasons. These vacancies at
run commencement were spread across a variety of Community Mental Health teams. Questions
Counties Manukau District Health Board
Private Bag 93311, Otahuhu, Auckland
T: 09 276 0000 | cmdhb.org.nz
about vacancy and recruitment issues for this programme, should be directed via
http://www.aucklanddoctors.co.nz/ and
CM Health efforts to increase the number of mental health doctors entering the psychiatry training
scheme include providing better experiences for Postgraduate Year 1 and Year 2 doctors on House
Officer ‘rotation runs’ in our inpatient mental health units.
The ongoing CM Health plan to increase numbers of mental health doctors includes:
Enhancing the local workforce pipeline, through enhanced recruitment into the regional training
Assertive recruitment from overseas, to attract wel -trained and capable Psychiatrists to CM
Service-wide enhancements to the SMOs experience of working here at CM Health – with a
focus on providing a high quality, learning culture, addressing equity of health outcomes for the
population we serve as a values-driven organisation.
I trust this information satisfactorily answers your query. If you are not satisfied with this response
you are entitled to seek a review of the response by the Ombudsman under section 28(3) of the
Official Information Act.
Please note that this response or an edited version of this may be published on the Counties
Manukau Health website.
Yours sincerely,
Fepulea’i Margie Apa
Chief Executive Officer
Counties Manukau Health