Kawerau District Council

A public authority

8 requests
Camping ground licences
Response by Kawerau District Council to Tim Carter on .
Dear Tim, Thank you for your official request below. I can confirm that Kawerau District Council have issued no camping ground licences in the past...
Hi Lynne, The responses to your questions are below: Please contact me if you have any questions Thanks Peter Christophers Kawerau District Council...
Hi Aaron, My apologies for not responding to this request sooner. Unfortunately it was overlooked. Responses are written below - basically we do noth...
Library wage levels
Response by Kawerau District Council to R Leveson on .
To whom it may concern, The responses to your requests are as follows: 1) We have 7 people employed at our Library 2) There are 3 staff that receive...
Response by Kawerau District Council to Sam Fraser on .
Attention: Sam Fraser      Please find attached a schedule of the staff positions for Kawerau District Council as well as the number of staff empl...
Alex, Council does open it's meeting with a prayer. Usually a cleric from the community is invited to read out a prayer which they select. Occasionall...

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