A chart showing 82.72% of requests have been categorised
4641 requests left to categorise / 26861 total

Top recent players

1. D. Greenhalgh 2 requests
2. Cody C 2 requests
3. Andrew Riddell 2 requests
4. Caleb 2 requests
5. Stefan 1 request
6. Felix Lee 1 request
7. Jessica O'Donnell 1 request
8. N. S. Hudson 1 request
9. Maddie Isaac 1 request
10. Micahel Riconosciuto 1 request

All time best players

1. Alex Harris 755 requests
2. Mark Hanna 349 requests
3. Cody C 243 requests
4. BAW Russell 236 requests
5. Liam 141 requests
6. Mark Montgomery 117 requests
7. Mark Honeychurch 112 requests
8. Sam 98 requests
9. Connor Miller 71 requests
10. Jack Thompson 69 requests

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Some people who've made requests haven't let us know whether they were successful or not. We need your help – choose one of these requests, read it, and let everyone know whether or not the information has been provided. Everyone'll be exceedingly grateful.

Fine letters sent to known "bad" addresses I am seeking information regarding the sending of repeated fine letters to addresses which the Ministry has been informed that the individual is no... Awaiting classification.
Requested from Ministry of Justice by B. White on
Learning opportunities and assessments addressing recognition and management of the sepsis syndrome Sepsis is a life-threatening organ dysfunction due to a dysregulated immune response to infection. It is an important health issue in New Zealand, w... Awaiting classification.
Requested from University of Auckland by Paul Huggan on
A major issue Respected Sir, Hope you are well. I am writing this message regarding the issue of Post-study Work Visa applicants stranded offshore since 2020.... Awaiting classification.
Requested from Kris Faafoi by Sonia Nair on

Thanks for helping - your work will make it easier for everyone to find successful responses, and maybe even let us make league tables...