A chart showing 82.79% of requests have been categorised
4624 requests left to categorise / 26873 total

Top recent players

1. D. Greenhalgh 2 requests
2. Caleb 2 requests
3. Andrew Riddell 2 requests
4. A KS 1 request
5. Karen Anderson 1 request
6. Stefan 1 request
7. I Brown 1 request
8. Jessica O'Donnell 1 request
9. N. S. Hudson 1 request
10. Maddie Isaac 1 request

All time best players

1. Alex Harris 755 requests
2. Mark Hanna 349 requests
3. Cody C 243 requests
4. BAW Russell 236 requests
5. Liam 141 requests
6. Mark Montgomery 117 requests
7. Mark Honeychurch 112 requests
8. Sam 98 requests
9. Connor Miller 71 requests
10. Jack Thompson 69 requests

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Some people who've made requests haven't let us know whether they were successful or not. We need your help – choose one of these requests, read it, and let everyone know whether or not the information has been provided. Everyone'll be exceedingly grateful.

Cost of rebrand from Te Whatu Ora to Health New Zealand Can you please provide me with the cost associated with the rebranding of Health New Zealand (Te Whatu Ora) from Te Whatu Ora (Health New Zealand).... Awaiting classification.
Requested from Health New Zealand by Siobhan Lehnhard on
Daily call wait times for Main NZTA Numbers You currently have the message "Currently, we are experiencing higher than normal volumes of calls and emails,....." message displayed on your websi... Awaiting classification.
Requested from New Zealand Transport Agency by Cameron on
An update on the IPCA investigation into an illegal breath test stop on Dowse Drive, Lower Hutt 2 October 2016. I made an enquiry to the IPCA in late April regarding the progress of this investigation and as part of a verbal response was told that a report wou... Awaiting classification.
Requested from Minister of Justice by Janet Sykes on

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